Voltron Final Season REWRITTEN

By ChancellorMatt

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This is my attempt to fix the wrongs of Voltron Season 8, and bring the series to a conclusion in my own way... More

Episode One - The Dark Paladins
Episode Two - Faith and Friendship
Episode Three - A Robeast Appears
Episode Four - The Plights of Paladins
Episode Five - Two Voltrons
Episode Six - Far from Home
Episode Seven - Outside the Box
Episode Eight - Grand Regent
Episode Nine - Fear and Uncertainty
Episode Ten - Defenders of Earth
Episode Eleven - The Coalition Strikes Back
Episode Twelve - The Trials of Leadership
Episode Thirteen - All fun and games...
Episode Fifteen - The Imprisoned Princess
Episode Sixteen - The Cost
Episode Seventeen - A Black Day
Episode Eighteen - Where it Ends
Episode Nineteen - The Singularity of War
Episode Twenty - Sum of its Parts

Episode Fourteen - The Noose Tightens

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By ChancellorMatt

Emperor Zarkon stares down at the altean colony with glowing eyes. Most of the alteans are training, sparring with weapons or carrying materials.

A door opens behind, and in walks Sendak. He approaches, coming to a stop just behind Zarkon. The Emperor doesn't turn to face Sendak.

"...we still have not heard word from your son." Sendak finally says.

"I am unworried." Zarkon replies evenly.


Zarkon chuckles. "I'm quite certain that boy hates me. And yet, he also seeks my approval. He'd never run, and he'll never work up the courage to turn on me. I have no doubt that at this moment, Lotor is seeking a way to redeem himself. And he does his best work when he's been properly motivated."

"I see." Sendak says thoughtfully. "But you are aware that Raimon is also with him?"

Zarkon chuckles deeply. "Of the two of them Raimon is even more unlikely to betray me than my son. I tested him quite thoroughly, to be sure. He completely under my domination. That man wouldn't turn on me, not for any reason. If I asked him to, he'd slaughter ever man woman and child in this colony. I'm certain he only joined Lotor to keep an eye on him. It's nice to have loyal pets, don't you think?"

"Yes, my lord." Sendak agrees.

Zarkon continues to stare down at the alteans. Sendak begins to grow agitated.

"...my lord, would you not like a better view? Our military has some fine displays that I'm sure would bring honor to you."

"I don't know about that. It's begun to grow on me." Zarkon nods to the alteans. "I have half a mind to destroy them right now. And yet, at the same time, I find myself feeling a certain sense of satisfaction."


"Because they serve me. Think about that. Some of Alfor's people managed to survive and now they are mine. And there isn't a blasting thing he can do about it. They even fight against his own daughter. Ironic, don't you think?"

"Certainly." Sendak says.

"Alteans." Zarkon shakes his head. Pitiful creatures, every one of them."

Sendak hesitates. "...except for the Lady Honvera, of course?"

Zarkon's eyes finally shift away from the scene to bore into Sendak. "...of course." He stares at Sendak several moments longer. "Was there anything else commander?"

"There is nothing, my Lord. I apologize if I've bothered you with my presence. I shall return to my duties. I believe Lady Honerva required my assistance with one of her machines."

Zarkon waves a hand, dismissing him. Sendak exits, leaving Zarkon to resume staring down at the alteans.


Princess Allura stands in front of the Blue Lion, a determined expression on her face as she stares back at the other approaching Paladins.

"Everyone ready?" She asks, more than a trickle of urgency in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah!" Lance calls back, dashing up to Red. "We can't all get ready in like thirty seconds like you."

"We're ready, Allura." Keith says, stopping just in from of this own Lion. "...are you?"

"Of course." She replies immediately.

Keith catches her eye. "You sure?"

"They're my people, Keith. I was, quite literally, born ready."

He hesitates for a moment, then nods. "Alright then. Let's go."


The Five Lions of Voltron, along with the repaired Atlas, fly out into a dense debris field. Broken and twisted metal drifts through the cold vacuum of space, forming an ocean of broken starship parts.

"Real mess out there huh?" Hunk remarks.

"Yeah what are we looking for again, Allura?" Lance asks.

Allura leans forward in her seat, squinting at her view screen. "...that."

"Huh I don't see anything."

"I got it, Allura." Pidge says tapping away at holopad. "Some geniuses around here can't use their eyes."

"Thanks Pidge."

