The Eighth Sin | | Seven Dead...

By Reality666Rift999

188 3 2

(My pfp is Zeldris, you had to have expected this at some point)(I don't own Seven Deadly Sins) What if there... More

The Journey Begins

188 3 2
By Reality666Rift999

Kingdom of Liones, Outskirts, Capital City

It was mayhem.. A young night walked around cautiously, hand on his sword. Suddenly he heard a man call out to him. He looked over his shoulder, to see an elderly man, waving him over. He quickly ran over to him. The two began walking down an alley, and conversation quickly began. "Where are you from, lad?"

"C- Cains, Sir."

"Cains?" The elderly man contemplated for a moment. "I've been serving this kingdom for years and I've never heard of 'Cains' before."

"Th- that doesn't surprise me, sir. It's out in the boonies."

"If you're this flustered, you'll never make Holy Knight Apprentice." The young man was taken aback by this, slightly appalled to the idea.

"M- Me? No, I could never be a Holy Knight, Sir." "Hmm..." Again, the elderly man contemplated in thought for a minute. "This job may be hard for someone like you..."

As they reached the end of the alleyway, the young man stared in horror and shock at the sight before him. Countless corpses, all seemingly having been brutally slaughtered. He took a step back, not wishing to stare at the sight anymore, but not being able to tear his gaze away. "A- Are those-?" "Yes.." The elderly man spoke. "Holy Knights, one and all. And as you can see they were slaughtered..." The young man's eyes widened in horror, who could have such great power to do such a feat?!

"By just eight people," the elderly man finished.


Ten Years Later...

Near Cains

A strange knight in armor wandering around in the early morning light, seemingly exhausted. Just whom is behind that rusted armor...?

It was a normal day at the Boar Hat. A young kid was tending to it, with a cocktail waitress that would beat anyone up if they so much as dared to stare at her ass. "Here ya go," she said, "five stiens." The cocktail waitress lazily handed out beer to that table then disappeared behind the counter. The kid did her share of handing things out, when someone commented on how he was a good waiter for someone so young.

He smirked to himself before saying, "I'm not a waiter, I'm the owner. Our only cocktail waitress is rather lazy." As the kid walked away, people muttered about the fact that this... Kid was the owner of a bar.

The kid served a table their food as the waitress prepared beer platters at the counter. "Here you go," the kid said. He stood there, watching the people's reaction. He had an idea of what was about to happen, though.

"Ah, this looks good!" One of the men said. I wouldn't count on it.. The cocktail waitress thought. Simultaneously, all three men tried the meat pie. They spit it out at once. The cocktail waitress sighed. Of course, it's the Prince's cooking. He can't cook to save a life.

"It's disgusting!" one of the men at the table cried.

"Figures," the tiny blonde haired kid said. "Our Rep is for good ale, not good food."

"You shoulda let me cook it, my Prince." The waitress went ignored.

The men from the table stood. "You coulda mentioned that!" one of them cried.

"What're ya trying to cheat us or something?" the largest man said, pushing up already short sleeves.

"Hey, should we mess with him, he's gotta sword.."

"Looks like we've gotta rough crowd tonight," the kid said, snapping, "come clean this mess up." Ominous sounding footsteps started, causing the bartend-ees to look over in fear. The cocktail waitress rolled her eyes but kept a straight, unreadable face.

"You call this a mess?" a squeaky-high pitched voice said. "What do ya even need me for?" Out of the shadows came a pig-a talking one at that.

"Th- the pig!" the customers cried. "It's talking!"

"Yeah," the pig said, "don't get surprised at every little thing you see and hear. This is why I hate hillbillies." The kid looked down at the pig.

"Hawk, I need you to clean the floors."

"Ah, what a hassle," the pig-known as Hawk-said, then began eating scraps off the floor. "Being captain of scraps disposal ain't a picnic, ya know."

Within minutes, the floor was clean. As Hawk began walking away, he told the short bartender, "Make sure there are better scraps next time." The kid turned back to the customers with a blank face.

