
Galing kay GayForJaureguisAss

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A chance encounter and two hearts finding their way home.... ◇GXG ◇CONVERTED Higit pa

Wrong place, wrong time
You may be right
That's what friends are for
Sweetest Goodbye
After all this time
You and I
Thinking out Loud

London Calling

1K 35 9
Galing kay GayForJaureguisAss

Lauren and I had been dating for about six weeks when she asks me something I really wasn't expecting. Sitting at the centre island in my kitchen, eating breakfast on one of the rare mornings we have off together I know somethings ticking in that pretty head of hers as she pushes her eggs around her plate. I was asleep when she came home from work last night and she's been quiet all morning. I watch her carefully over the rim of my coffee cup as I take a sip and place it down slowly "Lauren?" I ask, getting her to hum her acknowledgment, her eyes not leaving her plate. "Is something wrong?"

She shakes her head and puts her fork down, her eyes still stuck on her plate as she speaks "I need to ask you something" she states matter of factly, causing my stomach to tighten anxiously.

"Well, get on with it then" I respond, my fingers drumming an impatient rhythm on the counter top. Her eyes snap up and she reaches out and places her hand over mine, stilling them.

"I have some annual leave coming up in a few weeks, I'm going to London for two weeks for my brother's wedding. I want you to come with me."

"That's a statement, not a question." I remark, the anxiety that was in playing havoc in my stomach now replaced with excitement.

I supress a laugh when she rolls her eyes at me and fixes me with a hard stare "will you come with me? Please?" I don't answer right away, enjoying the sight of the usually composed and demure doctor squirming nervously "I want you to meet my family and I want to show you my home town. Don't worry about money, I have airmiles I can use for your ticket and we can stay with my dad. I usually do and he's already said he'd be more than happy to have you as well..."

"Lauren..." I interject before standing to move in front of her, I separate her legs and stand between them. My arms drape around her shoulders and I kiss her chin "I'd love to go with you, I'm owed some vacation. I'll have to clear it with Harry but I don't see there being any issues. Just text me with the dates so I can ask him later." I peck her on the lips and begin clearing the dishes, whilst she sits there a little dumbstruck.

I feel her creep up behind me whilst I stand at the sink rinsing the plates before putting them in the dishwasher. Her arms wrap around my waist and she nips my earlobe with her teeth "you let me ramble on like an idiot when all along you knew you were going to say yes? You're an evil woman Camila Cabello." She husks in my ear causing me to shiver in her embrace.

"What can I say? I enjoy watching you squirm" I retort, her sharp intake of breath makes me want to squeeze my thighs together. She has such an insane effect on me, it's like she has a hardwire to my libido and knows every delicate and intricate button to push without making any effort.

Lauren forces me to turn around and face her, her eyes are burning with unbridled lust as she watches me carefully. She doesn't say anything, she just takes one of my wrists and moves my hand below the waist band of her pyjamas until its pressing against her mound. "You enjoy watching me squirm?" She murmurs, her lips moving against mine as she speaks. I nod and push my fingers against her, feeling the evidence of her arousal coating them as I find her clit and flick against it hard causing her to moan "then make me squirm" and with that she covers my mouth with hers and releases my wrists to do as I please to her. My fingers move lower until I slide two inside of her and curl them up, hitting the patch of nerves that never fails to make her come. One of my new favourite pass times is making Lauren come, the way she looks, the way her whole body tenses is easily the sexiest thing I've ever seen. My thumb presses against her clit as I begin working my way in and out of her, she tilts her hips up, forcing me deeper. Her mouth releases mine and she buries her face in my shoulder and closes her teeth against the crook of my neck.

I feel her tighten around me before her climax covers my hand, her breath is hot against my neck as she pants heavily. I try to remove my fingers but her grip around my wrist tightens for a moment before I hear her speak breathlessly "just, give me a minute." I nod, pushing her hair away from her face and covering her soft skin in kisses.

