Wolfenstein: Vacation to Paris


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In this story, me and some of my friends from school and some from work, along with citizens from PBS town an... More

Chapter 1:Headed to Paris
Chapter 2: Nazis on the Nacht Falter
Chapter 3: Exploring Paris
Chapter 4: Brother 1
Chapter 5: Brother 2

Chapter 6:Brother 3

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I was a few miles away from Brother 2, and I just thought of something, why not repair the fuel line. I had radio.

Andy: Ho 229 to Tower, come in.

Brother 2 Tower: Ho 229, go ahead.

Andy: I found a way to repair the fuel line, with pliers and bailing wire. Trust me it'll work.

Brother 2 Tower: Roger that, head to an air strip where you'll might find a supply crate.

Andy: Roger that.

I headed to an air strip where I found a supply crate, with pliers  and bailing wire. When I found the pliers and bailing wire, then I have to clamp the fuel line and refuel the tank. The first step was locate the fuel line. Turns out the fuel line is under the right wing of the jet. The second step was clamp the fuel line and get rid of the grounded up dragon scale and the final step was to find jet fuel and refuel the tank. I had to find some jet fuel, but where? I saw a fuel truck, maybe that has some jet fuel. I've asked one of the  air strip attendants to borrow the fuel truck and they said yes. The final step was to locate the fuel tank. Turns out the fuel tank is on the left wing of the plane. Once the jet has been refueled I was off again. I vlogged this.

Andy: Hey guys, so here I am inside the jet, and I've repaired the fuel line and refueled the jet and I'm on my way back to Brother 2. I hope my friends will be there.

Turns out my friends met a pre-school rock group from Australia, there's no way easy saying this, but my friends met the Wiggles. For me I was in for a surprise when I got back to Brother 2 but that'll be for later. I had two miles to go, so I had the plane set to full power. Just then another indicator went red.


Andy: Oh god, another indicator, don't tell me the fuels bad.

Turns out that fuel was bad. I heard an explosion from the right engine caused by the bad fuel clogging the fuel line. Turns out the fuel wasn't flowing properly. 


Andy: Oh god, I lost an engine, I'd better radio in. Ho 229 to tower.

Brother 2: This is the tower, go a head.

Andy: I lost the right engine on the Ho-229, it was caused by bad fuel clogging the fuel line, the good news is I managed to repair the fuel line. I got one engine left, I don't know if I'm gonna make it I got one mile to go.

Brother 2: Roger Ho-229, prepare for emergency landing procedure.

Andy: Roger that Brother 2.

I could see the Brother 2 landing strip, just as my friends were walking outside, the tower controller told everybody to stand back, so they did.

Andy: Oh boy, alright initiating emergency landing. Ho-229 to Brother 2, I'm initiating emergency landing.

Brother 2: Roger Ho-229 once the wheels touch the landing strip pull the emergency brake.

I was vlogging this the whole time.

Andy: Roger that Brother 2. Alright the wheels touched the ground, pulling the emergency brake, now!

It was hard to stop, but I made it back. I just passed out.

Andy: Oh man, I made it back, it could've been worse, I've could've died in a fireball and shrapnel explosion, but I didn't die.

Everybody was in shock, but happy to see me alive. Even Jane and Henry were concerned. When I got out everybody just clapped for me, I was confused at first but I knew what it meant.

Jane: Oh god Andy, are you alright?

Andy: Yeah I'm fine just a bit shaken up, but otherwise I'm fine.

Jane: What happened?

I told Jane and everybody what happened. Everybody was shocked and got upset, but not towards me but towards Max for causing the accident, but I told them I forgave him. Max told everybody, before I came back that I called, Max and Emmy and the dragons, Nazis, but I didn't know. I showed everybody the footage from the accident and the repairs of the Ho-229. Just then, Nick, Joe, Dan and Patrick showed up, I told them the same thing.  Just then the Wiggles came as well. Turns out the old school Wiggles and the Next Generation or Next Gen wiggles along with the Pink wiggle came along too. They told everybody that they're on vacation as well. Just then I saw the Dusenjager, and it was a two seater jet. I asked if anybody wants to fly with me. Kylie, the pink wiggle wanted to fly.

Kylie: I'll fly with you.

Andy: Alright then, In that case, lets do it.

Then Max and emmy had an idea. 