"If you guys are interested, I could get my humble waitress to make a decent whole-hog roast."

In the background, said waitress walked past with a few steins of beer and said, "I'm not humble, asswhole."

Hawk turned and faced the young barkeep and said, "I loved it!!! Those were the best scraps!" People laughed and chuckled as the received beer, the waitress even giving off a laugh. Suddenly, the door opened.

"I- I saw it!" A young man cried

The man was seated and given some ale that was probably meant for another customer by the waitress. "I swear I saw it, the Wandering Rust Knight!" the poor man said.

"Hehe, everyone's been talking about that lately."

"Oh come, that's not real! It's just a fairy tale meant to spook kids into behaving. 'If you don't behave, one of the Eight Deadly Sins will come after you, in armor rusted from spoilt blood.'"

"Eight Deadly Sins?" the barkeep asked, him and his waitress (who was slacking off and drinking some ale herself and sitting on the countertop) suddenly interested.

"Yeah, you never heard of them our good underage owner? They're even up on those wanted posters." The man turned to look up at the board. "It was... Ten years ago, I believe? That big fracas where countless Holy Knights gathered from all over were butchered in an uprising? Those Eight Deadly Sins were the ones who did it."

The waitress looked carefully at each of the posters as the man continued. "They even say the way the old Grand Master of the Holy Knights was killed was too horrifying to look at. They say that their captain-Meliodas-was the scariest of the bunch, even the female named Helia-who wore chains to atone for her countless sins-wasn't quite that scary." The waitress suppressed a chuckle and shared a look with the bar keep. The man continued. "They say he brought down whole countries!" The waitress gulped down some more ale, not knowing what to say.

As the barkeep poured ale for a customer (which should've been his waitress' job) the group continued talking. "They haven't been caught yet, right?"

"Nope, none of them."

"Some rumors I heard somewhere that they're all dead." Again, the waitress suppressed a chuckle.

"They're dead, they've gotta be. The new Holy Knights wouldn't let them live."

"Yeah, that's true... Even now, with the king bedridden, the Holy Knights have been keeping the kingdom safe."

"No, those wanted boards are updated every year. Wouldn't... Wouldn't that mean they're not dead yet?" Everyone stopped chattering to look at the customer. The waitress stared at him dully. Why else would I buy wanted posters of em?

"W- well, this talk about a knight walking around in rusty armor is kinda far fetched, eh?" everyone laughed nervously, agreeing. Soon, after people began talking about other things, ironclad footsteps were heard from outside. Everyone once again stopped talking as the footsteps got closer.

Hawk sniffed. "I smell rust?"

"Me too. Maybe it's the mugs," the waitress said, peering into the bottom of her empty stein. Hawk, and everyone else rightfully ignored her.

The door opened creakily, and in the doorway stood a knight, in rusty armor. "The... Eight Deadly... Sins..." the knight groaned.

"I- it's here!" All the customers screamed and ran.

"Eh, less work for me." the waitress said. The barkeep jumped over the counter and stood there. Seeing as she was sitting on the countertop, she set down her stein and jumped off the counter, landing right behind the barkeep.

"Who are you?" the kid asked.

"And whataya want?" the waitress said. Then, the knight collapsed. The helmet they wore fell off as well, and under it was a beautiful face; long silver hair and innocent looks. "N- no way!" Hawk said. The bar keep stared at the person in armor, and the waitress scratched the back of her head. Hawk continued spoke again. "This kid is one of the Eight Deadly Sins?!"

After stripping the knight of their armor, they laid them to rest in a bed. "It's a girl!" Hawk stated.

"Let's check."


"Seriously, Sir?" the waitress said, keeping a blank face. The young barkeep went on with his inspection anyway.

"This sleeping face... These curves... This fragrance... This springiness..." The bar keep said, groping the sleeping girls breast on the last one. At least it's not me, like all those years ago. The perverted bastard. The waitress thought.

"It's a girl, all right!" the young male said.

"That much is obvious!" Hawk stated angrily. Suddenly, the girl woke up, to the blonde haired idiot still groping her breasts. She sat up, him still groping her.

