Don't Fall in Love in Witness...

By banana_boat

155K 5.1K 249

Juggling the Witness Protection program and being a seventeen year-old girl is hard… There’s new towns, new f... More

Chapter 1 - Cover Stories
Chapter 2: Playing Hooky
Chapter 3: Caught
Chapter 4: A surprising visitor
Chapter 5: Playing Games
Chapter 6: Nightmare English Classes
Chapter 7: Distracting Shirts... Or lack there of
Chapter 8: Enjoying the Chase
Chapter 9: An Awkward Wednesday
Chapter 10: Pizza, Stolen DVD's and Eli
Chapter 11: Ellie Spencer
Chapter 12: Dark and Dangerous
Chapter 13: Eli themed drinking games
Chapter 14: A tantalising Apology
Chapter 15: Ten Signs He's Cheating
Chapter 16: Eavesdropping
Chapter 17: Max
Chapter 18: I spy... something beginning with E
Chapter 19: The first thread
Chapter 20: Somebody that I used to know
Chapter 21: I'll keep you my dirty little secret
Chapter 22: Shattered
Chapter 23: Black and Gold
Chapter 24: Hidden
Chapter 25: Deluded
Chapter 26: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 27: Bathroom Doorways and other stuff

Chapter 28: Amazingly Safe

4.5K 181 19
By banana_boat


‘I cannot explain how amazing it is to touch you.’

‘Stacy!’ Charlotte laughed.

‘That sounded really creepy didn’t it?’

She nodded still laughing at her friend, ‘I get what you mean though, I can’t believe you’re right here sitting in my bedroom.’

Stacy clasped her hands together in excitement practically wriggling in her seat, ‘You have no idea how much I missed talking to you, not being able to call or text you when the smallest things happen has been so hard. Even tiny ridiculous things that only you and I get a kick out of.’

Charlotte nodded in agreement, ‘Not having someone to talk to who knew the full story and wasn’t my mother, was really hard for me too.’

‘Oh man, I’m sorry,’ Stacy’s eyes widened. ‘I’m going on and on about how hard it was for me and it must have been a thousand times worse for you. Being in a completely new town, with no one to talk to and psycho Mr Gold after you, you definitely win.’

‘No point talking about it now everything’s over…’ She trailed off shrugging at Stacy. ‘As hard as it is to believe, he’s in jail and can’t hurt me.’ She had to say that out loud a few times for it to really sink in. No more running.

Stacy shook her head, ‘Where he belongs!’

‘And now we can talk on the phone!’ Charlotte giggled. ‘And visit on weekends, and go back to knowing every stupid little details about each others lives.’

‘Oh so I haven’t been replaced?’ Stacy pouted, but Charlotte knew she was messing. ‘What about this April I’ve heard a little about? And Max and Eli?’

She couldn’t help the slight blush that coloured her cheeks as Eli’s name was mentioned. It was like the three letters thrown together made her body physically react that way, every damn time! Of course Stacy picks up on it immediately, her face spreading into a huge grin.

‘Eli’s the boyfriend now I take it?’

‘No way!’ She shook her head. ‘Well… no. Um, well to start with he kind of saved my life.’

‘Alright, so you’re going to have to elaborate on that one,’ Stacy raised an eyebrow.

‘I’ve told you the short version of what happened when Mr Gold showed up here and kidnapped me, it was Eli and Max who guessed where he had me. They broke me free and helped me escape out of Winchester Heights.’ She paused remembering the night and how it felt to collapse into her mother’s arms. ‘They were amazing.’

Stacy whistled low under her breath, ‘So you at least owe him some thanks-for-saving-my-life-sex.’

Charlotte burst out laughing and whacked her friend on the arm, ‘Stacy!’

“I’m joking! Relax,’ she smirked. ‘So what are you guys though?’

