Chika's Stomach Flu

By Tsurako-ko

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A short fanfic. Chika has received 15 large boxes of chocolates and consumed then in a short amount of time... More

Chika's Stomach Flu

Now it's my turn to take care of "You"~

195 3 0
By Tsurako-ko

You's POV

What... What have I got myself into?!

"Say ahhhhh~"

"I can feed myself Chika-chan."

"But it's no fun! I wanna feed You!"

"Can you not use my name like that." -______- Chika always teases me with my name.

Instead of you- she says You (Y-ou or Yo and not you or u- as in you there! Stop! Chika would stay Y-ou/yo-chan! stop!)

"Fine fine! Let me just feed you then! Now open wide."

I went overboard with the lobster fest.. ;-; Why did I accept Kanan's eating challenge? Not only I miserably lost, but now I have the stomach flu! It's not like the lobster has gone bad- I just ate a tad bit too much lobster and butter >.>

Crab legs and butter actually- the lobster was prepared differently. Anyways- they were huge! There were like.. bigger than Mari's thighs! The crusher claw looks like it can crush human bone as if a child is bitting into a grape.

Chika was kind of enough to make soup by herself-

"HOTTT!" I spit the soup back into the bowl and quickly chug a glass of water.

"Oops, I forgot to cool down the soup."

Just.. stay calm.. Chika is only trying to help. She took the time to prepare me some soup and even came over to my house in hot summer heat.

I watch Chika dumping out some of the soup I spat out. Then she proceeds to get a small spoon full and taking her time to blow it.

.. >.> I can even hear here blowing the spoon. You can blow silently, Chika-chan.. Oh why am I complaining? She's so cute! I'm glad she's here with me today otherwise I would be home alone. Nothing to do and just.. lay on my bed.

"Thank you, Chika-chan."

"No problem You-chan! Now open wide!"

"Ahhh~" It's.. nice to have someone look after you. Although I wouldn't trust Chika-chan anywhere near my life support plug far later in the future- She's all I got. Sure I have the other Aqours members, but I really want Chika-chan to be by my side. Ohhh I'm being selfish now..

The soup is rather.. nice actually. Not as good as mine, but it warms my heart that Chika-chan made me some soup without my help. She took the time to make it, learn how to make it, and again- Under the sun's ray of heat Chika-chan walked to my place and made sure I was okay.

"How is it?"

"It's alright Chika-chan. I'm most certainly impressed."

"Really?! Yay! I did a good job!"

"Don't get too excited. Next thing I'll have hot soup all over my body."

"Ehhh! I wouldn't spill a bowl of soup on you."

"Ehh.. maybe."

"Now you're just being mean."

"W-well Chika-chan I'm sure you'll spill it by accident. A-anyways cut the chatter. I'm hungry."

"Fine, here comes the ship! Yousoro~"

In the end.. I didn't eat much soup. My stomach felt empty at first, but then it felt really uneasy. Although the soup Chika-chan made was easy to eat and I feel somewhat better.


"Good night You-chan."

"It's late afternoon. Why are you sleeping on my bed?!"

"I'm so tired You-chan.. I need some rest."


"Rest well Chika-chan."

"Mmm. You too, You-chan- WAIT! I almost forgot that you're the one that's not feeling so good! Ahhhh! I totally forgot You-chan!"

"How do you.. you know what. I'm not even gonna question. I'm bored Chika-chan."

"Bored? Ummm.. what to do.. what to do... OH! Let's go to my place and invite Riko-chan over!"


"Oh right, you're stuck here. Let's invite Riko-chan over here!"

"Riko?" Well.. I'd rather much have her here as well.. just in case Chika-chan does something dumb.. I have Riko-chan to stop Chika-chan since I'm stuck here on my bed. My stomach feels so uneasy to the point I can't even get up. Any sudden movements and I feel like puking and also I'm just very lazy.

"I'm texting her right now!"


"Huh.. she's not responding. I think Riko-chan is busy. Ohhh.. I wonder who can come. Ruby-chan? I doubt it. She's probably somewhere with Leah. Kanan-chan? Umm.. She's probably sick as well."

"Sick?" Well.. Kanan did compete with me.. and that's about it. If anything it's me and Kanan that are feeling ill right now.

"And if Kanan-chan is sick.. Mari-chan and Dia-chan are at her place. Riko-chan is probably doing some ritual with Yoshiko-chan."

"Ritual.." Thinking about it.. What if Yoshiko is some cult leader online.. I highly doubt it since she's really anti-social.

Yoshiko is alright with Riko, Hanamru, and Ruby. That's about it. I tried talking with Yoshiko the other days and.. well it wasn't so fun. It's like talking to Riko-chan over and over again back then -____-.

