Apollyon x Male Warden Reader

By Jet_The_Knight

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Apollyon, warlord of the Blackstone Legion. She began her campaign to find out those who were strong, who wer... More

Chapter 1: The Cornered Wolf
Chapter 3: Tales of war, intimacy and misplaced faith.
Chapter 4: Breaching the Palace.
Chapter 5: into the Myre
Chapter 6: Warfare and its great wisdom
Chapter 7: Friends old and new.
Chapter 8: We are War.
Chapter 9: An old Wolf
The story continues...

Chapter 2: Forced Alliance

11.6K 165 113
By Jet_The_Knight




(Y/n) startled awake, then hissed and grabbed his waist. The pain was still there from his 'test' by Apollyon and the interrogation knife stabbing, speaking of Apollyon.

She was standing over him watching him as he laid there clutching his wrapped up side and ignoring the pain in his leg.

Wait was he in a bed?

And Apollyon was watching him?

Looking up to find the familiar black armored warlord looking down at him curiously, he quickly went from suprised to angry when he realized who was in front of him.


"Yes. Me."

"Why don't you kill me already and be done with it."  (Y/n) scowled at Apollyon who chuckled behind her helmet.

"Kill you? Why would I do that to someone like you, you are strong. You are meant to be a part of My Legion, a true Warrior and Knight, a great Warden, MY wolf." Apollyon said casually chuckling at (Y/n)'s foolishness.

"I am no wolf! I am just a soldier meant to protect the people those who are civilized, from men and women like you!" (Y/n) yelled

"Civilized? No, we are not Civilized none of us. We are a species who craves violence and war, so why do we not embrace it? Become what we are truly meant to be? Wolves not sheep." Apollyon responded her voice now dripping with venom.

(Y/n) furrowed his brows at her.

"You are truly an vile woman Apollyon." 

"Hm, Evil...Vile these are the words you use to define me? You see me as your villian your challenge." 


Apollyon smiled in victory at (Y/n)'s sudden silence 

"What? Where is your venomous words Warden?" 

"You...I.." (Y/n) sighed in defeat and anger.

Apollyon smirked at his defeat 

"Then I will be your villain, I have an offer for you My Wolf" Apollyon said amusement in her cold voice.

"I will not join your Legion." (Y/n) spat out at her.

"Yes You will, that or stay in a cell and die."

"Then I'll die, see you at the gallows." (Y/n) growled at Apollyon 

"If You fight as a Blackstone Warrior and help me conquer the Vikings and Samurai, I will ensure that no civilians from the Vikings and samurai will be harmed." Apollyon said to (Y/n) sitting in the chair next to (Y/n)'s bed the one the apothecary used to heal him.

(Y/n) hummed in thought. He was a Warden meant to fight for peace if he must fight alongside murderers and cutthroats to ensure the safety of innocent lives?

Then so be it.

"Fine as long as you hold your end of the deal." 

Apollyon smirked as she reveled in her victory, he was her wolf.

"Of course, Come with me."

Slowly, (Y/n) got off the bed sighing at the wound's lingering ache then following Apollyon who waited patiently for him at the doorway. As he walked down the hallway trying his best to follow Apollyon's brisk pace (Y/n) contimplated his decision.

Did he do the right thing?

Or was he making the biggest mistake of his life.

He would soon find out.

Apollyon led (Y/n) to a large double exterior door and placed a sharp armored glove on his shoulder and led him through the doors. 

"Come My Wolf your old armor has sustain some damage, besides You will be wearing MY faction's colors. So I had a Blacksmith create this armor for you." Apollyon said walking (Y/n) towards an armor stand.

"Put it on. Then you will introduce yourself to your comrades." With that Apollyon left the room gathering her other highly skilled warriors. 

(Y/n) took a look at the armor it was new and looked good as much as he disliked the colors, finally he grabbed the armor and put it on.

Before putting on the helmet he sighed as he looked down at himself.

"I am a disgrace." (Y/n) muttered to himself 

"No, you are a Blackstone." Apollyon said as she walked into the room followed suit by four other Blackstone Warriors.

"These are your comrades, My second Holden Cross."

The biggest of the group stepped forward.

