Corporate Heat

By amzieerevel

11.8K 202 34

When Hayley begins her new job at "Shields and Sawyer" she immediately gets thrown into the deep end. How do... More

First day
He dates?
What Happens In Vegas...
Don't tease me...


1.8K 28 0
By amzieerevel

So it's already been 2 months since I started at Shields and Sawyer. Funnily enough the time has gone faster than i expected. Not only has the time gone fast but the work has been very fast paced. I mean,two months and already I'm off to Vegas tomorrow.
Well,me and Tristan are off to Vegas. He has a client who lives in Vegas and Tristan being the rich bastard that he is,offered to fly out there to meet with him.
Why am I going? I hear you ask. Because according to Tristan,he will require assistance. I don't see why I need to go? All I do is get coffee and do odd little jobs. I'm sure he can manage. He's proved since I've been here that he is more than capable at his job.
Really capable. I understand now why he's in the position he is.
"Hayley,our flight leaves at 5:30 tomorrow so I'll meet you at the airport around 3" Tristan instructs as we walk back down the marble hall to his office.
3 in the morning.
Oh god.
I attempt to hide my annoyance
No problem" I grin and nod
By now,me and Tristan are on talking basis. it's allot easier to work with him and despite him being beyond gorgeous,his looks no longer intimidate me. Unfortunately he is still Tristan so of course he somehow manages to read my mind...
"Look I know it's early but you can sleep on the plane" he comments as he turns to me before holding the door to his office open for me.
"Thankyou" I nod and walk in. I place the clipboard back on his desk that now held notes from the meeting we just had.
I don't know how he does that? He always knows what I'm thinking.
Still to this day I haven't seen Tristan in court. I wasn't able to go watch him last time he was down there.
I stopped in my tracks and placed one of my hands on my hip. I bit my lip as I disappeared into my train of thought. I'm sure my expression wasn't attractive.
"What are you thinking about" I hear from behind me. I turn startled to find Tristan sitting back in his chair grinning at me.
How the hell did he get there so fast?
How long was I thinking for?
"Um" I try to hide my surprise,i bring my hand up to my head and push it through my hair nervously. I watch as Tristan watches me and shakes his head a little.
He know I fiddle when I'm nervous
"Why do you need me to come with you to Vegas?" I ask. It can't just be for help...well that's what I'm hoping.
No I don't have a crush on my boss.
I dont.
I'm attracted to him yes...okay maybe I like him a little but I'm with him like 24/7 so you can't blame me.
He nonchalantly blinks at me and shrugs
"I've told you,i will need your assistance."
I snicker and narrow my eyes at him,hoping to read him just as he reads me.
He grumbles and his expression turns to slight annoyance
"Ugh Hayley,you want the honest truth?" he asks.
I nod.
"Obviously" I laugh
He sighs and drops his gaze a little
"Of course I still need your help,you're a great assistant."
"But...Mr De'angelo is a ladies man. I'm hoping that having a young attractive female to attend our meetings may sway him in the direction I need him to go." he admits and meets my gaze again.
Oh. Darn.
I furrow my eyebrows
"Um...okay." I then feel a bubble of anger fill me.
"That kind of offends me" I comment.
His eyes go hard
"That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you." Woah his voice is harsh
"I feel like you're pimping me out" I snicker
He gasps. His hands clench into fists on the desk and I can't help but widen my eyes.
"I would never do such as thing" he scolds.
"Alright!" I snap.
His face contorts into an expression I'd never seen Tristan pull before. He's always so together.
Crap maybe I shouldn't have shouted.
"Is there anything you need" I ask quickly. He shakes his head and averts his gaze back to his computer.
I sigh and quickly stomp back to my office. Just to annoy him I close my door gently behind me. I would have slammed it but that's slightly childish and the door is glass and I don't want to have to pay for it. He'll have to damn well knock if he needs me!
I sit at my desk and huff out to attempt to calm myself. It's not even the reason he's bringing me along that has made me this mad,its his attitude after.
I sigh and purse my lips.
Okay. Get on with some work to distract you.
I quickly log onto my computer and begin to sort Tristans Weekly schedule. We have 3 meetings with Mr De'Angelo over the space of 3 days. We do have 1 day which we are free to tour Vegas but apart from that it is entirely about work.
I have friends who live in Vegas so I'm hoping I will have time to see them. According to Tristan that shouldn't be a problem.
