Cooking for happiness and lov...

By plotgodness

76.4K 1.7K 782

Sara Yukihira, fraternal twin sister of Soma Yukihira and daughter of Jōichirō Yukihira, has been cooking for... More

Charater info
The Endless Wilderness
The God Tongue
The First Reunion! The Matchmaking Chef
"Sacred Mother of Kyokusei"
The Woman Who Hates Joichiro Saiba
"The Silent Bowl, the Eloquent Bowl"
Sara's first Food War! Part 2: I want to protect my sister.
Sara's First Food War! Part 3: The battle and aftermath.

The Second Reunion! Sara's first Food War! Part 1

5.9K 157 63
By plotgodness

Weeks pass by since Soma's food battle, besides the normal insults and glares thrown at her brother, nobody has tried to expel him. It led Sara to believe that maybe Isshiki was right. She just needed to let things run there course, however she got a feeling Erina wouldn't back down so easily, but for the time being she was going to enjoy this peace.

Little did she know, this peace wasn't going to last long.

(Scene change)

It was Saturday, which means someone from Kyokusei dorm would have to do the weekly grocery shopping and this week was Sara's turn.

She was walking back from the market, wearing:

While carrying 10 large bags of foods, 5 in each hand. Some men along her way volunteered to help her with them, but she rejected them. One: because didn't really need help and Two: most of them had a look in their eye thinking that if they helped, they could get a date or something out of it and that wasn't going to happen.

"Let's see I got everything Ms.Fumio asked, plus Yuki's pet chickens food, Ryoko's new timer, Shun's google's, Soma's spices..."

"How many times do I have to tell you? It won't happen! Not now, not ever!!"

As she entered school grounds, Sara heard a female's voice from a distance and whoever that voice belonged to didn't sound happy.

Without thinking, Sara ran in the direction of the voice. After a good three minute run, she quickly hide behind a tree when she was close enough to observe the situation.

She saw a girl around her age with short silver hair with a longer left bang that initially reaches the bottom of her chin. But the unique thing her eyes and skin. Her skin was fair and pale and her eyes were red, making Sara wonder if she was a foreigner.

The pale girl was backed into a tree, around her were three figures. Two stood a few feet away on each side of the tree, so she wouldn't be able to escape if she tried. In the center was a guy who made Sara believe he was descended from a rat given his large buck teeth.

Rat boy placed his hand besides her head and tried to give her a flirty grin but the look in his eye said he was trying to do more than just flirt.

"You know Alice, this whole playing hard to get thing was cute when we were in middle school and I'm a patient guy but my patience is running thin."

Alice glared "Maybe it's because I'm not playing anything. I've rejected you hundreds of times and I'll keep doing it because I don't like you! Now leave me alone or else-"

"Or else what? Your little body guard will kick my ass again." His grin widen "Sorry my dear but I know he's serving school and weekend detention for the next month. Shame, he really shouldn't have beaten up at poor middle schooler."

Alice pauses for a second.

Wait a minute, it's true that word got around that he apparently beaten up a student, which isn't true at all, but the fact that the victim was a middle schooler was never revealed. How did he...

She gasped "It was you! You set him up!"

Rat boy just laughed like he was proud of himself "It was like killing two birds with one stone. I need to get you away from your bodyguard and teach that little punk a lesson."

He leaned in close until his face was inches from hers "But don't think anyone will believe you if you tell them, not with his history of violent behavior."

Alice glared at him and pushes him away "You bastard!"

He stumbled a bit before steadying himself "Call me whatever you want but I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine. Now I've got reservations to a great restaurant just an hour away from the school."

"You really think I'll just go with you just like that?! After you just confessed what you did?!!!"

"I really didn't want to do this the hard way but.."

Alice backed away as both his lackeys were closing in on her before...

"Ok, I think you need to step away from her."

Everyone turn to see Sara step in front of the group, glaring at the boss "When a girl says no, she's not playing hard to get."

Alice eyes widen she recognized the girl in front of them

It's her...

Rat boy gave her an overlook before grinning "You're that transfer punk's twin sister. I've gotta say you are quite the looker but my heart belongs to someone else and you're kinda interrupting us."

Sara crosses her arms "I'm pretty sure the feeling isn't mutual but the shine from your two massive front teeth must be blinding you." She smirked "Seriously, you almost look like a humanoid rat."

Rat boy grin quickly turned into a sneer as he glared at her. If there was one thing he hated it was negative comments forwards his teeth "How dare you?! Do you know who I am?!!"

