Bedside Monster (House Beasts...

By Scarlet_Claws

190K 9.3K 2.8K

[Complete, + 18, MxM] Oliver, 28, human, is as normal as anyone can be. Wovyn, his new monster under the bed... More

The Cookie Monster
Morning After
Mother's Call
A+ Monster
At Dinner
The Shower
All Night Long
Breakfast in Bed
Over the Kitchen Table
A Little Olive Tree
Bedroom Manners
Stranding Up
Lola the Witch
Promises to Keep
Five Years Later

The Plan

8.5K 435 116
By Scarlet_Claws

"Don't eat that," said Oliver.

Wovyn frowned but obeyed. It smelled good. It had sugar in it. He wanted to put it in his mouth.

"You can't just eat raw dough, Wovyn, that's not how cookies work. They will be much better when they are cooked, that's why they are called cook-ies."

Wovyn kept pouting but didn't stop mixing. Oliver wasn't even next to him, he was all the way over there on the other side of the table. On top of that, he wore too many clothes. Wovyn was going to have to fix that soon. It was way too early in the morning, on a Saturday, to be this strict about licking spoons and wearing proper clothes. He had even kicked Wovyn out of his room to change - how rude! Just when Wovyn had convinced him that he didn't need to keep his pajamas buttoned up too.

He'd have his revenge.

"Wovyn, treat your dough with love. Glaring at it won't help anything."

"Alas, I can't," said Wovyn with a dramatic sigh.

Oliver rolled his eyes. Wovyn loved when he did that because he was always trying to repress a smile when he did - and always failed.

"Let me guess. A kiss would help?" said the human.

"Of course! What else?"

Oliver chuckled and wiped his hands on his apron. It was very cute; it had a little ghost on the front and the writing read "my cooking is to die for!" He then walked around the kitchen table and got up on his toes to lay a chaste kiss on Wovyn's lips.

Wovyn might have asked for more, but more would take time. Besides, he had a plan for later. It was an excellent idea. Just thinking about it made him chuckle darkly.

"There, now behave," told him Oliver as he returned to spreading the dough on ungreased pans. He did so very neatly, like everything he did.

Oh, how Wovyn wanted to mess him up right now. The kissing from this morning had awakened many hungers inside of him, none of which were sated. Heck, he was even getting hungry again - physically hungry, not metaphorically. Each time he caught Oliver biting his lip when he focused or licking something to check the taste he felt more and more like the monster he was. He was ravenous while presented with the most delicious of meals and yet he couldn't pounce on him - not yet.

Not yet. Soon.

"I think it's smooth enough, Wovyn," said the unsuspecting Oliver. "Why don't you come over here to spread them? The over should be nice and warm by now, they will be done in no time."

Soon, though Wovyn when he brought over his bowl. Right when the cookies were done.

"So, when will I be able to eat it without burning myself?" asked Wovyn.

"Jeezus, give it five minutes," said Oliver with a laugh. "I supposed you could try now, but I wouldn't recommend--"

As soon as he had said that, Wovyn had grabbed a cookie and attempted to shove it down his face. It was most certainly hot but cool than the burning point, all he needed was to hand for a few moments with his mouth open while breathing loudly. Oliver looked a little worried as he did that but didn't intervene when it was clear that the imp was fine.

"Delicious!" cried Wovyn when he had swallowed it all. He reached for another.

"No! Just one!" cried Oliver.

"But why not more?"

"Because they aren't meant to be eaten like that! Wovyn, don't be a savage."

Wovyn slumped down until only his frowny eyes poked from over the side of the table.

"Oh, don't be a drama queen," said Oliver as he tried not to laugh. "You'll get your fill in five minutes. Do I have to watch you now so that you don't steal them all?"

"But they are the most delicious cookies I have ever eaten in my life."

"Thank you, but flattery won't make them cool down faster."

Oliver scooted closer. He wanted to pet him. He had that look on his face that Wovyn recognized. Wovyn loved pets, so he didn't mind leaning his head against his hip to encourage him to do so. He was rewarded by timid fingers going to scratch that point behind his ear that he liked so much. And the moment it was touched he had to purr. If waiting meant being touched like that, he didn't mind all the waiting in the world.