"U- um, excuse me." He suddenly pulled away, smirking slightly.

"You're heart beat seems fine."

"Oh, th- thank you." The waitress face palmed.

"Where am I? Um, why... am I here..?"

"You strolled up into this idiots shop, then passed out cold," the waitress said, pointing at the blonde boy.

"Y- your shop?"

"Yeah, my bar, the Boar Hat."

"Don't ask."

"You... You're the owner?"

"Is it that strange?"


"N- no, I just saw the sword on your back so I assumed...."

"Oh this?" the blonde dumbass grinned and unsheathed the sword. The silver haired girl flinched. "Hehe, did I scare you?" when the girl looked, he was holding a sword-but it was broken at the hilt. "If I flash the handle it looks like the real thing, doesn't it? I call it a deterrent for people skipping out on their tab!"

"It's the people that get charged a mint after eating your cooking that I pity," Hawk said.

"I'm with ya, pig," the waitress said.

The silver haired girls eyes widened in excitement, and she leapt from bed to pet the pig. "It's a talking piggy!"

"Name's Hawk, nice to meet ya."

"What's so special about a talking pig?" the waitress asked, morley to herself.

"Long ago I begged my father to get me one for my birthday!"

"Did ya get a pig?" The girls eyes dulled and her excitement vanished.

"N- no..."

"You hungry? If ya want, you can have a bite of him to eat."

"Don't cook it, Sir, please. I couldn't bear to watch," the waitress said bluntly.

"Shut up." The pig was suddenly worried.

"A.. A bite of pork?"

"Not pork! Hawk!" the pig said distressed.

Downstairs, the silver haired girl wandered in front of the wanted posters and just stared at them for a moment. "It's ready!" the barkeep said. The girl walked over and sat down.

"First you nurse me back to health, and now you're feeding me.. How can I ever thank you?"

"Taste it before you thank him," Hawk said.

"Thank you, Hawk. Blame him if it's horrible," the waitress said, drinking some ale, "I offered to cook it but no~..." The barkeep glared at the drinking cocktail waitress.

"Okay.. Here goes.." the silver haired girl popped the food into her mouth. She visibly tensed and gagged slightly.

"So how is it, pretty awful right?"

"Y- yeah..."

"So blunt," the waitress said sarcastically.

"I knew it," Hawk and the barkeep said in sync.

"Still..." the girl started crying slightly. "It's delicious." She wiped her tears from her eyes, and the barkeep asked something his waitress new was coming-from one of them eventually.

"Say... why were you in all that armor?"

"I'm... searching for the Eight Deadly Sins." The waitress felt the need to correct her, but didn't get the chance as Hawk started speaking.

"But, why? No one knows if they're alive, dead, or whatnot. Those guys are serious villains." Loud banging on the door interrupted what the girl was going to say. She turned towards the door, a worried gasp escaping her.

"Open up! We've received a report from some villagers! We, the Order of the Beard of the Mountain Cat, serve under Holy Knights and are stationed at this mountains base! We're here to arrest the Rust Knight, who's potentially one of the Eight Deadly Sins! Come on out peacefully!" the person banging at the door yelled.

"Again with the unruly customers..."

"Ugh, not more! People like that are so boring to watch."

"You're drunk."

"I've never gotten drunk your entire life except for a few times, this stuff is nothing."

"True, I guess."

"Holy Knights.." the silver haired girl said.

Outside.... "Doesn't look like they're coming out," a man with a strange looking nose said.

"Outta curiosity, when did somebody build a tavern atop the hill?" Another one of the men said.

"Now that you mention it, I don't think this was here three days ago."

"Stay on guard," (assumingly) the leader of the group spoke, "we face a Holy Knight who once answered directly to the king, Even if it was ten years ago."

The one with the strange nose spoke again, "Relax Allioni, he must be an old fart by now!"

"He's right," one of the others said, "he's no match for the likes of us, having been trained by Sir Twigo himself!"