Her smirk fades and this blank- calm expression took its place. Everyone including Alice shudder at the look. Like a calm before the storm.

"I don't give a rat's ass who you are. I don't care whose in your family or what your status is, if you think that you can make people do what you want, then it's time to waking up because I think you're still in dreamland where you believe the moon is made out of cheese."

Alice instantly howl in laughter, failing  to muffle it with her hands. His lackeys were shaking, withholding their laughter in fear of getting fired.

"That's it!!" He shouted, turning to his guards "I want you two to teach her a lesson!"

The lackeys looked at each other, nervously. While they were ready to force Alice into going to the restaurant, they had no intention on hurting her.

"Y-You mean the same way we did to that middle schooler?" One of them said.

"Are you kidding?" He said "What am I, a monster? I maybe a badass but I'm still a gentleman. Just rough her up a bit but not like that punk. 15 - 20% tops."

They were uneasy but nodded, knowing they were just going to push her and dirty her clothes.

She didn't blink as they charged at her.

She sighed "Your funeral."

Rat boy's jaw dropped while Alice's eyes sparkled as the fight ended.

Sara dusted off her hands as she looked at the injured boys "It'll hurt like hell in the morning but be thankful I didn't break anything."

She turned to their leader and sized up to him. He willed himself to stay still dispute every bone in his body telling him to run.

"You have two choices: either take your guys and get the hell out of here or lose your those buck teeth the hard way."

Rat boy was sweating bullets at her intimidating look but managed to give her a weak glare.

This wasn't how it was suppose to go!

He looked at his lackeys and their condition.

How the hell did this girl take down two of my best men? Damn it!

Having no other choice, he quickly made distance between them and stood in front his groaning lackeys while Sara was in front of Alice.

"You'll regret this!" He pointed a shaky finger at the red head "No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it!"

With that said, Rat boy ran off with his lackeys limping after him.

When they were out of her sight, Sara sighed and turned only to see Alice right in her face.

"Gah!!" She backed away "Why are you so close?!"

"That was impressive, I've never seen any girl fight like that before!" The pale girl commented.

The red head was surprised by how quickly the pale girl bounced back after almost being kidnapped.

"When you've been to the places I have, you have to either have a guard, be really quick or learn how to fight."

"Wow, makes me wonder about your background."

Sara smirked at that "Glad to see my skills please you. Normally after that, people tend to be wary of me."

Alice smiled "My aide tends to get violent if I'm not there to keep him in check, so I'm not a stranger to seeing fights."

"I see" Sara went to get her groceries "Well I'm glad I could help but it's time to head back."

"What?!" Alice pouted "You mean you're just going to leave me here all by myself?! My hero is suppose to stick by my side and make sure I'm ok and safe."

Sara sweat drops at her behavior.

High maintenance personality huh?

"I'm wasn't going to leave you here. I meant we're heading back together."

"Oh, my mistake. But to where?"

"I'm taking you to where your aide is serving detention and you're going to wait for him until he's done."

"What?! But that's another 2 hours!" She whined "I get bored quickly!"

"Well I'm not here to entertain you. I have things to do today and I have to get back. So it's either my idea or risking another encounter with Rat boy."

Alice puffed her cheeks pouting, she didn't want to wait 2 hours but she really didn't want another run in with that guy. She wanted to see if she can change Sara's mind but that stern look in her eyes stopped Alice from doing so.

"Fine, you win."

Sara nodded and lead the way back.

The two walked on silence for a couple of minutes.

Then Alice said "Do I get the pleasure of knowing my savior's name?"

"Well I would but I believe you already know it. After all I'm pretty famous around here for certain reasons." Sara replied.

Sara Yukihira, twin sister to transfer student everyone wants gone, Soma Yukihira, the only student to pass Erina's test, and someone who's very special to my aide.

"Well if you're done looking at me, care to tell me your name?" Sara said, bring Alice out of her thoughts.

"Sure, I'm Alice Naikiri And it's nice to finally meet you, Sara." She smiled.

Sara stopped "Naikiri?"

"Yup, I'm the granddaughter of the Headmaster and..."

"Erina's cousin." Sara finished

"Oh? And how do you know I'm not her sister?"

"For starters you're not correcting me and second, you and Erina don't have the same features, you seem more foreign."

Alice clapped her hands "Very good, most people ask if I'm her sister, you're the first say I'm her cousin. But I'm not just her cousin. I'm also the girl who will take her title as the queen of the school."

Sara raised her eyebrow "Does that include her seat on the council?"


"Well maybe you'll be a better member than she is." Sara muttered as she started walking again.

