Naruto: The most potential st...

By Silverwolf2610

131K 1.4K 515

After training Naruto outside Konoha for 12 years, Kushina decided to return to Konoha, when Naruto finally g... More

Chapter 2: A helpful Uzumaki~
Chapter 3: A gift for hard working~
Chapter 4: Teams spar and awaken of bloodline
Chapter 5: Wave arc and the awaken of Mangekyou
Chapter 6: Mangekyou and pairing poll
Chapter 7: Flame under kindness
Chapter 8: Battle of the bridge
Chapter 9: New member of Team 9
Chapter 10: Tsunade retrival
Chapter 11: True reveal
Ch 12: Fun before Chunin exam
Chapter 13: Chunin Exam
Chapter 14: A reward long awaited

Chapter 1: Let the fun begin~

17.6K 190 149
By Silverwolf2610

S: Hi guys welcome back, as I promise before I will update tonight so let's begin the story then shall we? xD

Let's begin

(Two years later- Naruto's age- 15, Kushina * 28)

Hokage Tower

There was complete silence inside the Hokage's office, the tick tock sound that came from the old clock that hung in the Kage's office can be clearly heard by all the Jounins that stood waiting in front of Hokage's desk. Excitement, worry and nervousness were written on their faces as they were all waiting for the result of the Genin exam to be announced by Hokage.

Among the group of Jounins there consist of many famous and powerful Jounin such as the Copy Ninja- Hatake Kakashi; the former member of Fire Lord twelve guard- Sarutobi Asuma and many more. However, none of the Jounins present in the Hokage office has full confidence that they can suppress the sword skill that a crimson hair Uzumaki possess- Uzumaki Kushina. Being one of the newly appointed Jounin- Uzumaki Kushina is special in many different ways than normal Jounins for instant, she doesn't seem to be worry about the Genin exam at all, which unlike her colleagues who has worry, nervous written all over their face, the crimson hair Uzumaki seems to have full confident in her son- Naruto.

During the first few years after losing her family figures in Konoha, Kushina felt alone and fell into depression, she hates herself for not being useful when the Fourth Hokage' family was being murder. However, it was in such critical time, Naruto, the baby that Miko nee-san entrusted to her, became the brightest star that shone upon her path. Ever since then, Kushina has been taking care of the young boy. Watching him grow up had brought her happiness back as she gradually came to realise that she couldn't let her emotions affect her anymore as it had nothing to do with him and she wanted to give him as good of a life as she could.

The days without the protection of Konoha's wall were filled with hardship but also fun. It was in Naruto 4-year-olds, there was something strange that Kushina noticed as Naruto has some kind of strange potential in learning Fuinjutsu, no matter how complex the seal that Kushina gave to young Naruto, the boy will solve it like a toy without too much of a problem. This truthly surprised Kushina back then, the young Naruto was just like the replica of his father, a true master of seal and maybe he will excel in Wind, Lightning elements too?

Back to the present, today we found Kushina in the Hokage's office because she has requested to lead a Genin team. It has been ten or eleven years that Kushina had quit her Shinobi life, as during her stay outside the wall, she must maintain a low profile until Naruto is old enough and is able to handle himself better before she decides to go back to Konoha to re-join the Shinobi force. This was her plan as she wishes to train her son furthermore under Konoha's protection, she knew that her news will immediately be told to the world when she steps foot in Konoha, the title of nine tails holder will benefit herself and Naruto under the protection of Konoha.

That was the main reason for her returned but aside from that Kushina also has met some small issue~ The pent-up sexual frustration in her life has also become one issue for her, it only got worse when Naruto who she treats as her own has slowly grow into the prefect replica of his father, who she was in love with.

It is nature for teenage boy to be curious about sex but through recent activities Kushina has caught that her son staring at her figure several times and in a perverted way. Although Kushina wouldn't mind too much since this makes her feel more confident in her looks and she is certain that Naruto will be happy if he was being assigned to her team. Not to mention, Kushina has also planned on giving some special 'training' to assist Naruto to become stronger.

(Meanwhile At the Academy)

Inuzuka Kiba, the noisiest brat in the classand was grumbling about being on the same team as his self-proclaimed rival- Sasuke.

"Alright everyone settle down, now I am going to continue the announcement of team placement!"

The teacher ordered, the result was very effective and had every student immediately shut up and sit still in their seat. While most clan based Genin had known their team placement already, the teacher still insisted on finishing the announcement quickly so that the Jonins could come and take their Genin.

