What If Cell was in To Love r...

By NotDariou

899 9 3

I don't own Dragon ball Z and Super, Dragon Ball Z Abridged series and To love ru series, everything is own b... More


Chapter 1: A New Adventure His Name Is Cell!

455 6 2
By NotDariou

~A Week Later~ 

It was Regular Day as always Cell has been getting use to his new home and his new routine, He usually sleeps and then goes outside to the woods hunting for food as some training along with it. He didn't went with Mikado and Oshiru on special events lately because he felt that he wasn't ready to show himself just yet. then Someone yelled Ms Mikado outside at the front door. Mikado came down and open and out there was Rito carrying Yami and Lala was with him.

Mikado: What brings you here?

Rito: Uhh Sensei WHAT ARE YOU WEARING! (His face began to red and steam)

She was wearing only here panties and Bra plus with her lab coat

Mikado: Well, I just woke up

Lala: Sensei! Yami is ill

She then let the three inside and brought Yami to the clinic room.

Mikado: I see..........This is no ordinary cold or illness............This girl is something special

Lala: is she going to be alright?

Mikado: But of course..........I can heal anyone, as long as they're not already dead

Rito: amazing

Mikado: Now Yuuki, Im going to need you to help me undress her

Rito: WHAT!?? m..m....m...meeee????

Mikado: Oshizu isnt here so, Hurry up cause we need her in the healing capsule for a quick recovery, So unfortunately, her clothes will be in the way

A Bugman was sitting on the tree branches noticing the commotion inside the clinic and recognized what the Dr just said a "Healing Capsule", he began to remember what they were because of his foes' DNA/Memories.

Cell: *I wonder if use those will I be back to my Perfect self again hmmmm*

Just like how it happened in the original Rito hold on to Yami and Mikado unbutton her battle suit causing her top to striped(Btw Yami doesn't wear a bra DX) that made Rito passed out because of those boing boing things.

Lala: Ill help too Mikado! (She transformed her outfit into a nurse one)

She also began to stripe her naked until one of Yami's panties landed on Rito's chest and He looked at it but then Passed again. (Sorry for this bad sentences, my grammar is completely Trash same for my Description)

Mikado: Now help me carry her

Lala: OK!

Both of them put Yami in the Healing Capsule, Mikado then set it up and the machine was doing it's Job now. After that Lala and Rito went out just to get Yami a get well gift. Mikado then notice someone standing behind her of Course it was Cell.

Cell: so who were they?

Mikado: oh just some kids that I help (Following with a smile)

Cell: Kids huh? Nice try but one of them has a high power level of Over 9000! *Eat dust vegeta! :p*

Mikado: If your talking about Yami she in that room if you want to see her in person, But please be careful 

Cell: Of course I will

The bugman then entered the room, but then his eyes were widen. right now he sees an innocent loli girl being healed in a capsule.

Cell: Oh my kami, what in the name is that! she...she.........she isn't Perfect........just yet... I feel a strong power from her, its hidden away hmmm well see about this

Yami began to wake up and notice the bugman's surprised face and asked

Yami: *I remember that look he was the one who appeared at that building but then he ran off like an insect would do who knew* who are you? (in a cold tune)

Cell: Woah! Being Cold at me already even though this is the first time we met welp since you want introduction then here it is, My name is Cell, I'm a bio-android just like you created by scientist.

Yami: Bio-Android? 

Mikado then entered the room checking up on Yami's condition.

Mikado: whats going on here? and I see that your awake now, Yami

Yami: Dr. Mikado, Why is that insect here?

Cell: Who are you calling an INSECT, Pipsquek!

Yami: I'm not a Pipsquek, Insect!

Mikado: alright you two break it up, Yami you cant fight right now in your Condition

Yami: Yes Dr

Cell: Well since your busy doing that I'll be heading in the woods getting some food and training for myself i'll introduce myself to your friends later Goldie! will meet again Later!

Cell then exited the room and flew off the window headed to forest

Mikado: *maybe I should ask him to let him be the guardian of the Yuuki hold he is quite powerful* Speaking of Yuuki...

Yami: huh?