"Hmmm.. I guess it's just me and You!"

Annnnddd there she goes again >.>

"Don't worry You-chan! We'll have lots and lots of fun!"

"Uh huh.."

"Hmm? Something wrong?"

"I need.. the bowl.."


A few moments later...

My body feels so weak. My shoulders feel heavy and my throat burns.

"Sorry You-chan.."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"I.. I don't know. I just.. I can't help you. Remember when I was sick? You made a delicious soup and we even had so much fun! I.. I can't do any of that."

"Don't worry too much about it Chika-chan. You know.. turn around and face me."

"Eh? O-okay." Chika-chan lays on her right side and faces towards me. I lay on my left side just to look at Chika-chan.

"That's more like it." I move a little bit down and closer to Chika-chan.

Where I place my head is under Chika-chan's chin and at her chest level. I wrap my arm around her body and my legs over her legs. All I want to feel right now is her warmth and body. I don't really care who comes or not and wether if it's fun. I just want some alone time with Chika-chan ;)

"Oh You-chan. Of course you would do this you silly sailor. Just close your eyes and rest easy You-chan."

I can feel Chika-chan's chin resting on my head. I can hear her slowly breathing and I can somewhat listen to her heart beat as well. Well.. only because I'm close to her chest.

Despite the wether being so hot today.. I don't feel the killer heat at all. I did turn up my A/C to the colder settings ;)

Now me and Chika-chan can cuddle for as long as we want.

"You-chan you smell so nice~ I can stay like this forever."

Umm.. thanks I guess?

"You're so warm~ It's getting cold in your room, but cuddling you like this will always keep me warm and cozy."

Umm.. yea. I said the same thing too, Chika-chan. It seems we are thinking quite alike.

"I can like.. take off my cloths-"

"Okay Chika-chan. No need to."

"Oh okay."

"We haven't gotten that far with our relationship." >.>

"I've seen you butt naked multiple of times You-chan."

"That's because you always go in the bath tub with me."

"You always invite me though."

"You invited yourself." -.-

"Ahem! Anyways.. no more talking! You need some rest right now. Talk anymore and I'll have to punish you."

"Punish? What do you mean?"

"Punish by suffocation!"

"I'm going to sleep."

"That's right! You better go to sleep You-chan."

Wow.. she used the right word you as in u and not my name! Whatever- I really need to get some shut eye.

I.. I can't fall asleep actually. I'll just.. stare at Chika's.. umm-

"Hey Chika.. I'm getting squeezed now. Mind if I just.. move back a bit-"

"shhhhh." I can feel Chika-chan's hand behind me head. I feel a force that pushes my face even closer to her chest. "Rest easy girl.. rest easy."

"Chika." I feel like my call was muffled. "I'm going to puke."

"KyAaa!!! Okay okay! I'll get the bowl!"

I can finally breathe! I watch Chika-chan rushing to get the bowl and hurrying over to my side.

"Okay You-chan! just breathe and stay calm!"

"I was lying Chika-chan."


"I just wanted you to move." :/

"You're mean! Stupid!"

"Oh okay.." >.>



"What so funny Chika-chan?"

"Remember the last time I told you I was about to puke?"

"Ohh right.. you puked on me.."

"Wouldn't it be funny if you purposely puked on me? You would never do that though."

"Of course I won't. Last thing I want is for you to be anger or sad."

"Aww~ You-chan has already forgive me!"

"I forgave you that time when you right after puked on me. I couldn't get mad at you."

"You-chan stop it! You're.. you're making my heart melt! I can't take it anymore!"

You know.. I think I'm truly happy if Chika-chan is happy. That's what matters to me most right now.

"Can you get me some ginger ale?"

"I don't know.. can I?"


"Okay okay You-chan. I'll get you some ginger ale." Chika-chan goes over to the corner of my room and opens my mini fridge. I would have drinks and some desserts in there. Since Chika-chan is sleeping over with me- She too brought some treats, but I never imagined I would  feel this sick and awful.

I'm mostly to blame for this lack luster sleep over. I can't eat, I can't really do anything, and Chika has to take care of me. She made the soup last minute, decided to come over to my place anyways, and is still here. What did I do to have Chika-chan by my side?

"Yosh! Here you go."

"Thanks a lot Chika-chan." I chug the whole can of ginger ale. I try to keep my burp quiet, but.. It seems I drank a tad bit too much.. okay finishing the whole can is a lot :/ 


"Let's do something easy." I get up from the bed and hold onto Chika-chan.  She's like my crutch and I can kinda stand on my two feet. I think the reason for me not being able to move.. was probably a fever..

but my body feels cool down.. did I drink any medicine? I can't even remember >.>- Doesn't matter!

"I can move! Let's go to.. I don't know where to go."