Lance just rolls his eyes. A holographic overlay appears on all of the paladins' screens. It shows a bright circle around a large piece of debris, which appears to be half of a destroyed cruiser, that has a small light shining on and off it's side.

"So...it's shiny?" Lance asks.

"Try a code, Lance. Check out the pattern."

The shining goes on and off again in a complex but noticeably repetitive pattern.

"Huh," Lance says, sitting back with a sigh. "Guess I'm just being the team idiot again."

"It's okay, that's part of what makes you cute."



"If you two want to stop flirting, we've got a mission to do." Keith cuts in.

"We're not-"

"I wasn't-"

"Yeah, yeah. Allura? I'm guessing your silence means you recognize that code?"

"...yes." She says after a moment. "It's an invitation to come closer."

"We sure this isn't a trap?" Hunk inquires.

"No, but that's what we're here for." Shiro replies, giving a wave from the atlas.

"Not to mention that we can launch into Voltron at a moment's notice." Keith adds.

"If you say so..."

The Five Lions, with the Atlas just behind, approach the wreckage of the ship. As they grow closer they can see that the light is coming from a sizeable hole in the hull. A sole figure in a space suit stand in the hole, holding a device projecting the light.

"There's our new friend." Keith says.

Allura stares at the figure, her Lion hovering just a few dozen feet away. The figure turns off it's device and wave. Allura takes a breath and nods. "Alright I'm going down to meet. Alone."


"I don't want to spook them. Please. If it's just me they'll feel more comfortable." She reasons.

Keith looks as though he might continue to object, but finally he sighs. "...fine. We'll be right here if you need us."

"Thank you, Keith."

With that, Allura exits her Lion, floating out into the field. She activates her jet, moving towards the suited being. She enters the darkened opening, and lands on the cold metal of the floor.

The suited being touches a button on the side of it's helmet, causing it to turn translucent. It's Luca.

Allura's stance relaxes, and she gives a slight smile. "Hello. I am Princess Allura, daughter of King Alfor, and Paladin of Voltron, and you have no idea how happy I am to meet you." She offers her hand, trembling slightly from anticipation.

The other altean nods slightly. "I am called Luca, and the pleasure is mine." She shakes Allura's outstretched hand.

Allura hesitates, then sweeps her gaze across the darkened ship interior. "Where there not two others with you in the message?"

"Worry not. They are...nearby."

"I see." Allura said uncertain, but shaking off the ill-ease. "So then, please tell us how can we help you and the rest of your people."

"That will take some time to explain..."

Though Allura does not see it, Luca taps a small button on her suit's belt.


"What do you think they're talking about?" Matt asks, from the bridge of the Atlas.

"The fate of an entire species, I'd guess." Shiro says flatly.

"Oh good. Nothing too heavy, then."

Shiro doesn't laugh but he does crack a half-smile. "Just keep an eye on that scanner."

"I know, I know. But it's been all clear. There's nothing, not a blip since we...wait a minute."

Matt suddenly leans in close to his screen. "Uh oh."

"We got company?"

"What do you think?"

Bursting out from behind a larger chunk of debris, flew two silver robeasts.

"Guys!" Shiro calls over the comm.

"I see 'em!" Keith replies. "We've got to hold them back, Allura isn't in her Lion!"

"I think we can do that..." Shiro says narrowing his eyes.

He drives the Atlas forward, barreling towards the two robeasts. He throws both hands forward blasting the robeast. They deflect the blasts with the spinning of their polearms. Then they are trading blows, two giant machines against one. The Lions are quick to support, however, blasting the robeasts from all angles, hindering their efforts.


Allura watches the machines clash. It is only a moment later when she turns pained eyes over to Luca.

Luca hold her gaze, unflinchingly. Allura opens her mouth as if to say something. She never gets the chance.

Out of a hidden panel in the side of the ruined ship comes the Dark Red Lion.

"Hello Princess." Prince Lotor says, pulling his Lion above the hole in the ship. The Lion's mouth opens.

Allura has only a moment to react.

"Look out!" She cries, shoving Luca backwards.

The Lion's mouth blast hits the floor beneath Allura. A bust of energy erupts below Allura flinging her sailing backwards into a wall. She gasps struggling to maintain consciousness. The Lion reaches down again with an open mouth, but this time to swallow her into its hold.

"Trivial..." Lotor remarks.