"Oh!" Alice went in front of her and started walking backwards "I sense bitterness, what did she do to you?"

"And I should tell you because?"

"I can help if there's a problem! After all, I'm the only one besides my grandfather, her assistant and the other council members who can get close to her. Plus I due owe you and I alway repay my debts."

Sara shook her head "I'll tell you but you don't owe me anything. I chose to help."

With that, she told Alice about everything, the transfer exam, the opening ceremony and her connection to Mito during the Food War.

Alice listened closely to everything "I'm not surprised, Erina's alway had a big head. Just because of that stupid tongue of hers. But if it's true that she hasn't done anything in the pass few weeks, it's safe to say she's letting the coming events deal with him."

"Coming events?"

"I won't spoil the surprise but you don't have to worry about her plotting against your brother anymore."

Sara looked at Alice, the girl seem to know what's she's talking and with Isshiki keeping an eye on Erina, maybe she has nothing to worry about.

The red head sighed and relaxed a bit "Well that puts me at ease."

The girls continued to talk and get to know each other until they reached the building.

"Aww but I was having such a nice time talking to you." Alice gave her puppy eyes "Can't you stay with me?"

Sara giggled, shaking her head "I already told you I can't."

"But, you have to meet my aide! He's wanted to see you for a long time now!"

Sara raised an eyebrow "You make it sound like he's a fan."

"He is!"

"I haven't done anything to have a fan but if he wants to meet me, we'll surprise him on Monday. You did say you two are transferring into my class."

"That's a whole day away!"

"Then keep yourself occupied with your school work or work on new recipes." She said with a stern look.

Alice turned away, pouting for the third time today "Fine."

Sara nodded "I'll meet you two in front of the building an hour before class starts. Try not to be late and make sure you're in a pubic place so rat boy doesn't come after you."

"Yeah, I got it."

With that said, Sara nodded a bye to Alice and went on her way.

Alice stood there watching her.

Sara Yukihira...

She smiled, making her way inside.

Things are getting very interesting now.

(Time skip)

Sara woke up earlier than she usually does since this was the day Alice was introducing her to this fan of hers.

Well... She thought, Maybe not a fan but just someone who wants to meet me.

"I wonder why she was so insistent I meet him?" She said as she finished getting ready.

She got her stuff and closed her door as quietly as possibly. Just as she passed her brother's room, the door opened and out came Soma yawning.

"Morning sis, where are you going this early? Class doesn't start for another 2 hours."

"I'm meeting with the girl I saved on Saturday. I told you about this, remember?"

"Oh yeah, guess I'm still half asleep" He said, stretching a bit "And I'm a till not happy that my little sister went up against two guys by herself."

She rolled her eyes "Oh please, I could take down five or six of them by myself no problem."

"And you tell me to stay out of trouble."

Her eye twitched and a dark aura surrounds her "Are you implying I do stupid things like you do?"

He trembled like a leaf in the wind, holding the knob tightly in case he has to lock himself in his room to avoid her wrath "N-No, I-I'm just a guy w-worried for his sister's safety."

She sighed, the aura disappeared "That's sweet, but I'll be fine. Just focus on getting ready and not being late."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

She nods, walking away "Besides those guys were nothing compared to the bastards in the slums."

"Right...WAIT WHAT?!" He exclaimed, running after her "WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GO TO THE SLUMS?! SARA!!!"

(Scene change)

"Come on, hurry up! I don't want to be late!" Alice said, dragging him by his collar.

The lazy expression on his face hid the fact that he was a bit annoyed about waking up earlier than normal. He usually expects his lady to drag him wherever she wants to go but this time was different.

"My lady, you never told me why we woke up early today."

"We're meeting my savior I told you about!"

When he had finished his (wrongly given) detention that day, he was ready to jog to their meeting place, only to see as soon as opened the door, there his lady was, immediately giving him the story of what happened while he was gone but leaving out a few things. Like their name or what they look like.

"Couldn't you have just told me yesterday, so I wouldn't have gone to bed late and not be tired now?" He asked.

"It's not my fault you decide to workout late."

He frowned "You know why I started doing that."

Ever since the incident, he has been working out late in order to release pent up frustration.

A solemn expression came to Alice's face as she stopped dragging him, allowing him to stand on his feet "I know but we'll get him back, we just need a plan."

Then her expression brightened "And besides this is a surprise to cheer you up. I have a feeling you'll really like this person."

She took his arm and started pulling him toward their destination.