‘We’ve kissed a couple of times, that’s all really,’ Charlotte shrugged. ‘We didn’t really get along at first, and then we did.’ She rolled her eyes at the memory. ‘He asked me out too.’ She shrugged and let out a small smile. ‘April and Polly were convinced he was into me from the start, I guess things evolved from there…’

‘And I’m guessing you like him too?’

‘Um, well yeah I guess so.’ She laughed. ‘He was amazing with all the drama going on Stace, he made me feel calm in a situation where I’d normally be freaking out.’

‘Where anyone would be freaking out,’ Stacy pointed out.

‘He has a bit of a reputation around here though, for sleeping around.’

‘Oh,’ Stacy frowned thoughtfully. ‘That’s not good.’

‘Nope,’ Charlotte mirrored her frown. ‘And I mean really sleeps around, he had a one night stand on a school night for goodness sake! So I think if we were to date, or hook up it would be completely no strings attached. I don’t think he does any other type.’

‘Ah…’ Stacy didn’t look too impressed. ‘I was all ready to love him when I meet him later. Now I’m not so sure.’

Charlotte laughed, ‘Don’t be silly! The fact he’s a player shouldn’t change your opinion on him. Remember he still saved my life.’

‘Ok, ok so don’t hate on Eli I got it,’ Stacy grinned. ‘What about the others, any more potential?’

‘You’ll meet them all soon,’ she glanced at her phone for the time. ‘In fact Max should be banging the door down any second.’

‘I can’t wait to meet your friends El – oops I mean Char,’ Stacy jumped up to enveloped her in a bear hug. ‘I’m so unbelievably happy we get to hang out again.’

‘Don’t mind me ladies, please continue.’

Both girls sprang apart and looked over to the window where Max’s head was poking through the open window with a giant grin on his face.

‘Stacy, this is Max the perve. Max this is my friend Stacy,’ Charlotte introduced them with a roll of the eyes.

‘I vaguely remember you from Ranger Downs, right?’ Max cocked his head to the side.

‘Yes, you do,’ Stacy jumped up from her spot on the floor. ‘Nice to see you again Max the perve, do you make a habit of popping your head through girls windows?’

‘Just the cute ones,’ Max winked.

Stacy groaned, ‘Oh that was bad.’

‘Yeah yeah, you can get your flirt on later Max, we’ll meet you out the front. I’m not climbing out my window again unless I have to.’

‘Ok you’ve changed,’ Stacy accused with a laugh as they headed down the stairs and out the front door. ‘The Ellie I knew did not climb out windows!’

Charlotte grinned as they approached the car, ‘Well I’m not Ellie anymore am I?’

‘You certainly are not,’ Stacy shook her head admiringly climbing into the back seat after her friend.

‘Charlotte!’ April hugged her from the side, sitting next to her in the back. ‘Oh, I remember you!’ She said in delight. ‘You’re the crazy girl from Ranger Downs!’

Stacy chuckled, ‘Yeah a few of you are starting to ring a bell anyway.’

‘Stacy this is April, in the front is Max you may remember him from my bedroom window and making crude comments…’

‘Hey –‘ Max frowned at her. ‘That’s not fair, you make me sound like some weirdo.’

‘Um, and that’s Eli driving,’ she swallowed hard as they made eye contact in his mirror. Her gaze slipped down and saw he was wearing a well-fitting shirt that really accentuated those lovely arms of his. She blushed and looked away. His dark sunglasses were perched on his nose, but she was fairly certain they’d been making eye contact.

He smirked into the mirror and she looked away, yep.

Oh Eli, well I’ve…’ Stacy began. ‘Umph!’ She looked at Charlotte in amusement. ‘Did you just hit me?’ She whispered.

‘Shut up,’ Charlotte hissed back turning to April. ‘So April… Uh..’ Crap, she really shouldn’t have cut Stacy off without having something to actually say.

‘Where did you get that dress? It’s amazing,’ Stacy gushed from beside her and Charlotte threw her a grateful smile completely ignoring the bemused look Eli was throwing her way.


