The Gifted Hybrid

By gifted_nerd

74.5K 2.6K 280

BOOK 1 in The Hybrid Series After the tragic lost of her mom, 17 year-old Zoe Hyland has to deal with being a... More

Just A Hunch
A Long Bus Route
Camp Spirit
I'm Sorry
First Gift
Your Special
Fast Learner
No Way In
First Attempt
Second Gift
Full Moon
Just Try
Its You
Thank You
Book 66
A Sign
Our Secret
The Dream
Believe Me
Bad Manners
See The Truth
You'll See
An Idea
Good Poison
Practice Makes Perfect
A Favor
Instinct vs Reflex
Just Talk
Settled In
A Leader
Visions Told Truth
Nervous Is Good
Real Deal
A Choice
Author's Note
Next Book Reveal
Checking in...
Need A Little Push(GoFundMe)

Metal Eyes

854 45 5
By gifted_nerd

I hadn't done much to get ready for leading everyone else outside with me for the full moon. I was too fidgety, but I had no idea why. This power was me, it was mine. It is mine and I will do whatever I have to too protect it and keep it because I'm the only one who can will it.

Everyone who doesn't have to leave the house stays put while the others, including myself head for the door.

Someone grabs onto my wrist and I spin around to see who it is, "Zo you be okay out there alright?"

It was Susan, I smiled and nodded toward her comforting words but then I realized she began to fidget. As if she was nervous for something herself, she looked behind her to see if anyone was standing close but no one was.

"Thanks Susan, I'll try to be okay"

"If anything happens, you know..just let me know, I'll just be here waiting with everyone else" she tells me before my wrists slips from her hand.

I nod and head for the door, everyone else is outside waiting including John. The look they all give me signifies the nerves and edginess they all seem to have and for a second I see all the same color auras that surrounds them.

"So where too Zoe?" John asks and I hadn't even decided that myself. I don't know if it's better to head down to the woods or stay in the back yard by the hill.

I summon my powers for a second, closing my eyes and imagining the darkness going through me. My eyes and soul fully dark now, they flash open and I look to my friends. Mia takes a step back before putting a hand to her chest. I shake my head and walk pass them hoping to figure something out. While up on the hill, I hold out my arms and close my eyes for a minute or two before I squat to the ground my hand hovering in the air still. I can feel the energy coming from the forest and from underneath the ground. I can sense the animals that lurk through the night and the cars, their horns and engines louder in my ears then most. I open my eyes and look down at the forest I was in earlier, I hadn't realized the thought until now.

"The forest goes around the mountain so maybe we should head down. It'll probably be better for blending in and things like that" I explain to them and John begins to walk in front of me.

It's funny, I'd break my neck to protect them but they'd still risk their lives for me.

"How do you know about the forest Zoe?" Xander comes up behind me. He walks close, his shoulder rubbing up against mines.

"I can feel it" I let the darkness go to rest again, "I can see it with my eyes and feel it in my hands. It's like I'm their looking at the trees and stuff" I tell him as we walk, reaching the end of the hill.

He nods, "that's pretty amazing, we just got here and you know the place already" he looks to me and smiles.

I smile back up into his piercing green eyes while he looks deep into my purple ones. He bites his lip and his eyes go to my lips and then back up to my eyes. I'm not watching where I'm going and a rock appears in front of my foot, I double over ready to catch myself but he grabs me and we both fall to the ground. I'm on top of him, I open my tight eyes and look down at him. I breathe hard and I'm sure he can feel my heart beating through my chest.

"Sorry" he flashes his perfect smile and I can't help but look at his lips as he holds me by my arms.

Someone clears their throat, I look up at Mia with her arms folded.

"Shit" I whisper under my breath and climb off of him. I brush the dirt off my clothes without even helping him up, James does the honors smiling at what he just did.

I walk up to where John is without looking back over my shoulder. We hit the forest stepping on the leaves that crunch under our feet. He keeps walking until he sees that same opening I saw earlier and I smile. He doesn't stop though, making his way closer to the trees.

"What the hell?" He says and I follow over to him. My eyes widen at what he examines. The holes I made in the trees earlier.

"I did that earlier, I guess I shouldn't have" I say before I turn to my friends.

"How the hell-"

"Okay guys, we should meet back here safely to make sure everyone is okay" I nod at my friends.

"Alright, you guys go. I'll be around here somewhere when you return just like last time" John explains to them and they start walking, heading father into the woods. I grab Mia's arm and she turns to me with a look of disappointment.

"You'll be okay?" I ask her, just to make sure shes not mad at me from what happened just a minute ago. She has the right to be but it was just a fall, and I know how much she likes Xander I'd never would've let him catch me if I knew he was going too.

