End Game

By evantaresh

23.9K 1K 220

Love is not for those who has trust issues. . . Disclaimer! Characters bearing has no relation with living pe... More

You can't hide from love
all start at the coffeshop
night in the club
helpless days
easy come, (not) easy go
running on thin ice
new life
family matters
last piece of heart
love expires
i'm free this weekend
what life promised (end)

flutter heart

1.4K 58 7
By evantaresh


The leftover of seasoned chicken Hanbin made last night is delicious, Hanbin transformed it into a totally different meal, he cuts the chicken into small dices and mixed it with kongbap and roll it into a round meatball shape.

Jennie sat on the same place she sat the last time, high chair of his kitchen bar. She took one rice ball and eat it, "hmmh..." she appreciate the good taste with a moan.

Hanbin who sat across her grinned to hear the moan, "you're cute."
"I like 'sexy' better than 'cute'."

"But in my eyes you're cute." Hanbin took a bite of the rice ball. "And your big appetite makes me happy."

"You're a good cook." Jennie murmured.

"I'm good at almost everything."

"I don't know about everything... I only got to approve your cooking skill... and bed skill." She smirks.

"Do you really have to leave?" Hanbin leaning his body over the island table and land a soft kiss on her cheek, it is so soft that it feels like a butter in room temperature.

"Uh-hm..." she humming, took another bite of the rice ball and check on her uber app, "guess my pick up is near." She said.

Hanbin pressed his own lips into a thin line, "Okay..."

He walked her to the door and kissed her before she left, "Hey, Jennie..." he suddenly said.

Jennie turned around, "yes?"

"Can I call you sometimes?"

That was a simple, non-sexual, line. But that's gonna be her favorite since it made every butterflies live in her stomach gone wild. Her heart flutters in such an exaggerating way. She sat at the back of her uber car, with a smile so wide stretched from ear to ear, she wouldn't dare to look at herself in the mirror, afraid that she must be blushing like a silly virgin.

"Can I call you sometimes..." she murmured repeating Hanbin's line, then a soft sigh left her lips, before she threw her head to look at outside the window, staring at the blue sky, while—again—grinning like a silly virgin.


Lisa sat in front of Jiwon. when she finally found courage to text him she almost sure he would not replied, but she was surprised that Jiwon replied in less than five minute, and somehow innocently asking if she got time to meet the next day.

"Hey, thanks for agree to meeting me..." He smiles, his eyes disappeared when he did that. Lisa looked away because it made her heart foolishly flutters.

Jiwon was thrilled when Lisa text her last night, he really left the poor girl named Yoon or Yeon? He forgot—half doesn't care, only to run back to his car while replying her text. Jiwon sat inside his car, tapping his fingers impatiently while waiting for her to reply back.

Finally, they agreed to meet during lunch time the next day, and Jiwon spent his morning working out and digging the pile of clothes in his closet just to find a right thing to wear.

"So... I met your friend." Lisa said.

"Who?" Not that he got many friends, only Jennie that can considered to be his friend.

"Jennie." She replied.

"Oh, really?" he's acted surprised because he knew.

"She said you were waiting for my calls..."

Jiwon paused, Jennie didn't say this, "I... kind of did..." he said, he always full of himself, to admit that he's waiting for a girl to call him is something he never experienced, and if he does, it must be hurting his pride. But strangely, admitting to Lisa that he did waiting for her is easy, very easy and not painful at all.

"So you made up your mind... you finally realized that I probably can keep my words of not crying or making an unnecessary drama if later you disappear after we have sex."

Jiwon furrowed his eyebrows, "Lisa... I told you want to have a date with you, not just simply get into your pants."

"Oh, so this is how it works? You're actually a considerate guy." Lisa smiles, dash of ease decorating her face.

Jiwon didn't really get what she meant but he likes her smile, he likes it when her plumpy lips formed into a thin pretty smile. And that's the only thing he needs to make his day better.


Hanbin just finished cleaning up the sink, his shift will end very soon and he's waiting for one particular girl who said she'll be here any minute.

Jennie, she promised him to meet after her class. He peeked his phone to see the clock but then his eyes fixed on the date below the clock of his cellphone home screen. Today is...