The way she looks now, flushed, breathless and just fucked, with a strange little smile playing on her lips, she looks so perfect. "I love you," my eyes widen as the words slip off of my tongue. I want to reach out into the air and force them back into my mouth when Lauren’s head snaps up and her eyes go as wide as mine.


I swallow and run my tongue along my bottom lip "I said that I love you." I'm aware that this isn't the most romantic way to tell your girlfriend that you love her for the first time, after an impromptu quickie in the kitchen whilst your fingers are still buried inside of her, but I realise after a second of her just staring at me that I've never meant anything more in my life than I do those three words.

"I love you too." She whispers, her green eyes stare at mine appear watery as we just stand there looking at each other. I smile shyly, mirroring hers before closing the distance and kissing her softly.


"Are you ready Camila?" Lauren calls from outside the bedroom door, we've been in London for two days already and it's been great. Her dad has welcomed me like an old friend and I've loved every minute I've spent here so far. Today, I'm going to watch some soccer game with the two of them and Lauren’s brother, Chris and I've been gifted a jersey to wear.

I walk out the room and raise an eyebrow at my girlfriend as she practically undresses me with her eyes "don't look at me like that. I don't even like soccer and yet here I am wearing this" I pick at the material in disdain "ready to go to my first soccer game, because I know how much it means to you. What even is Arsenal?"

Lauren laughs at me and pulls me to her, her hands sitting on my hips "a few tips to get you through the day baby. One," she kisses my nose and runs the length of it with hers "please stop calling it 'soccer' it's football. The locals get a whiff of that soccer bollocks and they'll send a lynch mob for you. Two," she kisses the corner of my lips softly and runs her lips along my jaw to my right ear, effectively sending shivers down my spine "you look so fucking hot in that, I'm looking forward to seeing you out of it and most importantly three," her teeth close over my earlobe before she kisses her way to my other ear and kisses the base of it softly "Arsenal are only the best footie team on God's green earth and you'll do well to remember that." I feel her slap my ass playfully and I shove her shoulder hard.

"You're such an ass sometimes." I chide her, slipping my arms around her shoulders, biting my lip when I feel her hands squeeze my behind greedily.

"I know, but we both know it gets you wet so I make no plans on stopping it." She grins at me and I can't help but roll my eyes in mock disdain.

"Sheesh, how the fuck did I manage to fall in love with such a romantic?" She kisses me hard on the lips and takes my hands in hers, kissing them both before leading me down the stairs.

"I don't know, but you got pretty lucky with me" she jokes and we walk down the stairs giggling together.

We step into the kitchen hand in hand, Michael, Lauren’s dad, is sitting at the table with a paper hiding his face. "You two about ready to go?" He asks, his accents much stronger than Lauren’s. I never realised until we got here how her time in the States has softened her accent some.

Lauren deposits me in a seat at the table and begins pouring us both coffee from the pot on the work surface "just about, I've done what I can to educate the Yank and you have my full blessing to leave her to her own devices if she refers to it as soccer again" she says as she puts a cup in front of me.

"Tsk, I apologise but it's difficult to just change what I know overnight Laur. Football to me is a completely different sport to what it is here, and if I'm being honest I don't love that either!"

Micheal just chuckles at me and winks at me over his paper "you've just been watching the wrong sort. Honestly, I just go to the games for the atmosphere and the beer. It isn't a classy affair but we love it don't we buttercup?"

I smile at Lauren’s blush at her old pet name and she sinks into her chair a little "what time's Chris getting here?" I raise an eyebrow at her smooth change of subject and giggle into my coffee as I take a sip. The two of them exchange some playful banter until the sound of the door opening and closing distracts them long enough to stop.

Michael, is tall, broad and loud. And I immediately love him. Lauren shoots up out of her seat and throws herself at her brother who scoops her up into a big bear hug. When she finally detaches herself from him he looks at me and grins as Lauren takes my hand and pulls me to my feet "Chrisy, this is my girlfriend Camila. Camz, this is my big brother Chris."