"Yeah I'll be fine" she folds her arms and forces a small smile before following the other wolves futher into the forest. I let out a breath, honestly I do think she's mad.

"Zo you can be on your way" John nods, "if anything unusual happens or you see one of those high Rollers, yell or something"

I chuckle at his words before nodding and heading in the opposing direction of his footsteps. They grow further and further as mines grow further from him. I keep walking more into the woods, the trees all different kinds of lengths in my view and I look up into the clear night sky. How I wish it was midnight and how I just realized the big bright full moon sits in my view. It's as if the trees move out of the way for me to get a better seeing of the brilliant and fascinating light. I walk more into the forest and round the corner a bit, the moon still in view as the trees part themselves so I'd have the best see of bow big and wonderful it is. Theres not a another sound against the crunching footsteps and the crickets and owls I hear. There are no cars, none of my friends, nothing but the sounds my ears allow me to hear.

I stop walking and look around. The trees are blurred in my vision and they continue to grow blurry, I blink trying to focus my sight but they only repeat the same look again. I look to the moon and the light it shines goes bright. More bright then I'd imagine and I want to reach out and touch it. It continues to grow, the light hurting my eyes and I smile before my hand automatically comes up to shield my eyes from burning out of their sockets.

I hear something in the distance but I don't look, the moon just keeps shining and shining until I can't see at all and I have no other choice but to close my eyes all the way. I do just that and turn my head away before theres the sound of a pop and the light I once wanted to touch goes away. The world falls silent around me and I open my eyes to clear my vision once more, this time I can't see a thing around me. There are no trees, no light. I look up and the moon is gone. Theres not a thing in sight but the darkness around me that holds me up from fainting to the ground as my head begins to feel light. I swallow and this time my heart begins to speed but I don't allow myself to show nervousness of any sort.

I look around me again and theres still nothingness that sits in the darkness with no sounds at all.


I don't know why I called to him. I don't think he'll hear me.

I turn my head and I see them now, those piercing eyes that do things to me. They make me feel happy and sad and my emotions go wild, they make my powers want to rage and want to sleep. Those metal eyes.

I stand facing them, whatever it is it stands tall and proud in the dark as if it was made from it. Maybe it was, just like I was.

The sounds of high pitched screaming come to my ears, I look down at my hands and they aren't black yet. Where is the screaming coming from? I can hear it, like it's right next to me but theres nothing out here but me and this creature that stands tall with the silver metal eyes. It mixes with a high pitched sound, like a screening going out of focus. My eyes close tight and my ears get covered with my warm hands. I want the sound to stop, it's too much and it's making me want to self destruct.

The ground around me begins to shake again this time it feels like more of a loud rumble but shakes the earth from its core. The sounds become louder and I can't do anything but fall to the ground and cover my eyes and ears. This is the part I was nervous about, the part I didn't want and now I feel like I want to die. Mom doesn't come to me this time, she can't. I can feel it.

I open my eyes and my vision is blurry again. I look around me and it's still dark and breathtaking. I look toward the figure as it stands behind a tree, watching me and waiting. Its doing this, I know it is. In one swift motion he appears in front of me, leaning down so his eyes are inches away from mine. I let go of my ears and just lay there on the ground. This feels like a dream, one of those dreams I can't wake up from no matter how much I want too but also don't want too. Why is this power so dwelling and needy but also poison like and dangerous? Why do I feel the need to use it only to have it become something I can't control?

His metal eyes stare at me, he cocks his head to the side before he takes his big hand and reaches out to touch me. Taking all the sounds and ground rumbling away with just one touch, I feel like I'm floating. My eyes widen and I really am. My feet lift from the ground and my body finds its self in the air floating and flying above the tree lines now. The moon appears to my side again. The creature that touched me grows his body to the height of my body off the ground about fifty feet. He becomes huge and also unnoticeable to everything. I stop in mid air and my powers come to me in an instant, like water flowing through a pipe, my skin turns all dark and black as night. My eyes fill themselves and my hands grow warm.

I look to him, the one who has saved me from the sounds I've heard just a minute ago. He holds out his hands from the dark cloak around his body. I see them clearly under the moonlight but still not his face as if he's keeping his beautiful identity a secret he doesn't wish to reveal today. His fingers are like claws, all black so dark and twisted and I want to reach out and hold his hand if he'd let me.