Emmy: Wanna Race?

Andy: Yeah.

I explained the course.

Andy: Two laps, the brother 2 landing strip, to the Siegturm and back again and we do it one more time.

Max: What's the Siegturm?

Andy: Back in the 1980s, it was used by the Nazi Military as a command center.

With that out of the way, the race began. It was me Vs. Emmy, Max and the Dragons. Because I had the Dusenjager, it had four wings for enhanced speed and maneuverability so I had the advantage.

Andy: Max, Emmy are you ready?

Max: Yep were ready.

Andy: Hold on I gotta start the engines

The engines roared into life.

Andy: Hey Kylie, you good back there?

Kylie: Yep.

Kylie wore her pink skivvy, and black pants and pink heels.

Andy: Hang on tight were gonna move fast. Here we go in three, two, one go!

The race began, I took the lead because of the four wings, and enhanced speed. Ord was catching up fast, but I pulled ahead of him. As I approached the Siegturm I had to bank right as I passed it, So did Ord and the Dragons. At the end of the first I was ahead and Ord was falling behind, as I approached  the Brother 2 landing strip, I roared over head. At the beginning of the second lap, Cassie was catching up to the Jet, I had to power it up even more to full power. At the end of the race I won, by a lot. I decided to Impress everybody by doing some plane stunts.

Andy: Wanna see me do some stunts?

Everybody: Yep!

Andy: Alright then, here we go.

I took off in the Dusenjager and did some barrel rolls and flying upside down, causing me to black out and I was headed for trouble again.

Me in my head: Oh crap, I blacked out, now what? If I don't wake up soon, I'm done for.

But then my arms started moving, I was still blacked out but my brain switched to auto piolt, pardon the pun, but my quick reflexes turned the plane right side up again.

Me in my head: Wow, looks like I saved myself from crashing but I'm still blacked out. If only there was somebody to tell me to wake up. What happened? Did I black out?

Brother 2 Tower: Ho 229 come in.

Andy: This is Ho 229.

Brother 2: Are you alright?

Andy: Never better.

After I landed and glad I didn't crash, all of us headed out of Brother 2 on the way Buster got hungry.

Buster: bark!

Andy: I think I have some bratwurst chunks in my book bag back at the hotel. I told everybody to head to brother 3 while I feed Buster.

Brother 3 was the Research and development center of the Nazis in Paris. General Lothar Brandt built it in 1971. It was destroyed by a cyber pilot a hacked Nazi that can manipulate other robots. Since the liberation of France and the world the French Government rebuilt the facility its only used for tourists.

Back at the hotel while I was feeding Buster, I got a call. It was Chris.

Andy: hello?

Chris: Andy, are you there.

Andy: Yes, whats going on?

Chris: were pinned down.

Andy: By who and where are you?

Chris: Victory Boulevard and right by the brother Doors and a Neo-Nazi group called the French Fascist Front or FFF.

Andy: Hold on Chris I'm on my way. Come on Buster, lets go save chris. But first I need to assemble an Army. And I need weapons.

My 1st order of business was to assemble an army. The 1st candidates for my army is Maya and Miguel and their friends.

Andy: I need your help my friends are in trouble. I'll be in charge of this army I'm like a general and if you guys desert me I'll label you guys as traitors.

Maya: Me and my friends got your back, lets kill some fascists.

Andy: that's the spirit, now we need weapons, I see a weapons depot up ahead you and your friends gather weapons, and I'll come as well in case we run into resistance.

Miguel: I don't know about this, stealing Weapons?

Andy: Trust me Miguel, and besides no one's guarding them. and those are Nazi weapons we'll use them against Neo-Nazis and other fascist elements.

Maya and their friends agreed we got the weapons and we marched towards trouble as we entered Victory Boulevard. I saw Chris.

Andy: Psst, chris come here man. How Many FFF members are there?

Chris: There's 100 members, but there are more across the whole country. 

Andy:Don't worry I've got back up tell everybody to get to cover.

Chris: Will do.

Chris told everybody to get to cover. After a while we killed 99 out of the 100 FFF members. I decided to interrogate him.

Andy: Who are you?

???: They call me the Savior or Le Sauveur but my real name is Francois Brandt.

Then that last name sounded familiar.

Andy: Are you the son of General Lothar Brandt?

To be Continued

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