I hold my hand out expecting a formal handshake, but he pushes it aside and gives me a tight hug "no hands, we're family now." He looks at me from arms-length and nods approvingly "she's definitely an improvement from that stuck up slapper you stuck yourself with for so long Lolo" I blush at this, almost as if she can sense my embarrassment she wraps her arm around my waist and presses her lips into my hair.

"Don't be a tosser your whole life." She sighs and squeezes me to her, out of habit I slip a hand into her back pocket and think nothing of it. "Shall we go and watch some football before you manage to offend everyone?" She asks with a laugh and the three of them leave the house chanting some sort of football song together.


"That ref was a first class prick" Chris complains again, slamming his beer glass on the pub table hard and sending some of the liquid slopping on the table.

"So you keep saying Chris, it's done now. So shut up, cheer up and let's get drunk." Lauren ruffles his hair before standing and announcing she's going back to the bar for another round. I can already feel the effects of the days drinking, my cheeks feel warm and there's a nice buzz in my head making everything delightfully funny.

"She's the happiest I've seen her in a long time" Chris says, bringing me out of my own thoughts. I feel the blush spread across my cheeks at his words and I try and avoid his green eyes as they stare into mine, eyes so similar to his sisters. "You make her happy."

I chew my lip and look down at the table "she makes me happy" I say simply, because it's true.

"Lauren told me how you met originally, that must've been tough on you? She told me about what Lucy said to her and how she's lived with that regret for so long" he says softly, reaching out to cover my hand with his "I'm glad you found each other again." I nod and smile at him, unsure of what it is I'm meant to say.

Thankfully I don't have time to think too much, because Lauren returns promptly with another tray of beers and shots and begins handing them out to us. She sits back next to me and places her hand on my denim clad thigh and raises a shot glass with her free hand "to my big brother Chris, good luck getting married. I give it six months before you're well and truly under Amanda's thumb" she knocks her shot back and we follow her lead, the liquid burns my throat on the way down making me quickly wash the taste away with a mouthful of beer "in all seriousness though, if you're as happy with her as I am with this one. You'll have a great life" she says as she watches me lovingly. That expression makes my insides melt and I can't resist the urge to close the distance between us and press my lips to hers chastely.

"Give it a rest Lo, we've still got my stag to enjoy and there's no way you're missing that." Lauren looks at me before looking at her brother and shrugging her shoulders

"As much as I'd love to spend an evening with you and your bone headed friends, I don't want to leave Camz on her own," I squeeze her hand and interrupt her words.

"No way, you're not using me as an excuse. Go, I'll be fine." I applaud her for wanting to be with me, I don't want to ever be apart from her. But, I refuse to let her use me as an excuse to get out of going out with her brother. Lauren looks at me pleadingly, almost as though she wants me to take back what I've just said so she doesn't have to go, but I don't budge.

Running her hands through her hair she takes a long drink from her pint glass and finally relents "fine, but I'm not babysitting you." Chris' booming laugh sound out causing a few other patrons to look over at our table and shake their heads almost disapprovingly. He drinks his beer at record pace and stands from the table.

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay here all night I promised Amanda I'd be home part way sober." Lauren and I stand and he gives us each a hug before leaving us alone, Lauren’s hand takes mine and our fingers lace together immediately. I smile shyly at the woman next to me, who in turn, reaches over with her free hand to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and then lets her fingers trail across my cheek.

This simple caress, so soft and tender, practically has me purring as I lean into her fingers and let my eyes droop close "I love having you here" she murmurs causing me to open my eyes and watch her face. Her eyes are soft as she gazes at me, her lips turned up into a small, sweet smile, making my heart skip a beat.

I grab her hand and bring it to my lips, ghosting them across her knuckles "I love being here. Thank you for sharing it with me."

Lauren laughs a little before shrugging her shoulders and finishes her drink in one go "you might not feel the same way after we have lunch with my mother tomorrow, let's go. I've been thinking about peeling that shirt off of you all day."

The look she gives makes me squirm slightly in my seat before she pulls me to my feet and leads me out of the pub. Outside, she drapes her arm around my shoulder whilst I slide my hand into the back pocket of her jeans, unable to resist the urge to squeeze her firm ass slightly. I feel Lauren’s breath on my ear as we walk slowly together "you really shouldn't man handle me in public." I squeeze again and laugh dryly.

