One Direction Imagines

By xImagines1Dx

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Hi, my name is Ivy Stone and I write One Direction Imagines. Please comment and tell me what you think of the... More

Harry Imagine #1
Niall Imagine #1
Louis Imagine #1
Liam Imagine #1
Zayn Imagine #1
A Imagine for Devika
Harry Imagine #2
Niall Imagine #2
Louis Imagine #2
Liam Imagine #2
Zayn Imagine #2
Harry Imagine #3
**Niall Imagine #3
Louis Imagine #3
Liam Imagine #3
Zayn Imagine #3
Harry Imagine #4
Niall Imagine #4
Louis Imagine #4
Liam Imagine #4
Zayn Imagine #4
Harry Imagine #5
Niall Imagine #5
Louis Imagine #5
Niall Imagine for 'Anonymous'
Zayn Imagine #5
Louis Imagine for Paris
Niall Imagine for Kirsty
**Harry Imagine #6
Niall Imagine #6
Louis Imagine #6
Liam Imagine #6
Niall Imagine for 'Daisy'
Niall Imagine for 'Hannah'
Harry Imagine for 'Christine'
Niall Imagine for 'Ally'
Harry Imagine for 'Missy'
Zayn Imagine #6
Liam Imagine for 'Luz'
Zayn Imagine for 'Dulce'
Harry Imagine #7
Harry Imagine #1- Dirty
Harry Imagine #1 - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Aleena'
Harry Imagine for 'Anubis'
Liam Imagine for 'Marjorey'
Harry Imagine for 'Brooke'
Harry Imagine for 'Lily'
Niall Imagine for 'Rebekah' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Taylor'
**Harry Imagine for 'Megan'
Louis Imagine for 'Megan'
Zayn Imagine for 'Amber' -Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Allison' - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Nicole'- Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Gestine'
Harry Imagine for 'Briana'
Zayn Imagine for 'Charese' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Bojana'
Niall Imagine for 'Alannah'
Louis Imagine for 'Ffion'
Niall Imagine for 'Lauren'
Niall Imagine for 'Megan' - Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Sydni'
Harry Imagine for 'Samantha'
**Harry Imagine - Same love
Louis Imagine for 'Ira' - Dirty
Niall Imagine #7
Niall Imagine for 'Harlea'
** Harry Imagine- Sad
All boys Imagine for 'Mackenzie'
Harry Imagine for 'Katie'
Louis Imagine for 'Nina'

**Liam Imagine #5

20.1K 102 6
By xImagines1Dx

Liam Imagine

Liam is out with the guys tonight, and he asked you to come and join them, you are on your way to the Harrys house. You are driving and you hear your favorite song come on the radio, you start to sing "Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style!" as you are doing a little dance while driving. You suddenly slam on the brakes and your head slams into the steering wheel, you pull your head up as soon as it hits, "OW! What the hell!" you scream and honk your horn, and pass the person in front of you. As your passing you see that the person in front of you had a flat tire, you laugh and continue driving up a big hill and you stop as the first one at the stop light. You see your phone light up and see that your boyfriend Liam is calling you, "Hello" you say, "Hey babe where are you?" Liam asks as the stoplight turns green, "I am about to turn onto the road" you say as you start to move through the intersection, "ok I will see you minute, we just ordered-" Liam said as you scream "AHHH!". Just as you hit the middle of the intersection, a car came and hit the side of your car on the driver's side where you are sitting, and flipped the car. "Jessica? JESSICA? WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU OK? JESSICA, RESPOND PLEASE!!" Liam is practically screaming into the phone, Liam is listening closely into the phone and can hear, "Call 911! I think she hurt! It doesn't look like she's breathing!". Just as Liam heard that his heart broke, he can't breathe, and is stunned.  

---------------------------At Harry's House----------------- 

Liam slowly sits down on the couch behind him in shock, he closes his phone and can feel a tear stream down his face, he wipes it away and then he burst into tears. The guys rush to him and ask what's wrong, "What happened, is everything ok?" Louis quickly says patting Liam's back. Liam quickly stands up and says, "Louis, get your keys", "where are we going?" Louis asks getting his keys and a coat. Liam runs out the door swiping away his tears and jumping in the car, Louis comes running after him jumping in the car slamming the door. He stomps the gas and speeds off, "Where are we going?" Louis asks, "Go right!" Liam demands, Louis does so. "Oh my god, there's really bad wreck up here, I see the car flipped over!" Louis says, "Where are you going?" Louis screams as Liam jumps out the car runs to the wreck.  

