Sexy Sadie

By Malkat1969

132K 3.9K 6.3K

Sadie Brooks is your average eighteen year-old, living a comfortable-yet-predictable life with her workaholic... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 24

2.5K 85 278
By Malkat1969

December 1978

"Sadie! Come on! We're going to be late if you don't get down here!" My mother shouts from the downstairs foyer.

I finish curling my last few strands of hair and fluff it up with my fingers, spraying a bit of hair spray to lock it in place.


"SADIE!" She repeats.

"I'm coming!" I yell, quickly stepping into my high heels and smoothing over my green pencil skirt.

I rush down the stairs to where my parents are and swipe on one last coating of lipstick in front of the mirror by the door.

"Sadie, please." My dad said, pointing to his watch and tapping on it furiously.

"The party is right next door! I don't know why you guys are in such a fucking rush!"

"You better watch your language!" Dad barked.

I roll my eyes and huff, clicking the top back onto my lipstick and blowing the mirror a kiss.

"You look nice, honey." My mum compliments.


And with that we were out the door, heading to the Harrison's house for their annual Christmas party.


"Ah! The Brooks family! I'm so happy you guys could make it!" Olivia cheers. When we step inside their home I'm immediately hit with the sweet scent of pastries and cinnamon. I look around and notice the many nicely decorated tables that held sugary treats and appetizers.

My parents quickly begin yucking it up with the elites, so I walk over to one of the tables to get a bite to eat, admiring the extravagant decor that adorned the walls so perfectly.

"Care for a drink?"

I'd know that voice anywhere.

"I'd love one, Thank you Mr. Harrison!" I smile and turn around to face him. He looked incredible, dressed head to toe in a white suit with a red handkerchief in the front pocket. His mustache was perfectly groomed and his hair was as bouncy and luscious as ever, practically begging my fingers to run through it.

"You look lovely, Sadie." He compliments, handing me a mug of egg nog and moving in close to my ear. "I could just eat you up." He whispers into it, his hot breath making me feel tingly inside.

"You look quite delicious yourself!" I smile coquettishly.

We lock eyes for a quick second, then Olivia sneaks up behind him and wraps her arm around his waist.

"What are you two up to?" She asks, leaning up to kiss George on the cheek.

"Hello Love! Just catching up with our favorite babysitter!" He replies smoothly. Olivia pretty much ignores him and shifts her gaze to me, she looks to be on a mission.

"Sadie, I wanted to talk to you in private for a minute!" She beams, reaching out to take my hand. George flashes her a puzzled expression.

"Girl talk, honey." She winks at him.

"Understood!" He lifts his hands up and smiles, then joins a group of men over by the bar.

Olivia leads me over to an empty corner and leans into me with a gleam in her eye.

"See that boy over there?" She asks, pointing subtly in the direction of a man standing by the Christmas tree.

"Yeah... what about him?" I squint to get a better look.

"That's my nephew, you should go talk to him! I really think you two would hit it off." She insists, grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't know, Mrs. Harrison. I'm so focused on school right now I don't have time to think about boys."

With the exception of your impossibly sexy husband.

"Sadie, at least say hi! I think you'll be surprised at how much you two have in common!"

"Alright, if you insist." I fake a smile and nod at her, realizing there's no way I'm going to win this battle. Olivia gives me a nudge on the back and I begin walking in his direction.

The boy was focused on his glass of cider when I approached him, and I tried my best to act cool so I wouldn't seem creepy. After a few minutes of hyping myself up in my mind, I finally spoke up.

"How's the cider?" I ask. He looks up for the first time and meets my stare, instantly smiling at the sight of me.

"It's delicious!" He says, extending his arm out to shake my hand.

"I'm Nick."

"Sadie. Nice to meet you!" I say, sipping on the last bit of my drink.

Nick was the typical tall, dark, and handsome kind of guy. He was dressed in a nice black tuxedo that was tailored to fit his above average height. His hair was cut and clean, and his face was freshly shaven. He was actually the kind of man I would have gone out with before meeting George. The kind of guy my parents would call a "good boy."

"So how do you know George and Olivia?" Nick asks, trying to make small talk.

"I'm their babysitter. I live right next door." I reply, pointing in the direction of my house.