However before he can get ahold of Allura something smashes into the side of his Lion. Lotor goes tumbling, rbut quickly rights his Lion.
Keith in the Black Lion shoots towards him, wings activated. Moving too fast to dodge, the Black Lion smashes into Lotor's for a second time.

"Did you think we'd go down that easy?" Keith asks.

"Not really." Lotor sneers. "It's always something with you lot. Luca I'm a little...preoccupied. Secure the Princess for me...Luca?"

Luca is too busy staring over at Allura from where the Princess threw her, well clear of the blast. Struggling Allura rises, letting out a pained caught. She sets her gaze in on her Lion, which still waits in empty space, activates her suit's booster and jumps for it.

"Luca!?" Lotor repeats.

"R-Right." Luca struggles to tear an energy pistol from a hidden compartment in her suit. She takes aim at Allura, but hesitates.

"Stop her Luca!" Lotor shouts.

Luca fires. He shot misses the mark by several dozen meters. Allura slips safely inside her Lion.

"...sorry, I failed." Luca reports.

Lotor sighs over the comm. "...plan B it is, then."


Allura fires up her Lion's engine and it bursts into motion.

"Sorry about the delay! I'm ready!"

"Alright then..." Keith and the other Paladins pull back away from the Lions. "...form Voltron!"

The five Lions assemble the mighty form of Voltron. Lance tears out the sword, and they charge at the robeasts.


Prince Lotor watches the shining form of Voltron attack his robeasts, and smiles.

"Raimon...activate the Komar."


A panel on the top of the wrecked ship, revealing Raimon surrounded by the great metal arms of a machine, encircled by druids on platforms. Bolts of black and purple energy begin to strike between the druids. They begin to direct the increasingly violent energy at Raimon who stores it in a large orb between his palms. Finally the crackling shadow energy reaches it climax, and Raimon releases it.

The stream of black energy wreathed in violet light reaches out for Voltron and the Atlas. It snatches them inside the grips of twin tendrils of midnight.

"AHH!" Lance cries. "Wh-what is this!?"

"It's...the Komar!" Allura manages to get out.

"Here! H-how?"

"...i-it doesn't matter, it'll drain Voltron!" Keith yells. "We've got to...t-to stop it some...somehow..." his voice fades with each breath.

"We're not...doing much better!" Shiro reports, alarms going off all over the screens of the Atlas' bridge. Matt frantically types away to little avail.

The energy slowly dies away, leaving Voltron and the Altas lightless and drained.

"C-come on guys we need to get Voltron back online." Keith says panting. "Just...just like before..."

The Paladins struggle, but to little avail.


Lotor cackles with mad-laugher. "It worked! Raimon it really worked!"

"It did." Raimon confirms. "However another shot is not possible." he stands amidst several fallen druids. "This is not the original komar and the process drained too many of the druids."

"We shall work quickly, then." Lotor declares. "Finish this."

The robeasts level both of their-staff blade and as one, swing at Voltron. Violet blades of energy slash, and the Paladins scream as Voltron shatters back into five Lions.


"We've got to do something!" Shiro yells, willing the Atlas to move.

"Well sorry to say but we're about as useful as a boat in the desert!" Iverson grunts. "We're operation off of our backup battery's auxiliary power. It's a miracle we still have oxygen, much less be able to fight!"

"Matt?" Shiro asks hopefully.

The boy is staring at the floor, thinking.

"...the engine." He says carefully. "It's a dual cycle balmeran crystal system..." Matt's eyes widen and he dashes to the back of the bridge, throwing open a service shaft.

"Where are you going?" shiro asks.

"To get this thing moving again. Or blow myself up. One of those." And with that Matt is down the shaft.


Keith is helpless as he watches Lotor move his Lion right up to Allura's and grabs hold of its neck. Keith throws his throttles back and forth to little avail.

The robeasts close in to grab the remaining Lions.

Keith closes his eyes, gripping his controls tightly. "Come on Black..."


Matt hangs on the side of a mechanical sphere with countless wires and cables spreading out from it. He tears open a panel, exposing two large crystals within parallel fixtures. Matt puts his feet on the lip of the panel and extends his staff. He takes a breath.

"Really hope this doesn't kill me."

Then he wedges the staff behind the fixture of one of the crystals and starts to pull. He heaves. "Come on you..."

The crystal in it's fixture suddenly lurches into movement, slamming into the other crystal. There is a spark of blue energy. The crystals start to glow. Matt grins, then as the crystals glow brighter, he swears and leaps away from the panel.

