Fantastical Mistake

By SweetWriterTanya

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Valentina was just having a normal day that would certainly be forgotten amongst all the others on her everyd... More

Chapter 1 - The Red Door
Chapter 2 - Find A Way Back
Chapter 3 - Not A Prisoner, But A Guest
Chapter 4 - Both Want The Same
Chapter 5 - Prove Them Wrong
Chapter 6 - Just A Mistake
Chapter 7 - On My Own
Chapter 8 - Rollercoaster Of Emotions
Chapter 9 - Accomplishments
Chapter 11 - Trust
Chapter 12 - Not Important
Chapter 13 - Confession
Chapter 14 - Sirens
Chapter 15 - These Feelings
Chapter 16 - Gone With The Fairies
Chapter 17 - Up To Me
Chapter 18 - A Cure
Chapter 19 - Stubborn Human
Chapter 20 - Back Home
Chapter 21 - I'm Here
Chapter 22 - At Last

Chapter 10 - Meet The King

292 34 5
By SweetWriterTanya

I was playing with my hands nervously as Scarlett helped me with my hair. I was sat on the floor of my room, Scarlett was on the bed, high enough to reach my head. Coal was setting up my suitcase with everything I might need for the trip.

- Can't he just snap his fingers and we would be there? I saw Alwin do it, a chair appeared out of nowhere. Can't we just magically appear for the Ball and reappear back here when it's done? – the questions came out in a nervous jumbled breath.

- What are you talking about? Of course not. It doesn't work on living creatures – Coal admonished, shaking his furry head.

- Right. Silly me – I exhaled. – I just didn't know we had to go and stay there overnight. I was hoping we could just go and come back in the same day.

My concerns were higher than ever. My hands were crumpling the hem of my crimson dress subconsciously. It was a simple A-line dress, down to just below my knees, with three quarters poet sleeves and a square neckline. I chose it because it was elegant and modest, hiding my big arms and thighs, but still very feminine. Because the occasion called for it, I decided to put on some high-heels with ankle straps black shoes, hoping I wouldn't have to walk a lot today.

Leaving my neck bare, I opted to go for some big pearls on my earrings, with golden hoops surrounding them. The white and gold contrasted well with my wavy chestnut hair that Scarlett was now trying to pull into a French braid. Some strands were already falling, but they seemed to frame my round chubby face naturally.

- All done – I heard Scarlett announce, slipping out of the bed. – Finally – she added in a huff.

I looked in the mirror, trying to see her work.

- It looks perfect, Scarlett. Thank you.

- The luggage is also ready, Miss – Coal informed, but then opened a drawer and pulled out some loose containers with colorful substances inside. – Ah, I almost forgot this.

- Don't you want to put some on now, Tina? – Scarlett asked me, picking one that had a red substance.

- I never saw those before. What is it?

- It's for your lips and eyes – Scarlett seemed admired I didn't know.

- Like make-up? – I was truly surprised. I didn't think they would have that here. I tried to pick one that had a sparkly red, but they both yelled at me.

- That's for eyes! – they barked, and I removed my hand quickly.

- Sorry, sorry!

- Here, put this one on your lips. It will compliment your look. – Scarlett handed me the red container on her hand.

I took some of its' content and dabbed on my lips. I was pleasantly shocked at the pigment. My full lips popped a lot more now.

- Now you look ready to meet the King – Coal declared, satisfied.

- I really wished I didn't have to – I confessed in a whisper.

Hirsute hands squeezed mine and I looked down at a preoccupied Coal, large grey eyes staring worryingly at me.

- Don't trust anyone over there – he warned. – And stay close to our Master at all times. Be cautious and it will be over before you know it.

- Always be respectful and cordial, especially to the King – Scarlett cautioned. – And don't be afraid, Tina. Be brave.

Overwhelmed by their warm words and kindness, I suppressed the tears and bent down to hug them both. Coal patted my back and Scarlett didn't really know how to react, becoming tense.

- Thank you, friends. Don't forget me while I'm gone? – I asked, letting them go, and remembering all the friends I had that forgot me so easily.

- It should only be for a night, Miss, there really is no need for goodbyes – Coal coughed, apparently a bit shy.

- Yes, yes, let's just go downstairs and get this over with – Scarlett said awkwardly, already opening the door.

I chuckled and followed her, grabbing the suitcase from Coal.

All the Shadows seemed to be assembled on the throne room, helping their Master getting ready to leave. I was sad looking at their worried and anxious faces. They were about as excited about us leaving as I was.

Emmeric looked especially graceful today. He was wearing some high-knee leather black boots, covering half of his black trousers underneath. A dark dusty green vest covered his black shirt, gold details down the middle, matching the gold of the three clasps that kept it closed. He sported, on top of it all, a long dark navy blazer with dark green embroilments imitating leafs patterns and the gold streaks at the edges. Finally, a gold and black sash fell across his chest, hiding beneath his blazer his sword.