His heart sank for a second before he inhale a big amount of oxygen to fill his lungs at the same time when the door bell jingling and the girl with a cheeky gummy smile appear.

She immediately found Hanbin behind the counter, smiling. He tapped on his wrist and raised five fingers, inaudibly saying 'five minutes.' His shift will end in five minutes. Jennie keeping her cool by looking around, several customers are still occupying the table.

Hanbin called her last night, his voice was bright and addicting, It's true that after Hanbin asked her if he can call her sometimes, he did, the first call made Jennie's heart jump out her throat. She doesn't want to look stupid and she successfully play it cool.

Their first ever phonecall happened when Hanbin was at a the bus stop, he was waiting for the bus and got nothing to do, he asked her about what was she up to, and some other spontaneous conversations. At the end he thanked Jennie for accompanying him during his trip, turned out he was already get into the bus and arrived at his destination.

After that, another phone calls are made almost daily, Jennie were smiling like an idiot only listening to his stories. Mostly are about funny customer behavior. Then after several days not seeing each other, she agree to see him after work today.

About 20 minutes later, Hanbin pressed a button in a remote control in his hand and the roller shutter door rolled down and locked by itself. The coffeeshop is officially closed. He turned to Jennie who is waiting for him.

"Thanks for patiently waiting." Hanbin said.

"One question." She said, "is this coffeeshop's yours?"

Hanbin nodded, fishing his car key from his pocket.

"Ah I see." She murmured.


"Your apartment is nice, you don't look like someone who needs to working part time at a coffeeshop, but since you said it's yours... it's kind of make sense."

Hanbin chuckles, "It's actually owned by my cousins, well, she's like my sister and my mom at the same time, she took care of me when I first moved to Seoul."

"She lives with you?"

"No, no, she's married, and live with her husband, she also working so that's why she entrust me this coffeeshop."

"Wow..." Jennie walked beside Hanbin along the park, "where's your parents?"

Hanbin didn't say anything for a moment.

Jennie sense a hesitation in him and she immediately speaking, "I'm sorry if that question is crossing any line, let's pretend that I never asked."

Suddenly Hanbin took her hand, wrap her fingers around his long fingers, "Today is my mother's birthday, mother who left 10 years a go for another man..." he chuckles. "So, there's nothing I really proud of about my family."

Jennie gazing down, "I'm sorry..."

"No, really..." Hanbin's mind flew to the heartbreak that haunts him for the last decade of his life. Whenever this day approaching he will be very sulky and sensitive, but strangely, not this year, not after he met Jennie, not when she's around filling his head and make the air around him seems lighter yet intoxicating. Even when Jennie made a mistake by asking about his family on the most delicate date of the year, he feel substance. And it means a good news for him, because even the memory of his mother cannot make a glitch of what he feel about Jennie.

"I'm happier if we're talking about my work, my friends... or us?"

"What about us?" Jennie grinning.

"Hmm, you know," warm creep up his face, "like what are we gonna eat...?"

"Oh..." Jennie look away, still hand in hand with Hanbin, "okay, let's grab food."


After that date, Jiwon couldn't stop himself from picturing Lisa on his bed, but spending time with her in this small tea house or just talking while eating dinner and take a small walk in the park is the sweetest yet most uncanny thing Jiwon ever done with girl.

In the other side, Lisa enjoying every moment of their dates, it's been a long time for a shy girl like her having a proper date like this, moreover, Jiwon gave him anything she could expect from a date.

Jiwon picked her up at the campus today, he brought her to a nice lunch, comforting tea and desserts, and most importantly, amusing conversations.

It's almost sunset when Jiwon decided they should go home, and Lisa's heart start to do something between terrified and excited.

Can't stop questioning where will it go today. The first date Jiwon drove her home, their second meeting they were going out till late and Lisa said she has a morning class so Jiwon drove her home again. Today... she just don't wanna go home.

They walked to where Jiwon park his car, he took Lisa's hand and gently holding it, thumbs run over her knuckles softly.

Jiwon turned to her and said, "Hey, do you want—uh... stop by at my place?"

She didn't say anything when they arrived in an apartment building. Jiwon peeked on Lisa, she seems relax, little did she knows that Jiwon never brought a girl back to his place. It's always their place or a hotel. It's easier to leave that way.

