Love Unexpected

By NanamiMomozono675

124K 3.8K 515

After escaping her abusive father, Madeline is left in the care of the wealthy Lockwood family. They complete... More

The Surprise Trip
He's in love with me?
I'm attracted to him
You're Safe With Me
Movie Night
You're mine!
I Choose You
Rejecting Him
The Game
I Love You
The Past Unfolds
The Truth Comes Out
Sequel to Love Unexpected
New Book News!

I Love You Madeline

7.1K 277 56
By NanamiMomozono675



I quickly began texting Lisa to come and save me. As I wrote to her and explained the situation things got even steamier with the gross couple in front of me.

"Please, I can't wait any longer!"

It was then that I heard a loud moan come from Annabelle's mouth that I knew they finally did it.

"Oh yes! It feels amazing!" She yelled.

I finally sent the message and quickly covered my ears.

Sadly I could still hear them. I was done! Nope, like hell was I going to stay till the end. I was going to run out of there and never come back. Surely Lisa wouldn't mind me staying in her home for a while.

Before I actually ran out I heard something I was not expecting. Something that would change my life forever.

"I love you Madeline."

Wait, did I just hear him say Madeline? No, I was just imagining things. He definitely said Annabelle, not Madeline. Or did he?

While I rambled in my head Grayson and Annabelle had already finished. It seemed like they were now changing.

"I hate it when you call her name when we're together. This is the fifth time you've called Madeline's name when were having sex. I know you love her but seriously just let it go. Your parents would probably hate you if they found out, and Madeline would find it disgusting that her fake brother wants to fuck her."

"Shut up! You already know that the only reason why I'm your boyfriend is so that you keep that a fucking secret. After you blackmailed me I wasn't really left with much of a choice."

"Oh you had a choice Grayson, you're just too scared she'll find you revolting when she finds out. But don't worry, you have me."

"Like hell am I going to be with you forever. If it wasn't for my secret I wouldn't even as much as looked at you. I really hate women like you."

"Hey Grayson! Where are you going?"

The room finally went silent and I knew they were gone.

My heart was beating fast and I felt like the room was spinning. Grayson Lockwood was in love with me? This couldn't be real.

I managed to get out of the room and sneak out of the mansion through the back door. I caught up to Lisa before she got inside the mansion.

"OMG are you ok? Were they loud?" Lisa gave me a disgusted face.

"We have to go now! I will explain everything later."

Luckily Lisa complied and we got the hell out of there.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Grayson had said. He said he loved me! But since when? I thought he hated me?

Every single day of my life Grayson Lockwood has made me aware of how much he despises me. It was almost as if my mere presence annoyed the living crap out of him.

I still couldn't believe it. I assume I was too lost in thought because Lisa began to call out my name.

"Earth to Madeline, hello." She began to wave her right hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, it's just that I was thinking about my mother. I just can't wait to see her again. It's been so long since I saw her, the circumstances we were in when she took me to the Lockwood family weren't the best. I just hope she's doing ok."

I didn't want to tell Lisa about what Grayson had said. It was still too much for me to process.

"Well don't worry so much. When you see each other it will be an amazing encounter. For now just focus on this awesome sleepover we will have and all the junk food we are about to eat."

Lisa was right. I shouldn't focus on things that worry me but instead look at the good side of life. Thinking about Grayson would just stress me out too much.

We finally arrived at Lisa's home and we quickly headed to her room.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are working as always. Although to be honest I think they are out with other people. Ever since my father cheated on my mom, things have gotten worse in our family."

I still remember the time Lisa came to the Lockwoods home crying. I hugged her and both Grace and I had to calm her down.

Her mother had found out that Lisa's father was cheating on her and they decided to get a divorce. Lisa's mother had even left them for a week but eventually she came back.

Economically it would be bad for the both of them so in the end they decided not to file for divorce. According to Lisa they choose to see other people while remaining a couple.

"I am so sorry you have to go through that. But you have me and I will always be your supportive friend. We are like sisters, and sister are always there for each other." I gave her a hug.

"Thank you" She was tearing up.

"How about we watch a movie. How does 'Titanic' sound?"

"Do you want me to keep crying?" Lisa began to laugh.

"Nope but I really want to see Leonardo DiCaprio. He is my celebrity crush after all."

"Fine, but you're making popcorn."

As Lisa put the movie in her room I went downstairs to make the popcorn. I knew my way around Lisa's kitchen from coming over so much throughout the years.

While I waited for the popcorn to cook in the microwave I began to think of the events that unfolded back home. Would I be able to face Grayson tomorrow?

Should I question him about his true feelings for me? But what would that do? I didn't feel that way about him. I always saw him as a brother, just like Jake.

I grabbed a bowl since the popcorn was ready. As soon as I was done I headed upstairs.

We gushed over how hot Leonard DiCaprio was and how cute him and Rose were as a couple. Of course we ugly cried and as soon as it was over we began to talk about our crushes.

Lisa really liked a boy in her music class and apparently he had asked her out. I was so happy for her and began to ask her every detail on how it happened.