"Do not underestimate them! Haven't I told you imbeciles before?? During the uprising ten years ago, dozens of Holy Knights where butchered in an instant!" Allioni-the leader person-said dramatically.

"About that..." the weird-nosed guy said.

"What?!" Allioni snapped.

"Well... I'm just wondering whether or not that's been exaggerated a tiny bit!"

"And what do you mean by that?!"

"They say that a single Holy Knight is worth a hundred soldiers, so how could so many be killed like nothing, right?" a big guy said.

"I SAW IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!" Allioni said.

"Calm down, for now just stand back! We can see to it ourselves. Hey! COME OUT HERE!"

"You bellowed?" the young barkeep said, opening the door and stepping out, his waitress following in suit. She was taller than him, by about a foot or so-give or take.

"And I was relaxing too," she mumbled. The people at the door looked surprised.

"Who are you?!"

"I'm the owner of this establishment."

"And I'm his waitress, don't look at me hungrily or I will break you." Most of the "knights" at the door took a step back, but Allioni got straight to the point.

"Where is the Rust Knight?! Send him out!"

"Huff, very well. Sir? Will you call him?"

"You lazy bitch."

"You knew this when you hired me."

The barkeep sighed and shouted, "Come on out!" Big ironclad footsteps sounded. The knights looked a little shaken, but once they realized it was simply a pig put into some armor, they relaxed it seemed.

"You called? I am Sir Hawk, the Rust Knight!" Hawk walked out and the waitress smirked at the knight's reactions.

"Th- this pig is one of the Eight Deadly Sins?"

"Of course not!"

"H- how dare you! I am the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal."

"You make that out like it's a good thing..." the waitress said. She was in a bright red strapless shirt, with slightly rusted iron chains connecting to it and wrapping around her neck.

There was a bandage on her left exposed upper arm and shoulder. Her shirt was wavy but in the back it turned more into a tailcoat-style. She was wearing dull black shorts and pink boots, the boots having silver chains on them too. On her right forearm, and biceps, also had steel chains. On her left leg, too, from her lower thigh to her knee, brass chains were dangling off of it. And her hair was light brown, tinted purple, in a long swurvy ponytail. Golden chains kept it up. And her eye color? Was a glorious light morganite pink. She was leaning on a semi-wrapped swurvy bladed sword, though the knights paid it no mind.

"There's no such order!" Allioni said to the pig, seemingly ignoring the waitress.

"My waitress and I can stew or grill this pig if you want?"

"HOW ABOUT NEITHER?!" Hawk said.

"You punk..." Allioni lifted the small barkeep off of the ground. Outta instinct, the waitress got ready to pull her sword free from the bandages. "How dare you mess with knights!"

Meanwhile, the silver haired girl was sneaking out the back of the pub. She glanced at them, then ran. Unfortunately, one of the knights saw her and alerted Allioni. This caused him to drop the tiny body he was holding. The waitress kneeled down to the bar keeps level, checking he was alright. The knights ran after the girl. "Dammit," the waitress said nonchalantly, as they all watched them run.


"SEIZE HER!" Allioni yelled. The girl was running, gasping for breath as she dodged uprooted tree roots.

"If I hunt down one of the Eight Deadly Sins, it'll look really good for me!" Allioni thought aloud. "If I do, I'll finally be made an Apprentice Holy Knight!" That's when one of his men dropped.

"Wait, what!? What happened?!" When he looked, he saw Hawk charging at them.

"Th- the pig is charging us!"

Hawk ran into each of them one by one, until it was a chase between Allioni and Hawk. Allioni managed to dodge, until he came to a cliff. "H- huh? She's not here?" he said, looking around. Then Hawk ran into him and Allioni fell off the cliff screaming.

The waitress appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and said, "Good piggy. Extra scraps on me tonight."

"Yippee!" Hawk turned towards the cliff.

"It's nothing personal, but this earned me twice as much food tonight!"

"How can I thank you for saving me, not once, but twice now?" the silver haired girl asked. The barkeep nodded, and squished one of her breasts.

"I'm telling ya lady, feel free to punch him," Hawk said.

