Hey, New Guy

By flower_girrhhl

183 53 27

A girl was standing in the far end of the large hall. She was dark beautiful skin and full wooly hair that ho... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Nine.

12 5 0
By flower_girrhhl

          For Prosper.

"Se eyi omo-alade egbe Igbo?" Is this the Leader of the Igbo organization?,  A stupid faced man asked as I slowly began to wake. My vision was still blurry and my head was pounding.
Where in the seven seas was I?!
"Rara, Omo e Nikan ni ale ri" No, we could only get his daughter.

I glanced around the room as my ears caught hold of the language. Yoruba.
There were four men in the room with me. The biggest and honestly most handsome was obviously their boss and the first voice I had heard when I woke up. He was wearing a dark suit and tribal marks ran from the edges of his lips to his ears.
The three other men were armed and showed signs of unease when he spoke.
Ha! Cowards!

"Incompetence! ", The boss spoke slamming one fist into his other open palm and walking in a whole circle.

The first signs of madness.

"Can you fools get anything done properly?! ", He asked turning to speak to them.
"Sir, the Igbo organization's leader is totally off the grid and impossible to find.", The one farthest from us mentioned.
Or rather,Sah, the  h'igbo h'organization's leader h'is totally h'off the grid h'and h'impossible to find.

His body lay on the floor.

"You do not talk when I'm talking ", the boss said.

Obara Jesus Christ. Blood of Jesus Christ.
I hadn't even noticed he had a gun.

"Where is your father hiding, child?"
"Child? I'm twenty years old!", I answered and I could tell he was going to slap me right before he did it.
Somehow, I was still sitting.

"Don't get me angry. Answer my question. Where is your father hiding?", He asked again.

I had been in the face of danger numerous times, this came to nothing. I laughed, much to his disgust. I could tell I was getting on his nerves. Exactly what I wanted to do.

"Why ask me? Why not ask your men to get him kneeling before you this minute? ", I smiled up at him and continued. "Oh yeah, they're incompetent".
I spat the words 'incompetent ', right into his foolish face.

I saw his eyes flare up and burn as he picked me up -the chair I was tied to inclusive- by my neck and flung me against the wall. The chair broke into pieces and I felt a little piece jab into my for arm.

I don enter!

"You think you can talk? I will teach you a lesson you will never forget!", he shouted.
He picked me off the floor by my neck and I felt like I was going to die.
I was kicking viciously while I gagged, trying to hit him somewhere that would cause an impact, but the fool had held me far from his body and was now smiling while he squeezed my neck.
So you have sense sef! Mtcheww

Lord Jesus Abba Father, small play I'm playing with him and he's squeezing my neck like orange. Tufiakwa.God forbid.

"Elede asiwere! "Crazy pig!, He said before my head smacked against the ground and I felt what was definitely blood trickling down my face as I coughed and struggled to breathe.

"Will you speak now?" He bellowed, reaching down and grabbing my chin.
I looked up at him,right in his eyes,  despite the fact that my head was spinning and tears were welling up in my eyes.

His hand hit my cheek again and I tasted my blood in my mouth.

"Talk you foolish ashawo! "Prostitute.

"Its your sister who is an ashawo", I spat.
"Shut up and tell me where your father is."

"I can't talk if I shut up."

"Tell me where your father is."

"You asked me to shut up.", I complained.

"Tell me before I kill you!"

"If you kill me, who will help you find my father?"

He straightened up and looked down at me. He was obviously very much irritated by my Incessant stubbornness but I couldn't help but notice that he looked amused as well.
I was crying now and struggling to keep my eyes open. If he'd hit me one more time, I'd have passed out for sure.
"Are you always this stubborn?", He asked.
"Yes. Coupled with the fact that I don't exactly like you."

He glared at me for a while and turned, whispering something to the other two morons still standing there.
"If he told you to kill me, at least let me eat shawarma before I die. ", I said before everything went black.


I woke up  in a different room to the sound of someone's terrible singing.
I sat up on the bed and winced as pain shot through my entire body.

Cheeee, small thing like this man would have killed me! Tufiakwa. God forbid.

"Can you shut up? Your voice is terrible abeg."Please, I snapped turning to see someone smiling for no reason.


"I thought you'd never wake. ", She sounded very British.. in a disturbing kind of way.

"Who are you?", I asked ignoring the agonizing pain and sitting up on the torn mattress that was beginning to irritate me all of a sudden.

"My name is Yemi. I got kidnapped by some foul men on my way home from a party.", She said frowning and looking at nothing in particular.
"What's yours?"

I could have kept quiet, ignored her like I was supposed to, but if we were going to die in there, then I'd like to Know who I'd stand behind on the judgement line.
"Well, nice to meet you, Ngozi."
I nodded.
She had started singing again and I wanted to throw my shoes into her mouth, only I wasn't wearing shoes.

Damn it.


"Is your mouth still as sharp as it was yesterday?", The boss from earlier asked me as I stood only feet away from him.
This room which was definitely his office, was very spacious and dimly lit.
In one corner of the room there were chairs and a small coffee table. A glass showcase full of firearms and knives stood to my left. In the far right corner of the room was a tennis table.

I looked back at Him as he spoke and  just stared, hell bent on annoying the tribal marks right off his face .
"I just asked you a question", he said almost in a whisper.
"You told me to shut up. I'm being obedient.", I whispered back and watched him smile.

"What is your name?",he asked, shifting in his seat and placing one hand under his jaw.
"My papa says I shouldn't talk to strangers.", I said and I saw his jaw clench for a moment before he visibly loosened up and smiled.

"I like you.", He said getting up from his chair and walking slowly towards me.

Ewwwwwww. Like your uncle's sister there!

He ran one finger across my cheek and I held in a mouthful of vomit.

"Don't touch me!", I snapped.
"Or what?", He asked, a smirk dancing across his lips as he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look right into his eyes, edging closer to me.

I reached for his hands when I realized what he was about to do and scratched at them with all the power I had in me.

He winced as he pulled away from me, shaking his hand furiously and slapping me right across the face, pushing me to the ground.

"I will teach you  a lesson you'll never forget!", He  bellowed unhooking his belt and sliding it easily off his waist.

Now, I was starting to panic. It wasn't possible, he wasn't going to whip me.

My eyes darted across the room quickly looking for an escape route. The weapons were too far away and Even if I could get hold of a few of them, he'd had whipped me once or twice . Or more.

When I looked back at him  when he was already bringing down the belt hard on my back. The pain numbed me for a moment and I fell to the ground. He whipped me a lot more and I just curled into a ball and screamed. It felt like my body was on fire and I just wanted to die.

Well, if I was going to die, I'd definitely bring this fool with me.  So help me God.

Suddenly, he picked me up my my hand and flung me into the glass showcase.
I felt glass prick into my skin as I landed on the ground and most of the weapons hit me as they fell.
"Gba ashawo yii kuro nihin!"Get this prostitute out of here!, He shouted to the men that had walked into the room and were now watching the spectacle.

They carried me away and kept me in the room with Yemi, not bothering to pull out the large jagged pieces of glass that were still embedded in my skin.

Thank you guys so much for reading my book.
I love you.
With love,
The flower girl that loves everything about everything.😍

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Sit there and take it like a good girl You dirty dirty girl , i was talking about the book🌚🌝