Westlake Academy

By NerdyWolfGurl

15 0 1

Westlake Academy is a real school, I am not sure where it is located though This is a fiction book story, I n... More

New year, New Drama


7 0 0
By NerdyWolfGurl

 Dear readers, I hope you enjoy my story. I'll give you a little guide around the story so you won't get confused...

A: "Something" = Someone is talking

A: 'Something' = In their minds

?: "Something"  = Unknown

There ya go, if you forget you can always check this page anytime ^-^

I want to say thank you to my best friend, Flo Chelsea Lian for telling me about this app and for always being there for me when I need you the most

Again, keep in mind that this is just my Imagination\

Happy reading

Yours truly                                                                                                                                                                                  NerdyWolfGurl

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