Lily Rose Styles

By Rosoeul

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[COMPLETED] Meet Lily rose, the sister of the superstar, Harry styles. Lily's world is flipped upside down wh... More

Chapter 1~It Was Wayne & And who's coming?
Chapter 2~ Flashback&Oak tree
Chapter 3- Lily?
Chapter 4~ Suprise; People Change
Chapter 5~ That School Slut
Chapter 6~ He's In My House
Chapter 7~ Why Is It We Always Relive Our Worst Nightmares?
Chapter 8~ Movie Night&Nightmares
Chapter 9~ I tried to do what?
Chapter 10~ Saturday
Chapter 11~ I ran faster than ever
Chapter 12~Arguments
Chapter 13~Unlucky
Chapter 14~ We All Sometimes Get Lost.
Chapter 15~ Adam Parker
Chapter 16~ Note
Chapter 17~ Snow White
Chapter 18~ Lily
Chapter 19~ Doctors
Chapter 20~ Doctors part 2
Authors Note
Chapter 21~ Doctors part 3
Chapter 22~ Not again
Chapter 23~ He's the predator, I'm the prey
Chapter 24~ New Maths Teacher
Chapter 25~ Outsider
Chapter 26~ Baby Swings Are For Babies
Chapter 28~ So dreams come true?
Chapter 29~ I love you
Chapter 30~ Notes been found
Chapter 31~ Plan B & Re-living
Chapter 32~ Look to your left, and to your right
Chapter 33~ Surprise!
Chapter 34- GOOD NEWS or BAD NEWS?
Chapter 35~ Escape Route
Chapter 36~ Wilfred the Waiter
Chapter 37- Trouble Maker
Chapter 38- 2010
Chapter 39- Do Not Interrupt
Chapter 40- Sleepwalking
Chapter 41- Here I Am Once Again
Chapter 42- Discovered
Chapter 43- Happy Days
Chapter 44- Gone
Chapter 45- Same mistakes.
chapter 46- Taunt
Chapter 47- Shopping
Chapter 48- December 20th
Chapter 49- Suspicion
Chapter 50- Broken
Authors note
Chapter 51- Forgive&Forget
Updated story?
New version is now up! Go check it out!

Chapter 27~ It's like your invisible.

8K 121 60
By Rosoeul

Lily's P.O.V.

Stairing at the celeing in the dark,

Same old empty feeling in your heart.

Those first few lines melt my heart. They match my mood so much, and that's exactly what I'm doing, I'm staring at the celeing in the dark. I feel so alone, yet I'm always crowded by people. I hate this feeling. It's like your here, but in a way your invisible. Your invisible when you do something good. But yet, when you make a mistake, everyone see's it.

A sudden strike fired through me and like a lightning bolt I realized I forgot to do my 'maths homework' which I out of like 25 people in the class got. And yes I didn't want any trouble with 'him' but as he sets me homework and no one else, I have the right not to do it. And I'm not, well not planning on anyway.

I sighted while sitting up on my bed. 3:24am. I groand in frustration. I'm trying to minimize the sleep I get because the nightmares keep haunting me, and surley I will probably be like screaming, panting, and probably shouting something like 'Dad no'. And defiently Harry would be running in, and he would get suspicious. So he would ask questions and blah blah blah. Then he would probably try to pieze everything together until he get's the right picture. But I can't let him do that. I've already let him in on one of my many secrets. He can't know more...

3:25am! Are you kidding me, I whispered/screamed while flopping down onto my back again. I sighted in annoyance. This is going to be a long night.


~so wake me up when it's all over,

When I'm wiser and I'm ol- I smashed my hand on my alarm clock to shut the sound up before it wakes anyone else up.

I shot up and wen't over to my bathroom; splashing my face with cold water in intention of it waking me up.

I brused my teeth while throwing my messy curls in a high ponytail, out of my face...

I spat the toothpaste out, rinsing my mouth with cold water. I dried my face with my towel letting it absorb any unwated droplets of water on my skin.

I quickly applied some mascara, blinking several times as the brush came into contact with my long lashes.

I threw the mascara into my little make up bag and went back into my room.

I hurridly stripped out of my pj's and put on my terrendous uniform making us all look monotone. I groaned getting a final glance at myself in the mirror.

I quickly placed my pj's under the pillow, (not bothering to fold them nicly) and threw the quilts over, smoothing them out. Once I was done I took a quick glamps at my alarm at the bed-side table.

6:35am. Hmm. Not to bad, I thought to myself. I grabbed my already packed bag and silently made my way downstairs.

I got down the stairs only to see my mother standing by the stairs with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Where do you think your going?" My mother asks rudly.

"Good morning to you too mother" I mutered under my breath, mick mocking her voice.

"Pardon?" She questioned shifting her weight onto her left foot.

"Nothing" I say as I push past her opening the front door, only to have it shut close straight infront of my face catching me of gaurd.

"What are you doing?" I question my mother, annoyance visible in my voice.

"It's 6:40, your school starts at 8:45, your not leaving, pluss Harry's taking you down, now get into the Kitchen and have breakfast" My mother yelled quietly towards me, probably trying not to wake anyone up.

Before I could answer she stormed of into the Kitchen, I sighted loudly throwing my bag by the staircase and walking like a zombie towards the kitchen, where I picture my mum would be leaning against the counter, waiting for me to kindly show up.

I walk into the kitchen, indeed, to find my mum leaning against the counter only to be reading the local news paper.

"Eat breakfast" She mentioned not tearing her eyes from the 'fascinating' article she was reading.

