Alpha Valiante

By SkittlesNdRainbows

422K 11.9K 1K

Madison Walcott: She's a twenty two year old werewolf with a dark past she'd rather forget. Trying to move on... More

Before we begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 33

8.1K 270 17
By SkittlesNdRainbows


"It's mine" he says looking at me

"Wha-ho-when did we get to your room?" I ask absolutely confused

"When I had you on my shoulders moaning my name" he says

"What?!" I screech

He places his head on my tummy laying on top of me

"Can we stay like this forever?" He asks and I play with his hair

"I wish we could dude" I say

"Dude?" He says looking up at me

"Yeah?" I say

"Baby, I'm not your dude. Or do you need another demonstration?" He asks

Gracious this man!


"You're mine"

"No one wil ever want you"

"You're worthless"

"You're ugly"

"It's all your fault"

"No one wants you around"

"You're useless"

"You will never amount to anything"



I open my eyes and I notice that I'm in a room.

It's not mine, nor is it Xavier's room

Where am I?

I try to sit up but I can't.

It feels like my hands are restrained


I look up at my hands and see that they're tied to the bed post


Where am I?

I look around and see that it's a bland room. Nothing much in it

There's a chair in the corner but that's it. There are no windows, no paintings. No life.

Oh no.

I recognise this room

No! No! No! No No!

I can't be back here. No!

Being here would mean that he's here!

I look down and see that my legs are tied too, but that's not what worries me

The fact that I'm naked worries me

No! Not again!

I can't be here again!

'Accalia?' I ask but I hear no response, in fact I don't even feel her


'Accalia!!??' I yell starting to panic, but still all I get is silence

'Xavier?' I ask in mindlink. I know it's futile because I can't feel he's presence

I'm starting to panic. I can't feel anyone in the pack. Not Alexa, not Alexis, no one!  It's starting to freak me out!

'Lexi?' I call out in my pack link. 'Lexi please' I whimper out. Where is everyone?

I hear keys rattle and soon the key is inserted into the lock. Someone's here. I hear the key click and soon the door opens and someone walks in.

A man. He's wearing black skinny jeans that do nothing to help his skinny legs and a black shirt

However, his fashion sense is not what I'm concerned about.

No. What concerns me is his face. It's the face that continues to torment me

"Hello my ugly little mate." He says with a sick smirk

"What do you want? Why am I here?" I say pulling on my chains causing them to dig into my wrist probably leaving marks as the chains are silver. He never did realize that silver doesn't really harm me, more like irritates me "I'm going to kill you Darren I swear to all of-"

"Now now, settle down. No need to blow a vessel" he says in the taunting voice I hate. "We're just here to have some fun, and finish what we started all those years ago" he says

"We?" I ask in a shaky voice

As soon as the question leaves my mouth the door opens and in walks my uncle.

He stands next to Darren as they stand above me smiling

The two men that tried to rape me

The two men that have tormented me.

They're here to finish the job they said.

They're going to rape me


My aunt walks in and so does Cynthia, not long and my brother joins them.

They all stand there staring at me

Calling me names.






"Waste of space"

"It's your fault" I make out my brothers voice

"Seems like our time is up" Darren says coming to stand in front of me. I vaguely hear someone familiar shouting my name but I can't focus on anything right now "It seems that pesky mate of yours wants you back. Not to worry, we'll have our fun soon enough little one"

"We'll get you soon enough little Maddie"

"We're coming for you"

"No one can stop us from getting to you"

"We're going to kill all of you"


"You're going to die painfully" Darren says

"We're going to kill everyone you hold dear, and then torture you" my aunt says


I jerk up see Xavier standing over me

I look around and see that I'm in Xavier's room.

They're​ not here. It was all a dream.

"What. The. Fuck?" Xavier says looking quite upset

"It's nothing. I'm fine" I say

"No! No you're not fine! What the fuck was all that about? Who are they?" He asks

"It's nothing Xavier" I say standing up to head to the bathroom "Forget i-"

"Fuck that!" He says standing up walking up towards me. He puts his hands on my face "What have they done to you babygirl?"

"I... I" I start but I can't muster up the strength to tell him

"Baby, I'm here. Tell me what those motherfuckers did to you" he says looking deep into my eyes

I take a deep breath look down

"When I was six years old my dad died. He.. He had cancer. I know it's unusual for werewolves to get human diseases but he got it anyways. It was tough on my family and when he died everything fell apart. My mom was never the very caring person, my dad was always the one that looked after us. She was there to take care of the house, he took care of us. So when he died my mom fell into a depression and she left us to fend for ourselves. Funniest thing is though that she cared for my brother and my brother? The one person that was supposed to take care of me after my dad, he turned against me. He made me believe that I-I killed my father. See when my dad died the nurses found all his medication that he was supposed to be taking underneath his pillow. M-My brother said he couldn't stand being around the abomination he had created. He couldn't stand seeing my ugly f-face anymore so he-he killed​ himself" I feel something run down my cheek and I realise that I'm crying

"Together my brother and my aunt made my childhood hell. All my family cared about was my brother, apparently he was the only one that lost a father. No one cared about Alexa and I. All they cared about was the only boy. We were all we had. She became my mother, father, sister, brother and best friend. We got treated like garbage while my brother got treated like a prince." I turn around and head towards the window looking out of it

