Escape The Night All-Stars! (...

By gdbragh

2.1K 15 0

It started with a party, it was fun, exciting, but soon went horribly wrong! I made mistakes, mistakes that w... More

Ch 1, Episode 1: Gathering The Fallen
Ch.2, Episode 2: Coming For Blood
Ch 3, Episode 3: Night of Trade
Ch 4, Episode 4: Treasure Worth Dying For
Ch 5, Episode 5: Dark, Fateful Night
Ch 6, Episode 6: Sacrifice Of Death
Ch 7, Episode 7: Deadly Dinosaurs
Ch 8, Episode 8: The Collector's Wrath

Ch 1, Episode 1: Gathering The Fallen Part 2

462 2 0
By gdbragh

Joey POV
(Note: There is a lot of twists and turns, but remember, not everything is fair in the museum of the dead)

I had made so many mistakes, and I think it's time to fix it....

Previously on Escape The Night...

Joey makes his way into the Museum of The Fallen only to realize that there isn't a way out, he find out that his friends are in the museum, trapped. He runs into The Sorceress and Calliope...

Joey: This was supposed to be an easy rescue mission, but now I'm on a mission to survive!

Escape The Night Intro Plays

A hand sticks out from the dirt

Smoke arises from a distance

Lele and Colin are seen in their Glass cases, not moving

Ethan looks around an exhibit holding a sharp object

Rosanna is sitting on a throne, smiling.

Alex looks calm and collected, as he holds up a sword to the sky, while Gabbie sees someone on a horse chasing after her, petrified

Safiya is seen trapped inside the Rotunda, panicking, and trying to find a way out while being surrounded by the Collectors guards.

Grayson is seen looking behind him while being chased by dinosaurs and cavemen, while Nikita twists a key in its hole, looking around while doing so

A clock is shown, representing the time until all the guests are turned to ash, then it cuts to Joey.

Joey is seen holding up a torch, signaling everyone to follow him.

Escape The Night

Joey stands in the middle of a room, what seems to be like a lounge area.

Joey: I see all these exhibits, but I can't find my friends.
Joey: And when I step outside into an exhibit, I see them, standing there, not moving.
"Oh god, Alex, I'm so sorry" Joey said
Joey: I know I have to get them out of there, so I break the force holding them.
Joey picks up a pickaxe and hits the force breaking his friends' hold.
The glass starts to break in each of his friends, coming to life once again.
"It worked, it actually worked!" Joey exclaimed
All of Joey's friends look around them, unaware of where they are
Safiya: Where am I? All I remember is cutting the wrong wire and I blew up!
Alex: Oh my god I'm alive, wait Gabbie is here?!
Gabbie: Alex is here! Oh my god...
Everyone shouts and is confused on where they are and why Joey is here
"Guys, I'm here to save you!" Joey exclaimed
Everyone: YOU killed us and now you are going to save us!
"I wish I could go back in Time and not make those mistakes!" Joey pointes out.
"Look, you all died and you're all an exhibit at the Museum Of The Dead, and if we don't get out of here the collector is going to kills us all!" Jory said in a panic.
"Wait, here's a note!" Joey said.
"Once the Armageddon clock strikes the morning hour, all who are outside of their exhibit are turned to ash and sent to a final death in hell."

"And there's another note here!" Gabbie said
"For thousands of years, the collector has been collecting souls of people and monsters of those from different times and storing them for her collection. You are her latest exhibit, but there might be a way out, inside of an iron vault lies the cosmic sphere. It can change space and time, but to unlock the vault it will require 10 jeweled keys. You can acquire the 10 jeweled keys by going to each exhibit. But, each key requires 2 people to undergo a challenge, for which the loser will be sent to a final death for which there is no return. Hurry, The Collector will soon return with her most frightening exhibit yet."

"Joey, we are all going to die again?!" Ethan said
"No, we are all going to get out of here, the Society Against Evil will be here soon before anyone dies!" Joey said
"Look, I am beautiful and stunning, but I am freezing, so why don't we get out of here?!" Nikita blurts out
"Yeah, let's go everyone!" Jory says loudly

As they all went for the exit the collectors guards chased after the guests, as the guests ran into the museum they find a note on a table

"The Collector's Guards obey her, and hunt, capture and kill anything that they see. If you are captured you will be taken to the Rotunda, where you will stay there until you are freed. You must split into 2 teams to find a crystal, the first team to find the crystal will be safe from death, while the others will be put up for elimination."
"So we have to split up?" Asked Colin
"I guess so" said Lele
Gabbie: Like I already died once and I don't feel like dying again.
Rosanna: Yay, Teamwork
The teams get split into 2
Team 1: Safiya, Colin, Rosanna, Ethan, Lele
Team 2: Joey, Nikita, Grayson, Gabbie, Alex