Seeing her so happy made me think of how it would be like to date Dylan. Maybe we would make a cute couple. Although I couldn't help but imagine myself with Grayson.

How would he treat me if we were dating? Would he be kind for once? What the hell was I doing thinking about him!

We finally decided to head to bed and sleep. Tomorrow was Saturday so we had no school. This meant we could sleep for as long as we wanted.

I fell asleep worried about my encounter with Grayson tomorrow.

NEXT DAY-----------------------------------------

"Thank you so much for letting me stay in your home for the night. I had so much fun as always."

"Of course, I am the master of sleepovers."

Lisa hugged me and left.

It was the afternoon now and it was no longer possible for me to avoid coming here. I stood in front of the huge mansion before me as I waited to face Grayson in horror. How would I face him now that I knew he harbored romantic feelings towards me?

I grabbed my key and opened the door. Luckily Grayson was nowhere to be found. I decided to head upstairs and shower.

First I entered my bedroom and laid my backpack and black bag on the bed. Sadly I didn't have my own bathroom so I had to use the one across the hall to shower.

As I headed out with caution I noticed there was still no sign of Grayson which I was happy about.

Finally I made it to the bathroom. I opened the glass doors and headed inside the shower room. The warm droplets of water felt amazing against my skin. This was enough to calm me down. I washed myself with my favorite vanilla scented hair and body wash.

As soon as I finished I got out and reached for my towel. I then began to walk towards my bedroom.

It seemed as though the world was against me because I came face to face with Grayson. He stood right outside his room as he eyed me up and down. This sudden fear overtook me and I quickly tried to run inside my room.

Correction, I tried to run to my room but I was pulled back and pushed against the wall.

Both my hands were placed up over my head as I desperately tried to free myself. This seemed to anger Grayson since I could feel his grip grow tighter.

He stared deeply into my eyes finally looking at me.

"You were there yesterday in my room. You heard me say it didn't you."

Grayson sounded almost defeated. He continued to observe my face cautiously as he tried to figure me out.

"What are you talking about?" I decided to feign ignorance.

"Can you just please let me go!" I yelled at him.

"Stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about Madeline. I noticed you took one of the spare keys my mom left in my side table. I saw it there before I left for school, and for some reason it was gone as soon as I came back to my room."

"What do you mean? I grabbed the key after you left for school early in the morning."

I really couldn't let him know that I was aware of his feelings. Things would get so awkward between us and it wasn't something I wanted to deal with at the moment.

He began to laugh.

"Don't fuck around with me. I know you heard what I said yesterday. I saw you leave the house Madeline. You practically ran out of the back door as if you're life depended on it."

He began to laugh again as he took a moment to recall the scene.

"You looked pretty cute running like a scared little puppy." He said smiling.

There was no point in lying anymore. He was aware that I knew about his feelings towards me.

"Fine, I did hear you tell Annabelle that you love me. But I know it's all a lie. You hate the living crap out of me, I know you do. Besides, we're practically siblings, being more than that would just be wrong."

That had to be the case. It must have been a lie. There was no way Grayson loved me, it was impossible.

"You and I are not siblings you understand! You were never a sister to me Madeline. I have always seen you as a woman."

What did he just say? He just admitted to seeing me as a woman. I mean, I understood that he didn't see me as a sister but all of this was just weird.

I began to panic and try to pull away from him. This backfired on me big time since my towel ended up coming off. I was completely naked in front of Grayson.

He appeared surprised and began to eye me from the bottom to the top. I began to feel very uncomfortable.

"You shouldn't have done that princess. Now I won't be able to hold back anymore."

There was no time for me to respond. I felt Grayson move closer towards my body as he pressed himself against me.

He held both my arms up above me with his left hand and used the other to explore my body.

I felt his warm hand glide through my body like a snake. He lightly caressed my breast as he went further down touching my stomach and finally lower as he grabbed my ass.

Then he pressed his aching lips against mine as he kissed me with this unnerving passion that surprised me. There was so much desperation in the way he devoured my mouth. He looked like a desperate man.

He carefully touched my body with this sudden tenderness I didn't expect.

I caught myself kissing him back with a similar longing. The way he held me in his arms and how he made me feel wanted, was something I had never experienced from him before.

But what was I doing? This didn't feel right. I was able to pull away since he let his guard down. I then slapped him to distract him. Luckily I was able to grab my towel and lock myself in my room.

There was loud banging coming from the door and I could hear Grayson call out my name.

"Come out, please! We need to talk, I need to see you!" There was desperation in his voice.

"Just leave me alone Grayson!" I yelled.

What was wrong with him? This was not like him. He ignored me my entire life, he avoided seeing me and know he wanted me?

"We don't have to talk now, but please when you're ready, let's talk." He spoke in a low voice.

He stood outside my door for a while but I assume he realized I wasn't going to open the door any time soon since he finally left.

I walked to my bed and laid down with my hand on my heart as I tried to calm myself down. All I could think was WTF did you do Madeline!


(Well things sure got steamy in this chapter.☺️ Until next time my lovelies, thank you all for reading! Don't forget to VOTE if you enjoyed. )

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