"Woman, if I want to squeeze your ass I will damn well squeeze your ass" I want to do more than just squeeze her perfect ass, but we're in public and I don't want to get arrested.

Apparently she has different ideas though because after walking a few more yards in a charged silence, I find myself being guided down the side of some sort of shop. Lauren manoeuvres me so my back is against the wall, her hands are braced against the brick on either side of my face, her lips barely a hairs breadth away. My hands pull her hips towards me and I shiver when she pushes against me firmly "you make me feel things I've never felt before. I usually have pretty good self-control, but with you it just vanishes" her lips press against mine softly before she pulls back and rests her head on mine. "It's terrifying and wonderful all at the same time." Her lips brush mine again, when I feel her try to pull away my hands grab the front of her shirt tightly keeping her to me. Her hands move from being braced against the wall to gripping my waist tightly, her fingers digging in hard enough to almost be painful. Our lips move in tandem together, our tongues joining in, begin a slow, sensual dance. Igniting sparks inside of me and causing all my muscles south of my waist to clench deliciously.

She parts my legs with one of her thighs and presses it against my centre, without any thought I grind my hips down on it hard and moan against her mouth. Moving my hands from the front of her shirt to her hair, tangling in the soft, sandy tresses and holding her mouth to mine firmly. The hands she has on my waist slip to my behind and she moves my hips against her again, controlling the pressure and causing a delicious and addictive friction with every pass.

We become a tangle of limps, moans, pants and gasps together. Seemingly not caring about being in such a public place as our mouths move eagerly together and I'm writhing against her thigh with abandon.

The sound of a car horn sounding on the road close by causes Lauren to pull away, leaving me breathless and flushed. My chest heaving as I try and regain some level of composure "Lo?" I manage to get out as I attempt to control my rapid heartbeat.

"Yes baby?" She murmurs against my temple.

"Take me to bed..." She says nothing more as she takes my hand and leads me away, walking back in the direction of her father's house at a quick march. The look of determination on her face would usually seem comical to me if I didn't feel like I was about to melt into a sex starved puddle.

The minute the bedroom door closes behind us, we're on each other. Clothing flies in every direction as we undress one another hastily and collapse onto the bed, finding each-others lips immediately. I push Lauren on her back, straddling her thighs and melt my mouth to hers greedily. She kisses me hard, her hands trailing down my front to my breasts, pinching my nipples firmly, rolling them between her thumb and forefinger, sending a sharp stab of pleasure rush through me.

She sits upright so we're nose to nose, her lips never leaving mine, I feel her shift her legs slightly underneath me, forcing my hips to rise. I wrap my legs around her, bringing my body closer to my lovers, relishing her warmth and closeness. Reaching behind me, my fingers immediately begin to seek out her sex. It doesn't take long until I'm buried in her, knuckle deep, curling my fingers round inside her.

Lauren moans into my mouth and rocks her groin against my hand before sliding her fingers down my stomach and pushing them into me. The feeling of her filling me whilst I'm filling her is amazing. She mimics my actions, causing my hips to begin finding a rhythm with her hand. We sigh and gasp into our kiss as our fingers start to move together.

I feel her insides begin to clench around me as I begin teetering on the edge of what I have no doubt will be the first of many orgasms tonight. "I want to come with you" she moans against my lips, her hips rocking up and down "I'm so close Camila."

Biting down on her shoulder, my whole body stiffens at her words as I clamp down on her fingers, finding my release. Lauren isn't far behind, I pull back enough to see her beautiful features twist as her orgasm rocks through her. Her stomach muscles tighten and her head tilts back slightly. She flops back against the bed and takes a deep breath, the sight of her, the way her chest glistens under the thin coating of sweat that's gathered there.