Mikado: he carried you all the way from his back, you should thank him later (with a Smile)

Yami: ... (Blushed a little)

'Meanwhile on Forest with Cell'

Cell was doing his usual training routine, wear something heavy and do a bunch of heavy duty on it but little did you know he discovered a way to become Perfect.

Cell: It would be easy to do this if I was in my Perfect self.........( fires a bunch of ki blast) AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Bursting his energy, powers up to his super saiyan aura)

Cell: I wonder since I have Frieza's DNA which means I should be able to transform to my evolution I did unlock both of them.........hehehehehehehe let's try!  AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! (releasing a bunch energy causing the earth to shake, sending magnitudes around the world)

'At the Clinic'

Mikado: What this? something is not right..... Cell what are you up to?

'Back to the Forest'

A big flash of light appeared causing the bugman to be no more, than a Perfect being. (Note: yes I skipped semi-perfect because I want to process this part. don't worry semi-perfect Cell will appear soon....)

(Perfect Cell^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

Cell: I am Perfect, and they'll quote everything I say........ let's give my Perfect body a test shall we? Gaaalick GGun! FIRE!

He aimed right at the mountain causing it to collapse breaking each pieces to bits.

Cell: Perfect, now this is what im talking about, the others aren't ready to see me like this just yet maybe I should use this in some cause of emergency just like how Goku did (Reverts to his Imperfect Form)

Cell: whats the fun if your too powerful! *wait minute* (looks at his destruction) OH NO! I THINK I OVER DID IT! (Sweats Drop)

'1 hour Later'

Yami was fully recovered, she got out of the Healing capsule, grabbed a towel drying herself off. She then open the door where Mikado was doing her work.

Mikado: I see that your fully recovered Yami

Yami: Dr?

Mikado: yes?

Yami: Why did that weird insect stayed here in the first place?

Mikado: Oh, you mean Cell, well he didn't tell me the details, he just said that he needed a place to stay so I let him stay here and plus his harmless to everyone

Yami: I see 

she was putting her battle dress on until the door was opened. It was Lala and Rito coming for their quote on quote Get well Gift.

Lala: YAMI!

Rito: Lala we can't come in just y- (sees Yami topless) WAIT! IM SORRY!

Yami: (eyes sparked) I HATE ECCHI THINGS (hair turns into a fist punches Rito on the face)

???: *Chuckles* Chuckles*

Mikado: huh? (Looks at the locker)

???: *OH NO! Im busted!* ACCHOOO!!!

Mikado: (Opens the locker door) Cell?? whats the meaning of this and how did you get in here?

Cell: First it was funny and second Instant transmission!

Yami: It's you!

Cell: Yea it's me and by the way I have a name

Yami: Whatever talk why are you here? (turns hair into a blade pointing at Cell)

Cell: Your joking right? This is child's play you think you can beat me with your puny power level?

Yami: (She began to turn red in an angry way and steam coming off her ear) WHAT DID YOU SAY??

Lala: I never seen Yami this mad before!

Cell: woah steamed head, cool off for a change, you need to control your emotion for once

Yami: Hmp whatever

Cell: uhh aren't you going to put a top on?

Yami: huh what do y- 

She looks below her neck and see that she wasn't wearing her dress, she began to blushed a little.

Yami: Don't look! Perverted Insect(Hair turns into a fist, punches Cell but he caught the fist. She got dressed) 

Yami: Dr Mikado thank you for your help, you too Princess Lala and Yuuki Rito (in a cold tune when she said his name)

She then went out of the door and exited to the building. After that Rito woke up from his beat up fest and began to wonder the Bugman's presences.

Cell: Well howdy kid it's you good pal Cell!

Rito: *It feels like I know him*

Lala: Ah! your the green guy who appeared at the top of that building last week!

Cell: Bingo! Bango! someone give her a lollipop!

Lala: YAY!

Rito: Yea now I remember, but the real question is why are you here?

Cell: stuff happened to me so let's not talk about it okay?

Rito: Okay then (cross his fingers at his back)

Mikado: Cell, I almost forgot from now on you're going to be Yuuki Rito's Guardian/Protector It would be modest for you to protect since all of the crazy commotion happened for the last 3 weeks or so has happened.