"Seriously, though, you are not going to eat all of the cookies, right?" asked Oliver in a worried tone.

Wovyn looked up and answered seriously, for once. "No... on the condition that you promise to make some more. All for me."

There was a spark in Oliver's eye. "Maybe they don't need to be cookies next time. Those are easy to make a cheap, and that's why I give them away, but I could most certainly make something... that's a bit more complex, all for you."


"Yes! Like a cake, maybe. Or fruit tarts. Do you like apples?"

"I like chocolate," said Wovyn. "Like chocolate chips. Like what there is in the cookies."

"How about..." Oliver stopped scratching Wovyn behind the ear at the thought, tapping his lips with his pointer finger. "Raspberry chocolate muffins. I would have to go shopping for frozen raspberries, but that's easy to do and very tasty. Would you like that?"

"Muffins?" Wovyn's mouth was already watering just thinking about it. "That sounds deli-scrabulous."

Oliver paused and looked at Wovyn oddly. "All right, I'll bite. What does deli-scrabulous mean?"

"It's the ultimate tasty! It's delicious, scramble and fabulous."

"... Scramble? As in scrambled eggs?"

"As in apple scramble!"

Oliver stared at him, confused.

"You don't know apple scramble?" said Wovyn. "It's baked apples and there are a lot of scrambled crumbs on top..."

"But isn't that called an apple crumble?"

This time it was Wovyn that grew quiet.

"I'm pretty sure," continued Oliver, "that it's called an apple crumble."

"Do you know how to make them?" asked Wovyn excitedly.

"I do--"


"But shouldn't it be deli-crumbulous? Oh, you know what, never mind." Oliver gave him a few more scratches behind the ear. "I think that they are cooled down enough, I'll get the bags to put them in. Once that's done, you can have all the rest."

"And you?" asked Wovyn.

"I have my own. The ones you don't like."

"Sounds like you are missing out."

"Don't worry, Wovyn, I know the taste of chocolate chips cookies. I promise you that I am picking what I like most. Now, behave and I'll be right back."

Finally, the moment Wovyn had been waiting for arrived. Oliver turned his back to the tray and left the room, unaware of the large, triumphant grin of the imp as he watched him do.

When he came back with the bags, all of the cookies were gone, along with the trays, and Wovyn looked like the cat that had eaten the canary.

Oliver was not amused. He placed his hands on his hips and frowned at the naughty imp. "Wovyn, what happened to the cookies?"

"Amazing story, Oliver, you wouldn't believe. Suddenly there was a big gush of wind that slammed the window open and then woooooosh! The trays flew away!"

"Wovyn, give the cookies back."

"Aha, but it won't be that easy," said the imp smugly. "There will be a price."

Wovyn posed cheekily to emphasize his point. Oliver looked at him and made a long sigh. He was trying so hard to look disinterested but Wovyn had caught the unconscious flaring of his nostrils. The imp had no idea why Oliver was trying to hard to pretend as if he wasn't interested. He guessed that humans were complicated like that, he knew that they had some philosophy about not jumping too fast in bed with a new partner. He didn't really understand why they did that, but he guessed that humans lived in a world that was a bit more complicated than the one of imps. Not that it made it any better. In fact, in Wovyn's eyes, he would rather be himself than a human.

"All right, but you better not have eaten them all," said Oliver.

Wovyn's smirk grew bigger. He had won. Oliver clearly assumed that what he was asking for was a kiss - only it wasn't. Not exactly. He grabbed his human and pushed him over the table, holding him down by the wrists. The moment Oliver realized his predicament, he turned redder than a tomato. Wovyn purred in delight.

"What are you doing?" asked Oliver. His voice was a little squeaky but also breathless. "I didn't even clean the table!"

Wovyn didn't answer. He just licked his lips.

"Wovyn, you're just going to kiss me, right?"

