Magnetism and Quicksliver (Bo...

By X-men_fangirl

9.8K 202 33

Y/n and Peter Maximoff, twins, have found out who their father is. But where is he? How will they tell him? W... More

Important Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
sorry guys...
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note

Chapter 1

686 9 2
By X-men_fangirl


*Y/n's POV*

A sudden movement woke me up from my sleep. I looked over at Peter to see if he was up. He was, thank god.

He looked over at me. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, an earthquake maybe?" I said, looking the basement to see if anything fell.

"Yeah, probably just an earthquake." Peter said calmly. "Let's just go back to sleep and see what happened tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight Peter." I turned off the light.

"Goodnight Y/n." Peter turned away from me and pulled the covers up.

I did the same and looked at the clock. 2:08. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over me.

*Time Skip*

When I woke up, I smelled breakfast. Eggs, bacon, waffles, and syrup. Sounds good.

I went upstairs and already saw mom and Peter at the table. I assume Lorna was still asleep or eating in the living room.

"Morning mom, morning Peter." I said taking a plate down from the cupboard.

"Morning." Mom said, reading the newspaper.

"Morning Y/n, or should I say sleeping beauty." Peter said, with his infamous shit-eating grin.

I glared back at him with my messy bed-hair and pj's that consisted of shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I rolled my eyes and turned back around putting more food on my plate.

For the past 10 years that I have lived with my siblings and mom, it has made my life a little different from when I was at the mansion.

For example, Peter's laziness has rubbed off on me, his talking-fast-thing has too. It has come to be a real pain to mom and Lorna.

Speaking of Lorna, she started school, has had the normal mood swings and cries of a teenage girl. Whenever she gets upset or snaps at us she quickly apologizes and hugs us. She is 15 now, old enough to know where she is going in life and make her own decisions.

Then there's Peter.

I had finally convinced him of not stealing anymore. Being more responsible and reliable. He got his hair cut, it is more groomed and taken care of now. And it has a darker coloring to it, which makes him look so adorable! He really has matured into a handsome young man.

Mom is 48. Peter and I are 28. Lorna is 15.

And our dad... I honestly don't know.

Peter and I haven't found a clue about where he is or what he is doing.


we'll find him soon.

And the earthquake that happened last night, not fun.

A/n: the first chapter is up! I can't wait to give you guys all of my ideas and plot twists. And yes, there might be some tear-jerking moments. But, they will come later in the book, so be prepared!

And remember...

I LOVE YOU 3000!


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