So the group settled into their regular spot at Winchester Heights. On the smooth grassy area overlooking the maze and lake, where most of their classmates had done the exact same thing. It was like some unspoken agreement whenever the sun was hot, everyone from Winchester High came out in force to enjoy the lake.

‘Do you want to come with and get the drinks?’

Charlotte jumped slightly, having completely gone off into her little world she hadn’t noticed Eli sit himself down right next to her.

‘Huh?’ She eyed him. ‘What do you mean?’

Eli grinned, ‘Wiley is down at the lake selling beers.’

‘Can’t teach a leopard new spots,’ Carter laughed from across the group.

‘A leopard can’t change its spots doofus,’ Stacy rolled her eyes at Charlotte.

‘Same difference,’ he dismissed her while the others laughed.

‘So do you?’ Eli asked again.

‘Go with the boy Charlotte,’ Max urged from his spot next to Carter, a huge shit-eating grin on his face. ‘He’s totally making a move right now and you can’t turn him down in front of everyone!’

‘Oh my God Max,’ Charlotte blushed.

‘Thanks Max, for stating the obvious. If it weren’t already awkward,’ Eli shook his head and let out a chuckle. ‘Come on, you can’t say no now,’ he stood up and held out his hand.

Charlotte didn’t even hesitate before taking it, shooting Stacy a smile as they walked away from the catcalls.

‘You still owe me that date you know,’ Eli said as they slowly made their way down to the steps.

‘Oh right, sorry my bad, I should have scheduled it in between my kidnapping and police station hang outs.’

He laughed, ‘Well you’re sticking around now aren’t you?’

Charlotte could feel his stare on her skin.

‘Yeah I am.’

‘How about I pick you up tomorrow night?’

‘That’s a school night...’ Charlotte replied slowly.

Eli shrugged, ‘And?’

She frowned, she’d forgotten he did that kind of thing on school nights. The classroom flashed vivid in her mind as Candace perched on the edge of Eli’s desk.  ‘Actually I don’t –‘

‘No, no,’ Eli jumped in front of her turning his back to the lake, his hands reaching out to rest on her shoulders stopping her. ‘It’s fine, we’ll wait for Friday I don’t really care…’ He laughed, ‘You’re not getting out of this that easily.’

Charlotte hesitated she didn’t really know how to word this at all, ‘Um Eli, I’m not into seeing more than one person at a time.’

He cocked his head to the side, his lips turning up into a slightly bemused smile.

She flinched, that came out wrong, ‘No wait, I mean I’m not saying we’re in a relationship or anything… Or I’m not saying that’s what I want,’ she blushed as his smile widened. ‘I just don’t want to…hang out if you’re hanging out with other girls. And I don’t want to push you into something that’s not your style. I know about your reputation and everything,’ she shrugged helplessly.

He nodded slowly, ‘And by hang out you mean hook up.’

She blushed again, ‘Obviously. Or not so obviously in my case.’

Eli raised his hand, landing gently on her cheek stroking it, slipping down to her chin and lifting it up so she was staring into his eyes. ‘Charlotte I haven’t even looked at another girl since,’ he paused and grinned wryly. ‘Well in a long time.’

She recalled a party not that long ago at all. ‘So you and Gypsy aren’t?’

He let out a short burst of laughter, ‘Definitely friends only.’

‘And she’s cool with that?’ Charlotte remembered the possessive way she spoke about Eli.

‘She’s well aware, the fact that you’re even asking me about her means she was messing with you,’ he grinned. ‘Damn her! Yes, she’s perfectly cool with being friends.’

‘And whose Freya?’

Eli’s eyes nearly bugged out of his face, ‘You have been doing your research.’

She grinned, ‘Actually Max mentioned her in front of me. Didn’t have to dig too hard.’

‘She was someone I used to see months ago. I haven’t heard from her in ages.’

