Death of the Elements

By jloken

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It was dawn when soldiers came for them. The elementals had come to Loordania to live peacefully but instead... More



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By jloken

She saw them when they were miles away, her orange tinted scope zooming in on the moving black dot automatically. Her job was made even easier from her elevated position, nestled in between three intertwining rock spires that jutted almost straight out of the ground. The area all around her was full of jagged boulders and hidden caverns, the last remnants of a once great mountain range. Unless they knew right where to look no one would ever see Daara. Her armor and modified rifle had been painted the same deep brown as her surroundings, the skilled sniper following the vehicle with as little movement as possible. They were heading straight towards her but it still took nearly ten minutes before Daara was able to make out it was a Loordanian scouting buggy. Her tan finger came up to her ear, hitting the small device inside.

"Malin, someone is coming." She reported in a soft tone.

"Who?" A scratchy male voice replied in her ear.

"A Loordanian scout. It's heading right for us."

Daara furrowed her brow as she looked at the driver.

"I think it's Bannon? And there's others with him."

"Bannon? Probably fleeing the city. Any soldiers with him?"

"No." She responded while studying each member of the odd group. "Just an old man, a couple kids, and a few other randoms."


Malin stood up and moved closer to the screen to hear what the reporter was saying. His long grey cloak dragged against the floor as he approached, his fierce grey eyes staring at the screen as he scowled. Malin ran his human hand though his short black hair as he double checked no one else was within earshot. His room was long and narrow but scarcely furnished; white stone chairs circling a long table in the center. His bed was just a stack of blankets with two more of them hung over the entrances as doors. Good, he was alone. He stared intently at the small cracked screen mounted on the wall, bringing his metal hand up to stroke his clean shaven chin. His fingers were thin black metal, running almost to his wrist before widening out to form the palm.

"Following the death of Princess Quara, the High Regent has issued a reward of a hundred million Loorils for the safe return of his eldest daughter and now only surviving heir, Analie." The reporter narrated while a picture of Analie appeared over her shoulder.

A hundred million Loorils? The word 'retirement' sprang to mind as a grin spread across his face.

"Is the princess with him?" Malin asked his top sniper, clenching both his fists as he tried to stay calm.

"Yea, it does look like her."

"Let them in. And tell Shao to get ready."

"You got it."

"And get down here. Might need your gun."

Malin turned off his transceiver and laughed loudly, his voice carrying through the halls of the massive cave. Bannon tried to quit the game and ended up bringing him the biggest score of all.


Bannon slowed down as he neared the hidden base, waving a hand in the air while hoping Daara or Wiq recognized him. There was really no way to tell; they were either going to shoot him or they weren't. Bannon wanted to speed through the unknown but couldn't; Malin and his followers had picked this place for a reason. Jagged rocks jutted up out of the ground everywhere, Bannon creeping over them as he tried not to pop a tire.

"There's someone up there!" Mireen shouted suddenly, pointing up to a ledge ahead.

Bannon smiled when he saw Daara waving him on, ignoring Analie's raised eyebrow as she eyed the feminine outline above. Even as close as they were the entrance was still concealed, Bannon driving straight towards the massive rock ahead. He could feel the questioning looks from his group as the buggy neared the wall, Analie grabbing his arm when the sand suddenly dropped sharply. They quickly picked up speed as they headed down the sharp slope, going well underneath the rock that had seemed unavoidable only a few seconds earlier.

As soon as they were past the rock they were suddenly on solid ground, Bannon driving them inside a massive cave. He smiled at returning to his old home, looking for familiar faces while they passed by five ships sitting inside in various states of repair. There were at least a dozen people working on one of the ships and another dozen engaged in other activities spread throughout but he only recognized a few of them. Mireen leaned most of her body outside of the vehicle, Elhar's daughter fascinated at the alien races she had never seen before. Bannon recognized the red and scaly reptilians; they were Diaelee, but he didn't recognize the woman. She was taller than everyone else here and had splotchy black and grey skin with curved white horns jutting out the sides of her head. As they passed she turned and gave them a passive wave, her jagged black fingernails longer than her fingers.

"What are they?" Mireen said to no one in particular.

"The red scaled ones are Diaelee. They live on Tierqla." Her father smiled. "I've never seen anything like that woman before."

"She's a Sondanlt." Jazun informed in his always impassive tone. "They're slavers and assassins. She must be quite the castaway to end up here."

