Just Listen {Yandere! Peter P...

By multiFxndomtrxsh

184K 4.4K 1.1K

"they keep telling me there are other girls to love...but why waist time on them when i want to spend eternit... More

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6.8K 175 35
By multiFxndomtrxsh

After the shopping trip, you spent the majority of spring break in your room. You lounged under the covers, only leaving for meals and bathroom breaks. You couldn't say that you were disappointed, basic or not it was the break you needed from the headaches of school. You felt simply thankful for that.

It was currently Sunday night, the last hours of spring break were ticking away as you prepared for school the next day. Were you excited to go back to that hell hole? Not in the slightest. But you missed your friends and you missed the feeling of having a purpose. Sitting home all day with no plans made you feel something awful.

You looked over the outfit you selected for the next day. Nothing extravagant or special, but it showed everyone that your gift from the Easter bunny was a new sweater.

Satisfied with your choice, you placed the outfit on your dresser and continued with your nightly routine.
Change into pajamas, set your hair for bed, brush your teeth, and moisturize. Dry skin was your least favorite thing.

Once you finally settled into bed you began scrolling through your social medias. Picture after picture of your peer's extrordinary spring adventures filled your screen, leaving a slighty sour taste in your mouth.

Your weren't exactly the jelous type, but once every now and then that twinge of envy would sneak up on you, causing those bitter thoughts to spill into your mind. You knew you had a good life, that you shouldn't complain and just be grateful.

But that didn't stop your mind from wondering what things would be like if your family made a little more money, or lived a different lifestyle....

Your train of thought halted when you get a message notification. Peter's contact name pops up on the top of your screen. Without a second thought you click to open and read the message.

'Come to the roof'

You furrow your brows in confusion, did he mean the roof of your building? And if he did why would he want you to go there?

'What?? Its like 10 at night'

Though your statement was an obvious one, you hoped it make Peter realize that he sounded a little insane. There had to be some mistake. Wrong number? Auto correct? Something had to be wrong here.

But when another message didn't arrive within the five minutes, against your better judgemenf, you decide to head up to the roof.

The fire escape attached to your window was the easy route to take if you wanted to avoid your mothers prying. The old metal groaned with each step that you took, reminding you that this was pretty stupid. But you were so curious about what Peter could mean that you just couldn't stop yourself from climbing the rickety structure.

But wasn't the expression that curiosity killed the cat?

The mid spring night was chilly, goosebumps decorated your skin making you wish you'd worn a jacket. You hold yourself in attempt to trap some heat and keep yourself warm as you climb the last few steps.

Stepping into the roof which is partially illuminated from the surrounding buildings which were slightly taller, there was nothing out of the ordinary. You stood looking for maybe a box, or a letter, or maybe Peter himself. Yet, none of these things were present.

With an annoyed sigh you open your messages to ask Peter if this was part of some stupid prank. You press send on the message of irritation only to hear the ping of a received message. Confusion and surprise fill you as you follow the sound. A phone that resembled Peter's down to the phone case sat on the ledge of the roof.

Fear coursed through you as hundreds of questions ran through your head. Where was Peter? Was that even his phone? Had he fallen waiting for you?

The roof was quite far from the solid pavement of the ground and the thought of falling shook you to your core. The thought of someone else falling scared you just a little more. It took all the courage in your being to peer over the edge, terrified that you'd find the disfigured body of one of your closest friends.

You leaned over, searching you any signs of him. You leaned, and leaned, and leaned, not realizing how close you were to the edge. Not until you leaned to far and a thing of nightmares became your reality.

Free falling was something you once learned about. Terminal velocity, wind resistance, and all that good stuff. But a physics class didn't teach you that hurtling towards the ground at a starting speed of probably 20 miles an hour was horrifying.

Excepting your fate and sending a final prayer, you closed you eyes. Nearing the concrete with such a force you knew you wouldn't survive. This was it. This was how it ended.

But it wasn't.

Once again you felt those strong, warm arms wrap around you and pull you to safety.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" His voice was higher than you remembered, sounding altered by fear. There was also a small tremble in his words. He was genuinely worried about you.

"I'm so sorry! I thought my friend Peter might have fallen and I was so scared that he might've been hurt or maybe worse. I guess I stopped paying attention to my surroundings and slipped." As you squeaked out an apology he set you down on the roof,  his arms still around you.

"Y/N," his voice returned to normal but there was something hesitant about how he spoke. You were surprised that he knew your name, you didn't recall telling him what it was. "There's something you should know." He pulled one of his arms from around you and moved it towards his face.

"You have to keep this in between you and me." He says with a careful tone. You were confused as to what he meant. He couldn't possibly mean--

You couldn't finish your thought as he grips the slit of his mask and pulls it over his head. Tufts of familiar brown hair fall on to his face as all of the air in your lungs escaped.

"Oh my God!"

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been sick :(

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