Love Thy Enemy// Drarry

By Justeen_96

229K 10.8K 6K

"It's one of the commandments after all Harry, love thy enemy." "I'm pretty sure that's not one of the comman... More

↯PROLOGUE: an end and a beginning↯
↯chapter one: A MISSING PIECE↯
↯chapter two: I'M DONE↯
↯chapter three: LOVE THY ENEMY↯
↯chapter four: SMOKE AND MIRRORS↯
↯chapter five: UNHOLY TRINITY↯
↯chapter six: LEAVE ME ALONE↯
↯chapter seven: POTIONS PARTNERS↯
↯chapter eight: HOPE↯
↯chapter nine: FORBIDDEN↯
↯chapter ten: MORTAL ENEMIES↯
↯chapter eleven: FIREWHISKEY↯
↯chapter twelve: AN EXPERIMENT↯
↯chapter thirteen: HAPPY↯
↯chapter fourteen: IDIOT↯
↯chapter fifteen: A FIRST DATE↯
↯chapter sixteen: UNPREDICTABLE↯
↯chapter seventeen: LETTERS↯
↯chapter eighteen: INVISIBLE↯
↯chapter nineteen: DAY DREAMING↯
↯chapter twenty: CONFESSIONS↯
↯chapter twenty-one: UNDER PRESSURE↯
↯chapter twenty-two: I LOVE YOU↯
↯chapter twenty-three: SCARS↯
↯chapter twenty-four: TAINTED LOVE↯
↯chapter twenty-five: PANSY'S INTERVENTION↯
↯chapter twenty-six: I'M SORRY↯
↯chapter twenty-seven: A SCENE↯

↯EPILOGUE: happily ever after↯

8.5K 436 221
By Justeen_96

〘 EPILOGUE: happily ever after 〙

Several Months Later

"What are you reading babe?" Harry asked. Draco's heart fluttered in his chest as he looked past his blonde hair at his stupidly good looking boyfriend. 

"None of your business."

"Most things you do are my business since, you know, we live together." Draco smiled broadly. For the past month, Harry had been unable to stop bringing up the fact that the two of them lived together. He was always slipping this fact into every conversation they had together and every conversation with their friends. It drove everyone but Draco absolutely nuts. Hearing Harry say that they live together comforted Draco. It was something he had always fantasized about, a plain, boring, domestic relationship with Harry Potter.

What more could anyone want?

"Shut up." Harry held out the cup of tea to Draco who closed his book and took it with a smile.

"Can't." Harry said. "I just wanted to know what gave you that cute concentrated look on your face." Draco tried not to blush. Even though they had been together for quite some time now, Harry could still make Draco blush harder than anyone he had ever known. How was that possible? Usually, nothing embarrassed Draco. 

"Why? Do I only look cute when I'm concentrating or something?"

"No I think you look pretty cute when you orgasm too." Draco shoved Harry's shoulder as the dark haired boy laughed, his tea sloshing out of the cup a little. "Hey, this rug is nice Draco."

"Oh shut up. I think I liked it better when you were prudish."


"Shut up." Draco was blushing red all the way to his ears as he drank his tea. Harry kissed his cheek and Draco flipped him off. Harry just grinned, setting his cup down before heading to the kitchen to get a towel and clean up the spilled tea. Draco tried not to admire Harry's ass in his jeans but it was kind of hard. 

"'Mione wants us over this weekend by the way."

"Us, us?" Draco asked with a sigh. 

"Yes, us." Harry said, half rolling his eyes. "You know, they do like you now right?" Draco frowned and went back to his book.

"Could've fooled me." He grumbled. "Last time we were there, Ronald glared at me the whole night and your first and last girlfriend bombarded me with questions and accusations and..."

"You do know her name right?" Harry asked, arching an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes but I prefer to call her your first and last girlfriend because it makes me feel better about the fact that my boyfriend plays for both teams and could potentially leave me for literally anyone who suits his fancy and..." Harry chuckled.

"Babe, your rambling is almost as bad as mine."

"I was not rambling I was telling you how I felt and you interrupted me." Draco said with a frown as Harry finished cleaning up the tea. Harry chuckled again.