"He has to pay for his actions somehow. I'm not inclined to deliver every beating," the waitress said, leaning on her sword again.

Once the barkeep and the silver haired girl were out of the tree they were hiding in, the bar keep asked, "So why are you looking for the Eight Deadly Sins?" The girl gave an unexpected answer.

"To stop the Holy Knights."

"Stop them? From doing what? They protect Liones, they're heroes!"

"But what if they were planning to start a war in this country?"

Of course, there's always two sides to a coin, but there are many shades of grey lying in between. The waitress thought.

"The other day... The entire royal family except for the king, was arrested by the Holy Knights." Hawk seemed surprised.

"The king isn't laid up in bed sick?!"

The girl shook her head. "That's just a cover story the Holy Knights have been circulating. I'm unsure of what they intend to accomplish by starting a war. But, they're conscripting people from the kingdom and surrounding villages, making preparations slowly but surely. Their reach will probably extend here soon."


"That's rough."

"I wish I could have a drink to help me comprehend that."

"You two never take anything seriously."

"But," the waitress said, ignoring the pig, "how does that tie in with the Eight Deadly Sins?"

"If... there is hope in defeating the Holy Knights," the girl turned to face the pig, bar keep, and waitress, "it lies within the Eight Deadly Sins alone!"

"Wait," the waitress said, before the bar keep spoke up.

"You're looking for the Eight Deadly Sins knowing what kind of people they are?"

"The Eight Deadly Sins... The mightiest, most vile order of knights in the kingdom, composed of eight terrible criminals, each with the mark of a beast branded on his body. Ten years ago they were attacked, with full force of all the knights in the realm on suspicion of attempting to overthrow the kingdom, and were scattered to the four winds."

"Apparently," the bar keep said, "some rumors say they're all dead." The waitress kept a straight face, same as the bar keep.

"Such amazing people wouldn't die that easily!" the silver haired girl insisted.

"But aren't they criminals?" the waitress asked, calm, morganite colored eyes.

"It's the Holy Knights who are really causing the people's suffering! Long ago, when I was five or six years old, my father would tell me stories about them all the time. About how they were the mightiest because they were the Eight Deadly Sins!" A loud crash like metal crashing onto metal sounded behind them.

Then, the piece of land they were standing on was destroyed. The waitress and bar keep seemed completely calm, but Hawk was yelling, "Oh give me a break!"

"Oh dear, I forgot to confirm they were the people in the report," a large guy said sheathing a sword. "Conclusion! Three people of unknown origin dead! Does that sound alright?" He turned over to face the knights from before.

One of them spoke up and said, "B- but Allioni was at the foot of that cliff."

"Oh? Then list four fatalities."

"Sir Twigo!" "That's going too far!"

"Then should we go with eight fatalities then?"

"No! Anything but that! Forgive us!" At that moment, as Sir Twigo was taking a step forwards, a few people popped up out of nowhere. The blonde, tiny bartender landed on the ground with the silver haired girl in hand and Hawk on his back. The waitress landed in timing with him, her hair not the slightest bit messed up. In her arm was Allioni, and the bandage on her shoulder and upper left arm had slightly come undone. She dropped Allioni who landed with a thump. "Allioni!" one of the knights said in surprise.

Sir Twigo went for his sword. "You there! How dare you survive without my consent! I shan't revise my death tally count!"

"NOBODY ASKED YOU TO CONCLUDE ANYTHING!" Hawk yelled, while the barkeep and his waitress were talking.

"He's a little worked up, eh, my Prince? He should have a beer."

"Your answer to everything is beer and sake."

"Screw you, idiot."

The barkeep rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the girl in his arms. "Hey, are you awake?"

"Y- yes!" the girl said.

"When we give the signal, run towards the forest, ok?"

"Y- yes!" He set the girl down.

"Which of them is the likely Eight Deadly Sins Member?" Twigo asked. "None of them bears resemblance to the wanted posters." A look of realization and ecstasy overwhelmed his facial features, and Twigo began forward.