Again, pointless question. Wovyn leaned in and kissed him. He was gentle and careful; he was rewarded by Oliver relaxing under him. He was lured in a false sense of security, really, but it was up to Wovyn to show him that it was all quite all right. Oliver had no reasons to be scared of him.

So he kept kissing him. He kissed him down his jaw and around his ear, listening to the other's breathing to see if he was getting into it, and then back to his lips. His hands entered the action, roaming over Oliver's clothed chest. As if to nag him, he wore a turtle collar pullover today, the sort of clothes that hung close to the body (and displaced Oliver's lovely form) but that prevented any sort of proper access. Wovyn reached up to the collar and pulled it down to allow his lips to tease the soft skin of Oliver's neck.

"That's more than kissing," said Oliver. He didn't seem worried yet. He was just commenting.

Once again, Wovyn found it easier to not reply. He knew that if he started to talk Oliver might use that to get out of the moment. The man said way too many damn words and didn't enjoy himself enough. Not that Wovyn minded. It was no secret that he thought that to be adorable when he didn't have to work around it.

Still focused on making him feel good, he made his other hand roam up and down the man's body. He dug and dragged his fingers a little over the soft fabric while being careful not to have it caught by his claws. This made Oliver gasp. Wovyn's ears perked up at the slight sound and he did it again.

"Wovyn?" asked Oliver.


"What are you exactly doing?"

The imp came back up to kiss him until he was entirely relaxed again. "Making you feel good."

"How much..." Olive bit his lip. They were already very pink from all the kissing they had been up to. "How far do you plan on going?"

Wovyn smirked. "As far as I can get away with, why?"


But he didn't say anything further. The hand that had been stroking his chest had just slipped under his clothes, doing the same thing it had before but directly on the skin. Surprised, Oliver gasped and squirmed a little, but didn't make an attempt at getting away or pushing him. He didn't protest either. Wovyn took that as an encouragement to continue with the rest.

His hand traveled a few times around Oliver's chest, teasing a nipple when he came across one. Oliver would tense a little when Wovyn ventured over sensitive spots, trying to spot himself from making any embarrassing sounds, and each time Wovyn kissed him until he relaxed again. It was a difficult balance. The imp wanted nothing more than to indulge in Oliver, as he would indulge in a treat, but then he also needed to remain mindful of what he was doing, more than with any other lover he had in his life. He wondered if this was the first time Oliver took it further than kisses. That would explain a lot.

When he was sure that he had gotten Oliver to the right place, he slowly lifted that shirt. Oliver's skin, so pale in the morning light that came in from the kitchen's window, reminded him of oh-so-lickable whipped cream. He was defined enough that the slight dips between muscles looked soft enough for sweet kisses to be laid there. Down low, right at the rim of his pants, the curls of his happy trail stood out, dark against the pale skin, so much more tempting than shy Oliver wanted to appear.

Wovyn licked his lips. As far as he was concerned, second breakfast was served.

"Wovyn?" asked Oliver hesitantly.

The imp looked up. "Yes?"

"I..." He seemed so conflicted now. He bit his lip and didn't speak anymore.

"Relax, Oliver. You don't need to worry about anything, all right?"

Oliver nodded hesitantly.

This time, rather than kissing his lips, Wovyn kissed down his chest, starting as high as the crumpled up clothes allowed him to. He moved down to one nipple, teasing it with his teeth and lips until it hardened into a point. He remembered how Oliver had reacted to that last night, how he had gasped. Wovyn guessed he was one of those that was sensitive there, although it seemed with how reactive he was that Oliver was sensitive all over. This time was no exception. Wovyn even heard a small moan as Oliver squirmed ever so slightly but this time he wasn't stopped. He was a little more relaxed when Wovyn repeated the whole process with the other nipple; it seemed like the imp's plan was going really, really well.

Strong with his previous success, Wovyn moved down. Oliver's breath fluttered when the imp's lips reached his navel so he took some time there but there was a more pressing matter at hand. In other words, the matter itself pressed against Wovyn's chest with every move: Oliver's tight pants were making no secret of the fact that the human was growing hard.

That was fine. Wovyn had gotten his own erection for a while now.

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