"Team 9 is just Naruto and your sensei is Kushina Uzumaki"

Stated the class teacher, once the announcement of team 9 is done, every student in the classroom immediately turns their head toward the blonde. The boys that had all met Kushina at one point felt jealous and envious that the boy gets the hottest MILF as his sensei.

As for Naruto, he knew what everyone thought about his mom as he often had similar thoughts about her and he wasn't oblivious to the looks she got. Unfortunately for every boy in the class, none of them even had a chance to be with her, as his sensei was just way out of their league.

Naruto chooses to ignore all the jealous glare he receives from his fellow Genin. Honestly like every guy in the village is trying to date his mom and she was in all the dreams that every man can dream of.

Although Naruto will also ogle Kushina sometimes, especially when she was walking around the house with just a simple t-shirt and shorts, he didn't push his luck with trying anything else. He does spend a lot of his time training and studying to distract himself but mostly he is sure that his mom is trying to tease him as sometimes she decides to wear some revealing clothes in the house.

Seriously though, since a lot of guys in class learned about masturbation, Kushina was often on their minds and Naruto got to see his buxom mom all the time so she is always on his mind.

"Why can the blonde brat get to have the hottest Milf as his personal sensei?!"

Complained the angry Inuzuka heir just after Iruka declared all of the team's replacement and walked out of the class.

"Seriously though, I would bang the milf if I was being assigned into her team"

Sitting in his seat, the Inuzuka heir continued his complaint without a care of the consequence of his words. Unknown to him, the next thing he said about Kushina would reward him with a face massage on the floor.

(Back to the Hokage office)

"Hiruzen do you think it is really a wise idea to let Kyuubi take on a team?"

Asked the old war hawk and also the old teammate of the third Hokage- Danzo to his old 'friend' and teammate.

"I know what you are thinking Danzo, I have mentioned it before and I will do it again, Kushina is a fellow Shinobi of Konoha you should not refer to her as Kyuubi, understood? "

The old Hokage said sternly, not even sparing his gaze to the old war hawk and carried on with his work.

"HIRUZEN! You do know the power that the nine tails holds-"

The old war hawk threatened and brutally smashed his palm onto the table. It was his plan to take control of the tails beast, his first step was to force the old Hokage to imprison the Jinchuriki but the result was always the same.

"Tell me... Danzo, do you really think that I haven't considered the danger of the nine tails? But do keep in mind that she was an ally of Konoha, the fourth family member and also a citizen of Konoha"

Replied the old Hokage, moving his gaze from the stack of paper to his old friend.

"My duty as Hokage is to keep the village safe, Kushina is a trustable shinobi and also a close family member related to the first and second Hokage, I will not imprison a loyal shinobi of Konoha out of my own power hunger"

The third Hokage retorted with a stern face while releasing a large amount of K.I toward the old war hawk, forcing him to take several steps backward and shutting up his mouth.

"I will pretend this conversation never happens; you may leave now my friend" the old Hokage said and gestured to his old teammate to leave his office.

"You will regret this, I am certain of it, Hiruzen" was all the old war hawk said before he slammed the door.

(With Kushina amp; Kurenai)

"Hey Kurenai are you okay? You look a bit discouraged, is there something wrong?"

The crimson hair Uzumaki asked while ignoring all the leering civilians that were looking at her bouncing breasts sometimes. She did appreciate the looks as it made her realise that she wasn't an old hag just yet but her DD-cup breasts were slightly annoying even beneath her flak jacket as they wouldn't stop bouncing even if she bound them.

"N-no, well my it's my first team and I'm given one clan heir and one heiress of the famous Hyuga clan but with none of them being Genjutsu user.. but I will try my best to teach them to be a skilful shinobi"

The crimson-eyed woman answered but her action said otherwise, as she has been shaking for the past one minute which was quite expected, since Kurenai only became a Jounin quite recently. Kushina herself was also a freshly promoted Jounin and she was curious about her team but at least she is certain that she will get her Naru-chan in her team so there is nothing to be worried about.

While trying to comfort the nervous kunoichi, she suddenly senses a familiar Chakra that belongs to a certain snake lover, coming up from behind and most likely with the intention of squeezing her breasts like she usually tried.

With a sigh Kushina decided to side step at the last minute and had Anko to grab onto Kurenai's breasts instead of her.