"There's elementals too!" Mireen said, pointing to an older man who had the same waterfall tattoos as her.

She turned to Jazun, her dad looking a little offended at the disregard.

"Do you think they'll help us?" She asked excitedly.

"I wouldn't count on it. Most bandits are cowards; loyal to nothing."

Bannon couldn't tell if that was a slight at him or not but didn't press the issue now; instead looking for his old leader.

He parked their stolen buggy at the far wall of the cave, ending up by one of the few ships that appeared to be actually intact; an old transport cruiser he didn't recognize, its weathered white sides stained a dull red from the sand. Malin was waiting for them there, looking menacing even with a smile and outstretched arms.

"Bannon you magnificent bastard!" He shouted out to him before the buggy even stopped.

He was a callous man but Bannon was damn glad to see him. Bannon gave a happy shrug to Analie before leaping over the buggy's door to give the large man a hug. Malin picked him up off the ground, squeezing him tight with a bellowing laugh.

"Glad to see you made it out of the insanity." Malin said, smacking Bannon on the face with his metal hand.

He let Bannon go when he saw Analie coming over to the two of them.

"And you brought that beautiful princess of yours. It's an honor to meet you Princess Vorza, this one used to talk about you all the time."

Analie opened her mouth to reply but Mireen interrupted, Elhar smiling nervously at his daughter.

"You got some food?" She shouted fearlessly, staring at Malin as he laughed even harder.

"Of course. We must catch up over food and drink. Come."

Malin put his arms over Bannon and Analie's shoulders as he guided him down the tunnel.

Bannon had sworn he would never return to this place but he felt a huge wave of relief as Malin swept him through the familiar halls. They had never been on the same page about anything but he had been a mentor when Bannon needed one the most and he would forever be grateful for that. The rest of the group followed after them down the confusing maze of tunnels up to a fraying sheet hung over an entrance that Bannon knew led to the dining hall.

"Please." Malin directed as he held the makeshift door back.

Bannon led the seven of them into the long and narrow room, smiling as he reminisced back to all the times he had had around this stone table. It has been set for eight, taking up about half the table, with fresh bread and meat already placed onto simple brown plates. Elegant, and undoubtedly stolen, goblets of water and silver forks accentuated each place, Mireen sitting down at the first seat and tearing into the bread. Her brother, Xarin, looked up at their father for permission before copying his sister. Bannon had been so caught up in keeping Analie safe he had almost forgotten about Mireen and Xarin; they were hardly in their teens and they just had to abandon everything they had ever known.

"Come, sit, eat. Don't waste on ceremony here." Malin said, waving his hands in towards himself in large circles as he took the seat at the end.

Bannon and Analie sat on either side of Malin, Elhar and his hungry kids already sitting next to him while Rizu and Jazun went around to the other side, Jazun moving very close to Analie as he took his seat.

He wanted to catch up with his former mentor but the first bite of bread let lose the hunger he had been containing for nearly a day. No one spoke as they all crammed food into their mouths, except for Malin, leaving him to watch with a patient smile.

"So, what are your plans now Bannon?" Malin asked after a minute or so, Bannon tearing into the meat now that his bread was gone.

"That's why we're here. We need to borrow a ship that can make it to Arenja." Bannon said, taking one more bite before setting his food down to talk seriously.

"Arenja? Why would you ever go there? That whole place is just monsters and trees." Malin retorted.

"We are t," Bannon began before Jazun cut him off.

"Are you going to help us or not?"

"And you are?" Malin replies with an amused smile.


"Well I didn't mean to waste your time by feeding you." Malin growled.

"Malin, I only need to borrow a ship." Bannon said, hoping his old friend would ignore the dark elemental's comments. "You know I'll bring it back as soon as I can. Please Malin, when have I ever not been truthful with you?"

Malin turned to face him, smiling again. Something about his expression sent a hint of fear through Bannon's mind. Should he have brought them here or was he just being paranoid?

"That's true, you were always loyal. But you never did grasp why it is we do what we do Bannon. Loorils." He said, standing and drawing two pistols on the last word.

A dozen armed men and women flooded into the room in the same instant, their various weapons pointed at each and every member of the group. Bannon recognized most of them, seeing the Diaelee called Thurn give him a smile as he pointed a rifle at his head. Anger erupted inside of Bannon as he looked at his former friends holding guns on at everyone he loved. He glared furiously at Malin, the man pointing both his pistols right back.

