Little Miss McGonagall.

By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

22.1K 507 35

Following the death of her dear husband, Minerva McGonagall is left to do the one thing she had never imagine... More

"She's five."
For the First Time.
Child on the Brink.
Beatriz Isobel Urquart.
Escapes and Traps.
Nicolas Flamel.
Innocent Eyes.
Second Year Sparks.
Third Year Fancies.
Wolf on the Mend.
Year 3 Won't End.
Welcoming Speech.
New Students.
Shopping in the Snow.
12 Grimmauld Place.
Professor Umbridge's Fatal Attack.
Missing Home.
The Burrow.
Slug's Club.
17th Birthday.
Studying Muggles Alone.
Fighting your Demons.
Time to Stop.


1.4K 28 0
By I-Got-Krusty-Krabs

Severus wasn't pleased about many things but he was grateful for the chance to do the right thing, but it was a little too late. If he had just bitten his tongue and not told the world about the blasted prophesy the woman he loved would not only be alive but she would have been happier with her son and he would be nothing special, she would have only been special to those around her and no man would have killed her in cold blood, all so that Voldemort could have power in a world he didn't even know existed until he was 11.

The child had decided that she wanted to get up and go on an adventure through the room. Hands mingled with the heavy curtains and books were looked at. Eyes of curiosity were sent through the room and then an odd box was spotted. She didn't know what was in it but when she touched it a growl was sent to the girl and she flinched. Her hand didn't leave it though till the box was lifted and floated to a higher shelf she wasn't able to reach.

"Beatriz," Albus spoke calmly and she looked at him for a second before walking around the room suspiciously and then she walked out. Neither had noticed as they had been talking for quite a while, their conversation had engrossed them so much that they barely registered the other person before them. Small legs moved and even managed to get to the front door. At the school, the doors were too heavy to open but it appeared that Spinner's End had lighter doors as she managed to open it just by holding the handle and dropping her legs so that her arms forced it down.

The streets seemed like a glum place but Beatriz had never been there before so she walked out and then turned her head from side to side. Not many people seemed to pass and when they did they kept to their own person. Eyes down or forward but they didn't do anything else. As the door swung closed due to the wind it made Beatriz jump but she got over it in time and walked down the street. Roads looked to be cramped and the air a little thick but as she got all the way to the end of the pavement she felt her body be lifted and a familiar face met her.

"Abu." She spoke and smiled, playing coy, but he was able to see through it and he shook his head. Luckily she had chosen a time to escape at the end of the long meeting as Albus wouldn't have to go back, but as the pair passed the house on the corner, a man in black watched from the doorway. He watched as they walked down a path and then nothing more was visible of them but they never returned, Snape knew that they had left.

Albus felt a little surprised by her ability to just be busy and a little respect for Minerva being able to keep up with her at all times. Trouble was served on a silver platter for the little one but that wasn't an issue as soon it would be time to leave for the night at the Dursley residence. Lunch had been missed by them both and Beatriz had missed her nap. Not a combination Albus felt ready for.

"Jush," Beatriz spoke and planked her body in his arms once they arrived back at the gates. Albus had to walk to the kitchens and grab some food for them both. It seemed the little one was quite against being hungry. She had been a little rattier since lunch hit and the mischief picked up, as her hunger and need for sleep did. It was too late for a nap by the time they had left Severus' house though.

"Would you like a drink?" She nodded and began to flail about, a rumble left her stomach as she did this and she rubbed it, a lip pointed out as she looked like she could cry at any point. Albus wasn't accustomed to dealing with a child so young and especially alone but magic could prevent him from having to physically change the nappy but magic could do little else for her.

"Jush." She stated loudly and Hooch decided that it was perfect time to pass, and Rolanda smiled with her usual demeanour as she passed. A gut feeling of glee rested in her stomach as she felt glad that she didn't have to look after the baby. Minerva kept her on a close leash for a reason.

"Daisy." Albus had barely entered the kitchen when he spoke and the small elf appeared. She had been in something based around flour as it ran up her body and hands. With a snap though the flour was gone from her body and she watched as a little child was loudly crying. Tears were falling and bogies had formed, she was a beautiful little girl and as the tears dropped, her face seemed to grow sweeter by the minute.

"Daisy has some food if she would like it. Or would you like Daisy to take the child? Mr Dumbledore." Daisy was always up to be of service but the thought of caring for a child she knew to be trouble scared her a little but that would just be first-time jitters.

"Some food please, Daisy." The elf was gone and then she popped back. Cookies decorated a tray when she had come back and the large brown eyes looked so pleased to have helped Albus. After a further second, she was thanked and then Daisy left.

Beatriz was left to sit on the side as she ate the food but a hand had to hold his robes and her feet kicked the air before her. She may have been a child but it was clear that she knew what she wanted and not a thing would get between her and the end goal that was chosen.