"Oh, do ya think he recognizes one of us, tiny leader?" the cocktail waitress asked the tiny blonde headed idiot.

"Hmm, maybe. Ooh, looks like we'll find out!"

"It appears Fate is smiling upon me today," Twigo was saying, "that crest on that earring is that of the royal family! Which means you... Conclusion! You are Princess Elizabeth!" the Princess let out a small gasp. The people surrounding her turned to look at her.

"Princess-" the waitress started then the bar keeper finished, "-Elizabeth?"

"Hang on, Princess Elizabeth!? She's the countries third princess!" Hawk said.

"An official decree has been issued to locate you.. The order was to capture you alive, but... If you were to die in an accident that would be unregrettable and unavoidable!"

The waitress whistled. He's not gonna like that, Twigo-guy or whatever. He may belong to him, but-

"Run!" the tiny bar keep said, interrupting the waitress' train of thought. Everyone ran into the forest.

"I mustn't be captured yet! I mustn't give up yet!" Elizabeth said to herself.

"CONCLUSION!" Twigo pulled and swung his sword, a wave of energy flowing out and beginning to cut down trees. Elizabeth turned her head to look. "ACCIDENTAL DEATH!"

Soon enough, all the trees had been destroyed. Elizabeth opened her eyes to see emerald ones.

"Hi!" the boy turned to look at his comrades.

"You two doing ok?"

"Of course, Sir, that merely tickled. It even knocked out any sense of drunkenness I had, my Prince. What a nuisance." the waitress somehow had a bottle of sake in hand. The blond bartender sat up.

"Hm. You okay Hawk? Looks like it!"

"I'm pork-on-a-stick, and you call this ok?!" Hawk jumped off the log he was on and yelled for his mom before fleeing.

"A pig?" Twigo said. "No matter."

Elizabeth sighed, stood, and began walking towards Twigo. The waitress put her sake down for a moment, watching.

"Hey, where are you going?" a certain blonde haired boy asked.

"There's no escaping him.." Elizabeth said.

"Hang on," the waitress said, but was interrupted by her employer.

"You just said you can't give up!"

"If I surrender myself peacefully, that should keep him from killing you two in cold blood!"

"You don't know that!" The waitress said. Twigo gripped his sword, and slashed upward, a beam of energy cut through the ground, and the blonde was only just able to save the princess-with the help of the brunette-purplette. It left the shorter male with a ripped sleeve and the taller female with ruined bandages.

"Please, escape by yourselves!"

The barkeep propped himself up on his hands. "He seems pretty intent on killing us regardless."

"Why?" Princess Elizabeth said as she began wiping away her tears. The waitress propped herself up on her elbow too. "I was so happy.... I set out in search of the Eight Deadly Sins all by myself... I'd never traveled before so I was nervous... So that people wouldn't recognize me, I walked around in that clunky armor until I was exhausted! But, I wasn't able to turn to anyone for help! And now, you two have been so kind to me, a total stranger... That's why... That's why I don't wanna get you two involved any further in my problems, not when I don't even know your names!"

The blonde kid had a brief flashback of a red haired girl dying, and him there too.. While the brunette-purplette had a brief flash back to a war with giants, demons, and many other species, her in the middle of it all, fighting. Killing.. Both of them had solenm expressions. Then, the blonde one smiled softly, and the brunette-purplette smirked. "Meliodas," the boy said. "That's my name."

"And I'm Helia," the girl said. Elizabeth's eyes widened at the names, realization striking.

"But... that's impossible... You're both just..."

With the other knight weirdos.... Allioni woke up with a start, and sat up.

"Where are they!?" he asked.


"That boy with the sword on his back, and the girl carrying the curving sword?!"

"Don't worry, Sir Twigo has the ropes on those two!"

"Idiots! We mustn't anger them! The kingdom will fall! I saw them, when they saved me I saw them... They're the real things! The most dangerous and most deadly and toxic of them all! Those symbols on their arms! It was-"

"Those symbols," Elizabeth said, inspecting each one. "They're beasts, no.. A dragon and.. A- a demon!?!" Sir Twigo was right behind them, and he brought his sword down. In a flash of light, Twigo was the one injured. Two cuts one his cheek.

