By seyeonpark11

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Kim Taehyung X Kim Jisoo ⚠️Mature Chapters⚠️ More

"You can certainly try"
"Beautiful Disaster"
"The Calm Before The Storm"
"A Day Before"
"Game Of Survival"
"Another Step"
"in charge"
"Ive got you"

"is Calling..."

1.5K 41 3
By seyeonpark11

For Jisoo once Bobby was gone she felt half of her soul gone as well she hated the thought of not having someone to talk to when she need it she knew she had Lisa and Taehyung but they were different they didn't go through what Bobby and Jisoo when through together what was that exactly her first mission as hit women of the Mafia

flashback Jisoos first mission
Gd: listen Jisoo you'll be backed up by the guys here okay Bobby, junhoe, and hanbin will watch you back okay
All I did was nod I wasn't scared of killing someone not at all I'll be doing the world a favor, Jisoo walked into the van with hanbin and junhoe up front and Bobby and Jisoo in the back
Bobby: you'll be fine I'll have you back
Bobby said patting my shoulder I smiled at him as we arrived we started into action and did I clear the mission no not at all I got stabbed
Bobby's pov
We watched as Jisoo fell onto the floor blood trickling down "go get the guy I'll take her" junhoe said picking her up into the van and drove away I sighed running after hanbin who already had the guy pinned down we finished the job and drove to the hospital were junhoe was his shirt stained with blood he looked lost "where is she is she okay" I asked but no answer I asked again raising my voice "she didn't make it" junhoe said through staggered breaths "what do you mean she didn't make it" hanbin said I showed no emotion "she's on life support she needs blood and if she doesn't stabilize in 3 days they have to put her down" junhoe said I sighed walking to a doctor
B: what type of blood does the patient Kim Jisoo need
Doc: A
B: okay thank you
I walked tot he bathroom far from the guys and dialed a long time old buddy of mine "calling... Seokjin"
Jin: What
Bobby: your sister needs your help
Jin: I told you I don't want to know anything about her she isn't my sister you can't prove it
Bobby: listen she's on a deathbed is she was your sister you'd help she please in need you to donate blood to save her
Jin: why should I listen you anyway you separated us From eachother
Bobby: I just need this one favor
After a few hours jin had donated blood and saw his "sister" he also got a test done to see is they were related in any way and it was positive they were siblings
Bobby: I told you seokjin I know siblings when I see them you two look exactly alike
Jin: don't tell anyone about this okay I want to keep her safe from my clan
Bobby: I'll take care of her
End of flashback

Jisoo had no idea that she had a brother nonetheless a twin brother she grew up being told she had no one in life to look after her

Jin's POV
After reading Bobby's letter I knew he was actually gone and now I had to tell Jisoo that we are siblings I stole her number from Taehyungs phone I knew they were sneaking around Yoongi had told me I dialed the number but it went stared to voicemail and I tried again

Jisoos POV
After getting out of the shower I checked my phone for any new messages and saw a missed call I ignored it until I got another call

010-335-6789 is calling ...
Accept | Decline
Js: Hello Who's this ?
Jin: Jisooya, Annyeonghaseayo Seokjin ibnida
Js: I don't know you but how do you know my name
Jin: I was friends with Bobby He wanted me to talk to you about something so can we meet up
Js: alright meet me in 10 minutes at the Han river bridge
Jin: okay thanks I'll see You then

I gulped and got a simple outfit ready and drove to the han river as I walked to the bridge I saw a pretty tall guy standing he looked so familiar though

Jin: Annyeong Seokjin ibnida
Js: annyeong Kim Jisoo ibnida
Jin: I'm sorry about Bobby I know you two were close
Js: thanks get to the point I don't have time
Jin: Bobby wanted me to hand you this because he knew you probably won't believe what I'm about to say
Js: what is it
Jin: I'm your brother

I stared at seokjin dazed after a few talks I walked away heading home opening the letter seokjin had gave me in side was a blood test that proved positive for blood of seokjin and I they were a match and the dna everything was similar then there was a letter

It's true Jisoo he's your brother im sorry I kept it from you I know we don't keep secrets but I couldn't reveal this one knowing it might've brought you harm seokjin loves you a lot he saved your life on your first mission he dontated blood so that you wouldn't die if it wasn't for him you'd be up here with me try to trust seokjin he's a great guy just don't met at the house be carful about Meeting not just because of gd but his boss is Also a dangerous man

Once I got to my house I fell tot he Group crying everything was turning and changing I had a brother whom yg failed to tell me about I was feeling a lot of things Anger, sadness, everything all at once was clouding my judgement I grabbed my phone

Dialing G-Dragon...
Gd: Annyeonghasseyo, what can I do for you jisoo-yah
J: I know I have a brother, why did you keep it from me you know how much I hated being all alone in this world why did you hide him from me when he was the only thing I had tell my why
Gd: Jisoo-ssi, I'm sorry I had to do it for your safety your father and my father made a deal when I stepped up I promised to keep you safe because I knew that on the outside you were one tough kid but on the inside you where s fragile flower and delicate to anything
J: I want don't want to do it anymore I don't want to be involved in the Mafia world anymore go ahead kill me and make it seem like suicide but whatever is done I don't wanna be part of this mess any longer I'm sorry
Gd: don't say sorry I know where your coming from and I think you have to right to do anything your free live your life Jisoo ssi just if you need anything remember you have us here at yg
J: thanks sir

After hanging up I thought it went better than expected a lot better then what I expected

I had to start a new life doing spent that would get me somewhere something that I found I was good at and something that I was happy doing

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