kidnapped | spidervenom

By transsymbiote

21.1K 174 42

[spidervenom] "finally, my love, we have him," [in which venom and eddie kidnapped peter after beating him in... More


8.5K 174 42
By transsymbiote


Hey, y'all! I rewrote these chapters because I felt like Peter deserved better :)

Thank you for sticking with this story two years later! 

This fic is inspired by the comics! + Peter is 28 y/o in this!

Happy endings for all! Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading!


"Finally, my love, we have him," Venom purred in the distance, Peter felt like his eyes were glued shut, and couldn't open them for the life of him. He was so cold, darkness wrapping around him like a blanket. He couldn't remember the events leading up to him being in this situation, tied down with Venom's voice booming in his head. Now that he thought about it, there was a sharp throbbing sensation in the back of his head that wouldn't go away. Peter tried moving, grunting when he couldn't. Something was holding him back, a slimy tendril, that wrapped around his waist and stopped him from moving an inch. Ugh, Venom.

It had been just another night, swinging around the city searching for a crime to stop. Peter had helped out a few civilians before he ran into Venom. Slimy, and threatening as Venom was in full form, grabbing a civilian by the neck. Unbeknownst to Peter, Venom and Eddie had worked together to bait and trap him. And once Peter had safely gotten the civilian out of the way of the bonded brats, Peter did his best to take them down. After a few swift hits to the black goo, Peter had thought that he was doing pretty good. Until the tag team threw the 28-year-old into a brick wall. Peter's head was spinning as black dots entered his vision. He honestly couldn't tell if it was the beginning of a concussion or Venom's tendrils invading his vision.

Peter had woken up to Venom's dark voice speaking to him. "Morning little spider, sleep well?" Venom cooed mockingly. Peter scowled hearing the Symbiote taunting him so close to his body. Peter couldn't see where he was, so he just shook his head frantically trying to get away from the voice that was echoing in his skull. Peter could hear Eddie's soothing voice somewhere, "Look at him, so compliant for us, isn't he?" Eddie whispered. The damp cloth was removed from his eyes and Peter painfully, pried his eyes open, preparing himself for the horror he was going to witness.

Surprisingly, there was no horror. He was in the back of some sort of car. His hands were bound behind his back, and his mouth gagged with some sort of cotton fabric. Peter was laying on his side looking to the front of the car, where Eddie sat in the passenger seat. Peter looked down at his stomach, frantic when the tendril he envisioned was so close to him. Usually, when a bad guy knocked him out, Peter woke up in some sort of lair or warehouse. The back of a car was new.

"Good morning, spidey," Venom purred, having more of his unique tendrils making their way to the back of the car, wrapping around Peter's hips and tying him down to the backseat. Peter squirmed, uncomfortable and nervous about what the duo's grand plan for him was. Peter saw Eddie reach out to Venom, who was sitting in the driver's seat. Peter was itching to speak. So why all the theatrics? Why not just kill me when I'm knocked out? What is their plan? Why do this?

 "...BECAUSE SPIDERLING." Peter froze in horror, did Venom hear his thoughts? The monstrosity of black mass could read his mind? What else could Venom do?

"Ven, babe, calm down. You're scaring him. Let's let him comprehend what's going on, and then we can toy with him, okay?" Eddie whispered to his significant other, who quickly let Peter go.  The tendrils made their way back to the front seat and combined back with Venom. As soon as the tendrils were off his body, Peter darted straight up, trying to get the uncomfortable gag out of his mouth. He wiggled around uncomfortably, unknowingly teasing his kidnappers. "God his thighs," Venom thought to Eddie who nodded in response. If Eddie wasn't so worried about Peter, he would have happily talked to Venom about Peter for the rest of the ride. 

Peter cringed.

Eddie looked to the back of the car, seeing Peter in such a fragile and panicked state upset him. He wanted to give him a sense or feeling of comfort, although Eddie knew quite well Peter's spider-sense must have been going off like crazy around both Eddie and Venom. Peter did his best to remain calm, but the ghost of Venom's tendrils gave him the ick.

"Venom, remove his gag, won't you?" Eddie spoke quietly to his lover. Eddie turned his attention to Peter. "Are you going to be a good spider if we remove your gag? No screaming for help, or trying to get attention from anyone outside this car, am I clear?" Eddie questioned, waiting for a physical response from the man. Peter nodded, grateful to get the gag out of his mouth, the cotton fabric rubbed harshly at the roof of his mouth and he wanted more than anything to get it away from his innards.

Venom reached back and moved to take the gag out of Peters's mouth. Peter at first, sprang away. His spidey sense around these two was like an itch he couldn't scratch. He was put into such a vulnerable position without his hands free and his ability to fight. Venom waited for Peter to calm down and slowly took the gag out of his mouth. After a few seconds of Peter obediently sitting in silence, Eddie smiled widely. "I told you he would obey us," he turned back to Peter. "Good boy," he praised, "You're such a good boy, Peter." Peter was at a loss for words, confused about why deep down, he enjoyed being called such a name. He was nervous and was squeezing his hands together tightly leaving red marks on his skin. Anxious, What is the plan here? What are these two going to do to me?