"Anko!" Yelled out the new Jounin sensei which surprised some peasant that was just walking by.

"Moo no fun Kushi-chan~ why are you always so aware of me~ oh! Let me take a look at your teams, are there any future or current studs?"

The excited snake lover lady said, before Kurenai and Kushina can say anything, Anko has grabbed onto Kurenai's team placement sheet and stated looking for Kushina's but realised that she didn't have one.

"Hm~ Looks like Kure-chan was the lucky one, you got two young boys on your team but then again don't feel sad Kushi-chan you never know there could be three young male stud on your team Kushi-chan~"

The playful Anko teased with a sexy grin, like suggesting a seductive hint toward some 'fun', Kushina knew where she was going with this and surprisingly she was quite calm about it.

"Yeah thanks Anko but I didn't really need to know that"

Kushina replied dryly as she shook her head.

"Oh~ Too bad~ Oh or do you want me to introduce you to some other students? I'm sure they would love to be 'train' with you~"

The pervert snake user-Anko suggested with a smirk.

"Anko... you do know that I have my Naru-chan and I don't think that I would have anyone to touch me"

Kushina replied with an annoyed tone but the snake user didn't really pay any attention to her.

"Yeah, yeah, but honestly are you really satisfied? I mean how long has it been since you got laid? And you won't even tell us who is the father of your Naru-chan-"

Anko continue her suggestion but only for Kurenai to cut in and cover her mouth with her hand, in order to shut her up

"That's enough! Anko"

Kurenai warned as Anko seemed to be getting carried away in her teasing and she failed to sense that the crimson hair Uzumaki is going to explode if this keeps going on.

"We.. we will see you then, good bye, Kushi-chan!"

Kurenai said in a hurry before Shunshin away with her friend, she is quite aware what an angry Uzumaki can do.

Sigh.. 'Is it really a good idea to lie about Naru-chan's true heritage?'

Watching both women leave, Kushina then proceeds to the academy.

'Naru-chan should be treated nicely and not to be thought of as the son of some unknown civilian... he is the son of the hero damm it!'

Kushina complains innerly, along her way to the academy and fifteen minutes later she has arrived at the academy.

"Well.. at least I will have my Naru-chan in my team.."

Kushina mumbled as she walked into the academy.


"Class 8...class 8..."

Mumble Kushina as she is now walking along the corridors in the academy while searching for her Naru-chan class.

"Class 8, bingo!"

Just when she opened the door, she was shocked to see her son pin down the heir of Inuzuka on the floor with no mercy like he was going to kill him.

"You shall pay for the sentence you use to describe my mom!"


Kushina warned and this caught everyone's attention which also included the blonde heir to release Inuzuka heir in surprise.

Looking at the Inuzuka heir Kushina decides to hand this problem to the Inuzuka Genin's teacher as now she is only here to pick up her team.

"Alright team 9! Come to training ground 9 and you have 10 minutes"

Said Kushina finished off with a last glance towards Naruto before she left in a gust of wind. She didn't know who was on her team so she just announced loudly and left, that way she could meet them and get introductions going without all the boys ogling her in class.

"Wait! Kaa-sama!"

Naruto yelled as he tried to explain but his mom already disappeared, deciding that he will need to explain the whole situation to his mother first before things get out of control. The blonde quickly did a shunshin and appeared at training ground 9.

Training ground 9

Kushina was waiting on the log but just when she decided to pull out her stopwatch another swirl appeared in front of her.

"Hm, well done Naru-chan looks like you have fully mastered the skill of Shunshin"

Kushina praised with a smile.

"Thank you very much, kaa-sama"

Sensing that she is not mad with his previous action, the blonde's voice sounded very giddy, almost like he was excited around her and she was unsure about it but she might know the reason why he was so excited.

"So Naru-chan are you the only member in my team?"

"Kaa-sama, Iruka-sensei said that I am the only one on Team 9"

"Really? So that old man do really keep his promise, alright that's just good news now I get to spend more time with you" 'And maybe have some special 'training~ Oh~ teasing Naru-chan is going to be so much fun~'

Of course, the last part is only the thoughts in the mind of Kushina.

"Anyway Naru-chan let us start off by giving a short introduction of yourself, here I will start. My name is Uzumaki Kushina as you know, I am your mother and now your sensei so please just call me Kushina-sensei or just sensei"

"As for what I like, I like my little Naru-chan. What I dislike though are traitors and old war hawk"

Kushina said and the war hawk in her words is already quite easy to figure out who she was referring to.