"A hundred million Loorils will be enough for all of us to spend the rest of our days how we please." Malin said, staring at the princess now.

"What in fire's name are you talking about?" Bannon shouted, his eyes never leaving Malin's.

Malin laughed loudly down at Bannon, sending Xarin into tears next to him.

"You clueless fool! In all your commotion to get out of Loordania you must have missed it! There's a hundred million Loorils just waiting for whoever brings back the High Regent's precious daughter."

He watched Analie's face turn red with hatred while Elhar held his kids close. Meanwhile Rizu was grinning with excitement and Jazun was still eating. Did they know something he didn't?

"I'm not trying to go back." Analie said through clenched teeth.

"A hundred million Loorils says differently." Shao said as she walked into the room.

Bannon should have known something was off when she hadn't been at Malin's side. The skilled killer was as viciously beautiful as ever and her skimpy leather attire flaunted it. Her tall and slender body was covered in flawless tan skin, dimples forming on her cheeks as she smiled wickedly. She flicked her long black hair out of her face as she eyed everyone in the room, Bannon knowing she was gauging who she would shoot first if anything happened.

"You said it Shao. Take the princess away." Malin nodded to the female bandit.

Analie struggled as two other bandits grabbed onto her arms and dragged her screaming out of the room. Bannon lunged at them but a large pale man he didn't know forced him back down into his seat.

"I trusted you Malin!" Bannon shouted abhorrently.

"Well that was clearly a mistake then wasn't it?" He chuckled before addressing the rest of the captives. "As there's no money in it I'd like to let the rest of you go but since you know where we are..."

Bannon felt the air grow heavy as he suddenly struggled to take a breath. As soon as he broke eye contact with Malin he saw it; a black haze emanating from around Jazun. Next to him Rizu rolled out of his seat onto the floor, Bannon finally realizing what was about to happen. He tried to do the same but Jazun was too quick. Black wings sprouted from his back that appeared to be made of smoke, cutting the two guards standing behind him into bloody pieces. Before the dead bandits hit the floor Jazun had disappeared from his seat; appearing behind Malin an instant later. He wrapped an arm around the bandit's forehead and pressed a curved knife to his throat.

"I have other plans than dying in a damn cave. Put your weapons down or I'll open his throat for all to see." Jazun said viciously, his black wings spread out wide behind him.

Shao laughed at him as she sidestepped for a better shot, putting her rifle to her shoulder and taking aim; the rest of the bandits nervously following her lead.

"We're bandits demon. Changes in leadership are encouraged." Shao explained, Malin's eyes full of fear now as he looked up at his second in command.

Jazun smiled back at her, dropping Malin and the knife as he held his palms out towards her. Thick clouds of darkness that looked just like his wings exploded out from his fingertips and attacked the bandits, encircling the table in an instant. He saw Shao throw herself out of the room just in time before Bannon was blinded by the smoke. It moved all around him but didn't attack, his teeth chattering as a deep cold cut through to his bones. One lone scream managed to cut through the smog before they were left in silence. It vanished with a snap of Jazun fingers, the dark elemental standing there with a pleased expression while Bannon and the others stood stunned. There wasn't a single trace of his former allies left.

"I know. I just needed you to point your guns at me." Jazun smirked to the nonexistent bodies.

Malin had been close enough to the dark elemental to avoid the attack and he tried to stand up now but Jazun slammed his head down against the stone table before he could. The slender dagger was back in Jazun's hands before Bannon could blink, watching as it was sent in through Malin's ear up to the black and gold handle.

"Shit." Rizu exclaimed, using his one hand to pull himself up off the floor. "You had me worried for a second there."

Shao was back in the room before Rizu could answer, firing her plasma rifle wildly as she brought her gun up towards Jazun. The hundreds of red rounds cut into the stone table before moving up through Elhar's torso. Bannon froze as blood sprayed out of his old friend's chest. Elhar's head slumped down onto the table with a thud, Bannon looking next to him to see Xarin had been hit even worse. The top of the poor boy's skull was missing, leaving his brains exposed as he wavered lifelessly in his seat. Rage took over Bannon as he stood up, fire filling his hands without a thought. Shao had finally got her rifle under control, the ferocious woman grinning as the bursts of plasma found Jazun. The dark elemental laughed wickedly from across the table, the rounds vanishing into his black wings as he wrapped them around in front of himself.