Charlotte smiled carefully shaking her head slightly, ‘Alright then.’ She felt silly asking him about the girls, but she knew it would plague her not knowing.

‘Alright then you’ll go out with me?’ He smirked. ‘And I can promise it’s only you.’

‘Of course,’ she reached up on her toes to kiss him. It was their first proper kiss since everything had happened. Her hands went straight around his back clasping behind him as he cupped the back of her head gently sighing into her mouth. She was thanking him for being a constant distraction while she was in hiding, for keeping her on her toes and always guessing, for being there when she really needed someone.

They broke apart breathing heavily.

‘I… Wow,’ Eli’s eyes widened.

‘Speechless Eli,’ she grinned resting her head to the side on his chest as his arms tightened around her. ‘That’s a first.’

She felt him kiss the top of her head and she completely relaxed into his arms, this felt too good. Amazing. She felt safe, which in Charlotte’s world was a million times better than amazing.

Suddenly Eli stiffened, and Charlotte stepped back watching as his face practically clouded over in anger.

‘What’s wrong?’ Charlotte glanced around nervously. ‘What is it?’

‘Please tell me I’m delusional and seeing things and that is not my little sister sucking face with Carter over there.’

Her eyes widened in horror, oh God how could Carter be so stupid?

‘You’re delusional,’ Charlotte squeaked her face turning bright red.

Eli dragged his gaze away from the couple in the distance to stare at Charlotte suspiciously, ‘Why have you gone all red?’

‘I’m not! I just don’t… I… well…’

Eli furrowed his eyebrows at her, ‘Excuse me babe, but I have to drown a certain someone in the lake.’

‘Wait!’ Charlotte reached out grabbing his arm in a death grip. Thinking frantically she blurted out, ‘Don’t call me babe! I’m extremely offended.’

Eli’s steps faltered and he looked back at her trying to decide whether he should laugh or apologise. ‘Seriously?’

‘Absolutely,’ she nodded furiously trying to keep him distracted.

‘Well what should I call you then? Sweetheart? Darling?’

He was taking the piss now.

He laughed, ‘It just slipped out, sorry. I’ll call you Charlotte don’t worry.’

Charlotte couldn’t care less what he called her as long as he did it with the affection she heard in his voice today. She beamed and shrugged. He was distracted and that was the aim.

Eli pulled her back into his arms and kissed her slowly, he nibbled on her bottom lip and pressed a light, feathery kiss to the corner of her mouth.

Charlotte sighed blissfully. She liked distracting him.

‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to kill Carter,’ he grinned into her mouth stepping back.

He walked purposefully toward the couple who were now holding hands, ‘Carter, I’m going to murder you!’ He called out and Charlotte watched as they sprang apart.

‘Eli, wait I can explain!’ Carter threw his hands up in a defensive nature stumbling back. ‘I care about her, this is for real!’ He called out. ‘I bloody love her!’

Eli stopped in his tracks and Charlotte’s mouth fell open in surprise.

The entire group who were sitting a few meters away had also stopped chattering and were watching the scene in front of them like an enthralling game.

‘You what?’ Eli gritted his teeth.

‘You what?’ Thalia squealed throwing herself into Carter’s arms trying to kiss him as he dodged her mouth trying to keep one eye on Eli.

‘Wow I’m really going to kill you,’ Eli said slowly as he advanced. ‘Thalia you better climb off him. Now.’

Charlotte watched helplessly as Eli chased Carter down the stairs and towards the maze. She couldn’t help but laugh, joining in with Max and the others. They knew it would end like this, Carter knew it too. It wasn’t a surprise. She sat back down next to Stacy dropping all the drinks into the middle of the group and opening one for herself exchanging a helpless look with April and Polly. She was definitely going to need this.


A/N: Wow, I had incredible writers block trying to finish this story off! Sorry for the wait, thanks for sticking around if you've been reading from the beginning and I hope you like the ending :) Let me know what you think, would love any feedback xx

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