"Dreams for the future, well not really sure 'To train you to be the perfect hero! Dattebane~' as for hobbies I don't really have time for that since I am a Shinobi so I don't have much time for those"

Kushina said happily before she turned to her son.

"Alright you're up Naruto"

"Okay.. my name is Uzumaki Naruto and I like my mom, ramen and now my new gorgeous sensei as well"

A small smile appeared on Kushina's face and even a little pink colour, she was a little weak to such blunt compliments, especially from her Naru-chan.

"My hobby is training and well.. other.. sort of things"

The young blonde said with some faint blush as he lowered his gaze from his sensei.

"As for my dream for the future is that I want to become the strongest Shinobi and can protect everyone that I hold previous"

Kushina smiled as she would love helping him achieve that, it was all in her plan as he is now slowly becoming the hero she hoped for and she was sure he would get there as long as he kept his never give up attitude.

"Well thank you for that but now Naruto, can you tell me why you pinned the Inuzuka heir on the floor?"

Kushina asked with a sudden change of her attitude and spoke in a serious tone that Naruto knew that he couldn't lie to her, the blonde decided to tell his sensei the truth.

"Well.. it's just that Kaa-sama.. he calls you a whore.. that could spread her legs for anyone and that's how I was born..."

The young blonde teen mumbled and prepared to be scolded but instead a soft hand gently touched his cheeks and made him look at his beautiful mother.

"I am glad Naru-chan, I know you wouldn't hurt people randomly but next time please be careful okay? You getting hurt is the last thing I ever wish for, okay?"

Kushina said but inwardly, she was dancing all around and she is glad that her Naru-chan will choose to protect her without second thought!

"Hm! I will kaa-sama!"

"Okay, now onto the less fun part, your test"

"Wait!? What test?"

The young blonde asked in surprise.

"Well out of all 28 Genins we have to cut down the number as to maintain the potential of each Shinobi generation although I have full aware that you are far powerful than a Gennin but you will still need to take a test first"

Kushina explained with an assured smile as she then zipped down her flak jacket and took off her blue blouse, leaving her in her sports bra.

Naruto's eyes almost burst out from his socket as he watched his beautiful mom strip in front of him, since Kushina showed a good portion of her cleavage. Although he always tried to not eye his mom inside their house but now his mind is going blank as his attention was being glued onto the beautiful cleavage of Kushina and put everything his sensei said before to the side.

Kushina was standing only in her black sports bra with same black form fitting pants that reached her ankles and her hair was put in a ponytail that was reaching her waist.

"Hey attention up here"

Kushina said with a whilst smirk, seeing Naru-chan's intentions became clearer to her with each passing second, so she clapped her hands to get his attention from her breasts to her face.

Kushina was quite surprised that Naruto was being really straightforward today; he wasn't hiding his thoughts from her. And no she was not angry with this, instead she felt happy that the boy is interested in her body.

"For the next three hours we are going to play tag, everything is allowed, I won't block or attack, only dodge so you can come at me as soon as I say go and of course there is a punishment in the end for you if you fail, do you understand?"

Kushina explained as she saw her son still has his focus on her breasts but was able to give a nod to her.

"Umm mom... sensei please forgive me but how big are they?"

Naruto asked with a bit of shyness while leering at her cleavage, she hadn't reprimanded him for eyeing her so he might as well take the blunt approach. He has seen her in less clothes but now seeing her mom in her sports bra was just something he ever wanted.

"Naruto seriously? You are being brave today but you really seem curious. So just because it's you I'll tell you they are a 40DD and tell you what if you manage to lend a hit on me within two hours I will give you a reward~"

Kushina teased with a sly smirk as she squeezed her breasts together and pushed them up more for her Naru-chan to view.


The blonde yelled so loudly that she was shocked. Well, at least she was now sure that her trick worked. Naruto was just excited this was turning out to be way better than he expected.

"Alright ~ Ready ~ Go!"

Kushina declared before she disappeared in another gust of wind and Naruto quickly sprinted to look for her like everyone would if they were in the same situation.

Thinking that she knew well about Naruto's ability Kushina decided to hide for the first half hour to enjoy her lunch before she decided to come out in the middle of clearing in the woods.

And there she sat down and waited for Naruto to come but surprisingly after an hour passed her son still hadn't shown up as this began to make Kushina worry.