Whether his opinion has changed now though,i don't know.
I huff out again as my door is pushed open.
"Keep this open" I hear. I sigh and take a deep breath
"Leave early,ill see you at 3 at the airport" I look up to see Tristan scowling down at me.
"Um okay,thanks" I question before logging off and grabbing my bag. I strut past Tristan and make my way out the office.
God,i need a bubble bath after this.
If this is going to become a regular thing,i will not be happy!
I was right, a bubble bath is exactly what I needed. After I'd dried myself and got into my pyjamas I quickly pulled out my case to ensure I had everything I needed. The thing is,is I've packed mostly for work but have remembered to pack some formal wear.
It is Vegas!
And hopefully I'll be able to go and meet Chrissy and Tom. They used to live here in New York but they moved out to Vegas about 3 years back. They're mental! I'm expecting to be force fed,liquor! Maybe getting drunk on a work trip with my boss isn't the best idea.
I sighed and carefully looked through what I had in my case. I felt my lips curl as I found my silky salmon pink dress.
I love this dress,i packed it just incase I was going anywhere formal with Tom and Chrissy. It sits just below my knee and has an open back with thin spaghetti straps. It was on sale at a vintage store and I wasn't going to turn it down!
I crossed my legs and then pulled the small metal zip back up the case until it was once again closed. I lifted it gently and tucked it beneath my bed beside my carry on bag.
I sit back up and then drop back on my back. I huffed out and closed my eyes
Ugh,i have to be up at 1 to then get ready to be at the airport at 3. It's 9:30 now.
I'm so going to to be exhausted when I have to see Tristan again.
Jeez I can't deal with that,especially so early in the morning.
I lifted my arms and covered my eyes with my hands. I'm not tired right now,but I know I should sleep.
I know I should be happy,this is a great opportunity and my ticket was paid by the firm so it's a free trip to Vegas really.
I dropped my hands and sat up to go to the bathroom before I attempt to force myself to sleep.
I just need to get through the weekend,as much as I've complained today Tristan isn't that bad. He's a headstrong man who knows what he wants,i respect that. I also get his reasons for bringing me along,i just wish he would have told me.
I guess I may have overreacted.
After I walk out my bathroom,i hop over to my double bed and crawl under my cream duvet. I do love my bed.
I turned over and reached out to switch off my beside lamp.
My room went dark and I sighed as I waited to eventually fall asleep.
"Ugh" I growl as I reach out and hit my alarm clock to silence it's droan.
It's 1am
1am and I now have to get up.
I take a blind leap and roll over,only to squeal as I hit the carpet. I hiss as my head hits the side of my dresser.
It's dark,i can't see a damn thing and now my head is throbbing. Fuck this.
After getting dressed,collecting all my things and getting a cab to the airport,i drag my case across the tiled airport floor towards where Tristan said he would be. Of course people are still wandering around,airports are never empty there's always movement which I like. I take a little bit of pleasure in knowing that I'm not the only one forced to be here at 3am.
I glance around until I spot a metal bench. I pull my case behind me as I freely sit down and sigh. Now I just have to wait.
I push my lips into a thin line as I let my mind wander.
I'm really tired...
Like so tired
My eyes feel like they have blisters
That's mostly where my train of thought took me.
Except,i wonder how Tristan will look. I felt my lips curl a little at the thought of 3am Tristan. The idea of him with frizzy hair and dark eyes made me snicker. I now can't wait,someone can't look perfect all the time and this made me feel a little better about being here so early.
Seeing that will make my weekend!
I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and look up immediately to see who it was.
My stomach falls and I'm back to feeling crap.
His eyes look bright,his hair is flawless. He looks like he's had years of sleep!
"Ready?" he smirks and I nod still gaping.
Fucking hell! How? How? This isn't fair!
He walks a little In front of me and it's only now that I can take in his whole image.
He's wearing Jeans again,with a charcoal grey sweater. It's fitted and only makes him look all the more attractive. Damn his ass looks good in jeans...
I huff as I look down at myself.
Skinny jeans,Beige uggs with a cream baggy sweater. I'm glad I'm not the only one who dressed down but still he looks perfect and I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards. I managed to wrestle with my hair enough for it to go in a messy bun.
I even made the effort to apply light foundation and a touch of mascara. I tried...thats all I can say.
So after sorting out our flight and everything,we then had to wait 2 and a half hours.
