Sherlock Holmes and the Case...

By charlotteswebj

1.4K 10 1

A new client comes to Baker Street. She is mysterious, beautiful and dangerous. She also isn't human; she is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Power of Demons
Big Brother
The Horse of War
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Breathing's Boring

Chapter 7

57 0 0
By charlotteswebj

Sherlock lay in bed listening to John’s breathing patterns as he slept. The gentle snore was evidence of John’s slight case of sleep apnea; however Sherlock didn’t mind. The funny little whistle that escaped John’s lips comforted him; it was as if to say nothing had changed. Everything was okay. Sherlock reached over and kissed John’s bare shoulder. Normally John would have muttered in his sleep, or at the most looked up into Sherlock’s face with that shy sweet smile; however, this time John’s body stiffened as he quickly rolled over to face Sherlock.

“What is it, Sherlock? Is everything okay?” John asked in a clear, strong, tone. He was instantly alert and ready for any challenge.

Sherlock’s heart beat a little faster as he fought to control the ball of fear that churned in his stomach. John had been sound asleep, so how was it that he came awake that quickly? Sherlock knew that John had a soldier’s ability to switch gears from sleep to fighting mode quickly. However, even a soldier at peak efficiency had a delayed reaction to any given situation. John was instantly awake.

“Sherlock, are you okay? What is it?” John asked again.

Sherlock swallowed back the tears that made his throat hurt and burn as he held out his arms to John. John smiled and as he did Sherlock felt the mental stress that kept him constantly searching for intellectual stimuli, drift away into a cloud of euphoria. John pulled Sherlock’s naked body towards his own until they fit perfectly together. “If we could only stay this way forever,” Sherlock thought as John reached up pulled his head down for a deeper kiss.

“Sherlock, why did you wake me up? Are lonely my detective? Because if you are,” John said in between kisses. “I have a big surprise for you.”

Sherlock laughed as John crossed his eyes. “John, I want the surprise.”

“Good, for I have something new I want to try,” John said as he jumped out of bed.  A few moments later he came back with a blind fold, hand cuffs and some sort of long, pointy things.

“Sherlock, do you trust me?” John whispered as he held up the handcuffs.

Sherlock knew that John was not himself and that he should precede with caution, yet Sherlock craved anything new.  “New, God new was wonderful,” Sherlock thought as he gave John the go ahead.

Without another word John grabbed Sherlock’s arms above his head and handcuffed him to the head board of the bed. The next thing Sherlock felt was John’s hands firmly slipping some sort of collar around his neck and then John grinned down at his captive. “Sherlock, blindfold, or no blindfold,” John asked as he held up a small black piece of material.

Sherlock’s blue eye’s widened with excitement. “Blindfold, Doctor, please and put it on tight this time.” Sherlock’s vision was blacked out as John slowly slipped a blind fold around his eyes.

John did as Sherlock asked and then it was time to wait. “This was the worst and the best time,” Sherlock thought as he struggled to control his breathing. “I have no idea if John will be able to control himself or not.” Sherlock whispered to himself as he tested the strength of the hand cuffs by pulling up on them.  Then Sherlock waited and waited. Had John forgotten about him? For a moment Sherlock felt lost. What if John was gone? “John,” Sherlock called out in panic.

“Sherlock, right here, “John whispered as his warm breath tickled Sherlock’s cheek. “Now prepare yourself, for you have been a very bad boy and you need to be punished. “Then Sherlock felt the slight sting of the riding crop against his thigh as he began to shake with anticipation. Usually in these types of bondage John would constantly check with Sherlock to make sure he was still okay.

Sherlock remembered that he had often become irritated with John because he was so solicitous during their previous bondage games. “For God’s sake John, stop talking and get on with it,” Sherlock had growled at John in the past.

This time was different John didn’t check with Sherlock at all. Gasping with pain and pleasure Sherlock thought if he died tonight he wouldn’t care, after all he and John would be together in whatever after life there was, so what would it matter if his mortal body died. His heart was soul were tied to John forever.  New physical sensations threatened to overwhelm Sherlock’s ability to process each event, until finally Sherlock let himself be dominated by John. “How ever did John learn how to do all these wonderful things?” Sherlock thought just before he passed out.