"ehh? Are you sure you're okay to move You-chan?"

"I'm fine Chika-chan. As long as you're with me- I have unlimited strength and will power."

"S-saying that won't get you anywhere.. ummm.. I think your body is still to weak to do anything. All we can do is walk."

"A walk is fine. Wanna go?"

"Fine.. we're not going out for too long though! it seems the sun is still up high and it's very hot I bet. Wanna wait until evening?"

"Hmm.. no. I know a place where we can walk to. There's plentiful of shade and a spot where we can sit and relax."

"Sounds nice! I'll pack up some ginger ale and water. Hmmm.. should I bring this puke bowl along as well?"

"No.. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"If you say so You-chan. Alright! Shall we go then?"

"let me change."

"Ohhh let me watch."


"But You-chan!!"

"No buts."

"Ahaha~ You said butt."

"Not- but- Never mind." >.> 


"Umm... Chika-chan.."


"Why are you still in my room?"

"Ugghh fine fine! Hurry up and change though! Don't keep my waiting."

"Roger that."

My body feels.. weird. It's like I'm sweating, but I'm not. It's a mixture of both hot and cold, but I feel fine altogether. Holding Chika-chan's hand like this.. I feel a lot better.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere Chika-chan. Just hold my hand."

"Who in the right mind would let go? I wanna hold your hand forever!"

"Of course you will. We're going to walk on some trail and there's plentiful of tress to give us shade. I know a good spot at a pond somewhere- we can sit and relax. I would go fishing there as well because it's that good."

"Ehhh! I wanted to see this pond! Let's run there!"

"I can barely walk as is you know."

"Oh right! Then hold onto me tight darling." Chika-chan has her hand under my chin.

"Umm.. okay.." For once.. I feel like Chika-chan is taming me. Almost as if she assumed the role of being the one who's dominant. I.. Ahem-

I think I understand how Riko-chan feels now..


Why did I read her books?

"Coooool! There's so much shade! Eheheh~ I want be burnt to a toast now. I'm not a roasted mikan as of yet!"

"Well.. I'm gonna peel you like a mikan."

"Huh? Does that mean you're going to take of my cloths? pervert."

"W-what?! HEy! You wanted to see me-"

"Hmm.. I don't recall."

"Don't play dumb with me." -.-

"Dumb? You're just saying things You-chan."


"Anyways You-chan.. you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'll feeling alright now. My body just feels weird is all. My body feels cold, yet I feel warm at the same time."

"Hmm.. we shouldn't stay out too long if you're still sick. I think we should avoid the pond since there might be some insects crawling around."

"Don't worry too much about me Chika-chan. I still have your nice soup and I have a strong body. I won't get that sick so easily."

"But You-chann!!"

"Don't worry, Chika-chan. Let's go to the pond and relax, okay?"

"F-fine.. we're not going to stay there for long though!"

"Okay, as long as we get to see the pond together. Sounds good?"

"Hmm.. don't blame me if you get anymore sick!"

"Oh please Chika-chan. How can I get anymore sick when you're my cure-"

"Sheesh.. corny."

"Corny?!" Well.. Chika-chan is right though >-< "A-anyways.. nice.. weather we're having."

"Nice weather? well.. It's burning hot, but it's better than rain."

"Y-yeah. Yeah it is."

"You-chan, I have a question."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Why would you fall in love with a person like me?"

"What? What kind of question is that?"

"Well.. I just-"

"Aghh!! I feel weaker now.."

"You-chan?! Okay umm- Let's head back-"

"Chika-chan is doubting herself and thinking she's not good enough for me.." I pretend to cough and act sickly. "Ugghh.. Chika.. You're supposed to be my cure."


"You're smile and happiness is all that I loved you about. We were friends for soooo long and everything about you I just.. really love about!"


"So? Why would you ask a question like that?"

"W-well.. I had a feeling you were in love with me. You clearly showed it when me and Riko-chan got too close. I was really dumb founded when I was thinking about you. What makes me so.. special to you? Is it simply because we were friends for a long time?"

"Well.. That has played a part, but I just.. think you're the one for me. There's no other girls like you. You're so lenient, straight forward, energetic, and dumb- in a good way."

"In a .. good way? What does that even mean You-chan?!"

"Ah! This is the pond."

"Don't change the subject!"

"Subject? What subject?"

"Don't play dumb with me You-chan!"

"Dumb? I have no clue what you are talking about." I give Chika-chan the ultimate smug look. It's not as good as Riko's smug.. but I think she has a good look at my face ;)

"Wahh! It's so cool here! The sun isn't even a big problem and the rocks are relatively clean to sit on! No moss or anything of the sorts."

"You like it here?"

"Ehehe~ It's very romantic." Chika-chan sits right next to me.