A blast of blue light erupts where he stood a moment ago. A blue fire continues to rage from the panel. Matt kicks the panel close and lets out a sigh of relief.

"That'll give us at least a few minutes, make it count!"


"Thank Matt, we're back!" Shiro exclaims, lights all along the Atlas coming back on.

He lauches the Atlas into motion, pulling back it's fist for a wild punch. The nearest robeast barely has time to rear back before the Atlas slams it's fist into the mecha's face. The robeast spins backwards, while the other brings it's weapon up to face the Atlas. The Atleas lets out a pair of blasts from its hands. The robeast blocks with a spin of it's staff but is pushed backwards. Four Lions hang in space between them.

"...retreat." Lotor finally says, pulling his Lion back, Blue still held in it's jaws. "I will not risk my prize..."


"Come on..." Keith urges, squeezing the throttles even more tightly.

Outside, the Atlas tries to reach Lotor's Lion but is intercepted and thrown back by the robeast. They fire arm blasts at the Atlas, doing little damage, but keeping the other mecha distracted.

Keith struggles to ignore it all. He takes a long deep breath. Then another. Then another. Suddenly, Keith opens his eyes. The Black Lion's eyes shine as it bursts back to life. Keith immediately throws both throttles forward, causing the Lion to explode into motion.

He races for the Dark Red Lion, pursuing at blinding speed. The robeasts start to move to block Keith.

"You aren't getting away with her..." Keith says narrowing his eyes. He drives his throttes as far as they'll go. The Black Lion's wings appear, and it easily races past the two robeast. Keith is a split-second away when Lotor spins his Lion around and activates it's cannon.

The only thing Keith has time to do is widen his eyes. The blinding blast takes Keith dead center, rocketing Keith back into a massive chunk of debris. The metal cracks and warps as The Black Lion gets buried into the mass.

"Not-" Keith coughs. "-not done...yet!" he throws his throttles forward one more time, only to be struck by yet another blast. Keith looks up to see the Dark Blue Lion blasting Black with ice, cementing it in place.

"Better luck next time Paladin." Lotor says, as the two Lions turn to leave, followed by the robeasts.

The Atlas makes as if to follow, but a shudder from deep within it's core, signals that the machine has reached its limit.

Keith can only watch, beaten, as their enemies disappear into the distance, taking Allura with them.


"Sire, Prince Lotor and Raimon are approaching." Sendak says. "Lotor sent only a short message ahead: I have one of them."

Emperor Zarkon, staring out at the altean colony, smiles. "Tell them to land on the surface. I want to see this."


Lotor drops the Blue Lion onto the scarred surface of the colony moon. He lands his own Lion with one claw onto Blue's back, ensuring that it will go nowhere. Finally the mouth of his own Lion pops open and Lotor climbs out. Raimon lands his Lion just behind, exiting a moment later.

Zarkon stands on the cracked ground, waiting. Sendak and Honvera are just behind him. Lotor and Zarkon gaze at each other for a tense moment.

But then, Lotor bows his head, and lowers himself to one knee. "...father, I bright before you the enemy's Blue Lion and it's Paladin."

"I see." Zarkon says, impassive. "Show me this Paladin."

Lotor glances over at the Blue Lion. "I suspect that she will save us the trouble of waiting..."

As if on cue the Blue Lion's mouth opens and Allura leaps out, bayard transforming into a spear. With furious eyes she makes as if to charge at Lotor. The sight of Zarkon stops her dead in her tracks. She freezes, resolve sputtering as she took in the sight of the emperor.


"Emperor, to you." Zarkon says, a rare smile touching his lips. "So the daughter of Alfor lives in this reality. Princess you have no idea just how...fascinating it is to see you."

His gaze sweeps over Lotor, then Raimon. "You two did well."

Lotor hesitates. "...I must confess, I had hoped to capture all five of the Paladins as well as their Lions. I cannot claim this as a total success."

"Indeed." Zarkon agrees. "But this will have to do. After all Voltron cannot be formed with even one Lion missing."

"Yes!" Lotor says perking up. "And I'm certain her comrades will attempt a rescue!"

"Of course. A prime opportunity for a trap. You have done well Lotor."

"Thank you...father." Lotor replies with more than a hint of pride.

Allura, regaining some of her composure, narrows her eyes at Zarkon. "You will not trap my friends so easily. They are clever and brave and strong. All the things you pretend to be."