"I fell into a depression. I couldn't understand why everyone hated me so much. I regretted being born as I felt like a burden to everyone. Mostly my sister. So I tried to end it. Tried to end it all. I was nine, the age of my first suicide attempt. It didn't work so I just kept pushing through" I sigh and sit down on the couch he has at his window. I can't bring myself to face him right now

"At eleven years old I believed I was doing better. I was out of my depressed state and I had met Alexis. I had this uncle that was on drugs. He would disrupt the peace in the house with his acts and we'd send him to jail. He'd come out claiming to be a changed person and we'd take him in only for him to repeat it and the cycle continued. At this time he was out of jail and he was clean for almost a year. Everyone had left and I had just come back from a doctors visit so the doctor told me to get some rest, Lexa was at work so I was home alone with him. I remember waking up to the feeling hands all over me. When I opened my eyes I-" I close my eyes reliving the memory "I was half naked with my uncle on top of me. I remember the look in his eyes when he realised I was awake. He looked pleased and he told me that no matter how much I yelled no one would hear me. I did yell. As loud as I could until my throat hurt but he just kept touching me. He took off his pants and the door barged open and Alexa and my uncle Yousuf walked in. He was sent to jail after that but I fell back into depression after that." I sigh

"One morning, I remember my mom, grandmother and brother talking and I remember my grandmother saying that she was worried about me. Then my brother said he was getting tired of me always playing the victim to get attention and my mother agreed. Saying this was all a stunt to garner sympathy and attention. That's when I had my second suicide attempt"

I look over at Xavier and he's just sitting there listening, unmoving with no emotion on his face

"Lexi and I were apart for a few years as she had to move with her family when I was fourteen. That was when I met Darren. I was already a broken person when we met. We dated for two years. The first year was great. I thought I was in love and I thought he loved me. Until I caught him cheating on me with my friend. I ended things with him but then he decided that he wasn't through with me. That's when it started. The beatings, the belittling. I kept trying to leave him but he would beat the shit out of me every time I tried. He hated me and he made sure I knew it. He used to carve the words 'useless' and 'worthless' in my arms. He, my aunt and my brother teamed up and made my life even more miserable. That's when I had my seventh suicide attempt. Luckily he had to move, but he never let me live in peace. Before he left though he wanted to and I quote 'leave me with something to remember him by' so he too tried to raped me. Luckily though I knocked him out before he got too far."

I sighed

"My family always used to use me to get money out of my sister. Eventually she got sick of them and kicked them all out of the pack. In total I've had twelve suicide attempts and I've fallen into depression four times" I say

"Wait, but what about your cousin Cynthia? What's her deal with you?" Xavier asks

"I have no idea honestly. She just has issues with my sister and I" I say shrugging

I wait for him to respond but he doesn't.

I look at him and he seems deep in thought. Like he's processing everything.

He looks at me and stares into my eyes with a look I cannot read. It's so intense it almost takes my breath away. A growl rumbles out from his chest and soon it bubbles out.


He leaves. Slamming the door as he leaves


He probably hates me right now. Probably wants me to leave. Hates me like everyone else

Probably thinks I'm pathetic and that I am responsible for my dad's death

He probably thinks that I'm broken and doesn't want me as a mate. I don't blame him. No body wants broken goods.

I'm sitting in my room self-reflecting when suddenly the door bursts open and Adam walks in

"Maddie!" He yells

"It wasn't me!" I say defensively

"First of all, hi Luna Queen guilty" he says with a smirk "Second of all, IT'S ALPHA YOU NEED TO COME QUICK!" he says

"Geez shut up. No need to shout" I say rolling my eyes

"Maddie seriously. Now!" He says

"Your Alpha doesn't want me." I say looking away "He doesn't care about me"

"Forgive me for saying this and I hope Alpha never finds out or I'll be severely punished but you are an absolute idiot." He says looking at me like I'm stupid

"What?" I ask extremely confused

"Alpha is on a rampage. A killing streak." He says "He has all the prisoners out of the holding cells and he's holding a public execution for them because he's pissed off because.. I don't know he keeps shouting 'They will pay', and that was right after he had a chat with you. What happened? What did you say to him Maddie?"

Oh no

I make my way downstairs and I see everyone looking so... Frightened.

Like they're all fearing for their lives

Fearing... Xavier

I hear a roar from outside and I see Xavier

Let me rephrase that

I see Xavier.

'Dayummmmmmmmmmmmm' Accalia says in my head drooling

He's shirtless and he has blood on him but I emphasise on

He's shirtless

He has tattoos and goodness knows I'm a sucker for tattoos

Or maybe I just like bad boys

Gracious knows Xavier is the definition of a bad boy

'There's no boy here baby. That's all man' Accalia says and I couldn't agree more

I see a pile of burning dead bodies on the left and there are more prisoners chained and bloodied kneeling to the right.

Almost as if sensing me he turns around.

He looks absolutely feral.

'And delicious' Accalia says

'Get it together you horny wolf!' I scold her 'This is not the time'

His eyes are golden, with a red ring around them

'Red ring?' Accalia asks

'No clue' I say

"Alexandria" he says in a dark voice walking right up to me and he grabs my face in both his hands "They're going to pay. I promise you my love."

"Every single one of them. They're all going to pay"


Author's note:

This chapter was really hard to write. Sorry for the long wait it was just very emotional for me to write this chapter 😓😪 but hopefully the fact that it's 2320 words can make up for the delay 🤗😇

Also please

Follow me on Instagram: @Skittle_Queen13

Follow me on TikTok: @SkittlesNdRainbows

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