"Okay, continue."

"All I had left to say it, that I don't like thinking about how you could be with anyone other than me." Harry smirked as he stood back up. He lightly brushed back Draco's hair.

"Good thing you're so fit then right?" Draco scowled.

"I'm just a warm body to you aren't I." Harry just smirked. "Fuck you." 

"Draco, I wouldn't stay with you for months if you were just a warm body. I wouldn't move in with someone if all I wanted to do was shag them." Harry said, going back to the kitchen.

"Well how would you know? You've only shagged two people in your life." Harry laughed, coming back into the living room without the towel.

"I just know. Okay, Draco?"

"Not okay." Draco countered. "Because..." Harry leaned in and kissed his boyfriend. 

"Whose idea was it to move in?"


"Who thought it was a good idea to have your parents and I formally meet?" 

"Yours and it was a wretched idea. They invited you over for Christmas Harry."

"It was fun!" Harry said with a large grin.

"Ah yes, all us former Death Eaters and the Chosen One all in one room for a fuckin Christmas party. God the room had some much tension you could have cut into it and served it for dessert." Harry laughed and plopped down onto the couch next to Draco. 

"That's what made it fun. Besides, didn't you love my christmas present." Draco just stared at him.

"You put a bow on your head and said Merry Christmas bastard." 

"Yeah but... All I was wearing was the bow." Harry said with a cheeky grin.

"God, don't remind me. Our house elf walked in on us remember? God I'm positive he ran and told my father after he saw us. Father couldn't look at me proper for days afterwards." 

"I told you to spell the door shut."

"You should've done it you bastard! You knew what you were doing. I was too... Shocked." Harry grinned. 

"It was a cute look on you." 

"Yes, yes. I'm fucking cute. Tell me something I don't know."

"Hermione likes you." Draco rolled his eyes. "Luna likes you too."

"Luna likes everyone."

"But she liked you before any of us did. You used to tease her and she would say that it didn't matter. She would just brush it off."

"Because she's a good person and I highly, highly doubt Hermione Granger likes me after all the horrible shit I said to her over the years." Harry smiled and kissed his hair lightly. 

"She told me about how you apologized to her last month." Draco blushed red. 

"She didn't accept my apology. She just said she appreciated it." Draco mumbled out. 

"Babe, she never thought she would ever hear you say you were sorry. When she said she appreciated you apologizing, it was her saying that she forgives you. She's seen how much you've changed. She's told me so herself." Draco frowned, not believing him. "She apologized for punching you in the face didn't she?" Draco shrugged.

"I deserved it."

"It was funny." Harry said with a snicker. "Come on babe, lets go hang out with our friends please. Invite Blaise and Pansy." Draco scoffed.

"And have another catastrophe like the New Years Eve Party? No thanks." 

"It wasn't..."

"Pansy and Ron nearly killed one another during the countdown because they're bloody dramatic. If you don't think that's a disaster..."

"A disaster would have been if they actually killed one another." Harry pointed out. Draco just glared at him. 

"I hate how unbelievably optimistic you are about everything."

"And your pessimism is cute." Harry said, kissing his cheek. "We're hanging out with our friends and that's final." 

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

"Hello Harry, Draco. Come in." Hermione said with a pleasant smile, kissing Harry's cheek. She smiled warmly at Draco who kind of wanted to run back down the hall and disappear. Ron and Hermione were having a house warming party. The two of them had just moved into a posh new apartment thanks to Hermione and Ron's new jobs with the Ministry. They were both finally making enough money to get their own place together and the pair couldn't be happier. 

"Ah look what the snake dragged in." Ginny called out. "My ex and his boyfriend." Harry laughed as he hugged her. "How've you been Chosen One. I never see you anymore."

"I'm busy." Harry said, taking Draco's hand again. If he didn't keep an eye on his boyfriend, he might just leave the party. 

"Too busy to see your friends? Fuck you too." Ginny said. Harry just grinned. "What have you been up to? How's the teaching thing going? They actually going to let you back into Hogwarts as a Professor?" Ginny demanded. 

"I think so... At least McGonagall thinks it's a good idea. I have to take a couple classes but I think it's a done deal."