Peter was wracking his brain trying to figure out their motives for kidnapping him. Villains often did. Peter was quite used to being knocked out and waking up somewhere else. His spider DNA made him quick on his feet. He liked to imagine it as if he was being knocked out of a web. He always landed on his feet in these situations. But usually, the villain unfurled their plan to Peter as soon as he woke up. Venom and Eddie waiting to tell him their master plan was making him quite anxious.

"Peter, man, you're doing so good, Venom is going to drive the rest of the way to our location and I'm going to sit in the backseat with you," Eddie attempted to calm him down, smiling in his direction. Eddie's smile made Peter feel fuzzy, and even more confused. At least he didn't use a pet name this time. He tried to think positively. As of now, Peter had completely forgotten he was in a car. Let alone that they were driving to an unknown location. Maybe then the couple would fill him in on everything that was going on.

Eddie leaned over and whispered something to Venom. Before Eddie hopped out of the car, Venom's tendril made its way to Peters's ankles, making him immobile and unable to run out of the car when Eddie opened the door. Eddie smiled at Peter, sitting down next to him and closing the door. He looked over to Peter and gave Venom the signal that he could release Peter and begin driving.

Eddie gave Peter his space, and Eddie instantly grew worried when he turned to look at Peter who seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack. He was shaking like a leaf, "Where are you guys taking me?" he questioned, eyes wide. Peter felt angry at himself that he had gotten panicky out of nowhere. He had just never been in this situation before, kidnapped and brought to a car. They could take him wherever he wanted. Sure, he was The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but even heroes got scared. 

"Oh spidey, our original plan was to kill you, smear your blood down the streets of New York and leave you to bleed out without help from anyone. But... when we saw you passed out in the alleyway after battling you, we knew you would be a great person to accompany us," Eddie explained, smirking a tad bit. Eddie was saying the words, but it sounded a lot like something Venom would say.

"I think you've been with Venom too long," Peter quipped as Eddie's face fell. "And also I didn't pass out, you threw me into a brick wall," for some reason saying this made Peter feel better saying the truth to the pair. They were so wrapped up in each other, that they needed to be brought down to Earth. Even if it was just for a second.

"You were so hopeless when you knew we had won," Venom pipped up from the front seat. He was connected to Eddie but his alien limbs were driving the car. Venom's eyes were glued to the road as he spoke. "Your eyes, the look in them I'll never forget. The great Spider-Man had lost! To an alien and his lover — of all things. You've been taunting us for years, battling us, and always coming out victorious. Being the hero. However, this time is different. This time..." Venom trailed off tendrils at ten and two. Peter felt anger bubble in his chest. They knocked him out once, and now they think they won?

"This time we're not letting you get away from us," Eddie finished, eyes crinkling as if he had said the funniest joke and was waiting for Peter to laugh. 

Peter paused for a moment, digesting what he had just heard. "You two have been bonded for WAYYY too long," Peter couldn't help but cringe at their whole plan. "So what you take me to your apartment and we all live happily ever after?" Peter choked on his laugh, tears pricked at his eyes. He refused to let them fall. Eddie leaned close and rubbed circles into Peter's back as he softly mewled into Eddie's shoulder. Peter, not knowing what to do and where to turn to, leaned forward and allowed himself to find comfort in Eddie. Peter liked the feeling of Eddie's muscly arms wrapped around him and the feeling of Eddie keeping him safe. Eddie brought a hand to Peter's face, who flinched. He was worried he was going to get scolded when actually Eddie was just wiping his tears away.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's a lot to take in, but Venom and I have grown to adore you and we hope you will soon feel those feelings too. You will be one with us. Our little spider," Peter glared, looking to the front seat where Venom was eyeing them. Venom was a little jealous of his lover at the moment, he wanted to hold their spider in his arms too. "Soon my love," Eddie thought, and Venom heard through their symbiotic connection. "Soon you can hold him in your arms and feel his body, God Ven, he's so small, just like we wondered he would be. He's so fragile right now... and... frightened."

As if on cue, Peter jumped up,  and tried desperately to jump out of Eddie's grasp. His brain had finally made the connection, he was submitting to Eddie. Eddie normally wouldn't have let him go, but he did, seeing the state Peter was in, he let him escape his arms. "No way! This is not how you do this! At the very least you ask me out first!" Peter curled around the car door, mad at Eddie for trying to comfort him. His joke had landed flat, and he wouldn't be surprised if the pair had taken his words to heart. He was agitated as he heard Venom speak in his deep voice, almost as if Venom was inside of him, inside of his mind... inside of his body. He hated it.

"It's an okay little spider, Eddie and I want to protect you and love you." Venom attempted to soothe the freaked spider. Peter seemed to be more freaked out by the use of the word "love" considering they had barely spoken, even when fighting! Mostly the three had exchanged a few sentences here and there, talking about how each side was "going down". Unbeknownst to the pair, the two had done this all wrong. Peter was never going to see them in that way. His heart panged at the mere thought. A romantic relationship with the alien and his partner that attempted to kill him every few weeks? It startled the spider how his heart had reacted. Venom tried again, "It's all going to be okay, Peter," Venom purred, wrapping his tendril around Eddie's hand, who happily said something to Venom out of Peter's hearing.

Peter desperately wanted to believe him.


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