It's My Life (Black Veil Brid...

By ScreamInside

135K 3.6K 1.2K

Lauren and CC had a kid named Aurelie when they were dating. Aurelie's life is probably going to be FILLED wi... More

It's My Life (Black Veil Brides Fan fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 part 1
Chapter 32 part 2
Chapter 34
New Year One-shot
An overdue author's note
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

1.4K 65 10
By ScreamInside

You hate me. I know. I'm sorry.

So if you'll forgive me there's this and - no more empty promises - I started writing chapter 34. I'll try my hardest to update tomorrow :3 I'M SORRY BUT TENTH GRADE IS HARD TT^TT

Chapter 33

Aurelie's POV

In the weeks that followed, life was... different, to say the least. When we met up, Scream was never around; when we tried to make plans, Scream would never argue. If we went to watch an insanely crappy movie, Scream wasn't there to complain or make fun of it - to say things were depressing and/or different would not come close to exaggerating at all.

I knew, though: slowly, things were getting better for us in it's own way and time. Well, most of us anyway. Uncle Ashley was still in a mess, distant seemingly so far away from us even while being in the exact same room. He and Alaina, apparently, had broken up, too - as cruel as it may have sounded, I was so glad they were over because she was just ruining him with her stuck-up "I'm-so-much-better-than-you" attitude.

As for Jordan, she and I had gotten a bit closer since she and dad had finally started dating, adn I think she finally moved on from Scream; even if it was just a bit... I mean, who moves on from the death of their best friend? If anything had ever happened to Amy, EVER- well, I'd never get over it. The way Jordan was behaving was okay. It was normal. I used to hear her cry from every night to every once in a while and now it's mostly gone. Stopped completely.

I sighed, maybe things would be okay.

"Hey," Amor smiled, kissing my cheek when I sat down at the booth, the pizzeria had just recently renovated so we thought we could all check it out - We being: Wynter, Kayla, Megan, Amy, Amor and I. "How's everything going?" he continued, asking, "are you okay?" he looked concerned; I couldn't blame him. Scream's death had just hit a six-month mark that no one could even begin to comprehend. The thought was too painful. Nothing felt real.

"I'm fine... Where's Wynter?" I looked around for my cousin, but failed to locate him. That was until the door opened, the bell chimed, and you could hear:

"Megan- MEGAN, STOP!" Hm. That old saying was- what? "Speak of the devil and he shall appear..."?

"Come on," Megan's voice sounded, "Just a little bi-"

"NO, MEGAN! GET THAT NAIL POLISH AWAY FROM ME YOU IDIOTS- AMY!" They rushed in, Wynter trying - and miserably failing - to fight off both Megan and Amy. Amy, who had held his hands together, and Megan, who was trying her best to, presumably, try out what looked like the new nail polish she bought on his nails. Amy's death grip wasn't ready to let go yet, apparently. Kayla, as usual, trailed behind slowly, sitting down before they even thought of doing so.

"By the way," Amor stated coolly, "I ordered our regular."

Kayla nodded, "Okay, but I wanna try the new milkshake, it sounds so good! I'm gonna go order it before we start studying." With that, she got up and walked away to order her milkshake.

Finally, Wynter sat down, Megan and Amy still on either side - but at least they weren't arguing. That's when I noticed the color painted onto his nails.

"My, my, what lovely nails you've got there, ma'am. Where'd you get that shade?" I grinned lightly. Being surrounded by my friends seemed to help me. Wynter glared at me, as if telling me to shut up, and I just smiled innocently.

Kayla had returned by then, so we took out our books and began studying - well, almost began. The pizzas arrived before we could. That caused Megan to quickly throw her bag back down along with her bok and declare, "Let's just do this: eat first, study later!" before digging into the pizza hungrily.

We laughed and followed her lead, the day went on like that. I zoned out a lot, thinking about Scream. I didn't want anyone to worry so I just told them it was nothing.

Everything seemed okay.

Hopefully it would stay that way.



okay gotta go to bed mom's gonna kill me if she sees me awake bye bye

Vote and comment<3

Love you all and I'm sorry again, FORGIVE ME!<3


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