His black hair was firmly pushed back, not a lock out of place, exposing his pointy ears. With his skin as pale as ever, the determination on his almond shaped blue eyes brought a light to them. Still, it was obvious he was tense. Straight bushy eyes frowned, full pastel pink lips pressed together and a clenching jaw made it impossible not to notice.

- We're going to be okay, aren't we? – I asked in an anxious voice as I got near him.

He glanced my way as he put on a glove on his left hand. I saw him stand a bit taller, tension dissipating and turning into confidence, reassuring me a little.

- We are going to be just fine. Nothing for you to worry about. – He tried to smile my way, in an effort to keep me calm. – In fact, you won't have to do anything. I am the one who has a lot to do while we're there.

- You still have to explain to me what you intent to do – I reminded him.

- If you're really that curious, I'll explain once we get there. Let's go.

And so, the doors opened and waiting for us outside was a black and gold carriage, small and rounded, two big wheels on either side. It was just big enough for me and Emmeric, but there seemed to be something missing, although I couldn't quite point out what.

- We'll be back tomorrow, as early as possible – Emmeric announced to the Shadows, who were all collectively standing outside the castle. – I expect you all to behave in the meantime. Conduct yourselves as if I am still here.

In response, some Shadows said yes, others sniffed and others just nodded sadly. Emmeric opened the door of the carriage and allowed me to get in first. He soon followed and sat on the bench opposite to mine, closing the door again. I peeked my head through the window on the door and waved goodbye to all of them.

It was when I heard a snap of fingers and that the carriage started moving that I realized what was missing. There weren't any horses. We were moving by ourselves. I waved one last time to the Shadows and looked back at Emmeric, who was putting on his other glove.

- Did you just made the carriage start moving? – I asked in amazement.

- Yes – he replied, nonchalant.

- That's... amazing. We had to use horses, although nowadays we have cars that just need fuel.

- I don't know what you are talking about, but here we just need magic – he settled on his place, leaning his arm on the window's sill and resting his face against the gloved hand.

- I think this is the first time I saw you use magic – I noticed.

- Most likely. I don't tend to use magic very often – he looked out at the trees passing by.

- Really? Why not? If it was me, I would use it all the time – I confessed, giggling at the notion.

- Because you're not used to it. In this world, we breathe, drink and bleed magic. It is like the water you drink, essential but not extraordinary. Normal – he offered.

- Wow – was all I could said, as I tried to understand what it would be like to just grow up in a world where magic was considered normal. I didn't think I could. Remembering something I read in one of the library's books, my curiosity spiked again. – What is your special magic? The one you are born with?

He frowned his eyes as he looked at me, probably wondering where I learnt that.

- It was in one of the books you gave me to read – I explained.

Nodding, he once again looked out to the trees. I almost expected him to ignore my question, but he actually gave somewhat of an answer. Kind of.

- Not a very special one.

I turned my head to the side and furrowed my own eyebrows, not really understanding what he meant, but just as I was about to persist, the place outside changed.

- Oh my God... - I whispered under my breath, leaning forward on the window, making Emmeric straighten up.

Not a single tree was in view, even though it seemed like just seconds ago we were in the middle of the Forest. Instead, there were houses upon houses, cubicle ones, painted all in white, with speckles of color only through beautiful flowers garnishing the balconies and windows. The sky seemed bluer in comparison. Even the pavement we were on was of pure white, smooth and shiny.

People were walking around, some selling food, some selling flowers, some just making their ways through the crowd. They all had one characteristic on common: their pointy tall ears. Everyone seemed to be an elf here. I knew we were in the Realm of the Elves, but it still took me by surprise.

Before I knew it, we were crossing a bridge over a deep abyss. On the other side, standing tall amongst everything else, was a Palace. Much bigger that the castle I was staying in, it shined brightly with the sun behind it. It too had tall white walls, but these ones were embellished with intricate details around every window, every door, on every cornerstone and column. At the center, a delicate azure dome stood out, two towers on either side with blue ceilings as well. The main entrance had a tall iron gate that opened up as we got close. On top of it, some kind of rosette with green and gold stained glass shined.

- You may want to regain a bit of composure before we step out – Emmeric's voice broke me out of the trance I was in.

I didn't realize it, but I had my mouth open the whole time. Blushing, I closed it and brought my hand to cover it. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, the anxiety I had before reaching up to me again.

- Don't be nervous – Emmeric advised me. I looked up at him as the carriage slowed down. He was calm and serious. – Remember, we are here to find a way to send you back. Focus on that and don't be intimidated by anyone.

I nodded, a new found resolution settling in. I could get through this. I could do it.

He nodded too and we came to a full stop. The door of the carriage was opened by someone on the outside and he got out first. Gathering up my courage, I lifted my chin and got out with my suitcase in hand.

The male and female elves who were outside fell in silence when I stood up. I realized that, with my hair pulled back in a braid, my ears were in full view. They could tell immediately I was human. I pushed back the impulse to cover them.

- Allow me to carry your suitcase, lady – the elf that opened the door to us offered.

- No need! – I exclaimed, the hold on it growing stronger. Trying to smooth down my outburst, I smiled up at him. – I can carry it. It's not heavy.

