Dead Name

By sleepingcrytid

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Virgil "Anxiety" Sanders has a past that he'd much rather forget. It haunts him every day, but he was always... More

Chapter Two: Can You Believe This False Hope?
Chapter Three: A Crack in the Glass
Chapter Four: A Truth I Wish I Hadn't Known
Chapter Five: Three's A Crowd, But Four's A Cult
Chapter Six: One Door Closes, Another Opens
Chapter Seven: Pleasing A Storm
Chapter Eight: This Will Either Be Very Good Or Very Bad
Chapter Nine: This Is. . . Okay?

Chapter One: The First Time I Kinda Believed

514 26 19
By sleepingcrytid

Paranoia's P.O.V

I waited by Deceit's side, silent. He had brought me through the Nothing without a word after his little 'lecture' and I didn't want to push. At one point, we had reached a spot where it seemed to be lighter on one side and darker on the other, forming a sort of fork in the road. I had barely gotten a look at the lighter area before Deceit grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the darker side, but I could a faint glimpse of a house in the far distance.

I assumed it either wasn't important, or it was somewhere I wasn't supposed to go, judging by Deceit's haste. I wasn't brave enough to ask.

'He's angry already. Don't piss him off. He'll hate you.'

'He's dangerous and here is dangerous! Get out of there right now!'

'If you run and he catches you, you'll be sorry. Don't you dare move.'

"That blundering pest. . ." Deceit growled beside me, drawing me from my jumbled thoughts. He tapped his foot impatiently before raising a hand violently, another person in black and green springing up at the motion.

My eyes flickered nervously from Deceit to the newcomer, who's odd looks captured my attention. His skin was chalky, purple and green tint ringing around his slightly crazed eyes. His mustache shifted as he grinned, moving his gaze from Deceit to me.

"Ooh, you found fresh meat!" He chirped, clasping his hands. 

"Remus," Deceit's voice was stern, "what took you so long? You know I'm very fond of waiting."

I thought that was weird. Deceit was clearly displeased. Was he being sarcastic? He must've been. Unless. . . Realization fell on my mind. He was lying. That made sense, considering his aspect. That also would explain the paranoid thoughts in my head.

The man I assumed was 'Remus' waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, psh! Patience, Iago - I was getting dressed! But, if you wanted to see me without clothes - " His hands went to his pants, already starting to unbutton them.

I flinched, closing my eyes and Deceit made a noise of irritation. "Don't knock it off, will you? And the Disney quotes- You sound like your dimwitted brother." His hand fell on my shoulder. "This is Paranoia. He's going to be joining us."

"Oh, is that so?" Remus scurried forward, grabbing my hand in a rough, careless grip. I fought the urge to jerk away, not wanting to irritate him like I had Deceit. "You're newly formed! Not to worry, fellow freak, we'll teach you the ropes!"

I didn't like his mannerisms, nor did I like being called a freak. Come to think of it, I didn't like either of them and I didn't want to stay with them. But it didn't seem like I had a choice. If I refused, where would I go? Back to the Nothing? To the light area, where I saw the house? Would they even let me leave?

"Paranoia, it's rude to ignore someone," Deceit admonished, breaking me from my head once again.

"A-Ah, sorry." I turned my gaze down, more than a little uneasy if I held Remus's stare too long. "I-I'm. . . excited. . ." A lie, of course. I felt Deceit's eyes boring into me and held foolishly to the hope that he couldn't tell.

After what seemed like eternity, Remus released my hand, leaning back on the balls of his feet and pointing a stick of deodorant at me - where did he get that? Why did he have it? "You're buzzing~!" He sang, before taking a huge bite of the deodorant. I nearly gagged, but Deceit didn't seem at all fazed. The mustached man continued with his mouth full and I had to close my eyes. "It'll be fun to have a new little brat around!"

I needed to change the subject. I needed to distract myself. I was going to be sick. I spit out the first think I could think of, which, in retrospect, was probably a bad idea. "S-So, Remus, why do you use your real name and not your aspect?"

'Nice going. Now you've pissed Deceit off again!'

'Get out of there!'

Deceit fixed me with a cold glare, Remus chewing nonchalantly on his rancid deodorant. "Remus is a divided trait. He represents creativity, along with his twin brother. This half is just a little more. . ." his eyes flickered to where Remus was licking the deodorant and and scratching his nose, "deranged."

I swallowed, avoiding eye contact. "Oh. Well. . . where- where's his brother?" I saw Remus still from the corner of my eye and realized that I maybe shouldn't have asked.

"He is a part of the Light Traits, a group you are forbidden from fraternizing with," Deceit hissed. "They despise our kind and they will despise you.  You are not to cross into their part of the Mindscape, and you are not to interactive with them ever, is that clear?"

I cowered. "Y-Yes, of course! I'm sorry!"

"Good." Deceit's demeanor flipped instantly and he was back to his calm facade. "Remus will show you to your room. We've already eaten tonight, so you will wait until breakfast tomorrow. Then we will start introducing you to your new existence and duties." He gestured for Remus to approach. "Good night, Paranoia."

"Uh, g-good night. . ." I mumbled, letting Remus lead me up the stairs and down the hall, to a darkly-colored door at the end.

"Here ya go, kiddie!" Remus sang, pushing open the door to reveal a small, decrepit room with a small bed, a dresser, and a closet. "Small and messy - like you!" He laughed, pushing me instead. "You're gonna fit right in here, Paranoia! Ta-ta~!"

The door clicked shut with finality and the first thought in my head was to lock it. I did so, figuring I had ignored the thoughts in my head long enough and it had only landed me in bad situations.

'You're trapped now, stupid! Way to go! Now you can't get out!'

'You can't seem ungrateful to them. You heard Deceit. Those. . . Light Sides will hate you. These two are the only ones who will take you in. Don't screw it up.'

I flinched. The thoughts were right. Remus and Deceit were all I had. I couldn't do anything wrong or I'd be in trouble. Where would I go if they kicked me out? Would they kick me out? What if they kicked me out? What if they locked me in the basement? What if they sent me to the Light Sides and they knew how to get rid of me permanently?!

I needed to calm down. I tracked my eyes across the room, taking in the details more thoroughly. The lighting was dim - likely close to burning out - and the room smelled faintly of smoke and muddled ink. 

The bed was a mattress on an old wire frame, a dusty pillow and a ratty grey and black bedspread. The dresser was small and covered in dust, colored dark grey, and I couldn't imagine what I was suppose to put in the drawers. I didn't have anything except my clothes and nervous thoughts.

I padded to the closet, hesitant to open the doors, but doing so anyways, only to find a handful of clothes that seemed similar to the outfit I was already wearing. Well, at least it solved the dilemma of what I was going to continue to wear.

This was it? This was my new home? These were my new housemates? My friends? Could I call them that? I didn't think I wanted to.

I sighed and closed the closet, trailing over to the bed and dropping onto the uncomfortable mattress. It was stiff and dusty. I figured it fit the situation.

I laid down, trying to stifle the swarm in my head. Despite what they said, I had faint hope. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe Deceit and Remus were actually nice people. Maybe I'd enjoy it here.

Maybe. . . it'd be okay.

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