"So you are the one who killed all those men? Impressive." Holden stated, (Y/n) only frowned.

"No death is worth fame or glory." (Y/n) responded ignoring Apollyon's stare.

"This is Stone he is a great conqueror he joined us from the Iron Legion." Apollyon said walking to Stone putting a hand on his shoulder 

"Hey, 'Lone Warden'." Stone greeted simply. 

"Iron legion is better than this Legion I hope you see that." (Y/n) said back simply aswell.

"And that Peacekeeper is Mercy." (Y/n) looked over at the peacekeeper who just nodded at him he nodded back to her.

"And finally this our Warden a strong combatant."

"A fellow Warden? Why do you fight for them?" (Y/n) asked shocked.

"By oath, as do you." Apollyon answered 

(Y/n) turned towards Apollyon seeing his longsword held in her hands.

"Give me tha-"

"A beautiful sword, I'm sure it slain many foes." Apollyon said admiring the engravings.

"It has, most if not all were Blackstone." (Y/n) growled.

Apollyon laughed flipped the sword and caught the blade of the sword, and extended the hilt out to (Y/n) 

Slowly (Y/n) took the Longsword and held it up by the end of the handle the tip of the blade resting on the stone floor. Apollyon smiled to herself the hilt of the blade had more than just engravings on it, she had also noticed it had his name on it.

'So My Wolf's name is (Y/n)' Apollyon thought to herself whilst smiling he was her Wolf her (Y/n) he was adorable- then, snapping out of her thoughts she focused on her plan fantasizing can come later. 

"Now, We need to set our goals on the Vikings, and get through Valkenheim from the mountain pass, Holden. You will be leading the charge, The Warden will join you. As for you My Wolf, you will accompany me on cleaning up any remain encampments along the path to the fort. We will start in two weeks, if you are not healed by then My Wolf, then you will be locked back in that cell until you able to fight"

"I will be fine." (Y/n) muttered as he eyed Apollyon.


"Damn this cold!"  

"I hear ya. How do these barbarians live like this?!"

(Y/n) sighed at the annoying banter coming from behind him at the Blackstone base camp. He drowned out the conversation and focused on sharpening his blade, why did he do this? These Vikings these soldiers are probably innocent they were just defending their homeland.

"Warden, Master has called for you." A Blackstone knight said walking up to his tent. Placing the whetstone on the crate next to him he stood up grabbed his sword and went to find Apollyon.

Walking up to the hill Apollyon was standing on he stood next to her as she surveyed the land.

"Welcome, My Wolf. I am leading a battalion to mop up  any remaining Vikings on the path Holden took, you are to follow as my second whilst Holden leads the main charge." 

"Very Well, lead the way Then." (Y/n) said making an 'after you jesture' whilst following beside Apollyon her knights and soldiers following the two warriors. 

Over and over (Y/n) scanned the surrounding forest and cliffs for any hostile force, whilst Apollyon walked calmly waiting for the battle to come to her. 

After about an hour of silent walking and the whistling of the strong cold air,  they came across left over remains of a small confrontation.

One soldier foolishly walked out to check the body of a dead Blackstone soldier, as he went to check the body an arrow shot out from the treeline and hit the soldier in the eye blood splurted out of his face as he hit the ground dead before he even hit it. 

(Y/n) ran to the treeline dodging arrow and hiding behind trees every so often glancing around the tree to try to spot the enemy only to barely dodge another arrow. Looking to his left he spotted a Viking Valkyrie charging at him before he could react Apollyon slammed her shoulder into the Viking knocking her back.

The Valkyrie yelled out a battle cry and charged at Apollyon. The female Viking swung her spear, Apollyon ducked under it and swiped at the Valkyrie breaking a bit of the Valkyrie's sheild. The Valkyrie charged again jumping in the air and thrusting her spear downwards at Apollyon before the Viking could spear her, Apollyon dodged the strike making the Valkyrie stab her spear in the ground. Before the Valkyrie could rip her spear out of the ground Apollyon spun around using her momentum she sliced the Valkyrie's head clean off the head dropping away as the body went limp and dropped down blood spurting out everywhere.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds while (Y/n) was taking fire from archers. Apollyon turned finding (Y/n) running from tree to tree, already making progress from where she saved him.

