By Heart_Beat98

72 0 0

A group of 6 girls have been hidden deep in thew maze in another 'glade'. Just like thomas they all had somet... More


Chapter One- Free

35 0 0
By Heart_Beat98



I wake up to the sounds of chatter. I look around to see Blade and Silver chatting away. URG, its way to early to be awake. The only reasons those shucks are awake is because Blade is a runner and Silver has to cook breakfast.

"Aye, Lazy butt wake up!" Skyler yells while shaking me. She starts laughing at my lazyness. For some reason from day one we have all already felt like best freinds, we laready know Silver and Porsha are sisters and Skyler and Blade are sisters. 

"Im awake, I can not be bothered. Like for real. You'd think being trapped in this hell of maze they would at least let us sleep." I say which earns a chuckle from Skyler. I get up and walk over to Blade who is eating breakfast. Porsha joins, as does Nova.

"So miss runner, find anything?" I ask as I take a bite out of the scrambled eggs.

"No, this shuck maze is so shucking annoying!" she says.

"Dont worry Blay Blay, one day we will get out." I say.

"I know and then all over the world people will say' OMG ITS BLADE THE FAMOUS RUNNER!" She jokes. I chuckle. "Well cya later shank" Blade says before she steps into the horro that is the maze. Skyler sits down next to me as she eats her scrambled eggs and toast.

"Hey Nat, hurry up and eat you have to garden those weeds." Sky says. Sky has become a much closer freidn than the others. Silver and blade, them two are besties. Its werid though, theyre oppisiotes kinda like porsha and Nova.

"Hello, earth to Nat!" Sky says waving her toast in my face. "You zoned out comple-" sky starts but is cut off by blade runing back into the glade. What? she only just left. Nova rises to her feet.

"Blade, what happened?" she asks. Yeah nova doesnt call blade blay blay that often, it would ruin her rock on personality. Blade takes a minnute to catch her breath.

"The..Maze...New..Door...I saw more people." She says. We all rise to our feet. My eyes turn into shock. WHAT?

"What? People? where?" Nova asks. 

"This way, everyone follow me!" Blade says we all run after her. we keep running until we see a opening. I dont like being in the maze. Its my first time and its creepy ive heard blades stories about the grievers. Same with Nova who went out one night to search for a 'deads griever' it didnt hurt anyone luckily.

"Wait, shouldnt we think about this?" Porsha asks. Ah porsha, the smart one. She always thinks before she acts. Unlike Blay Blay.

"Nah! RISE EVERYTHING MAN." Blade yells while running towards the openening, she waves her hands around like an idiot, we all laugh. 

"Im with Porsha." Sky says. "We dont know if theyre dangrous." she finishes.

"Okay how about we wait a minnute and see is blade yells or screams for help." Porsha suggests.

"Kay." I say to her. we all nod in agreement. We wait and hear nothihng. we all start walking slowly as if on cue. I feel a shiver as we get close. I step into their glade. I looka round everone looks shocked...its only boys. Thats odd.

"BLADE?" Silver yells out since no one can see her, we see them bring her out and her hands are tied.

"Theyre not very friendly." She remarks... NAHHHH! i think to myself. 

"Hey, let our friend go. Who are you people?" Nova asks taking control. 

"More like who are you?" A boy asks, he is very muscular and has darker skin than the rest.

"Im Nova, the leader of our little pack. Thats Sweet Silver Cook , Smartass Porsha med-jack,Miss girly AKA Nat gardener, Cray Cray Blay Blay Runner, Happy Sky second in command." Nova says giving us all little nick names. i chuckle at her name for me. its true i LOVE being girlay!

"The names Alby. Thats Newt, OUR second in command. Come with us were having a gathering." Alby says. There is alot more boys then there is us girls. 

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