Shao was so focused on Jazun she never saw Bannon until it was too late. He hardly knew what he was doing himself until he was right next to her, the flames from his hands blinding him as he unleashed his fury upon her. Her screams echoed off the cave walls, Shao dropping her weapon and falling down onto her knees while the intense heat seared the right half of her body, melting the metal facets of her armor right to her skin.

He wanted to stay and watch her die. He wanted to go to Elhar's side and make sure that Mireen was alright but those wishes fell away behind what he knew he needed to do. He was going to get his love back and kill anyone standing in his way.


Rizu held his beating chest and tried to recover from the excitement, thinking of his own family as he watched Mireen weeping over her dead father and brother. He expected Jazun to run after Bannon but instead he strode over to the bandit Bannon had left burned. She was somehow still alive but the right half of her body had been burned black, her hair and flesh long gone. The bandit grunted in determined pain as she tried to crawl out of the room but she was only able to use her left arm.

Jazun had pulled the dagger from Malin's head and was now twirling it skillfully in his fingers as he stepped onto her back to stop her. A malicious smirk ran across his face when he grabbed the bandit and pulled her up by her neck, her burned skin shedding off at his touch. She cried out helplessly as he immediately threw her back down at Mireen's feet. The brunette girl looked over at the two of them, tears streaming down her face as she held her dead father in her arms. Shao screamed again when Jazun grabbed onto her burned shoulder and forced the bandit up onto her knees in front of the family she had destroyed. He palmed the dagger and offered it out to Mireen, the girl staring at it with wide eyes.

"She's just a girl." Rizu told his old friend, knowing his vengeful mind.

Mireen took the bloody dagger from Jazun's hand without hesitation, grabbing its intricate handle tightly. Her blue eyes, puffy and red from the tears, stared hard at Shao; the bandit matching her gaze fearlessly with her one remaining gold eye. Mireen's hand moved quickly, sweeping the dagger's sharpened blade across the woman's neck. Shao tried to put a hand to her throat but Jazun held her back, Mireen watching fearlessly as blood sprayed out from the bandit's neck like a red waterfall. She managed to choke out a couple breaths before going limp, Jazun pushing her body aside. With her vengeance complete Mireen turned around and went back to crying over her dead family, still clutching the knife as she put her head on her brother's chest. Jazun moved over to them, gently pulling Mireen to her feet.

"Mourn later. We have to go." He told her simply.

Mireen nodded, wiping the tears from her face with her hand and replacing it with the blood of Shao and her family.

Jazun led Rizu and Mireen through the narrow paths back to the large cavern where they had first come in, the sounds of gunfire reaching them just before the smoky smell of a fire. The hanger looked very different now with most of the bandits in the room lying dead, crates and bodies left smoldering, and deep black scorches running across the floors and walls. He was strong for his age.

"Anger suits him." Jazun chuckled as Rizu spotted one of the ships lift off of the ground.

Behind it Bannon was in pursuit, incinerating two more of the bandits with one hand before leaping up onto the back of the ship. The fire elemental clung onto the clear dome that had once housed a turret, impossibly hanging on as it headed out of the chaos.

"Don't let the burner escape!" Some of the remaining bandits yelled as they fired after him, Rizu letting go of Mireen's hand as he called his energy to him.

He clenched his fist over his head and said a few words before punching it downwards across his chest. The rock ceiling of the cave gave one tremendous shake before a massive slab dropped free, smashing down onto the bandits before they could get a clean shot. Rizu smirked. Old but not useless.

"The ship." He shouted to Jazun, pushing Mireen between them as the dark elemental ran towards it.

Jazun made it to the whitish-red ship first, quickly vanishing inside of its open doors.

Rizu and the young water elemental hurdled the dead bodies in the way and reached the doors together, turning inside to see Jazun face to face with a female bandit seated in the pilot's chair. She had clearly been attractive before having a run in with Bannon, parts of her face already starting to crack and bleed from burns. Jazun was inches away from her, smiling as his hands ran up her sides. She wasn't fighting or reaching for the long rifle next to her, the woman captivated by his blue gaze.

"Sorry to do this to you beautiful but we need this ship." He said softly, his voice soothing.

She nodded and stood up, her eyes staying on Jazun as she backed slowly out of the ship. Rizu pushed Mireen past her and closed the doors behind them, Jazun already at the ship's helm as he engaged the engines.

