Motley Crue & The Dirt cast x...

De CookieMonster1098765

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Just a bunch of Mötley Crüe x reader. Yes, cast of The Dirt are included. Yes I will take requests; THEY WILL... Mais

Help || Nikki Sixx
Clean the Mess you Made || Mick Mars
Time to Quit || Nikki Sixx
Swing Life Away || Colson Baker
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Tommy Lee
Flirtatious || Colson Baker
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Part 2 || Tommy Lee
Flirtatious || Colson Baker || Part 2
Parties are meant to be Social Gatherings, right? || Vince Neil
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || part 3 || Tommy Lee
Rub me the Wrong Way || Daniel Webber!Vince Niel
Up || Daniel Webber
Nikki Sixx -> NSFW alphabet
Black and White || Mick Mars
Stalker on a High || Colson Baker
Roxie || Tommy Lee
Baby I Will Love You Forever || Colson Baker

A Life Like No Other || Daniel Webber

1.8K 38 4
De CookieMonster1098765

Request (tumblr): @/kellysimagines - can you write a imagine with Daniel Webber where we've been dating for a couple years and we are both on The Dirt. I play Sharise and in between takes and breaks I see how he is with the child who plays our daughter and I we talked about having kids and marryin g so we talk about it again on breaks and he wanted to talk to me about that for a while and after a few months still filming The  Dirt I find out that I am pregnant and i go tell him on set in a cute way and later on he proposes?

Warnings: mentions of death?
Waking up to an empty bed was never a nice thing in the early mornings on a wednesday; but this wednesday was a good day and a day that neither you nor Daniel had to be on set early (as he normally would have to be while you come in midday). You snuggled closer to Daniels bare chest for warmth as you slowly wake from your slumber; the morning smell of rain that has recently fallen over cut grass, the sunny but still cloudy brightness seeping through the curtains at the window, the birds singing a beautiful lullaby almost bringing you back to sleep.
"Good morning my sunflower" Daniel said in his rough morning voice as the boy snuggled closer into your hair and wrapped his legs around with yours.
"Mm, morning" you mumbled softly as you breathed softly.
"We should just skip today" Daniel muttered into your hair, "and just stay like this for the rest of the day,'' you hummed appreciatively for this and smiled.
"I would love that" you said softly, that was until your alarm went off; signaling you now HAD to get up and get ready to leave for the day. You let out a large groan as Daniel reached over you onto the bedside table, effectively squishing you causing you to giggle at his silliness, before staying in the position he was in; on top of you. "Daniel!" you giggled out as you slapped his sides softly.
"What? Thought you wanted to stay here all day" Daniel muttered with a laugh, you could hear his grin even though your vision consisted of the ceiling and your mouth and body was squished under his weight.
"Yeah, but not under you!" you said with a giggle.
"Awh baby; but you love staying underneath me; for hours on end need i remind you" the boy said with a cheeky grin that you could hear. You rolled your eyes before huffing softly and quickly tickling Daniels sides, "WHAT HEY NO" Daniel yelled in a deep voice with laughter as he crawled off of you to escape your defences.
"You asked for it!" you said with a laugh as you lay on your back laughing softly. The two of you stayed on your backs and just breathing eveningly with wide smiles.
"Do you want a shower first or shall i?" Daniel asked finally as you thought for a moment.
"I'll make breakfast while you shower and then when you're finished you can have breakfast waiting for you while i shower" you said.
"You thought about this before haven't you?" Daniel asked rhetorically.
"Oh yeah definitely, like we don't do this almost every morning" you said with a chuckle before sitting up and swinging your legs over the side of the bed and into your nice slippers as you twisted the top half of your body around and slapped Daniel in the stomach; making the man laughs as his legs and arms came to cover his stomach as you retract your hand. "Come on! Get up" you said with a smile as you stood up, grabbed your robe and headed for the kitchen. Daniel only laughed as he watched you leave and shook his head before hopping out of bed, opening the curtains and then heading to the shower.


