Love After the Streets

Da _jasthewriter

132K 6.2K 6.9K

You can take the man out the hood, but you can't take the hood out the man. Every time we're trying to do bet... Altro

1.) Welcome Back
2.) Withdrawal
3.) Yearning
4.) Lovers lane
6.) The Meeting
7.) Enjoy The Ride
8.) Don
9.) Dirty Delta
10.) Almost
11.) Walking Dead?
12.) Meet Again
13.) Take It Slow
14.) Memory what?
15.) Breathe Again
16.) Best Friend
17.) And so it begins
18.) San man
20.) Be Love
21.) Letting it out pt.1
22.) Letting it out pt.2
23.) War Pretest
24.) Little detailed
26.) OGs?
27.) What's tea?
28.) Invites
29.) Special Delivery
30.) Week 1
32.) Skylar
Chapter 41.)
Chapter 42.)
Chapter 43.) August...
Chapter 44.) Many years ago
Chapter 45.) August 1993
Chapter 46.) Dive a Little Deeper

34.) Flashback...

2.1K 109 121
Da _jasthewriter

"We already know how to shoot, what's the point of going to a shooting range?" Skylar asked Trina as they sat in the trap house waiting on August and Nell to finish their meeting.

"I guess they're just in'a mood," Trina shrugged as Ian walked over.


"Little boy," Trina and Sky giggled.

"This grown man shit over here, don't play me," he chuckled mushing Skylar and she swatted his hand away.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the meeting?" She asked.

"Nah, not this one,"

"Why you lil niggas ain't attending?" He asked picking up Trina's phone but she reached over and took it making him pick up Sky's.

"Cuz we ready to go," Trina answered after checking the time again.

"Ya'know these lil niggas already think y'all get showed favoritism... not attending the meeting will just add more fuel to the fire,"

"Long as they don't say shit to our faces it don't matter," Sky shrugged and Trina nodded in agreement.

"You swear you're hardbody wit' yo short ass," he joked mushing her head again.

"Because I am nigga," She replied getting up and squared up.

Trina sat there laughing while the two boxed with one another.

"Wait! You can't do t—"

Before she could finish her sentence, August snatched Ian back by his shirt and gave her a cold glare. "Fuck is dis?"

"Boxing nigga," Trina stated in a duh tone until she saw the look on Nell's face.

"Fuck you hugging up on her for?" He directed his anger toward a very confused Ian.

"We were boxing bro,"

"With yo dick against her ass?" August rose a brow.

Everyone that was working, stopped to see what was about to go down and Skylar stood there confused.

"Why you being mean? We were just playing," She spoke up.

"You ain't seen 'mean' yet, I'm on yo ass lata," he grilled attempting to walk away but she grabbed his arm.

Why did she do that? In one swift motion, August had his gun trained on her.

"Oh hell no," Trina jumped ready to jump on him but Nell held her back.

"Come on bro, we were just pl—" before Ian could finish August whipped around and smacked him with the butt of the gun then turned back to Skylar.

"You thought I wouldn't find out?" He asked.

Skylar just stood there, not only was she hurt, she was pissed the hell off that he actually had a gun pointed in her face, in front of everybody at that.

"Didn't I tell you about my sneaky ass ex? You thought you could play me?"

"Get that gun out my face," she spoke slowly so her voice wouldn't crack.

Ignoring her, August cocked it and removed his phone from his pocket ignoring Nell and Trina.

"Dis ain't you?" He quizzed shoving his phone in her face of her supposedly talking to some detectives.

"Seriously? You're doing this because of some fake photos?" She had to laugh to keep from crying.

"You think dat shit funny?" He chuckled pressing the barrel of the gun into her forehead.

"I took yo ass in off tha' strength of my brotha', how long did you think you could use your parents death as a ticket in huh? You've been working with tha' fucking opps since their so-called murder and thought I wouldn't find out. You must think I'm stupid, I should shoot you right where you stand," his finger pressed on the trigger.