My eyelids feel like they weigh about 6 pounds each,i keep fighting them and pushing them back open.
We wanted to one of the cafes in the airport and sat down for the time we had to wait. I immediately jumped at the idea of Coffee,that might wake me up a little.
Tristan sat opposite me sipping at his coffee with his leg casually crossed over the other. On most men this looks pretty camp but I don't know,the way he did it made it attractive.
I blinked down at my mug as I noticed it was half empty already,i really am thirsty. I lifted it to my lips and took another long sip as I glanced at Tristan over my cup.
His eyes met mine and I immediately looked somewhere else.
"You're uncomfortable" he commented,his eyes were so heated. I cleared my throat and put my cup back down before giggling nervously and shaking my head in an attempt to hide the fact that he was yet again 100% right.
"Pfft no" I laugh.
His lips curl and he chuckles. Beside his eyes sat a few wrinkles from him laughing,this actually confirmed to me that he was infact human.
He then pushed his lips into a thin line
"Look,im sorry I didn't tell you why I wanted to bring you along. I was worried that it would upset you,which apparently it did." he commented. I frown a little.
"But I wasn't lying when I said I needed you,i do. You do allot more for me then you think,trust me" he smiled.
I felt my cheeks heat up and my lips curled a little Into a small smile.
That was a compliment right?
I giggle and immediately mentally slap myself for it.
As our flight was called we made our way over to where it was and after sorting all we needed to,boarded.
I followed Tristan as we walked down the aisles but stopped in my tracks when we headed for first Class.
I tapped his shoulder
"Um what?" I hiss
He smirked over his shoulder at me
"It pays working for a successful lawfirm" he winked.
I pull a face of awe,i am impressed.
And then the child in me surfaced...
I wonder if the snack box here is better than the one in coach...
I follow him towards our seats and slide in beside him as he sits at the window. I smile and glance around me taking in my surroundings.
It is nicer up here. I glance at Tristan and then look over him a little to look out the window.
"Here switch with me" he smiled and began getting up. I stutter and put my hands out to stop him
"Tristan it's fine I swear" I protest.
"I insist" he says and begins to push me into his seat. I squirm and stare at him wide eyed when he's now in my seat. He bites down on his lip a little as he again gets comfortable.
I blush at this and shake my head to clear it.
"Um...thankyou" I mumble,i don't know how to react to what just happened.
He turned his head to me and smiled a closed mouthed,but somehow breathtakingly charming smile.
"No problem" he chuckles and reaches beside him to grab a book he must have carried on with him. I blink a little and glance out the window to see the runway and the wing of our plane.
Curiosity stings me and slyly I glance over to see the title of Tristans book.
The binding looks quite old,the whole book was a dark green with gold lettering down the side.
I read out loud
His eyes meet mine and he snickers.
"Yeah" he chuckles.
"My sister lives in England,we Skype regularly and last time we spoke she suggested this." he turns the Bol round as he examines it.
"I picked it up for a dollar at a flea market" his smile drops into a flat expression
"The writing is exquisite,the storyline so far equally fantastic but it's not my thing" he looks up at me.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I've heard of it actually,personally I love Jane Austin. Ive never actually read it" I giggle. "from what I've heard,its incredibly romantic just like a Pride and Prejudice" I comment
He places the book down carefully on his arm rest and then calmly crosses his arms across his chest. He huffs out.
"I don't know,i appreciate the talent that is obvious though the parts that I've read." he presses his lips into a line
"But?" I question.
He sighs and looks at me
"I don't do Romance"
"Oh" I say. I always imagined him so...classic...he's a gentleman I can't imagine him not being romantic.
"Love doesn't appeal to me,its not that I don't want It,i just don't think about it" his words struck me,how can love not appeal to someone?
I don't get it?
Love...for me,just astounds me.
The idea of having someone who appreciates you,who loves all your little flaws,who cares about you and...someone who wants you because you're you.
It's the closest thing to magic.
"You're a romantic" he scrutinises I turn to him surprised.
"Um,yeah I guess I am" I laugh.
"I just can't understand your logic,how can love not appeal to you?" I question.
We both look forward as the seatbelt sign comes on. I clip my belt in and then snap my head back to Tristans.
He shakes his head
"It just doesn't" he shrugs
"I have a job that gives me opportunities I never would have believed I could have, I'm well off, I.." he closes his mouth as if to stop himself from saying something I shouldn't know. I narrow my eyes in curiosity
"Every need I have is met,i don't think about love" He finished
The plane eventually begins rolling down the runway,i turn to the window and brace myself for my ears to pop.