"While I am grateful for this, couldn't you have just told me you have a surprise for me, so that way I still wouldn't know what it was and I would have had more time to sleep?"

"Oh hush! You'll be wide wake in a minute!"

"I still don't see how meeting your hero will help."

Alice was about to reply when she saw they have arrived and she could see the red head from where she stood "There she is!!"

He looked to where she was pointing and his heart stopped as he saw long flowing red hair dancing in the wind. His heart picked up and started racing as the figure turned, causing his red eyes to meet her blue ones.

Sara had arrive 5 minutes before the meeting time and just stood there waiting. She could hear teachers in various classrooms preparing their lessons for today. It was also an advantage she had, not who in cooking but her hearing helped in her school work.

"There she is!!" She heard a familiar voice exclaimed and turned to see a pair of red eyes she hadn't seen in a long time.

Her bag slipping from her hand as the shock of see him caused her to forget she was holding it and places that hand over her mouth.



"See Ryo, I told y-"

He quickly passed her before she uttered another word. As soon as he was close enough, he grabbed hold of the red beauty's wrist and pulled her into a warm embrace.

Ryo held her as tightly as he could without hurting her. He knew she was here, he saw her at the entrance ceremony but that was months ago and in all that time he never got the chance to go see her. But now she was in his arms and he wasn't going let anything separate them again.

Sara buried her face in his chest as she started tearing up. Ryo was here, he was actually here. Another person she held dear to her heart was here.

Although Ryo's situation wasn't as bad as Akira's, she still worries about him from time to time but now her worries about the two were lifted and she couldn't be happier.

"I-I can believe you're here." She muttered in his chest.

He held her tighter "I missed you, Mistress. So much."

She giggled "I told you before to stop calling me that. But I missed you too."

Sara pulled back a bit to get a good look at him. He grew taller than her and his hair got a bit longer. His eyes before were filled with energy and determination and now they seemed lazy but when he looked at her, they turned compassionate and caring. And from their hug, she could tell he's been working out.

Alice watched from a distance. This was the first time she's seen Ryo show any other expression besides aggression, laziness and anger. There were times she caught him looking at her from a distance with this longing look in his eyes.

She couldn't help but smile at them.

I'm so shipping them!


The three teens spend the next half hour talking and catching up before class began.

"It's kind of surprising you're someone's aide, Ryo. I thought I helped you become a leader not a lackey." Sara said.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you, Mistress." He muttered in shame.

"Hey! Being my aide was the best thing that happened to you! It gave you a chance at a new life and you reunited with your Mistress!" Alice points out.

"First, I'm not disappointed. It was your choice and second I told you to stop calling me that!! People are going to get the wrong idea!!"

"I really had no choice after I lost the bet."

Sara raised an eyebrow "Bet?"

Alice has this nostalgic smile on her face "Yup, when I was in Denmark, I heard about that some kid around my age was the head chef of a known pub and I decided that he would be perfect as my aide. But you know how stubborn he is, so I made a bet that if I could beat him in a cooking battle, he would belong to me."

Sara sweat dropped "You don't go and own people like property, Alice."

"I gave him many chances to beat me. That bet went on for two years."

The blue eyed girl looked at her childhood friend "Two years?"

He shrugged "I'm better now."

"What did I tell you before I left?"

" 'Don't be stubborn and underestimate my opponent'" He said

"And what did you do?"

"I did the opposite."

She shook her head but smile "Still I'm glad you're out of there and getting better opportunities. That bet was a good thing."

"That's right! I did a good thing for him. I'm like his savior, like you are mine!" Alice grinned.

Sara just patted her on the head "Yes, Yes you are."

Normally Alice won't let people treat her like that, but with Sara's thankful expression and sincere smile, she couldn't help but wag her imaginary tail in satisfaction.

Ryo watched their interaction with amusement in his eyes. His lady never submitted to anyone without a fight but then again his Mistress had the ability to make most people submit to her. So it might be a good thing.

Maybe I'll actually get a break for once. He thought.

"Well, well what do we have here?" A familiar voice said.

The three turned to see Rat boy standing in the halls with his lackeys by his side.

"My sweet Alice and her delinquent bodyguard. Should you be in morning detention now?" He smirked, mocking him.

Ryo eyes narrowed in anger "That's none of your business."

"Oh, right, right. That's only on weekends. But it's a shame that Alice has to be all by herself during your detentions. I mean there are some dangerous people around. Like that red haired demon girl came Saturday and scared all of us to death."

"So I'm a demon?"

Rat boy paled as he heard her voice and Ryo tried to hide his amusement as he moved to side to show a fierce Alice behind a very annoyed Sara.