When Sherlock came to John had jerked off the blindfold as was frantically undoing the handcuffs. “Sherlock, oh my poor Sherlock, are you okay? Please talk to me.” John’s voice trembled the same way it had when Sherlock had jumped off the roof of St. Bart’s.

Sherlock’s body was slick with sweat and he knew that he would be sore in places that he never knew existed before tonight. “John, God where ever did you learn all that?” Sherlock panted as he lay back on the pillows.

John crawled towards Sherlock. “Sherlock, you enjoyed that?” John’s voice was full of panic and skepticism.

Sherlock barely had the strength to sit up as he nodded in enthusiasm. “Yes, John, that was something new and you know how I love new.” Sherlock said slyly as he winked at John.

John collapsed beside Sherlock as Sherlock lightly rubbed his fingers across John’s face. John closed his eyes and smiled. “Sherlock, that feels so good. You know how I love to feel your fingers across my skin. They are so soft and yet I can feel the calluses on the ends of your fingertips from your violin playing. I revel in the contrast, you know?”

Sherlock let his fingers dance lightly across John’s forehead. “Yes, John, I know,” he whispered as he kissed the top of John’s head. As Sherlock stroked John his thoughts became dark and fearful.  “John, I want you to know something. I want you to know that we will face the future together and that no matter what happens, I will stand with you and by you. John? John, did you hear me?” Sherlock asked lightly, his voice was still hoarse from screaming. John didn’t respond for he was fast asleep in Sherlock’s arms.

Mrs. Hudson eyed Sherlock, John and Clare as they ate their biscuits and drank their tea. Sherlock walked stiffly across the room to put some more hot water on for the tea kettle, and as he limped past Mrs. Hudson she whispered. “Sherlock, you and John have to be a little quieter in your night time games. I thought for sure someone was going to call the police. You are so naughty. I would spank you, but is appears you have enough of that already.”  Mrs. Hudson scolded as smiled fondly at Sherlock.

Sherlock grinned and was about to come up with a pithy retort when the doorbell sounded. Sherlock tapped the side of his face and mused aloud. “Short ring, followed by a long, ring followed by a short ring, ah it must be An’s brother.”

John folded his arms across his chest. “Now, how in the world did you come up with that?”

Sherlock smiled wickedly at John. “Really John, you’d think from your lack of insight that you had been the one that was beaten senseless last night.”

John bit back his report as Mrs. Hudson ushered an Asian man into the kitchen. “He says he was expected. Next time you need to answer the door yourself. I’m not your housekeeper or your butler.” Mrs. Hudson chided cheerfully as he cleared away the small biscuit plates. She then turned toward their guest. “Would you like some tea and biscuits, dear?” She asked warmly.

The Asian man shook his head. “No, I am An’s brother. I don’t mean to be rude, but things are escalating quicker than expected. There was another killing in China Town last night. How long will it take you all to get ready to explore the Chislehurst caves?”

John frowned. “The what caves?”

Sherlock looked off into the distance. “The Chislehurst caves are under London. The caves are remnants left over from when chalk was mined below the city.”

John nodded. “Oh, yes, aren’t they supposed be haunted? Didn’t some guy mysteriously break his collar bone when attempting to spend an all nighter down there?”

Sherlock sighed. :”John, let’s not engage in idle speculation. We can all be ready in a few moments.” Sherlock said as he answered for all of them.

Chislehurst Caves

Sherlock, John, Clare and their new companion who had introduced himself as Jake (Jake had insisted that he go by Jake because his Chinese name was too difficult to pronounce. Sherlock had of course refuted this and they had wasted about a half hour of time as Sherlock showed off by carrying on a conversation in several Chinese dialectics.), stood at the entrance of the caves. The glow from their Coleman lanterns flickered on the walls, making it seem as if the interior of the cave was a level of Dante’s inferno. Sherlock shivered with dread as they all descended into the evil murky darkness.

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