- You've arrived! – a familiar voice chanted.

From the main entrance came Alwin, a big smile brightening his green eyes. He was wearing a cream long jacket, buttoned at the side with a mandarin collar and two golden button at his sleeves, matching the ones down the side of his chest. Underneath, he had some white loose pants and closed white sandals. He had his long hair tied behind his neck with a cream ribbon, the blonde of his hair so bright it almost blending with his jacket.

Pleased to see us, he came directly towards Emmeric and patted him on his upper arm.

- Glad to see you here – he said, the warm smile never leaving his face.

- At least one of us is – huffed Emmeric.

- Let me get you settled into your bedrooms. The King wishes to see you both as soon as possible – he informed as he was leading the way into the palace.

Ignoring my trembling hands, I stood firm as we walked through endless corridors. I could barely hear what Emmeric and Alwin discussed, being so focused on keeping my head up, my posture straight and my face serene even as I was panicking inside. Their words were muffled by my inner screams, reminding me to be brave and not show fear.

Only when they stopped walking, making me almost crash against Emmeric's back, did I start paying attention.

- This will be your room, lady – Alwin said, opening the door for me to walk in.

- Just call me Valentina, please – I asked as I entered.

He smiled and nodded, allowing me to enter but neither him nor Emmeric came inside the room. Much like everything else in the palace, it was pure white walls, with a big bed at the center, a window at the right of it, a closet on the right wall and a small table to the left, a door at the top left corner of the room that I assumed lead to a bathroom of sorts. Noticing them awaiting, I looked back at them confused.

- If you could just drop your suitcase here, so we can go and meet the King, Miss Valentina.

Attending Alwin's wishes, I dropped the luggage on top of the bed and headed back out of the room, praying so everything would go alright.

- The King is very eager to see Valentina. I believe he wishes to introduce her at the Ball tonight, since everyone is summoned to be here by nightfall. He is also very curious to see you too, Emmeric.

- Highly doubt that – Emmeric rebutted, a dark look on his eyes.

Approaching a tall double door at the end of the corridor with two guard elves on each side, Alwin stopped in his place and turned to Emmeric, lightly grabbing his arms and looking him in the eyes, a serious but warm tone on his voice.

- Now, Emmeric. I truly believe he is as curious to see you as he is to see the human. For today only, it is in your best interest to be, at least, cordial with him. I could appease your words when I reported back to the King all those other times, but now you are the one who has to control your tongue. I can't protect you in this situation.

- Don't worry, Alwin – Emmeric soothed him. – It would be difficult if I didn't have a clear goal in mind. My plans don't involve any confrontation with him.

Alwin tilted his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

- Plans? What plans? – he asked, taken back.

Emmeric just smirked.

- All in due time, friend – was his answer.

And so, the doors opened.

My nerves were slightly forgotten as I looked around. We were in an enormous ball room, with tall white halls filled with windows almost as tall as the walls they were in, letting in the bright sunshine. The floors were of a beige, almost pink, travertine tiles. Looking up, I realized we were under the dome I saw from the outside, and the ceiling of it was filled with beautiful illustrations, reminding me of some churches I saw pictures of.

There were tables at the far ends of the room, with elves servants seemingly busy with arranging and decorating them. This would probably be were the Ball was going to take place. At the wall opposite to the doors we came through was an elevated floor, on top of which laid an exquisite gold throne with marron cushions and incrusted beautiful jewels. It was, however, the person sitting on it that took me by surprise.

The resemblance was uncanny. White fair skin, thin red lips, a straight small nose and, most noticeably, shockingly electric blue eyes. Jet black hair waved around his triangular face, pointy long ears sticking out. Small wrinkles were visible at the corners of his eyes, the only indication I had of his age.

His attire gave away his high royal position immediately. A black silk tunic that went down to his knees, covered with golden details at his chest and winged collar, as well as at the edges of the fabric. A gold belt at his lean waist shined on top of it, jewels similar to the ones on the throne placed on it too. Dark slim trouser beneath his tall black leather boots. To top it all, on his shoulders rested a velvet dark red cape, golden on the inside.

Seeing us, the man got up from his throne and smiled, revealing his pure white teeth. Somehow, the smiled lacked the warmth most smiles had.

- My King – Alwin addressed him, bending down before turning to us. – As promised, here is the unexpected human, Miss Valentina. And, of course, accompanying her here, the highly awaited return of Prince Emmeric.

Not able to control my facial expression anymore, I snapped my head in Emmeric's direction, noticing his tense figure, his clenched jaw and dark look in his eyes, focused on the man in front of us. The King was looking at him with a similar intensity, but the smile on his lips never faltered.

- Welcome back, son.


Question! Question! I'm really curious about this.... Did anyone saw this coming? I tried to not make it very obvious, but I want to know if anyone guessed it? Just wondering :)

Thank you so much for reading, and a double thank you if you liked the chapter and left some feedback for me to see. As you may know, I love reading your comments.

Have a fantastic rest of your day, wherever you are! Lots of love to you!

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