Cell: Sure thats not a problem, but why should I protect a p*ssy like kid who can't even confess his love, and from why witness just now he didn't even hesitate to leave when he saw an innocent loli trying to put on her clothes, the only thing he did was watch and makes some excuses for his mistake. it would be useful if I protect miss pinkie over here since shes a princess.

Mikado: I know that but he gets into trouble with some outsiders from this planet, and from my concern you like to fight strong guys right?

Cell: yes I do

Mikado: then protect the Yuuki hold thats an order

Cell: (looks at Rito) fine but his family and friends I will *Since I have Son Goku's DNA this wouldn't be tough right*

Lala: Ok thank you Miss Mikado will be heading out now!

Mikado: and Cell keep an eye on him *winks*  

Cell: weird *probably a harem*


They arrived at the Yuuki resisdence's home just in time for dinner. On their door way was a Long browned hair girl with goldenish eyes it was Rito's younger sister Mikan Yuuki.

Mikan: Welcome Hom- LALA! RITO! WHAT IS THAT!

Cell: now thats rude usually you could of said who instead of what like come on, didn't your parents teach you about manners?

Mikan: alright you two explain!

Rito: Well...........

Lala: he is going to protect us all from danger! (with a smile)

Mikan: Yea sure, but where is HE going to sleep?

Cell: Ill just sleep on the backyard, living room or the rooftop it depends

Mikan: ok name?

Cell: It's Cell

Mikan: Cell huh? ok you three dinner is ready, Rito can you call the two down cause I need to set dinner up

Rito: Okay im on it

Mikan: Cell you hungry for dinner?

Cell: No it's fine I already ate 6 intestine this afternoon from a bear

Mikan: ....Okay im going to pretend that I did not just hear that

Mikan then returned to the kitchen setting up supper from the living room. Rito went upstairs trying to get the Deviluke twins to get down for dinner. 

Rito: MOMO! NANA! Dinner is ready!

Momo: RITO! 

She got out of her room trying to hug him by surprise, but then he remember what cell said.

Rito: *he didn't even hesitate to leave* 

So he took a step from the side causing momo to bash into the wall, instead of hugging Rito she face planted on the wall. Next thing Nana got out of her room and saw Momo looking a little exicited.


Rito: Well she try to hug me so I kinda step a side a little and poof thats how she ended up like that (sweats drops) *please save me*

Nana: Don't lie to me you BEAST! (grabs Rito's shirt)

Momo: Nana im alright okay just let go of him please!

Nana: fine (she then let go of him) let's go im hungry

Momo: ok Sis *winks at Rito* 

The three then went downstairs for dinner. The Deviluke twins saw a bugman in the living room standing against the wall in a calm way breathing like he wants to drink somebody.


Lala: Oh him, his going to be our protector! (with a smile)

Cell: Thats right *more lolis come on!*

Nana: Woah! PROTECTOR?? this bugman right here from the looks on it can't even lift a bolder!

Cell steps out into the backyard trying to show how much pack he has.


He began to form a large light disc of energy.

Cell: See cool right?

Nana: Did............Did.......YOU JUST CALL ME FLAT?????? IM GOING TO KILL YOU! (She rushes at the bugman)

Cell: Just watch this (throws it at a far mountain)

That disc is no play toy he cut through the mountain causing it to collapse like the other from last time.

Everybody: ............it cut through (Jaw dropped down and shocked face)

Nana looks at the bugman with a sweat drop

Cell: you were saying?

Nana: you know what never mind im going to eat you coming

Cell: I just ate some on the way

Nana: suit yourself (closes the side window)

Momo: Ooooo from the looks of it you like that creature (Perverted look)


Rito: for the last time im not a beast!

Nana: Shut up!

Mikan: Alright you two just stop and eat up!

Cell was on top of the Yuuki resisdence's rooftop resting on his shoulder.

Cell: you know maybe this place isn't too bad, lots a crazy stuff is about to happened, welp a good night sleep should fix this (He falls a sleep)

there you go first chapter and it's finished, so yea grammar sucks, I pulled my hardest to it and it came out pretty good in my opinion? what do you think so far? 

Next Chapter: Touble is about to Go!

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