"Nice! I'm Olivia's nephew so I get dragged to these things every year." He laughs.

I giggle back, then notice one of the waiters coming around with drink trays, so I swipe another egg nog and begin chugging.

"Are you alright? That's a lot of alcohol." Nick asks with a smirk.

"Fine. Just thirsty." I reply.

I stare at my feet and try to think of an excuse to get out of this awkward conversation.

"You know, you're quite beautiful Sadie." Nick flirts, inching a little closer to my face.

I blushed at his compliment but before I could react I felt George's large hand on the small of my back.

"George!" I squealed louder than I should have. I locked eyes with him briefly, shooting him a confused "what the fuck" look.

"Nicolas! Nice to see you here, how've you been?" George asked politely, yet there was an underlying nervousness in his voice that only I could pick up.

"Doing well! Just been going to school and working! How've you been uncle George?" he answers.

"Lovely to hear that! I'm doing fine. Say Nicolas, would you mind if I steal me babysitter for a second, I'd like to go over her schedule for tomorrow." He asked courteously.

"Um...okay?" Nick shrugged, and George and I were off.

Whatever attraction I maybe sort of had for Nick was immediately squashed by George's aura. The way he handled himself and asserted his dominance was an incomprehensible turn on. My legs became weak and my stomach felt heated at the mere sound of his voice.

He quickly led me to the bathroom which was located at the far end of the house. Once we were safe his mood changed and he turned to me with a sour look.

"What was that all about?" He asked, gritting his teeth.

"What was what all about?" I genuinely didn't know why he was suddenly angry with me.

"You and Nicolas?" He retorted.

"Yeah, and? Olivia introduced us, I was just being nice." I spoke calmly.

"You looked like you were enjoying his company."

"I mean, yeah I guess? George, where is this coming from? Why do you care so much about me talking to Nick?"

George didn't answer me, instead he grabbed me by the arm and planted his lips right on mine. His kiss was hard and forceful, and his tongue darted into my mouth. I surrendered immediately, unable to resist the incredible sex appeal that oozed out of him. The heat in my nether regions ignited like a wildfire just as he broke away from our kiss. I sighed angrily at the sudden loss.

"You're mine. Remember that." He growls, his voice rough and seductive. I nearly faint as George brushes off his blazer and exits the bathroom, leaving me to my own devices.

I look into the mirror and clean myself up, reapplying my lipstick where George had smudged it. I was impossibly horny and needed to take a moment to breathe.

After feeling decent enough, I finally opened up the door to head back into the crowd.

Nick instantly locks eyes with me and waves me over. I thought for a second about what George said, but realized that I didn't really care what he thought. There was no harm in talking to Nick, and he was one of the only guys my age at this party.

As I walked in Nick's direction I could see George in the kitchen keeping a close eye on me. He was clearly seething with jealousy. I knew that if he could he would keep me attached to his hip for the rest of the evening, but he couldn't and that was infuriating him.

I will admit that in some kind of twisted way it was fun to watch him lose his cool when he saw me give another man attention. I felt like I was giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Whoop, look up!" Nick said, pointing upwards to the ceiling. A mistletoe hung above us, and I immediately knew what he was implying.

"Nick, I-" before I could say anything he boldly pressed his lips right onto mine, sealing our mouths into an uncomfortable wet smooch. I was too shocked to push him off so I just rolled with it. For a split second I'd forgotten that we were in plain sight of everyone's view, until he put his hands on my hips and pulled me into his waist. After snapping back into reality I quickly broke the kiss and slapped his hands off of me.

"I- I've got to go." I said shakily, feeling all of the color draining from my skin when I locked eyes with George, who was heading our way fuming.

"Get your bloody hands off me girl!" George said out loud, making everyone turn their heads. I audibly gasp and my eyes widen in fear. I swallow hard in an attempt to suppress the sudden nausea that flushed through me.

Realizing what he'd just said aloud, George cusses under his breath. I can see the wheels turning in his head, and he's trying to think of a way to explain himself but the damage is already done. Olivia walks up to him from behind with a look of fear and uncertainty.

"What did you just say?"


Okay I skipped ahead a little bit, so sorry about that. I wanted to spice things up. I hope that's alright! I stan a jealous George Lol. Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read this, haha.

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