When the food had been eaten Beatriz decided that she wanted to be carried but Albus knew the look in her eye. Sleep was heavy and with a full stomach it would be too easy to fall asleep but she had three or so hours until six. She might not last long enough to see it to the night and Albus couldn't let her nap for a second because then she would be wired. Minerva was always willing to warn him of that when she saw Beatriz trying to sleep later in the day.

"Peeves?" The ghost had been at the end of the hall and probably about to do something retched when a voice had called out to him and so the mischief had to stop so that he could float towards the voice that had spoken to him.

"I need to get work done but Miss Urquart here is a little tired. She can't be allowed to sleep though so all I need you to do is entertain her in my office for a while. I will be there though Peeves so don't think you will get away with anything." The poltergeist seemed to smile, accepting the challenge and staring at the girl who was tiredly wiping her eyes and walking at the side of the great man.

The two magical personages walked whilst Peeves flew off to meet them there and once Beatriz had got to the top she looked ready to drop asleep. Peeves had a hand of pens and a mischievous look in his eye as he saw the pair. "You won't regret a thing, kind sir." The ghost gave as a taunt and then he flew around the girl who was in the centre of a clearing, all alone and sleep filling her eyes.

For hours the poltergeist tried to get a reaction out of her but nothing was made. Despite the aggressive and odd approaches everything the poltergeist did she would hit back in her own way and Peeves was more entertained than she was. It was odd to Peeves that a child who was as mischievous as her wouldn't find the same joy as him, but her actions seemed to make him draw closer and want to spend more time with her.

"It is dinner now but thank you, Peeves. I have done all of my work and she is still awake for now, you are kind to me but I am sure that I can do something for you. I do believe that there just so happens to be one new professor who left here not all that long ago. In a day or two, the potions private quarters are to be put to use." The sly suggestion was one that kept him happy and he floated off. He tipped an imaginary hat at the pair before he left and Albus walked with an exhausted Beatriz. It was past six but she didn't actually have to be in bed until seven and she would be one feisty girl if she didn't get her three meals a day.

After the food had been eaten Beatriz was hanging in by a thread. Students saw the child and no professor and it was odd for her to be without her mother at her side. None of them dared to say anything though as they were sure that it had something to do with the events from only the night before.

Beatriz found that she was then made to walk to her bed until she was changed using magic and a yawn was seen. For a moment she looked like she may drop but she didn't and Albus picked her up for the first time since she looked ready to pass out. Tiny arms wrapping around his neck and her face moved to the crook of his neck and she fell asleep quickly, light snores were blurted into his ear and for the first time that day, when Dumbledore picked her up, she wasn't trying to pull on his beard.

Albus held her close and sat on the sofa, a book in his hand as he read up on what would be happening in the coming days until the whole school was quiet and students supposed to be asleep. It was then that he allowed himself to move and the pair were out of the ground so quickly that it felt like they had barely even left the room.

Albus clung on and hoped that the child would stay asleep. A shorter distance was travelled meaning that the child would be less affected, fortunately, she seemed to be sleeping still. Eyes were firmly shut and before much else could occur they walked 100 yards to the end of a street, passing a cat as they did so. "I should have thought that you would still be here, Professor McGonagall." He spoke after the lights from the street had seemed to disappear from view.

Before him, the tabby cat then stood up like a human as his blue eyes watched on. She walked slowly up to him and the sleeping child was taken from his arms like she hadn't seen the baby in years, and to her, it felt like years had passed since she had left for Privet Drive from Hogwarts. Nothing else on the matter of the child was spoken about.

"Do you think it was wise to trust Hagrid with the boy?" Albus gave her a side-eye as she held the baby close to her and wrapped her clothes around to keep warmth in. The pair had begun to quickly walk down to a house that Minerva wasn't entirely sure of, but Albus was.

"I would trust him with my life." It was a bold and brash statement but Minerva heard the truth in it as he spoke and so went to talk a little further, but the sound of a plane filled the air and so the pair turned around and a set of headlights met them as they watched a bike slowly chug to a halt before them on the street.

Hagrid was seen and he climbed off of the bike with a child in a wrap over his front, glasses being left to rest on his head and a hint of dirt was seen over his face. His hands moving to support the baby a little. "'e slep' the whole way." Came a gruff voice from the half-giant. The child was then handed from one to another as Albus took him and looked down. For a 15-month-old he seemed to be quite healthy and a little on the larger side, he was gorgeous.

As the boy was about to be laid down a scar was then seen on his head, it was a little lightning-like as it held a zigzag pattern. The pattern wasn't one that any of them had seen before and so clearly it was a result of the last night he spent with his parents.

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