"Still so chivalrous." Rizu taunted as they began to take off.

Jazun grinned, his wings disappearing when he leaned back into the seat. The cruiser kicked to life, Jazun firing the thrusters hard. Black smoke poured out the exhaust, Rizu clenching as they flew up towards the narrow gap in the cave walls. The loud scrape of metal against rock made him cringe as they passed out into open sky, Jazun hitting the top of the ship on the cave above. As soon as they were free Jazun steered towards Loordania, easily picking out the bandit's ship lumbering ahead in the empty desert.

"Rizu can you still fly with one hand?" Jazun asked, the ship rocking back and forth as he tried to level it out.

"Better than you." Rizu snickered at the accomplished assassin.

"Good, then get in the damn chair."


Bannon grimaced and dug himself deeper into the plastic shield of the gun pod, his fingers threatening to break as the wind pulled against him. By the time the ship got to full speed the winds were so strong he could hardly breathe and he had to keep his eyes clenched shut to stop grains of sand from shredding his retinas. Bannon flexed his muscles harder and pressed himself tighter against the ship; he was going to save Analie no matter what it took.

Bannon pushed more energy through his hands, trying to get a deeper grip into the molten plastic without having it weaken enough for him to lose his hold. The melting material wasn't a concern; it didn't burn or even hurt him, his glowing white hands just as impervious to burns as the rest of him. He sunk further into the dome, getting just past his knuckles before stopping. Now what? He needed to get in there but if he moved too quickly the plastic would give out under the heat and he'd fall to his death.

The loud cracks of automatic gunfire right next him forced him to open his eyes, Bannon cursing as the other gunpod's turret began firing back behind him. He wrenched his head to the side so he could see over his shoulder, following the stream of countless red rounds back to another one of the bandit cruisers speeding behind them. The smaller grey ship in pursuit was nimbly dodging the assault and was still managing to slowly gain on the larger vessel. Jazun must be chasing after them. Bannon called his power to him; this was something he could do on his own.


"Bastards won't stop." Rizu cursed under his breath as he dodged the stream of incoming fire.

He jerked the stolen ship hard right, the other vehicle's attack barely missing them this time. Sand sprayed across the windshield as they clipped a sand dune, the ship's engines lurching forward through the obstacle.

"Pull up to them." Jazun said from beside him.

Easier said than done.

"How am I supposed to do that? They're shooting at us! Do something!" Rizu countered, pulling the ship to the left this time to dodge another long burst of plasma rounds.

He couldn't do this forever.

"Bannon's got the turret; just pull alongside them." Jazun replied calmly, Rizu giving a puzzled expression.

The fire elemental was visible on the back of the bandit's ship but he just seemed to be hanging on helplessly and at these high speeds Rizu didn't know how he was even doing that. Despite his doubts he pushed their ship up to full speed and began to move along side, watching Bannon's legs flailing for any sort of grip on the ship's rounded back. True to Jazun's word a thick stream of fire erupted from Bannon's hand over to the other turret, the intense heat causing its protective dome to bubble and collapse inward.

"Boy's resilient." Jazun admired. "Now hurry up before he kills them all."

Bannon swung himself gracefully into the other turret room, disappearing inside for just a second before rifle fire surged past.

"Faster." Jazun demanded uselessly.

Rizu looked in through the cruiser's side window as they approached but couldn't see inside as Jazun slid the door of their own ship open.

"What do you want me to do?" Rizu asked as they moved side by side.

"Pull up just ahead of them so I can see into the ship." Jazun replied, shouting over the wind whipping through the open door.

Flashes of sporadic gunfire lit up the inside of the cabin, Rizu hoping the young couple could hold out until Jazun made his move.

"Bannon still got it?" Rizu asked, never having driven since being reduced to one hand.

"I'm not as sure as I was."

"You better step in before Bannon gets blasted."

"Darkness take him, I'm stealing the princess." Jazun retorted as his wings came back out.

"Do you mean save the princess?"


Then he was gone, leaving Rizu to talk to himself.

"You always did like the taken ones."