They can start with a little chit chat, by Lisa saying it's a nice place or Jiwon offer her a drink, but they've been doing it all day, they might enjoying each other's company but despite it all, they wanted each other in bed more than anything.

Jiwon sat beside her on his couch, this is very new to him, to look at his opponent eyes before leaning forwards and kiss her, slowly her arms wrapping around his neck, kissing him back eagerly. Jiwon hugged her body to pull her as close as possible. The more they kiss, the deepen it gets, Jiwon feels the crave over her is growing.

She was stiff caused by anxieties, but after few kisses and how Jiwon genuinely show her that he wants her as much as she wants him, she started to losen up.

It was soft at first, but he couldn't help but being hungrier, his touch getting frantic, and when she inevitably circling her legs around his waist and make their hips against each other's, Jiwon sighs.

He needs to get rid of any fabrics between them. He hungrily unbuttoned her shirt while Lisa's arms supporting herself.

Suddenly Lisa stops, "this..." she muttered, "...is gonna be my first time." A rosy colored blush spreading up her cheek as her eyes looking down.

And it does something to Jiwon's heart, he doesn't know about her heartbeat right now, but his are slower. He should've known about this, he just didn't expect it to be true, yet the fact didn't excite him, nor make him disappointed. It confuses his heart.

"Are you scared?" Jiwon asked.

Lisa didn't answer.

"Are you scared or excited?" he's asking again.

"I uh—" she look away, "Kinda scared."

The look in her eyes shows him that if she didn't do it now then Jiwon will leave, will disappear, it's like she only got now or never. Jiwon feels like a jerk in instance. He's so happy but he doesn't want her to feel inferior and obliged.

He touched her shoulders, "then we don't have to do it now..."

"Huh?" Lisa look up to his eyes.

"Do you wanna do it now?" Jiwon asked.

Lisa's eyes wavering, he knows that gaze, she had a battle with her own self, and Jiwon really want to scream at her face that he wouldn't leave if she couldn't do it now.

He pull her, make her sat properly before fix the opened buttons of her shirt, "Lisa..." he softly said, "if you give me a chance, I'm willing to wait..." he said, eyes pinning on her, "it doesn't have to be now, just tell me whenever you're ready." He caressing her cheek, words are flowing like it's the most natural things he often said, in fact, this is the first time in his life being considerate.

They ended up watching movie with Lisa inside his embrace, they did kissing several more times before she fell asleep, still inside his arms.


During her classes, Jennie couldn't stop staring at her cellphone that is on silent but she put it on the table since she doesn't want to miss any messages coming, she swoop it fast when it vibrates.


Where are you, sexy? Want to go shopping today?

One of her sugar daddy asking for a shopping spree, something that she would never reject, but today, she rolled her eyes, "no, thank you..." she muttered, "and I prefer cute than sexy..."

Suddenly another text coming

Hanbin : [picture] a customer suggest me to make a 3D latte art, it's very hard, I messed it up.

Jennie smiling while open the picture. This is the text she's been waiting for.

Jennie : Is that a bear?

Hanbin : Hmm... it supposed to be a rabbit... or maybe cat, but who knows mayhaps its actually a bear ;D

Jennie : It's cute tho... made one for me.

Hanbin : [picture of regular heart shape latte art]

Jennie : I want the 3D latte art

Hanbin : I can't make a heart shape in 3D -__-'

Jennie : Oh... <3

Shit. She sent the heart emoji, "damn it, Jen, why would you sent thaaat???" she murmured.

Hanbin : Hahaha... <3

Jennie's smile bloomed when he replied with the same emoji. Heart.

Jennie : Hows ur day going?

She gotta ask more question, she doesn't want this conversation to end. She didn't recall since when, but talking to him become essential.

Hanbin : incomplete

Jennie : Why?

Hanbin : I haven't see u today... ;(

Jennie : What time your shift end? I'll go to the coffeeshop after class.

Hanbin : I'll finish at 6, Wanna grab take out and go to my place?

Jennie : No... let's have dinner outside and talk.

She stops after sending the last message, is it okay? Will she looks like she desperately want a date night not only casual dinner and then have sex and go home like usual?

"Ugh why would you care, Jennieee..." she grunting.