I want more, so sliding down I push her thighs open and lift them enough to rest them over my shoulders. Her sex glistens with the evidence of her arousal and I lick my lips at the sight. "What are you doing down there?" Lauren husks out at me, I don't answer. Instead I take her in my mouth and run my tongue over the length of her slowly, listening to the sharp hiss of breath as it leaves her body. My eyes look up at her, watching her perfect face relax as she feels my tongue swirl around her. "Oh fuck..." she moans when I dip my tongue down deeper, sliding it inside before dragging it back up and flicking the tip of her clit with it. Her hands tangle in my hair, holding me to her, guiding me to where she wants me to be.

I move my tongue faster, as I begin sucking her into my mouth and battering the tip of her swollen clit with it. I love the way Lauren tastes, it's addictive and never fails to make me lose control when I have my head buried in between her thighs. I'd spend eternity here if I got the chance.

I taste her climax before I feel her stiffen below me, the legs I have draped around my shoulder tighten themselves around my neck before going slack. I kiss my way up, lingering at her sexy hips before kissing my way up her stomach and chest and rolling off of her. I pull her to me, wrapping her in my arms and she nuzzles into my neck "give me a minute, my bones feel like jelly" she murmurs into my skin making me giggle.

"I forget it must be hard for you to keep up. You know with me being young and spritely and you being old and comfortable" I tease, Lauren just exhales loudly and shakes her head almost sadly.

"Well you've done it now..." it takes me a moment to realise what's about to happen, but I'm too slow because I find myself pinned underneath her with my hands held down tightly above my head, leaving me helpless to her. Lauren hovers above me, a playful smile on her lips "any last words Ms. Cabello?"

I blow a kiss at her and grin "just that I love you" her lips press down on mine and I can feel her smile.

"Good, cause I love you" she replies after breaking our kiss and ghosting her lips down my neck to my chest.


I don't think I've ever felt as uncomfortable as I do right now, sitting here in an upscale tapas restaurant with Lauren and her mother and it's clear to see that the two women couldn't be more different and the clear contempt they have for each other is palpable. Lauren is sat to my right, directly across from her mother, and I'm glad for her closeness. Any time the conversation takes a turn that causes me to feel uncomfortable or anytime I'm subject to one of Clara’s probing questions Lauren takes my hand in hers and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"So Camila, where in America are you from?" Clara asks as she takes a sip of cool white wine from her glass. Swallowing the food in my mouth, I try my best to appear relaxed but it's difficult when my heart is racing.

"Texas, Houston Texas Ma'am. Born and raised." I try to sound confidence but my voice comes out a quiet murmur, Lauren’s mother holds my gaze. Her cold blue eyes staring into mine.

"Where are your family from? They're not American I assume?"

"Mother! Really?" Lauren interrupts, I pat her hand with mine and smile at her.

"Em, it's fine." Turning back to the woman in front of me, my smile is a little more confident this time as I continue on "no, they're American citizens. They got citizenship a while ago. But they immigrated from Puerto Rico with my two sisters. I'm the only one that was born in the states. My mom was pregnant with me before they moved."

She purses her lips a little and nods almost approvingly at my answer "interesting. I imagine you speak they're mother tongue too? It must have been hard for them to learn a second language." I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes at her tone, but manage and give myself a mental pat on the back.

I feel Lauren’s hand rest on my thigh, I look over and see her whole body is tense and smile a little to myself before answering Clara’s question "sí, hablan buen inglés pero en casa todos hablamos español." Lauren splutters into her water glass as she laughs at my reply and she turns to look at me lovingly, the smile on her lips infectious as I smile back at her.

"I suppose that serves me right for asking so many questions, forgive me. Lauren was with Lucy for a long time, lovely girl, good family. Did you ever meet her?" This takes me a little by surprise and I nod.

"Once, at school. But it was so brief I don't really count it as a meeting." By this point I can feel the frustration vibrate off of Lauren, her grip on my leg tightens and I see her other hand clench into a fist.

I reach out and put a hand at the back out her neck, I don't care what her mother thinks, her hairs pulled into a loose bun but my fingers run through the soft, short hairs that have come loose. I feel her relax a little but she's still tense as she glares at the woman who gave birth to her, her jaw is clenched into a tight line as she speaks "mum, for someone who claims to be so clever, you say some truly stupid things sometimes."