Finally walking on set you chuckle as you see Colson, Iwan and Douglas standing around in their costumes and wigs with coffee; they must have been here doing individual work earlier. Daniel gave you a quick kiss as he walked into the hair and makeup department as you walked off into the clothing to get fitted for todays scene.
Time passed and within what felt like minutes it was time for you to be on set.
"Quiet on the set!" the director yelled as some people echoed his words, "and, action!" he yelled. The clicker clicked and the camera was aimed at Daniel in his Vince getup. You walked forward with Skylar holding your hand as Daniel clapped and recited his line.
"Oh, Skylar, is it time to go already?" Daniel picked up the little girl and started bouncing her on his knee.
"Say bye to daddy sweetheart" you continued, purposely sounding annoyed and exhausted as Daniel kissed Skylar and the girl started crying and whining for you, "come on, we're going to be late!" you said annoyed.
"Mommy!" Skylar whimpered out as you started to pull the little girl away from Daniel; the sight almost breaking your heart.
"Oh one more second Sharise" Daniel said as he took the little girl back again and started kissing her cheeks again.
"Mommy! I want mommy!" Skylar cried softly as she tried to dodge Daniels kisses.
"She wants me!" you said finally, you took the, fake, crying child into your arms, "bye Vince" you said as you walked away.
"Bye Sharise" Daniel mumbled as he stared off into the distance as you kept walking away for more of an effect.
"Aaaannnddd cut!" the director yelled, "alright, reset we'll go in for one more take and then head to the next cut" he yelled. People bustled about stage as they reset the things they had been carrying as background noise. You let Skylar go and run around on the floor while you waited as Daniel came up and stood next to you as the little girl started spinning in circles while giggling.
"Remember when we talked about having our own little tuckers?" Daniel asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist, you chuckled softly as you watched Skylar run around again.
"Mm hmm. And getting married one day" you said softly, "having our own house back in Australia, maybe a dog or two" you hummed as you turned your head and kissed Daniels jaw. Daniel got the idea and turned his head to look at you as he kissed you softly.
"OI, GET THAT SHIT OUTTA HERE"  Colson yelled with a laugh as he waved a hand. You and Daniel broke apart with giggles as Skylar came up to Daniels leg.
"Dan. Dan!" the girl said with a grin as Daniel picked her up, "can we play tea party soon?" the little girl asked softly as she played with Daniels fake long hair. The boy laughed softly at the girls question.
"Right after this scene okay baby doll?" he said softly, the little girl nodded before leaning in and rubbing her nose again Daniels; a sacred thing that only the pair does to each other as Skylars real parents laughed softly from the sidelines. They had full control of what the child was able to do and not do; they really didn't mind how close Daniel and their child got together. In Fact they encouraged it.
"Alright! Daniel, (Y/n) back on set for a retake!" a stagehand yelled, you looked to Dan with a smile as Skylar made grabby hands for you to take her for a reset.


It was quiet on set as an hour break had been called and the buffet from the catering company had come out with all sorts of hot and cold foods. You sat with Daniel, Colson and the rest of the 'band' (as you called them) as chatted amongst yourselves.
"I'm so sorry to disturb you Daniel" a voice said, it was Racheal, the mother of the little girl playing Skylar, "she's been whining about you and i can't do anything that will stop her," the woman said a little awkwardly as she tried to calm down the wriggling girl in her arms. Daniel smiled wide.
"I'd be happy to take her!" Daniel said with a grin as he held out his arms. Racheal placed the little girl in Daniels awaiting grip and smiled sweetly.
"Thank you so much, she really loves you" Racheal said, Daniel simply smiled as the woman walked away back to her husband as Daniel turned back to the table and gave a confused look to everyone's large grin.
"What?" he asked as Skylar tugged at his wig slightly, Daniel quickly looked down to the girl, "wait a sec baby" Daniel said to the little girl.
"You should have a kid" Iwan said. Colson grinned.
"Definitely" the rapper said as he took a bite of his burger, "with (Y/n) of course" he added with a shit eating grin; mouth full with meat and lettuce.
"Yeah, okay shit-for-brains you can put it away now" you said with a laugh as you looked away from Colsons gross mouth, "I mean," you paused as you looked down at the hot potato salad in front of you, "we've talked about it but we just haven't gone through with it" you shrugged as Daniel blushed slightly at your words.
"Me and Skylar are going to go play tea party" Daniel said softly, he placed the little girl on the floor as Daniel got up and kissed your cheek briefly before walking away; Skylar pulling him along by his finger. The actor laughed as he gets pulled to his trailer where he closed the door for privacy and the table was silent again as they looked to you.
"Don't look at me, he's the one that has to put a baby in me" you said with a funny tone as you bit into the celery you ahd next to you; it had been a recent craving of yours for some unknown reason.
"You two HAVE to have kids!" Douglas exclaimed with a bang on the table as Colson, you and Iwan laughed.
"I want to, but Daniel said he wanted to maybe get married first or something, and I'm just kind of waiting for that moment at this point" you said with a shrug.
"Why don't you propose to him then?" Colson said, Iwan nodded with a grin.
"No!" you said quickly with a laugh, "that may be okay where you come from drummer but it isn't for me" you said quickly with a laugh, "would be funny though" you said with a shrug as you let your mind wander.


A few months had passed since your child conversation with Daniel and the group and now you where up to Nikkis announced death as well as the band getting sober; which means Skylar's death was soon coming up. Something you had been dreading.

