The crime story of sanguinary...

By Alicjafanfiction

79 13 21

In the city Yokohama a storm is gathering. Detectives. Flame, lightnings, porcelain, blank pages... When the... More

Chapter 1 - 《The day [...] was a strange day》
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.

Chapter 4 - 《Comes out to the world with an ariostic smile》

12 2 0
By Alicjafanfiction

Atsushi-kun turned around rapidly. Near himself, right in front, he saw a silhouette, that at first moments froze him with fear.

Blond hair brightened shadow, ringing this mysterious profile. Soft, pink high color was cutting this face like a lightning cutting the dark sky. Black, like depths of the ocean, eyes, were looking at him with something, causing fascination and thrills of terror.

Taking cold, hard facts, he looked exlactly like Sienkiewicz has described. He had to be...

'Juliusz Słowacki!' Atsushi shouted without thinking.

'Congrats, you found me! Applause and hudred points!' Loughed the called. 'But let's be serious. Do you know whe am I here?'

'I know you control Kyouka. Set her free!' Shouted Atsushi, full of anger.

He planted a blow. Albeit the other one dodged, and sounding totally innocent, continued his talk:

'Hm? You have no reason for anger. The girl in kimono is already free. I never evilly use people for longer than nesecary. Calm down and we can talk. What I have to say, even if won't interrest you, will definitelly turn useful.

Inside Atsushi-kun, flashed one spark of curiousity. However he didn't let it take voice.

'I will not listen to you. You are my enemy. You made Kyouka commit a murder!' He called out, pucking a tiger punch in him.

'Hey, don't treat me like a bad guy.' Said Słowacki with a soft dissatisfaction. 'How ariostic it would be, if you would just kill me here.' He loghed, avoiding another punch. 'But stop judging everyone following your law book. That thing could have happened.' He mentioned, while shrugging innocently. 'But it's not a reason for making me your enemy. The way we are heading, leads through it too. You'll understand it, when you'll to listen. How can you assume that death is bad, if you don't know what happens after it?

Atsushi-kun finally gave up to the curiousity. He looked at him with wonder, stood losely, some steps away, not showing much trust.

'So, tell me about it.' He said askance, keeping an eye on the collocutor.

   Słowacki, with a shadow of gratification, started talking. His voice sounded patiently, calmly and soft. Everything was like it stopped and focused around them.

'Every beeing has an spiritual and an physical form. Sepparated, linked for the time of life. Only one of them is the true you, yearning for freedom in its autentic version. The other one is an instrument, a beeing has to break free from, to prifit the new quality of subsistence and subconsious. Get out of this artifical limb, this material prison, holding us here. Death is a change of form, realising the spirit. After it every bering transfigures into a form, suiting its spiritual shape. I am here, to give this beauty to other people. In an even better scale. Because a revolution is as well a moment, when freedom benefits the Spirit of History. It's something you can't wait for, or gain happinesz without. Then, the whole world or nation can reach its own liberation in pain. This is my goal. I'm up to unleash a great, gory global revolution, that will break the chains of the world. Finally we all will get to have this beauty. Release the tied energy, by an inner force of breaking from the human crowd. So that, I want to get ,,The Book". It's a magical object, letting create the reality. You've heard about it, haven't you? Finding it would contribute to a great going out from opression. Release souls of individuals and unities.

Atsushi-kun was looking at him with bewilderment. After a few moments, he moved and got his voice out.

'I don't get this.' He said slowely. 'But you've hurt people, including my friends.' He added more loudly, when his hands were clanching in fists. 'I will look at deeds. I am up to stop you!

Atsushi-kun set about him with his tiger-power. Słowacki-kun instantly cautch his front-end fist and threw him away from there.

'Argch... Seriously? Shame.' Said Słowacki-kun with resignation. 'But I won't stop because of you. Even if you don't want to join, the avalanche will keep moving forward. And have no problems with snatching you.' He said that part with a mysterious, pleased smile. 'I'll just wait untill you find the Book for me.'

Atsushi-kun picked himself up from the ground, looking at him suspensely.

《Why would I search for it?》He thought.《Showing all our enemies where it is and resist the orders of the Agancy...》

Suddenly his thoughts started fading. There emerged a new target in front of his eyes. He smelled the scent of ripe raspberries in the air.

《I want...》Sounded in his head.《Find this thing so much. I absolutely wanna break the prohibition settled by the Agancy!!》

There appeares a sign of a raspberry on his hand. Atsushi slowely turned around and stood with his face towards air blasts on a wide-spread street of the city Yokohama.

'Tear up the bans of your organization. Break everything that restricts you. Turn everything you considered righteous and getting the taste of the crime, find the Book!


Yaaay! It's already the 4th chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it❤

It's Słowacki's 210th birthday today!🎉📘 Celebation!

*Just inc if I had to say: This is fiction, inspired by a phylosophy from 19th century. This story isn't about to suggest traveling the world, controling people with your ability, killing, neither waiting for death. Etc.*

(The italics are quotations)

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