"Well I guess I am, but I'd say I'm pretty merciful considering I left your buck teeth in before you ran off."

He angrily scoffed, hiding his fear "I only left because I didn't want to want to miss my reservation. It's not like I'm afraid of you."

"Really?" She said with a smirk "Then you either have more balls or less brains than your bodyguards."

He looked behind him to find his lackeys were all the way at the end of the hall.

"You damn cowards!! Get back over here!!" He snapped.

"And you don't have to worry about Alice."

He turned to her.

"Because I'm going to be with her during Ryo's detentions, so she'll be guarded and never alone." Sara proclaimed.

Alice eyes shined in excitement and relief "Really?!! Yay thank you! We'll have so much fun together!"

She cling to her new friend causing Sara to give Rat boy a smile.

But he wasn't smiling, no he was glaring at her so intensely, he'd hope it'd set her on fire. Alice was never alone, she always has Ryo by her side and he was no weakling. He remembered the first time he sent his first guards to 'talk' him into giving Alice some alone time but they came back with scared shitless and bruised.

Then after years passed, he had a great plan of blaming Ryo for an act he didn't commit and it worked. But now this red headed demon was standing in his way and it pissed him the hell off.

"This is between me and them, you damn transfer. Stay out of it." He growled.

Ryo wasn't about to let anyone talk to her like that. He already has detention, might as well have it on an act did do.

He took two steps toward him before Sara stopped him by blocking his way with her arm.

She give him a look that said 'I'll handle this'. Ryo looked at her for a moment before stepping back.

She turned to him with a glare of her own "That's where you're wrong. You see this 'delinquent' is a childhood friend of mine and now so is Alice. And when you mess with my friends, you're messing with me too and believe me you don't want to do that."

He narrowed his eyes "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do after all you were bragging to Alice two days ago about killing two birds with one stone."

He was sweating a bit but smirked "So what if you do know? If no one with believe them, what makes you think they'll believe you?"

"That's true, I wasn't there, but..." She put her arm around Alice's shoulder "You did all this just so you can get her alone, so even if I can't prove Ryo's innocence, I can still make sure you don't get what you want."

Sara had backed him into a corner. Rat boy was stuck. He thought about his options, he could probably do the same thing to her like he did with Ryo but who know how long the opportunity would show itself. This month was his chance and there was no way he was going to let it slip away.

Then an idea came to him and he smirked.

Of course, why didn't I think of it before.

"Since neither of us are backing down, I think there's only one way of settling this."

Sara raised an eyebrow "And that is?"

"Sara Yukihira, I challenge you to a Food War!"

Sara's eyes widen, behind her Alice was equally shock, but Ryo stepped forward "You bastard, this is between you and me, not her."

He smirked "And what can you do? Did you forget that including your detentions, you're not allowed to participate in any Food War?"

Ryo was about ready to put on his bandanna when Sara spoke "Alright, you're on."

"Sara, this is-"

"My decision." She cut him off "So what do you have in mind, Rat boy?"

He sneered "My name is Mausu Ibuki, not Rat boy."

Sara blinked and turn to Alice and Ryo giving them a 'Is he really serious?' look.

They both shrugged.

"Okay..." She turn back to him "What are the terms?"

"If I win, you have to stay away from Alice and butt out of our business. If you win, I'll keep my distance from her."

Sara shook her head "I don't think these terms are enough, so let's raise the stakes."

He raised an eyebrow "Let's hear it."

"If I win, you're going to give up on her and leave her alone. She doesn't like you and she never will."

He clicked his tongue "Fin-"

"And you'll confess to framing Ryo and apologize to him and that middle schooler."

Everyone was shocked at this.

"You've got to me kidding me!" Mausu angrily exclaimed.

"You're the one who wants a Food War and I'll only agree on those conditions." She calmly said.

"Fine but let's increase your consequence if you lose." He sized up, glaring down at her "You lose and you're out of this academy."

"No way!" Ryo protested.

"You can't do that!" Alice shouted.




Mausu smirked, backing away "I'll send a letter to the Food War Committee. Our battle will be this Friday and our theme is..."

"Let me guess we'll have to make a cheese dish?" Sara smirked.

"Ha! Shows what you know! The theme is: sandwiches. So enjoy your last week, Yukihira because you'll be gone by Saturday."

Sara glared back "We'll see about that."

With a snap of his fingers, his lackeys followed him to their class.

Alice and Ryo looked at Sara in disbelief. Did she really just risk her expulsion for their sake?

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