
By hannnielover

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5:Annies/Hayden post
part 2?
part 2/ 18
part 2)19
part 2) 20
part 2) 21
part 2) 22
part 2)23
part 2)24
part 2)25
part 2)26
part 2) 27


681 10 0
By hannnielover

Annie's pov
I woke up to my head hurting I looked down and I was just in a bra and underwear
Then I see Hayden coming
A) was I drunk
H) yep
A) how bad was I
H) well before you started anything to embarrass yourself I took you back here
A) anything else
H) yep when we went back to our dorms you were trying to strip me while I was driving
A) oh God
H) yea well here
He gave me Advil with water
A) thx
I took it and he started changing
H) you better get ready we leave in 40 minutes
A) where
H) school
A) shit!!
I get up and I just started changing and I did my make up
I out my shoes and grabbed mg backpack and I see Hayden laughing
A) what's so funny
H) I never saw you run that fast
A) haha
H) and I lied we have 1 hour
A) ugh I hate you
H) babe you love me
A) 🙄 I'm going to re-do my make up
H) k
I go to the vanity in our room and do my make up and curl my hair wavy
Then Hayden came in
A) ok I'm ready
H) good cause now we have 20 minuets
A) is it
H) yep look
He showed me the time and
A) let's go
We went to our class
And we sat down next to each other
A) so we only have 2 months of school till the Summer
H) yea where do you live
A) la
H) me to
A) that's great
H) yea and maybe next year we could get a apartment
A) yes that's nice
Then the teacher comes in
T) ok class we have a project and this time we can chose your own partners so our project for today is you have to know what does love mean to you guys now chose your partners
H) partners
A) ofc
Then Asher comes
As) hey Annie
H) I thought you said that if we go to your double date you would leave us the hell alone
As) whatever jerk
A) don't talk about my bf like that
As) fine but anyways Annie want to be partners
A) no I'm already partners with my wonderful bf
As) ok...
He leaves
A) anyways-
Then Anna comes
A) ugh
An) hey Hayden I think your really cute and I wanted to as-
A) and he's really really taken
H) *laughs*
An) as I was saying I was thinking you could be my partner cause your really smart
A) *laughs* you think he is going to be your partners
H) ik *laughs*
An) I mean-
A) I mean that aren't you dating Asher
An) what no we were just saying it cause Asher likes you and I lie Hayden and we were gonna ask to hangout and I kiss you Hayden and you think he's cheating on you so you great up with him and you be with Annie and I be with Hayden!!!
A) and the truths comes out
As) Anna!!!
An) I'm sorry it slipped
And the bell rings
A) bye
We go to our dorms

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