I know I should be used to it.. but I can't stop my heart from beating so fast.

I just.. wanted to be more than friends with Chika-chan. That'a all there's to it.

"Still feeling sick?"

"Yep." If I wasn't this ill.. we could've had so much fun.

Because of me.. Chika-chan feels bad about herself because she couldn't "do" anything for me. Baka.. you so much for me Chika-chan.

"Maybe we should head back and just relax on your bed. We can find a movie to watch or a show. Anything really."

"Sounds like a plan. Too bad we can't have snacks though.."

"Yea.. well we'll just have to wait another time."

"Well.. I do have one snack in mind."

"Hmm? You shouldn't really eat anything at the moment-"

"You're the snack." ;)


"You-chan, that was very lame."

"I'm trying Chika-chan."

"Sheesh. Don't get all weird now. It's my turn to take care of Y-o-u~"

"Can you not say my name like that and mix up my name and the word you as well."



We ended going back to my place. The pond was a nice place to relax at, but Chika ended up worrying about me too much.

My stomach still feels uneasy, but at least my temperature is looking alright. Chika-chan has even prepared me a damp cloth to put over my forehead.

She's.. like a motherly figure.

"That should do it." Chika-chan connects the HDMI cord from the laptop to the television. "Now we can watch the stuff on the big screen. Now.. what to watch I wonder."

"Let's watch some Love Live."

"Ehh? I watched it so many times already. I don't plan on losing anymore tears." Chika-chan.. I do wanna she her cry a bit tho.. like- she cries during a show or movie because it's sad!

Then it's my time to shine! I'll put my arm over her and try to comfort her. Then she'll feel safe and comfortable in my warmth and protection.

"Come onnnn Chika-chan. I know you want to watch it." ;) I even give Chika-chan my try hard best winky face.

"Uuugghhhh- Fine! We'll watch some Love live.."

"That's the spirit! Just like good times aye?"

"Well... yeah it was nice watching Love Live with you. Because of that and Muse- I wouldn't be who I am today."

"I beg to differ. I'd think you'd be the same Chika-chan I fell in love with. Just minus the idol pizzaz. Hmmm.. if you didn't become a school idol then I would see you as.. a competitor table tennis player?"

"Of course! I love table tennis! Then you would've been a competitive swimmer along side Kanan-chan."

"Well.. Kanan does more deep sea diving rather than competitive swimming actually. Not to brag, but.. I did beat her in a race and I won by a land slide."

"What's with that smile? Why are you biting your lips? You're not even impressing me at this point."

... >.>

I sigh.

"Well Chika-chan I think only dumb and random stuff can impress you."

"Dumb and random? What does that even mean?"

"Did you know that a great white shark and other shark species has to continuously swim in order to breathe? It's called ram ventilation and that's why the great whites are one of the quicker sharks. They need to move at a constant fast pace for oxygenated water to pass through the gills."

"Ehhhhh?! Really?! That's so cool!"

.. -__________________-

"Oh- the anime is starting-"

The video buffers.


For minutes me and Chika-chan watch the damn circle looping and looping again and again.

"Is your wifi dying?" Chika asks.

"Probably." I simply return the answer.

"Sheesh.. what do we do now?"

"We can make out."

"Just lay down and don't waste you energy. I need you resting well-"

Annndddd on top of Chika-chan I lay. My knees are locking Chika-chan's legs. Squeezing her thighs together while I lean forward. I hold onto my bed railings and get closer to Chika-chan slowly.

I can see her face turning red in an instant. A blushing mikan aye. Yea.. I don't need words to impress Chika-chan. All I need to show is some action!


"Y-you're too close You-chan."

"I'll get even closer."

I watch Chika-chan slowly closing her eyes and tightening her lips. I do the ole snake eye and I can see her right hand gripping onto my blanket. I look the other way and see her left hand also gripping onto my blanket.

This kiss.. will be lo-


M-my throat burns.. ooowww my stomach! It's so sudden..

Sudden... ._.

I just.. I just..


"Ahem.. I can explain."

"You can really kill the mood huh?"

"W-well- I didn't mean to!" Uugghhhh I'm starting to get dizzy.

"You can have this back." I can feel my slimy puke rubbed against my arm.

"W-what?! Chika?!"

"Now we have to shower together~"

"What?!" What have I done .-.

"To the showers we go! I'll make sure we're both spotless!"

She's using my puke as an excuse to shower together! I can't say no! I want to wash off my own puke off my arm!

Chika-chan really needs to wash her self because of me ;-;

I've made a mistake.

"Before we enter the tub.. there's one thing I want to tell you, You-chan."

"W-what is it?"

"After we wash up.. I will really be taking care of you~"

._. What does that even mean..

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