Snake In The Grass (Sander si...

By lifeisshitthanks

61.8K 2.5K 1K

Virgil is a dark side. Hated by Roman, ignored by Logan and Patton...well Patton loves everyone. Him and the... More

(1) The Dark Side💜
(2)The light side❤️
(3)Letting Him Go💛
(4) Lettimg him in. 💜
(5) He's one of us now.❤️
(6) Im here for you❤️
(7) A visit from an old friend💜
(8) Accepting Anxiety❤️
(9) Once a Snake💜
(10) The Unofficial Breakup💛
(11) what now?💜
(12) Can I Maybe Take You On A Date?❤️
(13) Purple Haired Boy💜
(15) A plan 💛
(16) Somethings up with Patton
(17)Staring Into His Autumn Eyes💜
(18)The End 🖤
(19) No one Teaches you how to cope with heartbreak.💛
(20) Is it to much to ask for a happy moment?💜
(21) Nervous❤️
(22) Where would we be without Patton?❤️
(23) A FairyTale Ending❤️
(24) You didnt think he meant it, Right?💜
(25) Whats Going On
(26) A family reunion.❤️
(27)A snake in the grass💜
(28) Thats What Best Friends Are For💙
(29) Brotherly Love💚
(30) Lets Make A Deal❤️
(31)We'll Be okay💛
(Im sorry again) not an update but please read
(32) Hold a White Flag High💙
(33) The Letter💛
(34) A Truce?💜
(35) Welcome To The Light Side💛
(36) Still Family💜
Another update
Another important update

(14)It wasnt my fault you fucked up💛

1.6K 71 18
By lifeisshitthanks

(Deciets Pov)
5 days
That's how long it's been since Deceit had spoken to Remus. Well if you didn't count two nights ago when Deceit had yelled the words that "If you don't get your greesy ass away from me I'll hit you with your own malate".
Other then that the two had not spoken.
That was something really different.
Deceit couldn't remember a time the two hadn't spoken or even fallen out for that matter.
Deceit was sure that if he had been left alone for another while. Just a little bit longer that everything would be okay.
But of course Remus thought other wise.
It happened just five nights ago. Deceit was sitting on the sofa minding his own business. Then Remus decided to waltz in. "Oh" Remus said standing in the doorway looking a bit (extremely) awkward. "What" Deceit snapped. "Did you not expect to see me sitting on my own sofa? Watching my own Tv?" He said it angrily rolling his eyes. "You mean our sofa and our tv".
"Excuse me". Deceit said. He felt like he was about to explode. How dare he after all the trouble he's caused waltz in disrupting Deceit from his own matters just to contradict everything he was saying!
"What are you even doing here?" Deceit said turning his focus back to the tv. "Like I said before I live here to", Deceit quickly glanced over at him. He had crossed his arms and looked extremely pissed.
"That didn't anwser the question". Deceit said in a sarcastic tone. "I wanted to watch tv. Is that a problem?"
Deceit could hear it in his town. He was about to explode. And the pent up anger of Deceit loosing Virgil to his brother all because of him made him want to hurt him just like he had been hurt.
"Yes it is." Deceit knew even before he said what he said was to much. He knew he'd have taken it to far. But he was so angry and hurt more so at himself then anyone. But he didn't want to admit that. He wanted to blame anyone. Everyone  but himself.
"I mean I'd let you sit with me but i wouldn't want them disgusting greasy lips all over me again."To make it worse he said it with a horrible grin. So menaceing so hurtful.
That's when Remus lost it.
"CANT YOU JUST ACCEPT IT"! He screamed his voice cracking tears streaming down his face.
"OH ILL ACCEPT THE FACT ALL THIS IS YOUR STUPID FAULT"! Deceit screamed back banging his fist of the back of the sofa. "My fault". Remus said his voice soft but in a terrifying way.
The two said nothing.
"May I remind you", Remus spoke. "I'm not the one who used Virgil."
Every muscle in Deceits body tensed. "What?" He said. Even though he knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Oh ye Virgil". Remus said his tone menacing stepping closer to Deceit. "The 'strong' dark side", he used quotation marks with his hands when me said strong emphasising it. "The one who can take town The lights sides the powerful one". Remus scoffed. "But he's not strong at all is he!" "Shut up" Deceit growled.
"Your just to stubborn to admit the truth." He states his chin jutted. Deceit wanted to reach out and strangle him. He wanted to wipe that stupid smirk
Of his smug looking face.
"So what did you do?", Remus continued. "You pretended you loved him! You pretended you were interested in him, you broke down all his walls just to use him! And he was stupid enough to believe you! He followed your every command like a sad little puppy just to please you and it was never enough! You used him for your because your so hungry for power"- But before he was finished he was cut of. Deceit leaned over quick as light and his hand had extended out on its own accord hitting Remus right across the face.
When he realised he had done he pulled back left hand holding his right (the one he used to strike Remus) up to his face purely out of shock.
Remus was even more stunned.
"You did that because you know I'm right." Remus continued. "No I did it because your a spoiled bitch who needs to be put into their place".
And he meant it.
No he didn't.
He didn't know what he was doing.
"No". Remus said crying properly now. "You did it because you want to blame anyone but yourself. Your mad that your little guinne pig has run of with Princey. Your to admit that its you who fucked up. Not me."
Their was truth behind them words.
But not fully.
"At the start it was like that. I wanted to use him to take them all down. But when he left I realised." Deceit had to take a gasp of air. He was crying so hard it was hard to breath. "When he left I realised I love him".
"BUT HE LEFT"! Remus yelled. He kicked his feet against the floor and banged his hand of the sofa dangerously close to Deceit. "He left! I stayed! I stayed with you I did everything you ever wanted we got on well we've always been close and you still don't love me!" Tears poured down his face. "Why can't you just love me".
Deceit had to look away. He had no words to answer that question.
Remus gave a frustrated grunt and stormed out the room. After a second he slammed the door so hard it shook the walls making Deceit jump.