It was taking everything in him to not pull it, there was a part of him that believed what he saw and another part of him that refused and knew deep down she wouldn't do him like that, but in his situation it's been proven to him time and time again that the person closest to you can hurt you.

"Come on bro put tha' gun down," Nell places his hand on August's shoulder.

"You better talk to him because I'm ready to let it fire up in his ass!" Trina yelled trying to walk around him but Nell stopped him.

"What did I tell you?" He asked ignoring Trina.

"It's Sky bro... you know her," Nell reasoned but August shook his head and balled his lips as he pressed the gun deeper into her skull.

"What did I tell you Black?" He repeated.

Nell sighed and looked at Skylar apologetically as he spoke, "Tha' next girl dat hurts you gotta die... but it's S—"

"I don't give a fuck! She's just another bitch to me! Explain tha' fucking pictures! Give me a reason not to send you with your dumb ass parents!" With each word he pressed deeper into her head and when Skylar tried to move he pushed her up into the wall.

The anger that was once in her eyes quickly faded and turned into pain. The guys that were watching could no longer stand the sight and excused themselves along with the girls.

Trina saw the look in Sky's eyes and tried to get Nell to intervene before August did something he couldn't take back.

"Shoot me," Skylar spoke with tears rolling down her face.

"You know I will," August gritted about to press on the trigger until Trina started screaming as if she were on fire.

Nell slowly pulled Skylar behind him and held his hands up as he walked up on August. "Give me tha' gun,"

"You saw tha' fucking pictures!"

"THEY AREN'T REAL!" Skylar screamed picking up the nearby plant and tried to chuck it at him but Nell used his shoulder to block it then snatched the gun from August when he tried to go at her.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! THEY ARE FAKE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She cried picking up any and everything to throw at him but Trina wouldn't allow her.


"CHILL THA' FUCK OUT!" Nell shouted holding him against the wall when August threw the chair through the back door.

"Man fuck her!"

"NO, FUCK YOU!" Skylar screamed pushing Trina off of her then stormed out after knocking the tv off the wall.

"I can't even look at you August... I jus—ugh!" Trina punched the palm of her hand repeatedly before she went to find Skylar.

Nell stepped back and just stared at him disappointedly. "What tha' fuck was dat huh? You said you were going to ask her not act a fucking ass,"

"She thought shit was funny," August shrugged looking over at Ian. "Fuck you still doing here?"

"If you wanna fight we can do just dat fam, but dat shit was unnecessary," Ian told him.

"Car' yo ass home fo' I pop yo neck," August advised picking up his phone.

"Only one person would spend so much time trying to break y'all up, sorry you're too naive to see it," Ian stated before snatching his coat up and left out.

August sucked his teeth and Nell shook his head then pointed at him, "You better fix dis shit,"

"Check yo bitch my nigga don't check me,"

"Watch yo words Aug, I'ma let dat comment slide since you're in yo feelings. Don't ever disrespect my girl like dat," Nell warned before walking away.

August tossed the chair down and blew out a frustrated breath, he knew he fucked up but he was already too deep to try and talk himself out of the hole, he knew Sky wouldn't forgive him, not with what he said or did.

"Damn man,"


"You remember that fight you and August got into?" Trina asked laying back on the bed while Skylar sat at the vanity doing her hair.

"Oh hell no, un-uh I'm not talking about that... nope it'll piss me off,"

Laughing, Trina sat up on her elbows and stared at her. "We've really been through some shit together and ain't fold not even once,"

"I could never fold, all I know how to be is solid," Sky shrugged.

"Ten toes down like my nigga Nip said,"

"Only way to be," Sky replied and Trina smiled.

"I'm proud of you," She announced.

"What made you say that?" Sky asked looking at her through the mirror and Trina shrugged.

"I just am, despite our hardships and the fuckery we endured you've remained solid,"

"I had a good mentor," Sky smiled.