After a month of throwing up and constantly having the worst headaches and nausea you decided to finally go to the doctors and get it checked out; you somehow already knew the answer but refused to believe it. That was until the doctor congratulated you and sent you on your way back to set. The information sunk into you by the time you got to work and saw Daniel running around with Kamryn trying to chase after the ten year old girl, you sniffled at the sight and wiped your eyes with a smile before Daniel could see before walking towards the pair. Daniel stood up with a grin when he saw you coming towards him.
"Hey darlin'! How'd the doctors go?" the boy asked, he was already in his new Vince get up, longer hair and a tired look; but all of that seemed to fade away when he smiled.
"Great! Just a stomach bug is all he said" you said with a teasing grin, "should be cleared soon" you shrugged as someone called upon you for hair and makeup, "you get on set and do your solo shots" you said quickly, you smiled to Daniel and kissed him on the cheek before making your way to hair and makeup as Daniel went back to running around.

Hair and makeup soon let you out of their grips and into the costume department before you headed off onto the set they needed you one; you crying in the hospital with 'Vince'.
"QUIET ON SET" the director yelled as some people echoed, "action!" he yelled.
Daniel came walking in quickly as you stood up and walked to your mark.
"Sharise, Sharise what's happening?" Daniel asked anxiously.
"Vince, V-Vinny just-- just look at me" you said, Daniel looked at you with such pain it almost made you cry on the spot. But you mustered it up and thickened your voice.
"R-remember that stomach bug i thought she had? W-well she was c-complaining about it again so that's what i thought it was; b-but-" you paused and held your hand to your mouth and the other went to your back.
"What? What baby?" Daniel asked; it felt like he wasn't even acting anymore.
"Vince she has a tumour. In her stomach" you said, you waved your hand around your own stomach and let the tears fall, Daniel paused for a moment to let it sink in before grabbing you and holding you close as you fake wept into his shoulder.
"AND CUT" the director yelled, "perfect! I don't think we'll even need a second take"
"Uh, could we just do one more to make sure please?" you asked, Daniel gave you a confused look but the director nodded.
"Reset!" a stagehand yelled as people bustled around; you got back in first position as both the camera and Daniel followed and went back to theirs.
"And ACTION" the director yelled again, the camera started and Daniel started his walk.
"W-what happened? What are they doing to her?" Daniel asked, you pushed on his shoulders and sniffled softly.
"Vince, Vinny. Just. Just stop for a second" you said, Daniel looked to you and you got lost in his eyes for a moment.
"Well?" Daniel cut in; he thought you forgot your lines. You paused and smiled.
"I'm pregnant" you whispered softly as tears slide down your cheeks, everyone behind the camera went silent at your words and Daniel took a second to realise what you said.
"Y-youre..." Daniel paused, "'s mine right?" he whispered. You laughed.
"No its Colsons, YES IT'S YOURS" you yelled with a laugh. Daniel laughed softly and took a breath as he looked to everyone behind the camera; the still rolling camera.
"WE'RE PREGNANT" Daniel yelled as he picked you up and spun you around with a laugh, everyone whipped around you and congratulate you; Colson and Iwan went as far to even ask to place their hand on your stomach for emotional support (and their giant teddy bears but they'd never tell you that no no).
"I'm so happy for you two!" Douglas said with a grin as he pulled Daniel into a bone crushing hug and then to you too; making the both of you laugh.
"Wait wait!" Daniel said, he grabbed your hands, "wait here for one moment alright?" he said, the boy kissed your cheek before dashing off behind the camera. You turned to Iwan.
"What's he doing?" you asked, Iwan shrugged, Colson looked away and Douglas pretended to fiddling with something on his jacket as Daniel finally came back.
"I've been waiting for the right moment to do this my love and i cnat hold back anymore," Daniel said with his arms behind his back, your eyes sprung with tears as Daniel got on one knee and held up a red velvet box.
"Daniel..." you whispered, the boy in front of you took one of your hands in his.
"You are the love of my life and I want to spend every waking moment with you, we have a chemistry like no other. We have a routine that only fit each other. I want to be able to continue having that for the rest of my life and yours." Daniel opened the box to show a beautiful ring, made just to your perfections and what you wanted, "let's have a house on a hill, a few kids and by god an australian shepard", Daniel laughed as you did too; one hand covered your mouth as tears swept down your cheeks, "will you marry me?" Daniel finally asked.
"Now this is the part where you say yes (Y/n)" Douglas said from behind you, you laughed softly as the group behind you started to chant the word 'yes' which graduated into the rest of the department.
"YES. YES. YES" they all chanted. You nodded and took your hand away from your mouth.
"Yes" you said softly. Daniel smiled wider than he ever had as everyone whooped around you. Daniel stood up and slipped the ring onto your finger before bringing your mouth to his in a passionate kiss; one that you would share forever.

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