It's been 5 days since that happened. That moment kept replaying in his head as he stared at the ceiling. That question kept repeating in his head.
"Why can't you just love me"
Why couldn't he love Remus?
Well more then likely it's because he felt incapable of love until his relationship with Virgil.
He didn't think anyone would want to love him. A lier. Who'd want someone like that.
Virgil always seemed more of an Ali until he left and Deceit had started to miss him. They tried acting like a couple but only on the rare occasion it would work.
Remus was a friend. Deceit trusted him with everything. And after all that's been said to him all that Deceit has done to him.
He still just wants Deceit to love him.
Deceit lay their thinking more.
Maybe Love was pointless.
Maybe he wasn't capable of love
He sighed and rolled onto his side. He heard the footsteps on Remus gentle almost like he was trying not to wake Deceit up. Then after a minute the soft
buzz of the tv was heard.
Deceit sighed. "Here goes nothing" he thought and groggily got out of bed.
He walked into the living room his heart racing. The supposed 'butterfly's' more like a swarm of wasps.
"Can I sit" he said his voice not more above a whisper. Remus looked at him. He moved his legs out the way. "Don't see why not." Deceit tried not to grin.
The two sat far apart but slowly as the night went on the two edged closer and closer. By the time the movie that was on but neither of the two were really focused on was over their hands were gently brushing off each other.

Deceit had no idea what was going to happen. But him and Remus didn't seem to be fighting and that anger seemed to be slowly seeping out of him. But he knew one thing. He had some sort of Ali.
And no matter what they were going to win this fight.
They'd take control of the mind palace
With or without Virgil.

Word Count 1299
Heyyyy I've come out of the cave! Gonna try update again over the weekend
Hope you'd enjoyed!
Also thanks so much for 1k reads!
Soo here's the question
Do yous want a q&a?
I could either do a character or author one
Let me know in the comments!
Byeee ~author❤️

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