"Start looking for the crystals in 3...2...1...
GO!" says The Sorceress

Nikita: So we read our first clue-
"Feed me and I will live, splash me and I'll die"
Grayson: So we read the clue, which I expected to be longer, but this clue sounds easy. It's Fire.
"Guys! It's Fire!" Grayson exclaims
Nikita: Girl if we know what it is, the B*tch what are we still doing here?! Let's go!
Alex: We know what it is, but where do we look?
Safiya: So since we don't want to die, we are determined to find the crystals. So I read the first clue-
"I let you look right through me, what am I?
Colin: This could be many things, like a ring, a circle or a window!
Rosanna: I think it might be a window
What if it's a window? Says Rosanna
"That might be it, I hope your right, Rosanna" Lele says anxiously
Gabbie: So we see a fire place and while we look through it to find our next clue we-
"The Guards! Run!" Joey yells
The guard comes behind Gabbie and captures her
"Guys! Help me, Please!!" Gabbie shouts
"Gabbie, No!" Says Grayson
Joey says "Guys! We found the clue and it says-"
"What kind of room has no doors or windows?"
Alex: As we are walking we are trying to figure out and we see a guard, and we take off but Grayson and I aren't so lucky
The guard jumps Alex and Grayson, capturing them
"Help us, Joey!!" Grayson screams
"Find the crystals!! Alex exclaims
Lele: So we find the window and there is our next clue but we soon realize that Colin, Safiya and Ethan are missing.
Rosanna: Which means that they got captured
Lele: We get our next clue but it's too late, we lost the challenge we are being put up for elimination!
Nikita: We figure that there's bunch of plants and other flowers outside, and what do we see near a mushroom? The crystals, and that means that we are the winners of the challenge!
Nikita and Joey hug and return to their lounge area
Joey: So we put the crystals together and a chest opens up with a note inside of it-
"Finding the crystals puts you one step closer to your first jeweled key, but not without a cost. Vote one of your captured friends to be beaten and stabbed to death by the Collector's guards"
"What?!" Joey says, shocked
"This is crazy!" Says Lele and Rosanna
"At least it ain't us." Nikita points out

"It is time to vote, you can only vote for people that were in your group, then I will draw one card at random to decide who dies." Calliope says.
Joey: I have to vote for someone and I think I'm going to have to vote for Grayson, I like him, but we need the strongest people back here
Nikita: I don't know who I'm voting for but considering my options I'm going to have to vote for Alex, I don't think he is that useful.
Rosanna: This is such a tough choice to make but it has to be done, I need to survive, so I'm voting for Safiya, she is smart but she's a huge mental threat.
Lele: I'm going to be straight forward, I think Colin has done nothing but stand around and let us do work so I'm voting for him to die.
"I will now draw one card at random" Calliope Says.

The person being beaten and stabbed to death is...

Back at the Rotunda...

Alex: I'm worried that they didn't get the clues and that one of them is going to die, but first I need to get out of here
Colin: This sucks I got captured but at least I can calm down and relax for now
Safiya: If I hadn't gotten captured I would be in the lounge right now, but I'm stuck here
Grayson: Hopefully Lele and Rosanna found the crystals...

Back at the lounge area...

"The person being killed is..." says Calliope
Joey: one of our friends is going to die...

The Vlogger

Back at the Rotunda...

Alex: They open the gate and finally we are let out but they start walking to Grayson, maybe they saved him?
Ethan: I'm so glad that we could get out of the Rotunda but they are walking to Grayson...
"Hey, Hey!" "What do you want with my brother?!" Ethan Yells
Grayson: They opened the gate and they are grabbing me where is our group, what's going on?!
The Collector's Guards grab Grayson and drag him out of the Rotunda, they drop him to the floor, and with a battle cry, they punch him.
AHHH-HELP ME, PLEASE, ETHAN!! NO NO STOP! NO- AHHHH- Grayson screams loudly
With all their strength, they hold him down and pull out a knife and stab Grayson right through his chest, killing him. He stops screaming, and all becomes quiet.
"GRAYSON, NO!!" Ethan yells
They all run back to the lounge area without Grayson
"Guys, we had to choose someone to- "Joey explains
"Grayson died, Joey!" "My brother is dead!" Ethan screams.
Ethan: We ran out of the Rotunda, but when we ran out all we saw was Grayson's dead body laying there.
A chest opens up with the jeweled key
Ethan grabs the key and inserts it into its key hole, then a new chest opens up with a note inside of it
"We are coming...for blood" Ethan reads aloud
"What's next?" Colin asks

Escape The Night

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