An Omegaverse Trope: Mantle's...

By Mellitiago

182 4 2

This is a story on how my characters came to be and how their planet/society works: Young Alpha King Angel Do... More


Chapter 1

34 3 2
By Mellitiago

Chapter 1

The fall air walked over the pulsating maroon soil. Clear turquoise skies shinned without a single coiled cloud in the horizon. Three glistening yellow suns shone bright in mid-day, two smaller blue suns barely peeking over the blackened mountain tops. Colorless walls surrounded a section of the barren Galvaei meadows, a soft glow of pure green light beamed out of the blooming buds bouncing from off the smooth surface, reflecting into the small cracks. White phosphorescent pillars rose toward the atmosphere, dusting sparkles of soft gray sprinkled down onto the textureless steps of the magnificent palace. Enhancing rays of fire light danced above the entranceway as the crest began to burn, telling of the Family Group that resides in such a beautiful place.

A snow, pearly white Cervulursi stood elegantly at the open doorway, his azure, pupil-less and iris-less, eyes panned the quiescent landscape. Slowly, he stepped off the final step and walked a fingerbreadth away from the surface of the leaning grass, his feet dare not touch the radioactive dirt that might poison and disrupt his own stable structure. Bioluminating golden bugs fluttered and glided soundlessly in the air, surrounding him in stunning light. His gaze fell over the newly growing sproutling of the massive hanging redwood willows that dominate the lands he trotted through.

He stopped, bending forward and reached out to run the pads of his pawed hands over the fuzzy surface of a branch, a soft smile taking hold of his muzzle and parted his maw to speak. The strange biped creature's voice was sweet and gentle, much like how he seems to give off with the way he moves.

"Hello young Revwaki, I do hope you are getting enough to grow into the enormous trees that your parents happen to be." He patted the top of the small tree, lightly blowing a kiss in it's direction and received a tiny pulse of pure sapphire light, letting him know the tree is healthy and strong. "I can see you are well, then I must make my way, see you again on my next visit."

The young creature picked up his pace, prancing down the warmed path and to a bioluminate lake of green and blue, he ran through the calmed water, disrupting the peace that once held a strong influence upon the land. It waved and splashed, lapping at the drenching fur on his upper thighs, filling him with joy and glee. Then, a small bit of dulled purple swirled in the depths of his eyes, reminiscence placing him in a stilling trance at the center of the lake.

/The skies darkened as many coiled clouds formed overhead, a flash of brown, jade, and baby-blue light striking in the distance. A family of Cervulursies traveled with alone Caniursiailpan. The Caniursiailpan ran off as the light grew stronger and the cracking of thunder roared into his sensitive ears, the resonance of the electrical blast driving the family into the clearing of a nearby meadow. The leader of this small group stopped in his tracks, his eyes ghosting over the field with narrowed brows; an uneasy feeling washed over him while the winds picked up their blowing force.

"Wait here in the bushes, I'll call you if there is no danger." He told to the smaller male beside him."Manlion, watch over our kids."

"Alright, my Alpha King. Be careful." Manlion lightly licked his cheek before he began to make his way to the towering bushes faintly gleaming in the dulling light. His hands gripped tightly onto the thick straps of the Fawkiub carrier dangling on his back, peeking over the jutted out collarbone and noticed one of the sleeping young stirred and sat up, giving off a mighty yawn.

"PaMa, where is Uva?" The Fawkiub asked his parent, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"He is looking for a place for us to rest. Get back to sleep." He assured his child and used his tail to caress his snout. The boy nodded and curled up with his siblings, slowly falling back to sleep. Before he could begin to dream, an agonizing wail sounded over the crackling thunder, alerting him and his hiding kin.

Manlion set the carrier onto the ground and crept up to the trembling foliage and parted a few branches. He peered out, then broke through his cover as his eyes laid upon the bleeding figure of his mate. He rushed to his side, crying and bringing him to his chest.../

A soft golden tear trickled down his muzzle, dripping into the settling water and forming captivating ripples. The light from the many suns cast an illume of amethyst over his soaked fur, igniting the world around him in a vast bewitchment. He eyed the strange way he seemed to feel all tingly and warm, not used to such an unusual occurrence while he seeked refuge in this alluring body of water. He relaxed, laying back and sighing out all the sorrow his tears could not release on its own.

Suddenly, the Melleraen Earth began to quaver and shake. The bounding of large feet came rushing forward, corralling the dazzling creature with no means of escape. He sprang up, his eyes wide with fear and surprise; he had not expected to see so many savage beasts before. This made him quiver in place and sink low into the radiating glow of reddening liquid. The domain alerting all in a few miles of this dastardly bunch of animals.

One of the brutes slammed it's foot on the floor, a low snarl vibrating his vocal cords and snorted out a dark overcast of black air. Only a single, milky, eye quickly looked at the surf and stuck it's rounded paw into the water, fishing the Cervulursies from its depths. He set him harshly on the grass, the frightened male screaming for his life, but was cut off by a smack to his open maw.

"Shut up." The brute growled. "Are you the one named Mantle?"

A quick nod of his head, the panicky male rubbed at his throbbing snout, whimpering and covering himself with his drizzling tail.

"We are here to take you to our King. If you try to escape...we will kill you." A second beast threatened with a monotone yip. Mantle complied and fell limp as he was hoisted into the jaws of the lead creature and set on the back of his companion. They turned from the lake and trekked to the land bridge connecting the mainland to the island chain of Çasil, traveling deep into the unlit domain of the dreaded Xenzoqueans.

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