Sexy Sadie

By Malkat1969

135K 4K 6.3K

Sadie Brooks is your average eighteen year-old, living a comfortable-yet-predictable life with her workaholic... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 16

2.7K 83 96
By Malkat1969

I called John and he immediately came to pick me up from the hotel. I was thankful that he answered my call and was so understanding of my predicament.

The car ride was cringeworthy to put it lightly. I had a huge mental breakdown and told him everything that had happened between George and I, which he didn't seem to be too surprised about. He was incredibly non-judgmental towards my grief and I appreciated it a lot.

Once we got to his apartment he continued to let me pour my heart out and cry on his shoulder. For having such a rough exterior, John was a gentle teddy bear on the inside. He was nothing like the John I'd encountered on the first day of my trip, and I was grateful for it. He was genuinely concerned about my well being and listened to everything I had to say. We continued talking until he got a business call and had to leave the room.

I waited patiently on the couch for him to come back, trying my best to get ahold of myself and stop sobbing.

After a few minutes John returned to the sitting room with his keys in hand.

"Ye could use a good meal. I'm going to go pick us up something to eat, okay?"

I honestly didn't feel like I could stomach anything, but the thought was sweet.

"Sure. Thank you, John."

"Make yourself at home, Sadie." He smiles at me.

I smile back and watch as he walks out of his front door.

I decide to get up and stroll around John's apartment, admiring the art he had scattered about the walls. He seemed to have brilliant taste, and it honestly wasn't something I expected from someone as goofy as he was.

After a bit of snooping I noticed some dirty dishes on his kitchen counter and took it upon myself to clean them. He was letting me stay here, so I felt it was the least I could do.

As soon as I finished drying the last dish John walked through the door with two large paper grocery bags.

"Here, let me help!" I say, setting the dish down.

"No, I've got it. What are ye doing?" he giggles.

I look over to the sink then back at him.

"Just thought I'd clean up a bit." I say, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the rag I had over my shoulder.

"Sadie, yer not me maid love. I want ye to relax here!"

"John, what is all this?" I laugh as he sets the two bags on the counter and begins to take each item out.

"Just some stuff I thought ye might like!" He chimes. I look on the counter and see a tub of ice cream, chocolates, cookies, cake, bottles of wine, and crisps. I can only beam from the sweet gesture.

"John you're too kind to me!"

He smiles and pulls a corkscrew out of the drawer, then opens one of the bottles. He pours us each a glass and takes them to the coffee table in the sitting room.

"Go relax Sadie. I'll get our dinner ready!" He grins. I oblige and head to the sofa to make myself comfortable.


Before either of us even knew it, three hours had passed and evening had come. Both of us had polished off a bottle of wine and half of a chocolate cake, along with some heavenly Chinese food John had picked up.

We were sitting on the floor cross-legged, both feeling a bit tipsy. Our conversation topics ranged from our childhoods to food to music etc. He was a really easy person to talk to, and I loved hearing him tell stories.

"So Sadie," he began, shoveling a bite of cake into his mouth only to miss and drop it onto his lap. We both started cackling, and he could barely get the next part of his sentence out through his adorably nasally chuckle.

"Ahhhhh, fuck. I've forgotten me words!" He smiles, and I double over in laughter again nearly wheezing.

"Oh! I remember now!" He jolts up and takes another sip of wine, then continues his recovered thought.

"Have ye ever had a boyfriend, Sadie?"

"No," I reply with a laugh. "Well... I mean I took a lad from science class to prom but it wasn't anything serious."

"Lucky lad, that science boy!" He winks, taking yet another sip from his dwindling glass.

"What is it that you Beatles see in me?" I giggle. "Before George I never got any attention from boys, like- EVER."

"You're a bloody knockout, Sadie!" John slurs.

I blush.

"I suppose those boys before just didn't know what a pretty bird looked like!"

We smile and stare at each other, both waiting for the other to pick up the conversation again.

"Did George really make you happy, Sadie?" John asks, leaving me a bit bewildered. Just hearing George's name made me want to punch a wall.

"Oh yeah. Happier than I'd ever been in my entire life. I gave him my virginity, y'know?"

John's brows furrowed and he looked at me with confusion.

"George was yer first?" He asks.

"Well, yeah. Like I said I haven't exactly been a hit with the boys!"

John smiles at me.

"Ye could have any lad ye want, trust me."

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"Ye could have me if ye wanted." He flirts.

I placed my palm on my face and laughed.

"You're just trying to be nice, John!"

The air was suddenly thick and I felt a subtle heat build between my legs when I watched his sweet dimples curl as he smiled. God, he was so good looking.

"I really should be getting to bed. I'm knackered. It's been a hell of a day. " I got up from the floor and John did the same, then he took me to the guest room where I'd be sleeping.

"Here ye go, Love. If ye need anything I'm right across the hall." He assured, looking into my soul with his precious doe eyes.

"And by the way, I wasn't joking." He says.

"Huh?" I ask before closing the door.

"I wasn't joking. Ye could have me if ye want me." He winks.

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