-------------------- Back at the car wreck--------------------- 

"Jessica! Jessica!" Liam screams, running around trying to find you, "Sir, you need to step away you can't be here" the police officer says pushing Liam back, "That is my girlfriend! I need to be with her!" Liam screams, he catches a glimpse of you in the ambulance, and runs towards you. "Jessica!" he screams as he sees you, he runs to the stretcher and sees you, you have cuts all over your face, your arms, and it is obvious that you have a broken arm and leg. Liam jumps in the ambulance not caring what the drivers think. "She's unresponsive" one of the doctors in the ambulance says, Liam grabs your hand and squeezes it tight. Liam pulls out his phone and texts Louis to come and bring the boys to the hospital. The ambulance finally arrives to the hospital the doctors rush you out and roll you into the hospital, Liam follows, as soon they enter through the door 3 doctors hold Liam, "You can't go back there, I promise you that we will take good care of her, you can see her when she gets out of surgery!" one of the doctors say trying to calm him down. The doctors are able to calm him down and they walk away, Liam is sitting in the lobby waiting for any news, good or bad. Liam looks up and sees a 5 shadows walk down the hall, he looks and sees Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Paul. Liam Runs towards Louis and gives him a hug, Liam is crying and has blood all over him, "Dude what happened?" Louis asks, she was in a car wreck, and she isn't breathing!" Liam says starting to cry even more, "Who did?" Harry asks as Liam gives him a look and says "JESSICA!". After all the hugs and the waiting for 4 and a half hours a doctor finally walks in to the lobby, "Are you here for Jessica-" the doctor says, "Yes!" Liam and the gang quickly says springing up, "Ok well, Jessica has a broken arm, a broken leg, a punched lung, and three broken ribs. Jessica is fine right now, she is alive, but during operation to fix her lung, she died for four minutes. This means that she will most likely not remember things that have happened within the last few years. I will only allow one person to go and see her right now at a time, we do not know if she remembers anyone or anything, so please be patient with her." The doctor says. "Oh my gosh, um..... can I go and see her?" Liam asks hesitantly, "Yes you can, she is awake, if I may ask.... How long have you know each other? I want to make sure that she knows someone when she wakes up." The doctor says gesturing for Liam to walk to the room with him. "Well I have known her for three years and we have been together for two and a half years" Liam says walking very fast down the hallway. "Okay well I'm not positive that she will know you, we have to see" The doctor says entering your room. "Jessica, do you know who this person is?" pointing to Liam, "Liam!" you scream, just as you say it you see his face brighten up, and he walks toward you to give you a soft hug. "I'll give you a minute" the doctor says leaving the room. "Liam, what happened? Where am I? and what happened to your hair?" you say pulling a face, "You were in a car wreck, and you are in the hospital, and I cut it last year.." Liam couldn't help but laugh when he said it. "How bad is my jeep?" you asks concerned, "You are in the hospital and you are asking about your car?... haha well you sold the jeep last year and I bought you an Audi for your birthday, but the car is very damaged, here's a picture" Liam says giving you his phone. After a few of minutes of talking and getting caught up, they allow the other boys to come in, Liam is going out to get them but before he leaves you say "By the way your hair looks sexy" you say with a wink. You see Liam wink and walk off to get them, after 10 minutes Liam leans around the door frame and looks in, and he walks in with the boys following him, "Louis!" you scream just as he walks through the door and same with the others, "Harry!", "Zayn!", "Niall!", "Paul!". They all come and give you soft and gentle hugs, "well it looks like you remember us!" Niall says giggling at himself, he looks around to see no one else laughing so he stops and puts his arms on the side of the bed. After a few minutes the guys start to sign your cast. "So Jessica, being the clutx as you are, is this your first time breaking your leg or arm?" Niall says drawing on your cast, "yes this is actually the first time!" you say sounding shocked yourself, everyone is laughing, when the doctor comes in the room, "Guys I hate to say this but visiting time is now over, Jessica needs her rest, because she is going home tomorrow!" the doctor says. "YES!" you say, you look around and everyone is laughing, and you say "Did I say that out loud?" and they laugh even harder. You have said your goodbyes and gave everyone hugs and everyone has left the room except for Liam. "Finally we are alone!" Liam says pulling a chair up beside you, "No sit with me" you whine as your scoot over and pat the bed, "Ok fine, and don't let me hurt you though!" Liam says carefully and slowly sitting down. "Oh hurry up! You're not going to hurt me!" You say pulling Liam to you, he moves to his side right beside you, and you are on your back. You and Liam are talking for a few minutes, and he has his arm across your tummy, and you suddenly feel his arm move, and his hand lift up your hospital gown to your bra line, and he traces his fingers along your tummy and leans down to kiss your belly button. When he kisses your belly button, he put his hand on one of you cuts on your unbroken leg, and you squirmed underneath him, "Did I hurt you?" Liam says as he shoots up to look at you, "Its ok, you just touched a bruise" you say, pulling him to you to kiss him. Liam kisses you very softly making sure not to hurt you, Liam pulls back and looks at you, "How did I get a girl so beautiful, and perfect like you?" Liam asks holding you hand, "I'm nowhere never perfect!" you say laughing. "Yes you are! Don't ever say that! "Liam says back kissing your cheek, and you blush and giggle. "I love you" Liam says to you, you giggle and say back "I love you too!" and you kiss him, Liam puts his hand back on your tummy and rubs it lightly. You look over to Liam and he is smiling so big right now, "You look so happy" you say, "I am, I thought I would never kiss you again, or lay with you ever again. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me in my life, and I can't lose you! I don't know what I would do without you!" Liam says kissing you and gives you hug pulling you close and putting your head on his chest and you put your arm around his waist, you look up and say "I don't know what I would do without you either". You both end up sleeping in each other's arms the whole night.

Thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot to me! If you would like an Imagine for yourself let me know and I will get back to ya! So message me if you do! Please comment and tell me what you think!-- Ivy

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