"Shit, glad I don't go there anymore. It would be horrible to have your Ex as your teacher. That's a rubbish storyline just waiting to happen." Harry grinned. "And what about you Draco? Still haven't decided?" 

"I'm thinking of selling Harry's stuff on the blackmarket. Everyone wants a piece of the Chosen One." Harry hit his boyfriends arm.

"You know, that's smart. I have a jumper of Harry's still. I should sell that."

"Is it the dark green one I love? Ginny, you should give that back."

"Nope. It's mine now. Fuck off Potter." Ginny said, walking away and making Harry laugh. Draco frowned. 

"Oh don't pout. She's my friend. 'Mione has a jumper of mine too that she took one winter back in fifth year." 

"Okay but Hermione was never your girlfriend." Draco grumbled. Harry kissed his temple as the doorbell rang. 

"Ah, must be Pansy." Hermione said. "I can feel Blaise's agitated magic from out here." Draco glared at Harry. 

"Hermione invited them. They said yes." Harry said. 

"Yes but you're the one who probably put it in their heads that they should come. This is a house full of fuckin Gryffindors." 

"And a Hufflepuff." Harry reminded him. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Point being, green and red don't mix."

"We did." 

"Shut up Harry." 

"This is our new normal. We have to all get used to being around one another." Harry said as Hermione greeted Blaise and Pansy maybe a bit too enthusiastically. Harry waved at the pair of Slytherins as they stepped into the room.

"You have good taste." Pansy said, scanning the room. "I'm assuming you decorated Granger. Ron couldn't have done this."

"I helped." Ron said from across the room.

"He helped carry things into the apartment but I decorated, yes. Thank you Pansy." Pansy then shoved the potted flower she was holding into Hermione's hands. 

"That's for you granger. Don't kill it."

"It's beautiful Pansy, thank you." Pansy blushed slightly and squeezed Blaise's hand before the two of them made their way over to Draco. 

"You've been avoiding us." Pansy accused. 

"I'm not avoiding you. I'm busy."

"Same thing." Blaise said.

"Oh don't take her side." Draco said with a scoff. "I liked it better when you were neutral about everything." Draco said with a shake of his head. Blaise smirked. 

"I heard you got that reporting job you wanted." Harry said to Pansy who arched an eyebrow at him. 

"How'd you hear that?" 

"Rita wanted me to know. I think it was her way of saying that you'll basically be spying on us all the time now." Pansy flipped her hair back.

"I'm taking mental notes as we speak. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley move into a posh apartment together. Is it true love or just a fling?

"Hey!" Ron shouted, half-way across the room. How he had heard with so many other people talking and laughing, the group didn't know and it made the four of them burst out laughing. 

"Sounds like a great story already." 

"Doesn't it though?" Pansy said with a smirk. "Come on Blaise, I spy alcohol." She said, pointing to the kitchen counter. Draco licked his lips slowly, still smiling. 

"What's with the face?" Harry asked.

"I... I just never thought that I would be... This happy ever again." Harry smiled at him lightly

"I'm glad you are." Harry said. "The Chosen one and his arch-nemesis deserve a happy ending after all right?" Draco laughed.

"Yeah, I think we do."


well how was that ending??? I'm quite fond of it myself. I'm sorry if the whole story felt a little.... Rushed. I didn't mean for it too. But everything seemed to happen very quickly, at least for me as I was writing it and I think that's kind of how a Drarry relationship would go. I think Draco would fall for Harry rather quickly, because obviously he's loved him from afar for forever, and I think Harry would feel the same because he feels this weird, deep connection with Draco after all these years. 

I hope you all enjoyed this story! I have another Harry Potter one if you're interested. This one is about Dramione though, sorry. All of our favs are in it though!!! Ginny, Ron, Harry, (obvi). If you're interested, go check it out on my profile. It's called Magnets. I also have a bunch of other stories for... a bunch of other things, 1D, Hunger Games, 5SOS, Marvel, etc. 

If any of that suits your fancy, go check my stuff out! If not, I really appreciate you reading this story and voting and commenting on it. Much love!!


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