"Lauren..." I begin but she cuts me off with a look and my mouth snaps shut.

Clara looks at her daughter with a cold stare and dabs the corner of her mouth with a napkin "I don't know what you mean, I was making conversation. What's the issue?"

"The issue is that you're asking my girlfriend if she ever met my ex. The ex who left me by the way after putting me through four years of misery when she moved out to the states. She's marrying someone else and I've never been happier. I love Camila. Get used to that."

"Well she's going to be at the wedding, did you know that? Lucy’s going to be there." This is clearly news to Lauren as she looks flustered and looks at me before staring back at her mother.

"So? She'll be there with her new fiancé, shouldn't be surprised seeing as he went to school with Chris and they're still friends. I'll be there with Camila, why does it matter?"

Clara signals a waiter for the check and begins gathering her things, as she sets her credit card on the table she sets me with a look of disapproval and purses her lips "I'm sure you're lovely Camila, but I've always wanted the best for my children. They went to the best schools, each are working towards good careers and I wanted the best matches for them in marriages." She pauses before she looks at Lauren "I never wanted this for you, but I got used to the idea of your... particular tastes. Lucy was well bred, from a good family and had a good education. She was better for you than this... American."

"Hey..." I begin to object but Lauren takes my hand in hers and cuts me off abruptly.

After exchanging a look with me, she turns to her mother and takes a calming breath "I'm going to say this one time, so you need to hear what I'm saying and get used to it. Otherwise, you may find that you see even less of me in the future." I lace my fingers through hers, I can tell what she wants to say isn't easy and I want to try and silently show her that I'll support her through this. "I fell in love with another woman five years ago, I fell in love with this woman." She holds my hand up before letting them rest back on the table "Lucy knew how I felt, I was honest with her but she made me make a choice. I made the wrong choice. I stopped loving Lucy a long time before I met Camz but just found myself going through the motions with her. Mother, we're going to be together for as long as she wants me. So stop pushing your pretentious ideas on what or who you think I should be and just let me be happy with the woman I love?"

Clara looks between Lauren and I and shakes her head "be happy Lauren, but don't think this is me giving you my blessing by any means" and with those words, she leaves.

Lauren and I sit in silence for a moment, her hand stays tight in mine and I keep my fingers running soothing patterns against the back of her neck. As the silence begins to drag on between us, I find myself wanting to break it, but I don't know what I'm meant to say in this situation. I open my mouth a few times to say something, say anything, but each time I find myself snapping it shut again as I watch the pain flash across her face making my heart ache for her. "I'm sorry you had to see that" she whispers finally, snapping me out of my silence.

I take her face in both of my hands and turn her to look at me "don't EVER apologise about other people, you warned me something like that would happen" I search her green eyes for a sign of how she's feeling. Lauren sighs and rests her forehead against mine, I can hear her taking a series of deep breaths before she looks back up and offers me a small smile. It's a poor imitation of her usual smile though, not touching her eyes, her entire body is tense and I'd give anything in that moment to take the frustration away from her. "What's going through your head babe?" I ask, not sure I want to hear the answer.

I keep my palms on her cheeks, forcing her to keep her eyes on me "I don't know. I don't know why I expected more from her. I'm mad that she brought Lucy up like that and before you stop me, you deserve an apology. If not from me then one on my mother's behalf. I'm so fucking angry she spoke about you like that, like you were beneath her." A small smile plays on her lips, one that touches her eyes and I relax a little "you handled her well though, when she asked about speaking Spanish and you basically put her in her place subtly." I feel comfortable enough to drop my hands from her face to take both of hers as I shrug.

"I had plenty of practise freshman year when I had to keep putting you in your place" Lauren laughs at this and I smile at the sound, she sounds almost carefree. She leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose lightly before standing up and pulling me to my feet.

"Let's go, we still need to get you a dress and I told dad we wouldn't be late."

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