Always happens to me on take off,i hate it.
After a total of 45 minutes of silence,not only were we in the air but Tristan was once again reading his book.
His words revolves in my head,i couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Tristan?" I ask,i was still facing the windows but turned when I heard him reply.
"Yes young Hayley" he smiles,i laugh and shake my head.
"Have you always felt that way about love?" His smile suddenly falls and his face goes sharp.
"Yes Miss Dakota" he says.
"Oh" I say and look back out the window.
The sight up here is brilliant,floating above what looks like a fluffy layer of snow,blue everywhere...
"What makes love so appealing to you Hayely" Tristan asks,his voice is like velvet. I turn to him and bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. He really is so attractive.
"Um,i don't know actually. Just the idea of being wanted by someone,really appreciated. I think it's just because I've never had it" I laughed and shrugged.
His eyes widened from surprise I assume
"I find it hard to believe that someone like you had never been in a relationship like that before" he smiles.
I sigh and purse my lips
"Despite me being your boss,Hayley. You can talk to me" he says gently.
And just like that I spilt my guts out to my boss...
"I have only ever been in one relationship." I admitted
"I was 17 and stupid,i was way more committed to it than he was and I ended up getting hurt" I suddenly forgot who I was talking to and opened my big mouth "I trusted him and gave him everything,since then I've just been hoping that there really is such a thing as love"
I mumbled
I gasped and snapped my mouth closed
"I'm sorry" I say quickly
I turn to him to see his face heavy with concern and...i don't know he's just so gentle and perfect.
I haven't seen one flaw in this man yet,well maybe his detest for love but apart from that he's every girls dream.
"I'm sorry that happened to you,when you're young you get swept up and unfortunately young girls do tend to be the ones who get hurt" he comments,his hand rests on my shoulder and I glance at it as if to make sure it was real.
How do I respond to this?
"Thankyou" I whisper and slowly turn away once again. In less than an hour this flight has already become a little awkward. My boss now knows the age I lost my virginity and has probably figured I haven't slept with anyone since.
Great. Just great.
The rest of the flight went by smoothly,and by smoothly I mean I fell asleep. I very much enjoyed it.
After landing and exiting the airport,we caught a can that then took us to the hotel.
Of course you can guess that it's going to be gorgeous...which it is
I felt my mouth gaping at we pulled up. this is how the other half live?
Once we'd exited the cab and were in the lobby,i let Tristan take control and check us in.
"Hi,i have a booking for Shields and Dakota" Tristan said to the young receptionist stood behind the pine counter.
Hm it's different seeing furniture not made out of marble...
I looked up and couldn't help but push my lips into a line to attempt to hide my laughter.
I recognise that look...
The young girl smiled shyly then quickly began typing on her keyboard. She found the reservation and flirtatiously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
I snickered and shook my head.
"Something funny,Miss Dakota?" Tristan growled.
My blood spiked and my eyes went so wide I thought they were going to pop out my head!
I feel like I'm back at my first day!
Jeez how does he switch his mood so damn quickly.
And suddenly I become the babbling idiot I was when I first met him
"Um,no sir" I look down quickly.
I feel his gaze fade and look up to see him facing the girl once again. She continues sorting out rooms and quickly shoots me a smug little grin.
Her roses lips curl up a little...damn you.
I narrow my eyes a little.
Hey miss! I'm here with him and you're standing behind that counter wishing you were in my position,dont go getting bitchy!
I sigh and roll my eyes as I wait,im just gunna let him sort this.
After a few more minutes I follow Tristan as he begins walking towards the elevator,dragging his case behind him.
I say walk,it looked like he was on a catwalk for Abercrombie.
I kinda jogged behind him. He walks really fast!
I swung my head about quickly taking in the place I would be staying for 3 days. To be honest it looks very much like the hotel from Pretty Woman.
Once we entered the elevator I started breathing heavily to get my breath back! The doors begin to close and I silently gasp as I realise we're alone in here.
Oh no...
"What was that?" I hear
I close my eyes and gulp
Hey you're a woman,play the dumb card that might work
"I don't know what you're talking a bout" I mumble and keep my eyes securely to the floor
Hm...i actually really like the flooring in here. It's that shiny wood sort of flooring with all the pretty swirls and stuff...awh it's pretty!