Hanbin : sounds like a good idea. See you^^

She exhaled then smiling, and start thinking of where should they go for dinner.

"Hanbin..." she sighs his name, "I think I'm falling for you... damn it, it is so effortless, it's like watching a snowstorm, I only see the snowflakes falling and suddenly the whole lawn is covered."

Jennie took her cellphone and blocked every name on it that starts with S.D.


Jiwon : How to see you today?

Lisa: I'm about to finish my class in 10 minutes :(

Jiwon: What's with the pout?

Lisa: Not very confident about the last design I made for the competition... hft... c u at the coffeeshop?

Jiwon didn't reply.

Things between them are comfortable, it's not overwhelming, it's honest... even when she asked Jiwon about his ex girls, he smirks, saying that he never met a girl twice. Only spending one night together and that's it. Lisa knew her heart was reacting uncomfortably with his explanation, but strangely she didn't back off, she wanted to know more, more of why he stays longer with her when all she wanted to do was give in to him that night. Why he pull her on his embrace saying that it doesn't have to be now? And everything he did to her afterwards feels so sweet, so fluttering.

Maybe she likes him that much.

She dragged herself out of the campus area, head down when knowing Jiwon hasn't reply her text.

Suddenly a loud motorbike engine revving up, and stops in front of her. Lisa stunned at the big sporty bike with a guy in full faced helmet. If this is not an exaggerating drama, then this reality is too theatrical.

The guy lift up his helmet, shaking his head dramatically to volumized his perfectly wavy hair.

"Looks like you need a ride," Jiwon smirked, "jump in."

Lisa quickly glancing around, people are staring, girls are jealous, even boys are jealous for the nice bike he has.

And this cool guy is picking up Lisa.

She thanked god that she didn't bring her laptop, she only brought a tiny usb stick for her presentation, and because today is her last day of exam, she only bring a small sling bag.

"Wear this..." Jiwon helped her wearing the helmet. His helmet.

"You only have one?" Lisa asked, he nodded, "what about you?"

"You're safety is my priority, Lisa." He smiles.

Lisa get into the bike. "Whoaa, this is—high." She murmured.

"Yeah, a little dangerous for a newbie," Jiwon said, "so you might want to hold on me."

She circled her arms around his waist, and when Jiwon feel she's ready, he rolled and leave with the loud engine noises.

Lisa enjoying their ride, feeling the breezes tangled with her body, she hold into him tighter. Her small giggles and gasped when he made turns generates happiness in him. He likes the way she appreciate everything.

"You're not gonna ask where we going?"

"I'll go anywhere, as long as it is with you." Lisa replied.

And Jiwon freed his left hand from the steer, only to give her hand a warm, gentle squeeze.

And in a small beach at the city side, the bike parked not very far from the sand. The owner is nowhere to be seen since he hide himself under a small cliff on a rocky shores. Lisa sat on a big rock, high enough that Jiwon doesn't have to bend too much when he kissing her. His palm secured her nape and cheek, calves drowning on a salty sea water, lips kissing. Lisa wrapped her arms around his waist, holding his shirt, knee arcing, putting Jiwon's legs between her thighs, heads up reaching his lips, claiming each other's.

Lisa's back are flat on a rock wall, while their kisses getting wilder, Jiwon started to nip, lick, bite her lips, hands are wandering around her shoulder, smoothing the side of her body, clutching her clothes, kneading her waist.

Lisa hugging him tighter when his mouth sending hot air on her skin, breathing on it before trailing kisses along her shoulder blade, burrying his lips on the crook of her neck, "mhmm..." a soft moans escape her plumpy lips because his moves was not frantic but it each kisses left her flabbergasted.

Another moan left her lips when Jiwon slip his hand inside her shirt, meeting her skin for the first time. Jiwon smile at her flustered reaction.

Lisa ducked back  to catch his eyes.

"Hmm...?" Jiwon asking in a soft tone, seeking for any rejection from her.

"I..." Lisa guzzled.

Will she reject him?

"I want to do it."

Jiwon paused, "Do it...?"

"s...uh...let's have—sex..."


a.n/ the longest chapter ever. 3150 words. lol^^ anyways, please don't forget to give me votes if you like this^^

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