"How..? I'm certain my blade struck them, but I was the one who felt the blow?" Helia yawned.

"What a bore. But I'll stay to make sure you don't get into too much trouble."

"You masochistic bitch."

"You knew this."

"Shut up."

"What is that?!" Twigo said. "A sword with a broken blade?! And a sword with a bent blade?!"

"Meliodas? Are you really him? And, are you really Helia?"

"Hold on, your faces seem familiar... But, if you're really them then how can you look exactly the same as you did that day?!" Both of the two got into fighting stances, the bandages on Helia's blade having been removed or destroyed somewhere along the way.

"So have you..." Helia started, Meliodas finishing, "figured out who we are?"

"I- it can't be!" Twigo shouted. He brought up his sword, and swung it down in an arc. "It really is you two!!" With a simple swing of his broken sword, and a flick of her wrist, Twigo was enveloped in a blinding light. "C- conclusion!" He said. "This extraordinary power is that of legend!"

In a mushroom-cloud explosion, screaming, he was sent flying. Twigo's armor being destroyed as well. "The Eight Deadly Sins: Sin of Wrath. Meliodas the Dragon Sin!"

"Eight Deadly Sins: Sin of Murder. Helia the Demon Sin!"


Sheathing his sword, and leaning against her own blade, Meliodas and Helia turned to look at Elizabeth. "I guess this means you've found your first," Meliodas said.

"And your second," Helia chimed in.

Meliodas smiled softly, saying, "Right, Elizabeth?" This is took the young princess by surprise. "Look, about the other six," Meliodas said. "We have something we need to discuss with them so we started looking recently. I've been running the tavern business-with her as my cocktail waitress-for intel gathering purposes. If I had a girl unlike Helia-"

"Thanks for the compliment Sir."

"-to act as a draw, we'd get a lot more customers, and information." Meliodas finished, him and Helia smirking before the female bound in chains spoke up.

"You're coming with us, right?"

Elizabeth started crying tears of joy. "Yes!!"


"Sir Twigo!" One of the knights said. "Hang in there!" Where Twigo had landed he caused a small crater. He shakily sat up.

"Quickly! R- Request reinforcements! This is a matter of the utmost importance!" A strange high-pitched squealing was heard. A shadow began passing over the knights, and a gigantic green pig landed on the cliff.

"How's that for timing!" Hawk said, throwing a rope ladder down.

Meliodas quickly got on, carrying Elizabeth in one arm, and holding onto the ladder with the other. Helia was hanging onto the ladder by her legs, upside down. "Way to go, Hawk's Mom!" Meliodas said.

"I was the one who got her here!" Hawk said.

"Alright, to the next town!" Helia said. "Take us outta here Hawks Mom!" As the giant green pig walked away, Elizabeth screamed slightly. The knights looked at them in shock.

Was our meeting in work of providence? Elizabeth thought, while Helia and Meliodas bickered about her drinking ale meant for customers. What lies in wait for us? Hope or Despair? This is how my, Helia, and Meliodas's search for the Eight Deadly Sins began.

Approx. 38 miles east of Cains Town

Forte Solgres

Sir Twigo was kneeling in front of a throne-like chair. Ironclad footsteps sounded, and in walked a young man with pink hair. "The Eight Deadly Sins," he said, causing Twigo to tense. "I hope it is a real one this time," the pink-haired man said, walking over to a map of the Kingdom. "I've been waiting ten long years... For the day I finally destroy them." Outside, a red eyed crow was perched in a tree, watching the man intently.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this strange creation! My first Anime Fanfiction on here! I also hope you enjoyed Helia; I wanted to have a unique character that belonged to one universe, so we got this fun, strange childs known as Helia! See you later, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ, ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—”๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๏ฟฝ...
439K 6.8K 81
A text story set place in the golden trio era! You are the it girl of Slytherin, the glue holding your deranged friend group together, the girl no...
1.2M 53.2K 99
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC