Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 65

22.2K 503 134
By niallsbabe_xx

Khloe's POV*

Mature ;)

"Are you sure you can do this?" Niall wearily asked as he wrapped his arms tighter around my body. I slowly nodded, feeling the nerves enter my body as my hands begin to clam up.

"I have to Niall. I want a normal relationship with you and so far it's almost been a month and we have gotten no where." I sighed, biting my lip.

It's true though. Since we've been dating, we've only gotten small moments. Everything else seemed to be getting involved and I don't want that anymore. First it was Jonah, then it was Niall's dad, then it was Amy, and now I just want it all to stop.

This month has been beyond hectic. I've been so paranoid to go any ware around campus because Jonah has been lingering these past few days and I don't want to bump into him. I don't even know the guy for crying out loud. On top of that, we still haven't seen Niall's dad at all since that night in the alley. So who knows where he is by now. I really just want to feel safe outside of Niall's arms again, and I can't do that unless everything is taken care of.

It's bridging the end of October now and I'd just like everything to be normal again.

"I know, baby. I'll go in there with you, okay? Harry's talking to him right now. If anything happens we're going to be right there." Niall's words sent a calming wave through my body, coating me in earth and reassurance. I smile a little one and stood on my tippy toes so that way I could press a kiss to him lips. He leant into me a bit, our chests brushing.

Once we pulled away, his arm quickly found its way around my waist as he lead me through the glass doors of the tiny coffee shop. It was the same one that we'd seen Niall's dad in.

I released a big, audible puff of air feeling my chest start to thud harder against my ribs. I don't know why I was so scared. I mean, it's just Jonah...

'Yeah, Jonah who is your father's mistake. Jonah who tried to rape your boyfriends sister. Jonah who seems very scary and intimidating.' My conscious reminded me.

"Niall, I can't do this." I whispered, staring ahead at the mop of brown hair, and the muscular guy with jet black hair beside him.

Niall and I immediately came to a halt, Niall staring down at me. It was then that I noticed the pair of deep brown eyes staring back at me too. It was almost scary in a different way than intimidation. It was scary because I was in awe as I stared at him from across the room. There was no mistaking the man that sat next to Harry in that red booth.

He was an exact replica of my father just with darker, fuller hair.

My eyes went wide as I noticed that he was now coming closer in view. Or it was just that Niall and I had started walking towards them again. We slid into the booth on the opposite side, Niall in first, then me. I felt safe like that because who knows what he could do. Harry sat across from me and Jonah was across from Niall.

I noticed how tense the air around us had grown. Actually, I think the whole room could feel it.

Niall's hand slowly inched its way onto my leg, where my hand had grabbed it and laced our fingers together. The sweat that had accumulated was unbelievable, but I don't think Niall minded. Or at least I hoped not.

Harry cleared his throat, trying to break the tension as he shot me a small smile before running his hand through his long hair. "So, Khlo, how are you?"

I gave a slight cough to clear my throat, trying to calm the nerves that were racing through my stomach. I felt nauseous. "I-I'm- I'm good." I stuttered, glancing to Jonah to see that he was already staring at me. I squeezed Niall's hand and quickly adverted my attention back to Harry.

He gave a reassuring nod, twiddling his thumbs in front of himself.

Niall's head leant down, and I felt his nose brush at a bit of my hair before I felt his warm breath swim onto my ear and neck. "It's okay. He's not gonna do anything." He then placed a kiss onto my head, squeezing my hand twice.

I was thankful that Harry and Niall decided to come because if I'm this bad with them here, I don't want to find out how bad I'd be without them.

Okay, Khlo, now just turn to Jonah and start talking!

Okay. You can do it.

My eyes directed themselves over to Jonah watching his face as his eyes danced between Niall and I, then to Niall's arm. His hand was blocked from the table, but you could definitely still tell that it was on my lap.

"So are you guys actually a thing or what?" He laughed, amusement clear in his judgmental voice. I gasped, but it wasn't because of what he said.

But, oh my god.

Oh, god. It was that voice. I know that voice.

My eyes went wide and even with Niall here, I no longer felt any safer than I felt in my nightmares.

"So my baby sister is with the delinquent." He laughed, rubbing his eyes as the smile filled his face.

I jumped at his words, Niall and Harry both noticing. I didn't say anything but just stared, and I'm surprised that Niall did the same thing.

"That's the best fucking news ever." Jonah's voice rang off my ears and it was suddenly like my brain had connected all the wires.

"I'm not your fucking sister, and leave both of these two out of it!" I snapped feeling the anger overtake my nerves. Jonah gave me a surprised look that quickly turned into a smirk. "Now why the fuck are you here."

"It's Khloe, right?"

"You know who the fuck I am." Niall squeezed my hand as if telling me to calm, but I didn't want to be calm. I wanted this prick to leave me the hell alone and go back to where he freaking came from. "Now tell me why your here, or leave."

A few people glanced our way, and I watched with anger in my blood as Jonah stared at them until they turned back around to mind their own business.

"Chill, sis." I scowled and Niall glared at him. Jonah rolled his eyes, continuing. "Listen, I just came to ask how dad was since he won't answer any of my calls."

No. He's not his fucking father. "Leave both, my family and I alone. We were fine before you and we'll be fine after you." I scowled, and turned to Niall. "We're leaving."

I slid out of the booth, and Niall followed in suit. I noticed Harry sigh and drop his head onto the table. I grabbed Niall's hand and quickly started walking to the entrance.

"Oh, and Khloe!" I whipped around to see Jonah now standing with his hands in his pockets, Harry just kept walking out the other exit. "I'll make sure to say hi to Luke for you." He smirked and my whole insides dropped to the floor. I noticed Niall immediately stop and turn towards Jonah; Harry too.

"Y-you know Luke?" I questioned just above a whisper. How in the FUCKING HELL does he know Luke!?

"I know a lot more than you think." He glanced to Niall giving a smirk. What does that mean? "See you around, princess." I shuttered at his words before Niall drug me out of the shop.

"Khloe, let's go."

"Niall." I stated blankly in pure shock. He didn't stop. "Niall." I couldn't even fathom what just happened. "Niall."

"What!?" He released my hand and came to a dead stop, whipping his around to see me. I shrunk back with out hesitation. I know that he's mad and probably flustered just as much as I am, but that still scared me a bit. "I'm sorry." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What's wrong, baby?", his voice came out as a whisper as he pulled me into his embrace.

I felt the tears build behind my eyes and I couldn't even describe how I felt. I felt scared and shocked? Maybe angry and puzzled? I felt all negativity hit me like a truck full of cinderblocks.

I breathed in from my nose, his scent calming me down a bit. "It was him."

"I know."

"No, it was really him. Like the him from my nightmares." I felt suffocated and suddenly the tears began to run down my cheeks. Once I heard his voice, everything started to click. He no longer looked like my father, but rather like a twisted man with a lot of sin.

I cried into Niall's arms, feeling his muscles contract around me as one of his hands ran through the knots in my hair. "He's not going to do anything to you, Khlo. I'm right here and I'm not going to let him hurt you." Niall cooed into my ear as he gently rocked us. A few minutes later, I pulled back and wiped under my eyes. Niall cupped my hands which rested on my cheeks as he tilted my head up so our eyes could meet. "Hey, look at me." my eyes finally came into contact with his. "I love you."

"I love you." I restated, before his lips came down and collided with mine. I sighed into the kiss and pulled back just slightly as he placed his forehead onto mine, our lips just barely brushing. "Can we please leave because I don't want to see him when he comes out." Niall held onto my clammy hands and removed them from my cheeks, pulling them to his chest.

"I mean it, Khloe." And I know he did, but that didn't help the scary feeling that ran through me.

I nodded as we made our way into my dorm building. I was meant to go to class this morning, and I'll probably get chewed out by Lou for this, but I decided just to go up to my room instead.

I dragged Niall behind me, my insides feeling like they were bubbling a bit. Neither of us said anything as we just walked into my room.

Everything was dark, all but the morning light streaming through the window. I glanced to Gemma's bed and seen that like mine, the sheets on her bed were perfectly made, the extra blankets crisply folded.

I turned and shut the door behind Niall who was just watching me like a hawk.

The thoughts about my nightmares and about Jonah wouldn't leave my mind. They were distracting me as I almost stumbled when taking off my shoes. I shook my head and leant against the wall as I tried to clear my mind.

Jonah's voice played over again inside my head and I couldn't help but to see the image when I was trapped in the bathtub, under the water, watching and listening to him above as he just stared at me drowning.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't detract myself even enough to do that. My head was preoccupied in trying to process things.

I blinked and glanced to Niall who now sat on my bed, picking his finger nails as he watched me from afar. "You okay, babe?"

"Why does he have to be here?" I spat and stood up straight. "How am I going to do him any good?! Why can't he just fucking leave me alone?" I started to pace, just asking myself questions out loud as I tried to comprehend everything.

I really shouldn't have gone this morning. That was a terrible idea. I thought maybe it would help my nightmares, but it actually made them worse and now I have a face to put on the guy.

"This isn't fair to us, Niall." I stopped pacing and turned to look at him. "God, I could scream!" I was so beyond angry... and just...puzzled.

I let out a bit of a growl, "And how the hell does he fucking know Luke?! Luke of all people! That just makes everything seem so realistic and just... Fuck!" I screamed and pulled my hair, pacing again as I felt the anger continue to flow with out me. It had struck all of my insides and I could feel my cheeks growing hot.

"Hey, hey, hey." Niall brought my attention back to him, and even though I was staring at him, it didn't help the shit that was going on inside my head.

I walked over to him, grabbing his hands as he pulled me to stand between his legs. He intertwined our fingers and I instantly felt myself settle a little. "I'm sorry. I'm just irritated and confused." I mumbled, staring at our hands.

"It's okay not to be okay, Khlo. I'm always going to be here for you."

"Stop saying that, Niall! You don't know that!" I was shocked by my sudden outburst. I did not mean to say that.. "Niall, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean that." I sighed but he never once looked at me differently than how he has been since we walked into the door.

"It's okay to feel and express that anger, Khlo." He sighed and sat back a little more.

"I need you to distract me, Niall." I mumbled, ashamed for yelling at him a minute ago. However, I need to get these fucking voices out of my head. I glanced up to his eyes. "Please distract me."

"What do you mean?"

"Do anything, something, please just get it to go away." I mumbled, feeling like my head was going to explode any second now.

Niall's hands laced around my back, pulling me towards him. I hopped onto the bed, straddling his waist. My lips were suddenly attached to his, moving in sync together.

After a few seconds I parted my lips so that way his tongue could easily slip in while his hands came down to hold my bum.

He took control, his tongue moving smoothly against mine, then the roof of my mouth, and over my teeth. I moaned as he squeezed my butt, laying onto his back and bringing me with him.

I tried to focus on the kiss and the way I was feeling when he did this. I was trying to focus on being in this moment with Niall.

My hands slid up his shirt, gently moving across his belly. I felt it dip a couple of time when I'd come across a soft or little ticklish spot. My hands continued to raise however, pushing it over his head.

He suddenly caught onto my motives and brought his hands up from my bum. They tugged on the hem of my grey shirt and lifted it up. He slid it off quickly, attaching his lips back to mine after he had tossed it next to his on the floor.

Everything was so slow, but it felt good not to feel rushed or feel so fast. It was just calm and like I was floating on cloud nine.

His hands cupped my breast which were supported by my white bra before he slid them around my back and unhooked that article of clothing as well, throwing it to the side. I pulled back from his kiss and sat up, smiling down on him. My chest was on full view for him.

If this was anyone else, I definitely wouldn't be this open and comfortable about myself like this, but that fact was, that it wasn't just somebody. It was Niall and with him, I could be myself. He loved me for who I am and he made me feel confident.

Niall smiled back at me, his hands finding a comfortable place on my hips. We didn't say anything, but we didn't have to. Everything seemed to have felt more 'in the moment' without the words. Like we could each know what one was thinking just by glancing at them.

I leaned back down and attached my lips with his smiling ones. I felt our chests brush together, his overly warm body binding together with my cool one. We were each others perfect match.

Niall giggled into the kiss and flipped us over so he was now on top. There wasn't much room on the twin bed to move, but we managed.

"Why are you giggling?" I smiled, pulling away just a little. He just shrugged and giggled again and I could tell that he was turning into a giddy kisser. I smiled and laughed at his response before reaching my hand up to the back of his neck. I pulled his face back down to mine.

Niall's hips lowered and I moaned as his front had ground into mine. I moved my hands down to his waist, pushing his jeans off his hips. Once his were in a pile on the floor, mine came next as he undid the button and inched them down my legs.

We were both then left in nothing but our underwear, and let's just say that the pool between my legs hadn't made them the most comfortable to lay in. Niall's lips detached themselves from mine and I whimpered due to the loss of contact. However, they were suddenly peppering my neck and jaw in tiny kisses. I moaned as he moved down, attaching themselves to the tops of my breast.

His hands slid up the curves of my body, latching onto my breasts as well. I moaned loudly when he groped them, sucking the top at the same time. I felt him bite down causing my back to arch. "Niall.." I groaned, pulling his hair. He released my skin, smiling up to me. I smiled back, my breathing and heart beat escalating at an irrational pace.

"I want to make you feel so good, baby." I whimpered at his words. He didn't even give me time to actually process them before he started leaving a trail of tiny, butterfly-like kisses down my stomach. His fingers slowly slid into the lining of my white laced underwear, and I blushed a deep scarlet red as he moaned at the sight.

They were slowly pulled off and I gripped onto my purple comforter as I felt a stream of hot air ghost over my center. I gasped, the feeling stirring inside of me.

I was defiantly distracted now.

Niall pushed my legs up a bit, my feet resting flat against my mattress. I felt his hair tickle the insides of my thighs causing me to squirm under him. "Stop moving." He whispered just over me and I moaned again. His tongue finally came into contact with my skin and I couldn't help the gasp/ moan that bubbled out of me. With each stroke he made I buried my head further into the blankets to cover my face and muffle my voice.

"Niall." I whined, my hand tugging at his hair. My breathing was pretty much out the window and I could feel the building inside.

He groaned against me, causing me to moan even louder due to the vibrations. I was panting and gasping for air, my heart hammering as his movements became over powering. I started to squirm and wiggle more which only caused him to pin me down so he could finish his deed. "Fuck," I gasped. "Niall." My voice grew into a bit of a squeal and my legs clamped around his head as I released, my body falling into a paralysis of euphoria.

Oh my gosh, that is seriously the greatest..

I was breathing heavily with my eyes closed and I could feel Niall sit up and move. "Did that distract you enough?" He whispered, a deep, rumbled chuckle following after.

I smiled and popped and eye open, staring at him from above me. "I think so." I giggled. I stared at his flushed face and rosy cheeks, just taking him in. How did I get so lucky?

As I let my body settle, I sat up and moved over top of Niall, staring down at him. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss, his arms wrapping around my waist. "You're so beautiful." He smiled and placed a kiss onto my crinkled nose.

I smiled and sat back up, leaning off the side of the bed to throw on my bra. I quickly stood up, still feeling a bit of a high run through me as I dug through my underwear drawer to find a clean pair. I slipped them on and made my way over to him. Crawling back into bed, I moved to straddle his waist again. "Are you still in the mood?" I whispered, suddenly feeling shy for asking.