He holds them out to his sides and the darkness that surrounds us scream. The sounds reaching my ears but I can stand them this time. These are the true screams of demons and I love them. There are about a hundred of them surrounding my body and they began to form a tornado around me. My white blonde hair flies into the air and up with the dark creatures that spin in a cyclone around me. The one with the metal eyes points to me and all the creatures around me run toward my form screaming and cheering to have a body for them to hide away in. My body, they reach me and disappear into my already dark skin. I can feel them crawl under me, trying the find their way to a place of comfort and ease. I let them, it's as if they make me stronger and they do. I can feel my powers becoming something I could never have imagined was possible until now. My heart races and my breath intake is stronger, I squeeze my eyes shut and my fists.

They all disappear and I relax a bit, opening my eyes and looking at the only creature in front of me now. He snarls a growl and turns away from me, disappearing into the dark night like nothing happened. My body goes plummeting to the ground now, not fast but at a speed. I hit the ground with a thud on my feet and my breathing quickens. I stand up straight, theres not a thing in sight but the same old trees around and the brightly lit moon in the sky.

I look up wishing for the name of my savior. In a rush, it comes to my head. One name that I've seen but never had the chance to look up. My powers crawl back into the hiding spot in the darkest corners of my blood and wait for the next time I summon them.

I don't hear anything now but the sounds of the animals that come out only in the night. Something flies overhead, at the tops of the trees and I think it's an owl changing its sitting location so it can find better things to examine.

I turn around, "John?" I call to him.

I hear no one else in between the tree stumps but my own breathing. I began to head back to the same spot we were supposed to meet. When I arrive there, theres no chance of anyone so I don't wait. I walk back to the house, at the end of the long driveway entrance. I make my way up thinking about what just happened. How as painful as some part of it just was, I wish for it to happen again. I want to feel the power I just felt and will it  to control with my own hands. I want to practice using it and maybe it's about time I did.

I reach the top of the hill and head straight for the door. I look around and theres not anyone in sight. I grab the handle of the door and its locked, why? We just left and why would someone lock the door?

I knock lightly hoping someone comes and opens it or at least hears me. I can hear steps toward the door now, someone looks out the side window before they remove the locks on the inside of the door and pull the door open with such force.


Stacey grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug, "I thought something happened to you, you were gone so long" she pulls away with a worried expression.

"What are you talking about? It's full moon day remember? We go out and hunt or use our powers or whatever.." I raise an eyebrow.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? We looked for you for so long before we decided it was best if we waited for you to show up here, thank god your okay" she hugs me again but I don't embrace her.

"What?" I'm confused.

"Come on in here now!" She shouts and I flinch as she pulls me in through the door.

She rushes me to the dining area where everyone sits behind the table.

"Thank god"
"What happened to you?"

Everyones voices become a fit of questions and they desperately wait for answers that I can't give them.

I spot John and Mia, "what happened? I thought you said to meet at the same spot?"

He looks at Margaret, "we did, but you didn't. You didn't return Zoe and you had me worried sick"

I let out a breath.

"Zoe, you were gone for hours. John and the others came back and said you'd never returned to them so they looked for you and we helped but we couldn't find you" Susan explains.

"I was in the forest the whole time"

"You weren't" Mia looks up at me, her eyes are puffy and red.

I look around at everyone and wonder what the hell is going on? The eyes of everyone scans each others and Stacey waits for me to speak. Susan runs a hand over her face.

I open my mouth and close it back before I rush toward the living area. A clock, I need a clock now before I explode.

"Zoe?" Someone follows behind, I think they all do.

I find the clock on the wooden table by the golden colored couch and look at the time, 12:00am. The perfect time to be outside in the dark of the midnight hour, how I wished for the time to be midnight what felt like minutes ago. I bite down on my teeth and swallow before turning to my friends.

"I'm sorry guys, it won't happen again. I'm glad everyones okay" I tell them all.

"We're glad your okay Zo" Margaret takes a step toward me.

"You guys should all head to bed, I'm sorry I kept you up"

They head for the stairs while John and Marg take themselves to the back headubg into their rooms. Stacey and her Mom wait by me still. Susan gives her daughter of look of satisfaction before she nods her head toward the stairs. Stacey gives me a smile and touches my arm before she heads upstairs with everyone else.

"Zoe, is everything okay? You know you can talk to me about anything right" Susan hesitate to ask. I can feel her heart speed in her chest as if she's nervous to be talking to me right now. I look straight into her eyes.

"You shouldn't be nervous to talk to me Susan, I'm not going to do anything to you"

She flinches, blinking and placing a hand to her heart.

"I'm fine, you should go to sleep" I say before going up the stairs and to my room.

I just need some time alone. I also need answers but I don't think I'll get them from anyone at this point. I have to find them myself and I know where to start, I should look up that name and then I should try and work out the powers I have so that I can fully control them and last I need to draw those high rollers to me so I can finish this thing once and for all.

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