"You can't be taught how to be loyal, dat shit is within you. You can choose not to be but you chose to stay down and that's why I fuck with you so hard. I knew from the first time we met dat you would be my rider, my down bitch but you proved it when dem niggas caught you slipping. Even with yo life on tha' line you ain't fold and you begged us not to, you were ready to die behind us and I owe you my life for dat," Trina told her.

Smiling, Skylar turned around and stared at her for a moment, "What's going on? Are you scared about our trip?"

"I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate and adore you," Trina assured.

"You sure?"

"Positive boo," Trina smiled.

"I love you," Sky softly smiled.

"And I love you,"

Before Sky could reply, August walked in the room holding Dayvon. "Hell y'all in here talking about?"

"Business... get you some," Trina smirked taking her son from him and left the room to go find Nell.

"I interrupted something?" He asked sitting on the bed.

"Nope, everything good to go?"

"Yeah, tha' Jet will be here next week," he nodded before laying back and stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm not wearing that dress, I'm buying my own," Sky announced.

"You don't like it?" He asked.

"I don't trust whoever sent it, I already feel like we're walking into a trap... I'm not wearing something somebody else made... I don't know what they did to it,"

"I guess you don't want me to wear tha' suit?"

"Nope, Trina said she's not wearing her dress either and she's gonna tell Nell to buy his own suit... like you," she answered.

"You know everyone else ain't finna do dat tho' ma," he replied.

"We know, but we also know you two will at least listen to us,"

"So when are we going shopping den?" He asked sitting up.

After finishing her hair, she stood and turned his way and smirked, "After our shower,"

"Just like dat?" He chuckled getting up.

"Mhm," She hummed walking backwards into the bathroom while motioning with her finger for him to follow her.

August went and closed their bedroom door before he followed her into the bathroom knowing he was about to put it down every which way.


It was 12:30 in the afternoon and Jenna had just made it back to the house after having an early lunch with Gabby. Nate Jr. was out with Gunna and Q trying to catch Mace slipping so they could make a move on him but as Courtney stated; he was clean.

Removing her sandals, Jenna placed them behind the door and hung her jacket and purse up.

"Nate?" She called walking through the house.

"Nate," she called again when she didn't get a response which made her nervous.

Heading up the stairs, she listened out for any movements thinking he was cleaning or working out but the entire house was silent.

Once she got upstairs, she headed for their room and smiled to herself, seeing that he was knocked out in the bed.

He was supposed to meet up with the guys but never showed and when Gunna called to let her know she told him she would see if he was home or out with August them.

"Nate," she giggled softly as she climbed in the bed and eased her hand under the covers seeing that he was naked.

"Babe," she called stroking him slowly as she kissed on his neck.

"Don't start," He huskily chuckled, sleep evident in his voice.

"Why are you in bed? You're normally up by sunrise," she replied laying on top of him still stroking his dick in her hand.

Groaning lowly, Nate grabbed her hand and pulled her into him. "What time iz it?"

"Almost one... you were supposed to meet with the guys babe,"

"I'm not spying on dat cat, his ass don't know nutten,"

"And how do you know that?" She quizzed turning towards him.

"I scared his ass, di gyal ain't lie," he shrugged before pecking her lips.

"When did you go meet him?"

"Last night, yuh know I don't like to waste time," He stated, it was true.

"And you didn't think to call and tell them?"

"If G feels as if di bwoy is hiding some'n den maybe I missed some'n ma, let em do him,"

Jenna stared at him for a moment before nodding, "Are you just going to lay in bed all day?"

"Yuh need mi, no?"

"Are you exhausted?" She asked.

"Are yuh horny?" He chuckled with his eyes still closed.

"Maybe," she giggled playing in his hair.

"Cut di shower on,"

"You sure?"

"J-bug," he replied looking at her and she smiled.

"Don't keep me waiting," she giggled getting up.

Rolling over, Nate exhaled and massaged his side.

"Come on," he mumbled trying to regain the feeling back in his left leg.


"I'm coming J," He sighed sitting up slowly and took a deep breath.

"Fuck man,"


What y'all think going on?

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