"I've told you this before, Khlo, you don't have to feel the need to give me something. You don't owe me anything." I gave a small smile as his fingers lightly ghosted over my hips.

"But.. I.. what if I want to give you something?" I mumbled, biting my lip as I felt a new set of nerves fill me. I noticed a new spark ignite in the pupil of Niall's eyes, and even though he said he didn't want anything, I could tell that he secretly did.

"I uh,..."

"I know you do." I chuckled and moved down on his waist. I shuffled until I rested on his thighs, lightly drawing my fingers back and forth against his waistband. I could see the boxers- briefs growing tighter around him once more as I continued with the bit of teasing. "You do, don't you." I smirked.

"Please don't." He mumbled. I smiled and stopped my movements, staring up at him and my hand came down and palmed over him. Niall gasped and I smiled as his voice became ear candy. I suddenly wanted to hear more.

I slipped my fingers into his boxers, pulling them down his legs. I shuffled and moved a bit to pull them all the way off, before I moved to my original position and leaned up to kiss his mouth. He easily slid his tongue in, groaning as I took him into my hand.

I slowly pumped him, switching between a light tease and giving him full pleasure. I listened to how my name fell off his lips and to how he began to beg and plead. I giggled a bit before dipping my head down and taking his dick into my mouth. My tongue teased him and my teeth grazed slightly putting Niall into an overload of pleasure. I knew I wasn't great at this yet, but this was only my second blow job and perfection would only come with practice. Lots and lots of practice...

I moaned against him, pumping with my hand, what couldn't fit in my mouth. I hollowed my cheeks and sucked just the slightest, which only happened to put him over the edge. He grabbed my hair out of my face as he came, his moans echoing off the wall. I had to giggle a bit as I released him, sitting up to stare at him in his place of vulnerability.

His face was still flushed with his red cheeks, sweat had accumulated across his mattered-down hairline, and his eyes were pinched closed with his mouth parted in a big 'O' shape. I smiled and fell on top of him, feeling as he buried his head into my neck and let go of the breath he was holding. Honestly, I loved all the action and stuff, but that last part was always my favorite. That last little breath that was released of what pleasure I had caused him as it glided across my skin, leaving a trial of goosebumps in its wake.

"God, I love you." He panted, pulling me even closer if that was possible. I smiled and leant up to kiss his jaw.

"I love you, too."


"Boys!" Harper's voice bellowed over the frat house lawn. I find it funny how she just met everyone, except for Niall, and she's already acting like she's known them for years on end.

Gemma and I laughed, watching as everyone came to a halt, turning towards her. She was stood on the hood of the car, her hands cupping her mouth. "Get your fucking asses in that car right now! Or we're leaving without you!" She then gave a sweet smile. "Thank you." She hopped off the car, and gave Gem and I a wink. I had to laugh harder because all the boys looked a little scared.

Let's just say Harper didn't look like the one to been all mean and tough. Matter of fact, she looked the exact opposite. She had long brown hair, a skinny waist, but very muscular legs. She was thick built, but she covered it up very well with what she wore and how she presented herself. Well, except for when it came to times like this. She was dressed in a black shirt that was tight around the top but flew out at the waist, along with a pair of dark jeans and a black, grey, and white cardigan.

We all loaded into two separate cars; Niall and Louis in the front of Niall's car, with Harper, and I in the back. Gemma, Harry, and Seth all got in Gemma's car.

I smiled as I buckled in, getting ready to take on this nine hour car ride. I relaxed into the seat, lightly talking to Harp as Niall and Louis lightly talked about directions and stuff. The music was turned up and the windows were rolled down as we began our journey onto the freeway. All was good in Georgia, and roughly around eight tonight, we'd be in West Virginia.

A little short but oh well! I've got math to do now, so yay! Not! Haha Love You! Xx

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