Slowing Down | AJ Lee / Dean...

By lunaticweirdo

5K 128 21

❝She screamed her lungs out as the scourging frustration that she had kept inside of her rapidly built up. Sh... More



205 4 0
By lunaticweirdo

She was intoxicated. Very. She couldn't think and that's why she was still wrapped up around him. Her body took control over her. Right now all that mattered to her was that they were so close she could feel every breath he took.


AJ woke up to the sunlight piercing through her eyes. She brought her hand up to her face and rubbed her eyes. Suddenly she felt something move beside her. She furrowed her eyebrows looking around confused and suddenly memories from the night flooded her mind.



Dean's hands roamed all over my body. His lips were sloppily attached to my neck. And I didn't care because I was extremely drunk. Dancing with him felt too good to leave.

Suddenly Punk approached us. "AJ, is everything okay? Is he bothering you?"

Dean looked up and turned towards Punk. "Excuse me, is there a problem?" He put his hands on his hips.

Punk got closer to Dean. "That's what I want to know. You better leave her alone, she doesn't know what she's doing. You're bothering her. So I suggest that you leave."

I was actually enjoying myself but I was too drunk to argue with Punk and prevent the following events.

"I'm gonna ssstay." Dean slurred. "What are you gonna do about it?"

And before I knew it Punk was pummeling Dean on the ground. Everything was a blur when a hand grabbed mine and led me out of the bar


Punk. I slept with Punk.

I looked over to him sleeping next to me and rolled my eyes. Even though that was my plan I knew that he would not leave me alone after that night. I wouldn't be surprised if he claimed that he loved me.

I got out of the bed and walked on my tippy toes out of the hotel room. As soon as I got out I put my hair in a ponytail and prepared to go to my room when I saw Kaitlyn at the end of the hallway with her hands crossed in front of her chest.

"Looks like you had a rough night."

"Kaitlyn..." I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up.

She clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Don't Kaitlyn me. We were so worried about you. You have a lot of explaining to do." She grabbed my hand and let me to our room.


"And I slept with him." I finished off telling Kaitlyn about how my night went.

"Brilliant. You could've at least called. We were  going to go crazy in here thinking about what could've happened to you." Paige sighed.

"Guys, I'm a grown woman. Plus I was drunk. Calm down." I assured them while beginning to remove smudged lipstick off my face.

Kaitlyn threw her hands up in the air "Calm down?! We're your best friends. You're required to tell us these things."

I went up to her and gave her a hug. "Okayy, I'm sorry. Next time I'll make sure to call you." I ruffled her hair and laughed.

"Whatever. We're going to go play truth or dare with some people. You coming?"

"Truth or dare? What are you, twelve?" I scoffed.

Paige smirked. "Dean's gonna be there."


Author's POV

Everyone got together in Seth and Roman's room. It was spacious so a lot of people weren't going to be a problem as long as they didn't make much noise. All of them sat in a circle, preparing to play the game.

"Seriously, do we have nothing else better to do?" AJ questioned for the fifth time for the night.

"Loosen up, babe. It's just for fun." Dolph put his hand around her. She rolled her eyes at his use of the word "babe".

"Yeah, unless you have something to hide." Dean smirked. AJ clenched her jaw and imitated a smile. She looked Alexa up and down. The blonde held a beer in her hand and she supposed it must be one of many because she was too cheerful to be sober.

"Okay, let's begin!" Alexa screamed.

"I'm going first." Paige beamed. "Seth, truth or dare?"


"Who do you love more? Dean or Roman?"

Seth scoffed. "Easy, I love them both equally."

"Oh, come on, spice things up a little bit." Alexa frowned.

"Fine." Seth rolled his eyes. "Punk, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to call Lita and let us ask her if you are good in bed."

Dean snorted and Roman held in a laugh.

Punk dialed his ex's number.

"Hello?" Lita's voice was on speakerphone so everyone could hear her.

"Lita, we're playing a game. We wanted to ask you how did Punk do in bed while you were together?" Seth spoke.

"He was okay. Definitely could use a bit of improvement." Punk rolled his eyes and everyone else laughed.

"Thank you, bye." He put his phone in his pocket. "AJ, truth or dare."

"Dare." AJ shrugged.

"I dare you to kiss me." He smirked.

April tried to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Dean clenched his jaw while looking at him. AJ leaned in and locked lips with Punk. Despite it being a short and not so passionate kiss Dean was uncomfortable.

"That was fun. Now... Alexa, truth or dare."

"Truth." Alexa slurred.

"Do you really love Dean?"

Dean's breath hitched. Their engagement was fake. They were just friends. It was not a good time for her to answer this question.

"Of course she-" Dean began explaining but Alexa sloppily put a finger on his lips, signaling him to shut up.

"I do, I love him sssso much." She put her head on his shoulder and patted his back. Dean smiled awkwardly.

Alexa cleared her throat. "My turn." She grinned. "Paige, truth or dare?"


"How many guys in this circle has AJ slept with that you know of?" She smirked.

Paige being drunk herself, her thoughts rolled of her tongue immediately. "Three." She flinched after she realized what she had said. The three being Dolph, Dean and Punk.

"Who's the third one?" Alexa questioned as Dean took the beer out of her hand and placed it on his other side so she couldn't reach it. After that he brought his attention back to AJ, his eyes ice cold. When their eyes met memories from last night flooded his mind. Did she touch someone else that night? But why did he care so much?

"Me." A huge grin was plastered all over Punk's face. Dean's eyes stung. He immediately got up and stormed out of the room.

She is never going to change.

He thought about all the times she made him feel miserable. All the pain she caused. Her betrayal. The lies. She was the only woman he had ever loved. And he was one of many to her. He had put so much love and passion into nothing. He had shared his most vulnerable times with her and she had the audacity to lie to him and make him feel like what they had was irreplaceable.

This was too much for him to handle.


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