Zarkon lets out a hollow laugh. "Your friends will be blinded by desperation. That will make them easy to manipulate. And I do not much care how clever or brave you think I am not. But..." Zarkon narrows his eyes and takes a step forward. "...do not ever question my strength. Or you will find it's the last mistake you make. You live by my mercy. Now hand over your bayard, or I'll have it taken from you."

Allura grits her teeth and stares down Zarkon. She doesn't break her hateful even as she deactivates her bayard and shoves it at Lotor. The Prince snatches it, looking bemused.

"Good. So she does know how to follow orders from a better." Zarkon turns his back. "We'll go now. I want to show something to Alfor's heir."

Zarkon starts walking without further word, Honvera and Sendak following. Lotor smirks at Allura before turning to follow his father as well. Allura's gaze turns out to the landscape as if considering making a break for it.

"Do not run." A gruff voice says from behind.

Allura turns to face Raimon, staring at her through his dark helmet.

"Who are you then? I know all of Zarkon other lackeys. Were you never important enough in our reality?" She sneers. "Then again maybe you are someone under that helmet. Does Zarkon make you wear it or are you just that ashamed of showing your true self?""

"I am a servant of the Emperor. Nothing more." Raimon says simply in his gruff tone.

Allura's eyes narrow further. "I have you to thank for blasting me before, don't I? When I was opening teleduv. You were piloting that lion that hit me."

"I do what the the Emperor requires of me."

"And I don't suppose thinking for yourself is involved anywhere in there?"

"No." He says flatly, and shoves her forward. "Move. You are keeping the Emperor waiting."

Allura shakes her head disdainfully, but starts walking.


"Behold Princess, your people." Zarkon waves a hand over the sight before them. They stand on the edge of a platform overlooking the altean colony. Even from this high the forms of individual alteans can be seen, walking, working, training. The statue of Lotor stands above them all.

Allura takes in the scene looking both amazed and horrified. Her eyes are glued to the people of the colony and she reaches out a hand as if to touch the distant forms.

"...it hurts doesn't it?" Zarkon says leaning down next to her. "Being so close to your people but unable to help them."

Allura steps back disgust on her face. "Save your jabs Emperor Zarkon. You only destroy pure things like them to make yourself feel powerful. Because you hate that there's a void inside you that will never let you care for people like I do."

Zarkon chuckles throatily. "It must be easy, thinking of your enemies as incapable of things like love."

"What have you ever loved besides yourself?" Allura demands.

Zarkon turns narrowed, glowing eyes on her. "I loved Diabazaal."

Allura is caught off-guard by the answer.

"It was hard, abrasive, and cold." Zarkon goes on. "And it was home. And your father took it from me."

"He saved the universe-"

"He was a coward!" Zarkon suddenly shouts. "Too scared of progress to let it run its course!"

"Just because your arrogance and lust for power-"

"Lust for power!?" Zarkon bellows, he leans in very close to Allura, and when he next speaks he is quiet. "I went into that energy field to save my wife. Because of your father I came out homeless. But I'll tell you one thing, I did change that day. I would never let anyone take one of my possessions ever again. Not one of my planets, not one the people that belong to me and most certainly not Voltron. You think I only care about power? You're right. I tried friendship and compassion, and I learned that trusting someone to your back only gives them a better position to shove a knife in. Power is what I trust in, Princess. Because my own power is the one thing that has never failed me." He lets out a bark of a laugh. "You want those alteans? You should have been strong enough to take them from me. But you aren't you're weak, just like them."

Allura clenches her fists struggling for a retort. "Perhaps I haven't beaten you. Perhaps I can't. Not alone. But I'm stronger because of my comrades. My friends. My family. We will beat you because we believe in lending strength to each other. While you're just alone."

"Alone?" Zarkon smiles. "Do I look alone?" He spreads a hand across the other Dark Paladins, "As far as I see, you are the only one alone here. Even they are with me." He waves another hand to the alteans below.

"They only serve you because of either fear or lies!"

"And why do people serve you and the other Paladins, Princess?

"B-because we're fighting for freedom and peace!"

"Freedom and peace..." Zarkon shakes his head. "You're not different than them." he gestures to the alteans. "Look at them. If I asked them what do you think they'd say? They believe in a noble and just cause, and are willing to fight and die for it. For freedom and peace. but it's a lie. All a lie. Your cause is the same, but since your stupid like them, you just haven't realised it yet."

