Innocent Murderers

By ashleastannard06

595 38 13

C O M P L E T E U N D E R E D I T I N G *major* - His breath is feverish on my cheek, and I can tell it's fl... More

innocent murderers
other things
[1] things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong)
[2] an offer i could definitely refuse
[3] how to be a failure 101
[4] milkshake, feat my new friends
[5] Please Don't Touch My Arm With Your Arm: How I Died At Breakfast
[6] finally i can be the comedian i've always dreamed to be
[7] so maybe i'm not okay
[8] i like bridges now
[9] the fine art of drink fighting
[10] a crack in the glass
[11] how i met satan
[12] successfully evading responsibility
[13] a drink in the name of jesus
[14] this is why i don't socialise
[15] a great end to a terrible night
Fifteen - The One With Gunpowder
Sixteen - The One With The White Room
Seventeen - The One Where The Room Is Red
Eighteen - The One Where Maths Comes In Helpful
Twenty - The One Where He Takes Us. PART TWO
Twenty One - The One Where We Search
Twenty Two - The One Where We Hit Jackpot
Twenty Three - The One With The Smoking Barrel
Twenty Four - The One Where We End It All PART ONE
Twenty Five - The One Where We End It All PART TWO

Nineteen - The One Where He Takes Us. PART ONE

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By ashleastannard06

Dereks PoV
I'm not aware of how fast I am running until I stop at the cross section before the neighbourhood in which the warehouses lay.

Oslo is waiting by the sign for Kingsman Distributions.
We all stop by him, and he hands us all a gun.
I weigh it in my hands, heavy but not unusable.
A weapon of power and I plan to use it to save the one I love.
"If you're right and Lucy really is under the armoury then our best bet is sneaking through the old maintainence passage." He explains.
I nod, Kennedy grips my hand.
"Okay. Let's go," She says.
We follow Oslo down the street, and to a door to a little brick shed about 20 metres from the warehouses. He uses a crowbar to leaver it open and we walk in. The place smells musty and old, and spiderwebs litter the walls. There is graffiti on the steps that lead down into complete darkness.
Oslo flips a switch and suddenly the staircase is illuminated by fluorescent lights.
He gestures for us to follow him and we all make our way down the stairs.

Each step makes my heart beat a little faster.
I'm coming Lucy.

The last step is wet, and I nearly slip but catch myself and drop onto a dimly lit floor slightly flooded by a dripping pipe in the corner.

I hear Kennedy thud down behind me, and then Aaron and Penny and Jackson. Rose is in front of me, gun stashed in her waistband.

I gulp, and take in a large breath of air when Oslo types in a complicated pin and pushes the door open.

Jackson's PoV
Guns. So many guns.

There were guns lining the ceiling, the walls and some were even strapped to the floor.
How they managed to get this many I have to idea but
I follow the others through anyway.
I had always been skeptical of Oslo.
He suddenly shows up and claims to be Kennedy's brother, he's probably lying.
But, I can't let them save Lucy without me so I follow the group right until we meet a trapdoor.
"If she's anywhere, it's down here."

Lucy's PoV
When the woman comes back for her second visit, she looks panicked and rushes in.
"Come on, we've been compromised." Is all she says.
She unhandcuffs me and I try to lift my lifeless hands, but fail miserably. She pulls the needle from my leg and I watch as a steady trickle of blood makes its way towards my ankles. Then, she stores me in a wheelchair and throws a bag on my head.
I inhale something that smells like petrol and fall asleep.

When I wake, I am in what looks like a glass room, alone with several guards outside.

There is a ladder in one corner with a trapdoor, it swings open.
First drops down Oslo.
Then Derek, which makes my heart skip a beat and me to cry out.
He can't see me. He's looking at me but not acknowledging me.
Kennedy and Aaron and Rose and Jackson and Penny.
All of them drop through.
Each one sends a shockwave of happiness.
But as soon as they come down, they are taken and guns are pressed to their heads.
I scream, growing myself off of the chair, ignoring my lifeless legs and flopping by the glass. I hit it and gasp when a switch is switched.
The glass suddenly is completely clear and the guys wriggle.
Derek starts to cry and I realise I must look a mess.

"You can have her if you give us Kennedy." Says Adam. He's standing at the front of the box, looking amused.
"You'll never have her." Croaks out Aaron.
My heart splits.
They all look pale and thin and tired.
"You can have me." Whispers Kennedy.
I protest, but they can't hear me.
I shake my head until it hurts and dizziness explodes in me.
Kennedy wriggles free of the mans grip and walks over to me. She places a single finger on the glass, and shakes her head.
"Don't do this." I whisper even though she can't hear me.
She shakes her head again and walks towards Adam, letting him take her gun and inject her with a large needle. She falls to the floor, lifeless.
Aaron starts to scream and yell. Derek does the same.

Adam unlocks the box and lets me out. I manage to drag myself along the floor enough for a now released Derek to pull me up into his arms.
"Oh my god I missed you." I say.
"You're safe now I won't let them take you. I got you." He says into my hair.
I smile sadly and then I remember.
"Kennedy." I whisper. He shakes his head.
"We'll get her. We got you so we can get her."

But I'm not so sure.

He doesn't know what it's like.

There's no way we're getting her back without Adam getting his way.

Whatever way that is.

To be continued...

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