He had gathered as much energy as he could with the time he had, flames covering Bannon's forearms while his lips moved rapidly. He had to land this shot or there might not be another. His sweat soaked cloak stuck to his skin as he pressed himself up against the side of the doorway, waiting for a pause in the gunfire before attacking. The instant he had his chance Bannon dove out and took his chance; the burst of elemental fire hitting the lone bandit right in the shoulder. The kidnapper screamed in pain and dropped his gun as he fell, Bannon clenching his fist in triumph. He looked around for Analie but instead saw the ball of fire continue past the bandit and go right into the center of the ship's intricate mechanics.

Pieces of metal exploded outward from the blast, the bandit's screams getting louder as he caught a faceful of shrapnel. Bannon went to lunge for the gun when the ship suddenly dropped, throwing him off of his feet. Before he could recover Jazun appeared right in front of him, hovering a few feet in the air. The ship shuddered loudly as the tattooed elemental fell down to the floor, kicking his legs out before landing on his back. Where had he come from?

Jazun was still on his feet first, using his wings to push himself up while blood poured out from a deep wound in his face. Bannon's hesitation at seeing Jazun let the bandit get to his gun, the man spraying randomly at them while backing himself up against the ship's smoldering controls. Bannon dove behind a metal chair and tried to make himself small, the rapid red gunfire leaving dents in the back of the seat as they hit. Then the sound of the plasma weapon stopped and Bannon cautiously peered out. The bandit was missing his head from the chin up, the bottoms of his cleanly severed teeth the only part left not gushing blood. Jazun was already heading away from the corpse, sliding on his knees over to Analie's motionless body.

Bannon's heart stopped, his vision blurring. Was she... The dark elemental's hands picked her up carefully, Jazun giving Bannon a smile as Analie let out a groan. Both of their smiles faded quickly as warning lights sounded off. Bannon looked out the front of the ship to only see sand. They were heading straight for a dune. He had to protect Analie; somehow get her strapped into a seat before they hit. Jazun had beaten him to that as well, the assassin dropping down over her and encircling her inside his wings.


Rizu watched with huge eyes as the other ship smashed into the sand, the engines forcing the back of the ship upwards. It flipped completely over, coming to a rest on its roof for a moment before sliding down the steep dune. He felt Mireen's hand on his shoulder as he pulled the ship back, slowing down to land near the wreck.

"Are they okay?" The girl asked, her face covered in drying tears.

"I hope so." Rizu said as he stood up and ran through the open door.

The heat outside hit him right away as they stepped out onto the sands and ran for the other ship. Jazun was already free of the wreck, crawling out of the mangled door with the princess in his arms. She unsteadily took a step as Jazun set her down, rubbing her head as she looked around at the confusing scene.

"What happened?" She questioned, falling back into Jazun's arms when she turned to look at him.

"We crashed." He said softly, their lips just a few inches apart.

Bannon stumbled out of the ship after them, Analie pushing herself free of Jazun and running back to him. The fire elemental hadn't fared as well in the crash, bleeding from several cuts in his arms as he fell onto the sand.

"Bannon!" Princess Vorza exclaimed, grabbing onto him and squeezing him tight. "I'm so glad you're alright."

"You too." He replied, glaring at Jazun over his love's shoulder, the dark elemental giving him a crooked smile.

"Are you okay?" Mireen asked while Jazun headed over to her and Rizu.

"I am." He answered simply.

"Making friends like always I see?" Rizu said sarcastically. "Thank the elements my wife was fat or you would have stolen her too."

"Just like the old days, huh Rizu? Me saving the day and you giving me shit."

"Someone has to you arrogant bastard."

"I'm glad to see you princess." Mireen smiled sadly when Analie and Bannon finally joined them, leaning on each other for support.

"Where are your father and brother?" Analie asked kindly.

"They're dead." Mireen responded coldly.

The princess' mouth fell open, the joy of their reunion gone.

"Those bandits killed them."

"I'm so sorry." Analie said, dropping down to her knees and giving Mireen a hug.

Tears began running down Mireen's face again as she pushed away.

"She's dead though. The bandit that killed them. I killed her." Mireen said with a mix of sadness and pride.

Analie looked appalled, turning from Mireen to Rizu and Jazun for some kind of explanation. Rizu's expression was the same sadness the rest of them shared. Except for Jazun; Jazun looked proud.

"We should leave before someone comes to investigate the crash." Bannon advised, putting an arm around Analie and pulling her back to her feet.

Analiegave him a kiss on the cheek before taking Mireen by her hand and leading herback onto the ship. She gave her mostserious face to Jazun when she went by, his grin not faltering.

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