I glanced over towards the dinning table and my eyes nearly poped out of their sockets. Too much food.

"I'm not th-

"Lily Shut it. Eat up" My mother said looking at me through her glasses. I sighted while I flopped down on the seat. Staring at my food of plate. I had an eggy bread and a strawberry joghurt to eat.

I decided to eat the yoghurt since it has less calories. I was finnished and I felt like I was going to be sick any moment. My stomach can't handle yet for me to eat an eggy bread.

I pretended I was chewing when my mum glanced over at me. She sighted while placing the newspaper down at he side before walking out leaving me alone. That was my cue to throw the eggy bread away into the bin. I quickly grabbed some tissues so I could cover it. Then no one would get suspicious.

When my mother walked in, I sat there pretending to be swallowing my last bite.

I stood up while saying thankyou amd I put my dirt dishes into the diswasher while throwing my pot of joghurt away into the bin.

"You ate that quick" My mother stated.  I was looking down but I still could feel her burning holes into my back.

"Yeah I was really hungry" I said quickly, obviously lieing to her.

She slowly nodded her head and went back to reading her newspaper again, while sipping away on her morning coffee.

I walked out of the kitchen to find Harry in the hallway tieing his shoe laces.

"Ready?" He asked me.

I stared at him confused my eyes narrowing at him.

"I'm taking you to school" He said simply, I just grabbed my bag and walked out without saying any goodbye's.

I got in the back of the car, sitting behind Harry, so he couldn't see me.

Soon enough Harry got in the front, puting his seat bealts on.

"So yesterday was a fun day huh?" Harry questioned while sticking the keys in and roaring the engine back to life.

"It was fine" I said quickly. I wasen't in the mood for talking. They're just making this harder. I need to distant myself from everyone, then they woun't find out things. It's hard though, cause they always are around me. I can't wait for Harry to leave. It is so much easier when he's not around.

"Ate any breakfast?" He questioned again. I silently screamed in my head, cussing him of.

"Yes" I replied looking out at the scenery passing before me eyes.

"That's a start" He said, I could imagine that grin plastered ontp his face right now.

"Ohh, I almost forgot" He says catching my attention. I'm looking at his messy mop of curls infront of me.

"You have your therapy on at 5" He said. WHAT? Therpay? Since when did they discuss that. No. No way. I'm not going to any therapy. And surly I'm not going to tell some old lady how I feel, while she's going to be sat there nodding away pretending she understands me, reality is she hasn't got a clue what I'm on about.

I look out the window to find we are on school grounds, I quickly open the door, grabbing my bag along and hoping out. I shut the door close.

"No goodbyes?" Harry said through the little gap where he rolled his window down, so probably no one eould recognise him.

I rolled my eyes while saying bye and walking into school. I got multiple stares as I walked on by, but I did my best to ignore them.

I let out a breath of relief when I got to my locker, I put my bag against it, shoving my head phones in, trying to block out any sound anyone was giving.

~Skip to last lesson, Maths~

The bell rang and everyone piled into the class, I on the other hand waited for all of them to be done pushing and shoving.

Once my path was clear I wen't in and sat in my place.

I unzipped my bag while getting out my pencil case, planner and the nost obvious my maths book.

"Good afternoon class" The teacher said.

A few mumbled some afternoons, but most of the class was to tired I guess.

Today we are going to do more work on calculating angles. 

Like on cue, as soon as he said angles, I zoned out while looking outside.

"Lily" A voice braught me out of my thoughts, I turned round to see everyones eyes glued to me. I sunk down into my seat hoping it would just swallow me up.

"ehh, yes?" I questioned, trying to not sound discusted and irratated.

"If this angle is 29° and this one is 118° what would angle A be?" He said sounding sweet and innocent. I pulled a disgusted face at him.

"33°" I said sounding quite positive on my answer.

"29+118=147-180=33" Yeah that's right, he sounded a bit irratated as he probably thought I would get it wrong. I hate him. With a great passion. I can get back at him, he can't hurt me on school grounds.

He started talking again and I zoned out. His voice alone could  put anyone to sleep.

Shivers ran down my spine evrrytime he talked but I tried to ignore them, telling myself he won't hurt me on school grounds.

I was stairring out the window and everything was a blur.

"Homework" A voice questioned which braught me out of my thoughts. I looked down avoiding eye contact... I heard him silently chuckle and immediatly I felt unsafe. I felt my heart beating againt my chest.

'I-I haven't g-ot it" I said trying to sound normal, dear God did I not.

"I was hoping you'd say that" He said quietly so no one could hear him.

I felt his presence near me, and everything felt so crowded.

I look up to find him gone and to find a piece of paper on my table.

'I would like to inform mrs and mr that Lily has been lacking Maths recently. She isn't doing her home work and always zoning out of the class. She isn't paying any attention, and always get's the questions wrong. If we may, I could give her after school lessons one to one? If yes sign below and return to school by monday"

I stared at the sheet if paper infront of me, my eyes wide. I felt like crying, I felt like screaming, but most of all I felt like... dieing.

The bell rang and I quickly packed everything away, running out of the class. Once I got out of school gates I let the tears fall freely; I spotted a familiar car parked by the corner, I put my hood up and walked past it, in hopes of not getting noticed.

My luck was shattered when a familiar Doncastar accent shouted my name, I took of running only to hear footsteps catching up on me...

Hey guys, sorry thid chapter is quite boring, it was more of a filler type. Anyways hope you like it! Sorry it took awhile, I was quite busy! Have a good day everyone, or night!:)
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-Love you guys.

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