Suddenly, there was a cracking sound on the floor as her instinct kicked in, Kushina quickly performed a backflip to dodge the ambush, only to find out later that it was her son breaking off the ground and running straight toward her.

Kushina quickly took a stance and be ready to run but instead of running on full speed to catch up his sensei, the blonde raise up a hand seal-

"Fuinjutsu- six diagram seal!"

The blonde exclaimed and almost instantly six pillars rose up from the ground and were linked up by chakra lightning, trapping Kushina and himself in it.

Kushina was surprised as her son managed to do such a seal array. However, when she was being distracted, she failed to notice a shadow clone shooting up from the ground. She barely dodged it and when she did, the original was in front of her reaching for her breasts ... well not surprising her in the least. With a backflip she quickly dodged the original's attack.

"Impressive.. who taught you this Naru-chan?"

Kushina asked as she looked at the electric array that formed by the seal.

"Well, I learn it from the old clan scroll and it really took me a lot of time to prepare the seal"

'Truly impressive.. even myself can't make such seal when I am in the age of Naru-chan, it was impressive enough that he even calculate that I may use tail beast's power to break the seal so he use the exactly seal that can contain tail beast to capture me'

Kushina thought with amusement as she examined the seal array and she was very impressed by Naru-chan's work.

"But Naru-chan do you know what's the weakest point of this seal?"

Kushina asked with a sly smile as she squeezed her breasts together and quickly caught Naruto's attention.

"Is it need a lot of concentration~"

Kushina said with a smirk as she suddenly took a U-turn and broke through the first array when her son was being distracted but was immediately faced with the second barrier.

'Fu.. good thing I have prepare a second one'

Naruto thought, if his sensei really managed to escape, his one-hour work would be in total waste.

"Yield! Sensei"

Naruto orders with full confidence.

"Oh~ Then make me~"

Kushina replied with a slight teasing flash for Naruto before she ran toward the blonde as if the seal he was holding drops, the whole array will be gone too.

Sensing the attack, dozens of Naruto's clones didn't waste any time and came straight at her but clearly letting their desire to win as they were all drooling while the real Naruto just stared at her boobs from some distance.

Dodging all clones like it was nothing, just when Kushina almost reached the original Naruto who was still holding the seal. To her surprise the 'real' Naruto suddenly releases his seal.

"I win!"

Naruto exclaimed happily as Kushina turned her head back. She couldn't believe that the real Naruto had his hand on her shoulder and was actually hidden among the clones to make her believe that the real one is holding the seal and to be careless of her back.

(Few Moments Later)

Naruto sat with his back up against a tree, trying to regain his breath. Kushina had given him a lunchbox she had brought for him and today's test only amaze her more about her Naru-chan true potential in the art of seals.

"So sensei, what did I get?"

The blonde asked excitedly with a smile, Kushina then signalled the blonde to come over.

"Naru-chan~ Seeing you are so obsessing with my breasts how about I will allow you to have a touch of my breasts for two minutes~

This causes the blonde's face to turn into a full mature tomato as his hand slowly moves toward his sensei's gorgeous breasts.

"So enjoy your reward~"

Kushuina said as she grabbed Naruto's hand and directed them to her big soft breasts. Of course she was still keeping her sports bra on, he looked amazed when his hands sank into them and Kushina also stated her stopwatch. Naruto was dazed at the softness as he didn't try squeezing them so she barely felt anything.

"I don't have to tell you that you can't tell anyone about this, do I?"

She asked and he quickly swore he would tell no one. Kushina replied with a smirk on her face as Naruto pushed her boobs together. He looked surprised at what she was saying but Kushina couldn't pass up this chance of having fun with her cute little Naru-chan.

But inside Kushina's mind she is also going to explode as this is the first time that she ever allows a boy to touch her breasts and she is also very nervous and forgets the time until the stopwatch signals her time up.

"Time's up!"

Kushina said as she tried her best not to blush in front of her Naru-chan, when Naruto dropped his hands and caused her breasts to bounce, she almost moaned out but luckily Naruto's attention was on following her breasts movement with his eyes glued.

Now that she knew that Naruto would be extremely motivated to get these kinds of rewards from her, she was going to exploit it to the fullest. Besides, no one would find out. So let the fun begin!

To be continue...

S: And done~ Well anyway hope you guys enjoys reading and I will see you guys next time, bye!

Thanks for reading~

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