"Don't play dumb,Hayley. You're far from stupid. The snickering?" he hisses.
Again I gulp. Um. Oh no. Do I really have to explain why I was snickering? That's gunna be embarrassing...and possibly could make things even more awkward than they now already are!
I scrunch up my face and look up to Tristan while I think of an excuse...just words will do at this point
"Um. I sneezed?" even I thought I sounded like I was fricking asking him!
He pursed his lips and shook his head before picking up his case and stepping out of the ele-
Wait I didn't even notice the doors opened!
I squeal as I jump out just as the doors closed. I feel the doors clip my case and squeal yet again.
Deja vu much?
I turn to see Tristans gorgeous face scrunched up as he shook with laughter.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I registered what I was seeing. He's actually laughing. Like proper laughing. I've never seen him laugh like that.
But he is laughing me
He makes a 'whoo' sound and then composes himself and continues walking down the hall like nothing happened!
I stand bewildered and then
slowly follow him.
"Okay so here's my key and here's your key" He says and hands me a pale blue key card. I look down at it and then stare around.
"Okay thankyou,so where's my room?" I ask
He pulls a face and turns to the room he's currently standing in front of.
"Um this one?" he says,humour heavy in his voice.
"Okay,wheres your room?" I ask
He snickers and shakes his head
"This one"
Um what?
There better be two fucking beds in there!
I mean...its not that I wouldn't...
"Pfft" he says then chuckles as he swiped the card briskly across the scanner.
I picked up my case handle and again began dragging it after Tristan,this has happened too many times already today. I kick out my leg gently and push the door closed behind me.
This place is fancy. I glance around to see almost every item of furniture in cream. Even the walls were cream. Somehow it made the room look even more expensive than i already thought.
Yup even the carpets cream.
I immediately lifted my foot to see if my shoes were clean,i did this with the other aswell.
I can only imagine the marks that would appear on this carpet if they weren't. I wondered into the other suite that Tristan had left abandoned when he went into his room.
Okay. I guess this is mine!
I pull my case behind me and then give it a gentle nudge so it disappeared under the king sized bed.
My eyes go wide and I suddenly have a face full of satin as I smoosh myself into the duvet. I spread out my arms so I'm practically hugging the bed.
Hm its soft.
I can see us getting along just fine,i smile.
I'm talking to a bed...oh dear I'm tired.
Well it's 1pm so that's expected. Maybe I can get away with just dozing off like this for abit.
"Come on Hayely,first meeting in an hour"
Tristan says from behind me.
My eyes spring open against the fabric and I throw myself over so I can see him standing in the doorway smirking at me.
My mouth falls
"But...but...sleep" I mumble,my voice sounding very much child like.
He blinks and shrugs
"Later" he says sternly.
"Get ready" he says before leaning in to reach for my door handle and sliding the door closed.
I stare up at the ceiling.
Ugh I just want to sleep!
"So Miss Dakota,have you got a fella in your life?" Mr De'Angelo asked as he leant forward a little more on the desk separating us.
Thank god for that desk.
He's a nice man I'll give him that. But he's been creeping on me since we started this meeting an hour ago!
He's quite large with beet red skin. His hair is going and there are very visible bald spots where his shiny head can be seen.
I stifle a small nervous giggle and quickly smooth down my blouse that was tucked Into my pencil skirt.
"Um,no not currently" I say trying to smile,where as in reality I just want to now.
I hear a small snicker from my left and immediately narrowly eyes at Tristan. He's enjoying this way too much!
Mr De'Angelo smiled and smoothed down his an attempt to be flirtatious I think.
Considering we're sorting out his Divorce,this isn't good.
He cleared his throat and directed his gaze back to Tristan.
"Well I think,were done for today. Thankyou Mr Shield" he said and held out his hand for Tristan to take.
Tristan smiled back and curtly nodded as he firmly grasped his hand.
"It's my job sir" he chuckled.
He's so charming. No wonder why his clients like him so much.
My smile dropped as Mr De'Angelo looked my way. He grinned.
no please no.
My eyes widened
"I arranged to hold a charity benefit tonight at the great hall,if you two are around I can put your names on the list?" He asked,raising his eyebrow at me.
I gulped.
"Um-" I start
"Of course, Thank You Anton"
Tristan cuts in.
I whip my head to his
"Brilliant! I'll see you two at 7" Anton comments

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