(Y/n) had gotten to the archers and the Viking guard, quickly he dodged a swipe from the guard slit one archers throat stabbed another then charged forward dragging the archer he had impaled on his blade as the sheild forward. Each arrow hitting the corpse instead of (Y/n) he then threw the dead body off his blade then stabbed the last archer.

Then he turned and blocked a strike from the Viking Guard and slashed the man's torso cutting him. The man let out an angry yell and knocked (Y/n)'s sword out of his hand and tackled him. (Y/n) hit the soft snow with a thud. The Viking lifted the axe and slammed it down (Y/n) rolled out of the way and grabbed the long handle of the axe and backhanded the Viking making the brute release his grip on the axe. (Y/n) lifted the axe and slammed it into the vikings the abdomen pulled it out making the man hunch over then spun around and lodged the axe into the barbarians back.

As (Y/n) reached down and picked up his sword wiping the blood off with a sigh he closed his eyes and payed his respects to the warriors he had to slay. (Y/n) started down the hill regrouping with Apollyon and the rest of the Blackstones. As he walked up to battalion he watched as Apollyon ordered the soldiers and knights to execute the prisoners.

(Y/n) tried to ignore the agonized screams of the Vikings who were being slaughtered behind him. (Y/n) gripped the handle of his longsword tightly and took off his helmet and took a deep breath.

Apollyon walked up next to (Y/n) fresh blood on her armor.

"Well fought My Wolf. Now let us-" Apollyon looked over at (Y/n) who was breathing heavily with eyes closed calming his nerves.

"What have I become?" (Y/n) muttered to himself. Disgraced by what he had done.

"You have become a Blackstone (Y/n)." Apollyon said putting her hand on his shoulder for a second she then turned and walked away. Putting on his helmet he turned and followed the Blackstone army to the now opening gates. 

A few hours later and what's left of the Vikings had surrendered and Apollyon had wasted no time having Holden behead them. (Y/n) didn't watch, he only kills when the enemy has a fighting chance. 

"Uh (Y/n) right?" A voice said to him turning around (Y/n) saw that quiet Warden standing next him.

"Yes, you are a fellow Warden yes?" (Y/n) asked shaking the Knight's hand.

"Yes but people call me 'The Warden'." Warden answered.

"And You haven't corrected them or told them your real name?" (Y/n) asked curious.

"No, never felt the need to,  beside I like it." The Warden said whilst you both joined Apollyon and Holden at the line.

Holden raised his hand to signal the next Viking to be beheaded, a Conqueror forcing a big burly Viking over to the stump to rest his throat on. The Conqueror tried to push the Viking down but the Viking wouldn't move The Conqueror tried again but it didn't work. 

The Viking laughed at the Conqueror's weakness until Mercy flipped her sword held it by the blade and slammed the handle of the sword into the back of the Viking's leg making his legs buckle as he finally fell onto the stump. Holden lifted his pole axe and readied to slam it down on the viking's throat.


Stopping his momentum Holden looked over at Apollyon confused.

"Master. This beast killed at least forty soldiers. Including Davis." Holden said as he put his axe in the stump.

Apollyon turned and looked at Holden then spoke. "Do you know how to tell a predator from prey?"  She then glanced at (Y/n) for moment before continuing.

"You can't, of course. Unless you see them in war."  Apollyon continued.

Holden went silent as Apollyon reach down grabbed the axe and pulled it out of the stump then handed it back to Holden who slowly took it back.

Apollyon then turned and walked over to the Viking who was lifted to his feet by the same Conqueror

"Forty. Well done." Apollyon said, then the Conqueror pulled the Viking away and walked him away.

Apollyon then turned looked at Holden, then turned and walked towards (Y/n) walked beside him facing the opposite direction spared him a two second long stare then walked away.

(Y/n) watched her walk away then turned and shared a look with The Warden Holden then looked at (Y/n) who only shrugged.

(Y/n) turned and walked away towards the camp he set up in the fort with his fellow soldiers and knights. 

Taking off his helmet and setting his sword nearby he laid down on the makeshift bed he made on the floor and contemplated Apollyon's words.

He would have to find out Apollyon's plans one way or another...

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