Slowing Down | AJ Lee / Dean...

By lunaticweirdo

5K 128 21

❝She screamed her lungs out as the scourging frustration that she had kept inside of her rapidly built up. Sh... More



160 3 0
By lunaticweirdo

"Babe, where are you going?" Dolph furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"This game is stupid, I'm over it." AJ presented one of her classic smiles that she used to assure someone everything is okay. "I'm going for a walk. See you later, okay?" She gave his hand a squeeze and went for the door.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Punk got up from his place.

"No!" She said a little too concerned and put her hands in front of her, signaling him to sit back down. "I'll be fine." She laughed nervously as she left the room. She had her fingers crossed he wasn't going to follow her like a puppy.


AJ walked in the club her and her friends went to last night. She didn't know why she came here. Her legs weren't listening to her. She didn't know what or who she was looking for. Her instincts led her here.

The brunette made her way to the bar where she saw him.

Dean sat in a chair, an empty glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.

"Pour me one more." He told the bartender. The guy behind the bar shook his head in pity and filled the glass with the alcoholic beverage.

AJ's breath hitched. He looked miserable. But it couldn't be what she was thinking. He couldn't be jealous. Why would he? He hated her. She tried to make him jealous but she knew that if he didn't love her it would be no use. But why was he getting drunk by himself then? Why was he smoking again? She remembered he told her he started smoking when his family abandoned him. And he hadn't done it in a long time. Or at least she hadn't seen him do it in a long time.

April sat on the empty seat next to him. He didn't acknowledge her.

"A shot for me too." She smiled at the bartender and returned her gaze to Dean. Once again he didn't say anything. To be fair he probably still hadn't seen her.

"So... what are you doing here? All alone." AJ shifted uncomfortably and pursed her lips.

He turned towards her slowly just so he could see who was talking to him. Once he saw her he went back to looking down at the counter.

"Okay, fine. We won't talk." AJ drank the shot the bartender gave her.

She layed on the counter, resting her head on her arms. Dean took one last puff of the cigarette before putting it out. He could feel April's eyes on him and he couldn't resist. He looked over to her. "Why are you here?"

She could tell he was drunk by the way his eyes barely stood open and his movements being slow. It wasn't a funny drunk, a party drunk or an angry drunk. Just a sad and miserable drunk.

"My legs have a mind of their own." AJ said. She smiled when she remembered him saying the same thing to her.

Dean scoffed. "Yeah sure..." A long pause followed. "Go away."

"Why are you here? Why are you smoking again?" The determination in her eyes made them flicker.

"What do you care?"

"I don't know." AJ looked like she was in a trance while looking at him.

"AJ!" A squeaky voice called from behind the bar.

She turned around to face Elise.

"Hey... What are you doing here? I thought you stopped traveling with WWE?" AJ looked at her confused.

"I just stopped working for them. But I love traveling so I just follow you around." The blonde smiled.

AJ felt something shift next to her and next thing she knew Dean was trying to get to the exit but he stumbled every few steps.

"I have to go." AJ smiled awkwardly and hurried to Dean.

"Put your arm around me." She tugged at his arm.

"Yeah, you wish." He slurred.

AJ scoffed and put his arm around her once he gave up fighting her. "You know you want to"


"What is your room number?" AJ asked as they got in the elevator.

"Why? You wanna follow me?" He smiled drunkenly while getting closer to her. His mood had changed while they were making their way to the hotel. He went from sad an miserable to cute and affectionate.

"Careful, you might drool. Now say it before I call Alexa"

"She won't pick up, she's out with friends." Dean placed his head on her shoulder.

"I'll leave you here if you don't say it."

He rolled his eyes. "222."

AJ pressed the button for the second floor. She slowly slid her hand from his back to his back pocket grabbing the key card.

"You can't keep your hands off of me." He giggled. She couldn't help but smile.

They got out of the elevator while AJ was doing her best to keep Dean from falling. She unlocked the door and escorted him to the bed. He layed down and patted the spot next to him. "I need you to keep me company. I might do something stupid." He pouted.

AJ sat next to him and he layed his head on her lap. "You're pretty." He put his index finger on her jaw and studied the contour of it. She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Why couldn't you love me?" He asked catching her by surprise.

She took a deep breath. "I-" It was hard for her to form sentences. He wouldn't remember anything the next day anyway. Why was she scared to say anything? "You're drunk." She chuckled.

Dean put a finger to his drunk smile, signaling her to stay quiet.

"I wish I could love someone like that." AJ looked at the night sky and teared up. "Maybe you are a good guy, Dean. Maybe. Too naïve. Just like I was." A tear escaped her eye and it landed on his finger. "You took good care of me but you shouldn't have. I'm not good anymore. I used to be so pure. So... full of life. Too bad people ruin everything. Too bad people taught me how to destroy." She carefully placed his head on the pillow and stood up. He was already falling asleep. She got close to him and whispered "I couldn't love you, Dean, because I never knew how to." AJ wiped her tears and walked out of the room.


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