"No, you've just twisted their good intentions to your ends."

"And what does that matter? I did it because I could If you could turn them against me you'd do it in a heartbeat, would you not?"

Allura starts to speak but her voice catches. Zarkon shakes his head once more.

"Pathetic. Just like your father. Always spouting rhetoric, never committing to it. In the end he only did what was good for himself, just like me."

"My father was not like you!" Allura nearly screams.

"You're right! Because if he was like me he'd have been strong enough to stop me! But he was weak, just like you're weak. That's all this comes down to. You can't beat me, because you don't have the power to do it." Zarkon sighs, shaking his head once again. "...and now I think I've grown bored of this conversation. I have to plan how best to crush your friends without them slipping away again. Show the Princess to somewhere out of the way where my ears won't be disgraced by her voice."

Zarkon turns his back to her and starts walking away. Lotor motions for her to follow him in the opposite direction. Allura starts to follow Lotor then stops, looking back down at the alteans, then over to Zarkon. Finally she looks back at Lotor, or more specifically, the bayard at his belt. She closes her eyes and concentrates. The bayard becomes energy and reforms in her hand.

"How's this for strength?" She shifts the bayard into a spear and launches herself at Zarkon's back. The spearhead is inches from the Emperor's back when it is knocked aside by Raimon's blade. The Dark Paladin stands there, longsword outstretched, as firm as stone.

Zarkon turns back around, smiling. "I was hoping you would try that." He holds up a hand staying Lotor, Honerva and Sendak, who'd been moving to restrain her. "Do not interfere. Tell you what Princess, if you beat Raimon, you can leave a free woman."

"Father-" Lotor begins to object.

"-Quiet. This is something I dearly want to see."

"Fine. But once I'm done with him, I'll take you down too, Zarkon." Allura says not taking her eyes off Raimon."

"You're free to try."

Without further prompt Allura thrusts her spear at Raimon's head. He knocks the spear aside and kicks her backwards. Allura stumbles back, but quickly rights herself. Narrowing her eyes at Raimon, she launches a series of attacks against the man. Raimon deflects and turns away all of her strikes, never so much as taking a step back. Allura grows more determined, he thrusts becoming a blur as she assaults Raimon's guard from every angle. Once again, Raimon efficiently blocks every single strike.

Allura makes as if to thrust once more, but at the last second, pulls back shifts her bayard into the energy whip and lashes it at Raimon's head. He ducks low, the energy whip triling overhead. Raimon replies by throwing out one hand, and firing a bolt of blue quintessence.

Allura's eyes widen and she barely manages to get a hand up in time. Quintessence crackles against her hand, and she stumbles back, nearly falling. Raimon lowers his hand, the glow fading from it.

"You're altean." She says with narrowed eyes.

"Oh he's much more than that." Zarkon says.

"It doesn't matter. You serve Zarkon of your own will, so I'll stop you."

Zarkon laughs.

"Something funny?"

"Nothing, nothing. Don't let me interrupt your fight."

Allura lashes her whip at Raimon again, this time going low. The Dark Paladin jumps over the whip, but Allura doesn't stop there. She continues to lash the whip over and over, forcing Raimon to duck dodge and weave around the glowing tether. Just as it looks like her whip will hit Raimon dead center he pulls his sword up and the whip wraps around the blade. Allura tries to pull the whip back, but Ramion yanks his sword back at the same time, winning the battle of leverage. Allura goes stumbling forward, right into Raimon's waiting fist. She hits the ground, dazed.

"Enough." Raimon says quietly, looming over her.

"Never." Allura growls leaping back up. She shifts her bayard back into a spear and thrusts it at Raimon's chest. He knocks the spear aside, but Allura lets go with one and and thrusts it palm-first up at his face. Raimon catches her by the forearm easily.

Allura however, smiles, then takes a breath. Blue quintessence crackles from her fingers and blasts Raimon in the head. Sparks fly and the now-cracked helmet flies across the room.

Allura smiles with self satisfaction. Then her smile fades and her eyes widen. Allura stumbles back, as if struck. Her mouth opens and closes, taking several excruciating moments to form the word caught in her throat.


No longer concealed by the helmet, the face of King Alfor stares back at Allura.

"...I am no one's father." He says monotone. He stares at her but there is no light behind his eyes. "My daughter is long dead."

The last thing Allura sees is her father's fist swinging towards her face, accompanied by the sound of Zarkon laughing.

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