Theseus Scamander One shots

By Beauty2118

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A collection of oneshots I have about Theseus Scamander. The current on I'm writing is a 5 part Great Gatsby... More

Great Gatsby au
Great Gatsby au pt. 2

Great Gastby Au pt. 3

630 10 7
By Beauty2118

"I take it you're not from around here?" Gatsby led you away from the rail making sure to keep his hand on your waist and you could feel it inching its way southward.

"You could say that." You had your arm looped through his. You looked over your shoulder trying to catch one last glance at Theseus, but he was no where to be seen.

"You seem distracted." Gatsby grabbed your chin lightly turning it to face his gaze. His blue eyes seemed to shimmer in the low lighting making them seem like two deep blue oceans in which one you stepped in you could never escape the tide.

You found yourself leaning closer and he did as well, his eye lashes coming to rest on his cheeks. You had to stop yourself from leaning in and moved to the side close to his ear to whisper. "I just want to make sure we aren't being followed." A shiver ran down his frame. "I want us to be alone Mr. Gatsby."

You pulled back to see him full on again. Red dusted the entire face of Gatsby all the way down to his Adam's apple. "I love it when women take the lead." He wet his lips and pulled you closer to him to where your arms were looped together again. He leaned in and in his raspy voice whispered, "call me Jay."

He continued to lead you out of the way from onlookers and into a darker wing of his mansion. As you walked he made small talk and you kept it going asking the occasional question. He answered every one with enthusiasm and watching him made you giddy, seeing how much passion he had for the things he loved. You even lost yourself a bit in the role, finding yourself wanting to know more and more about this so called criminal. But you kept your questions to yourself, and directed the conversation back to his bootlegging business.

"I mentioned earlier that my boyfriend and I were interested in becoming part of your business." You pulled away slightly and rested
your hand on his forearm.

"Hmm. Did you I don't recall that." Gatsby pursed his lips in thought.

"Really? I asked your right before-"

"Oh that's right. I remember I just got distracted by your beauty." He winked.

You snorted, sniffling a laugh.

Jay looked hurt at your reaction. "What I thought that was pretty good."

"No it was so bad." You laughed out. "So cheesy! You Americans have such poor flirting skills." You kept giggling as Gatsby tried to remain frowning but he gave up a smile despite himself.

"I'm not that bad."

"Oh yes you are."

"Well fine then. If you're the expert on flirting why don't you show me how it's done."

"What no way." Your laughing seized. But a smile was still on your face.

"Yes show me how it's done." Gatsby moved closer to you, you stepped back and felt your back hit the wall. He trapped you between his arm leaning his weight on it. He slipped the other one in his pocket.

"I don't think you need any help." You felt your face heat up at his actions. "I take it back."

"Oh really." He brushed your hair from your face and ran his hand down the side, tracing the curve of your face. "I don't think anyone is better to teach me than someone as charming and as beautiful as you Ms. (y/l/n)."

"Now that was smooth." You smirked, your face continuing to heat up.

Jay let out a laugh but still kept you trapped by his arm. You noticed how when he smirked or laughed his dimples showed. Theseus has dimples. Theseus. You shook your thoughts of him from your head. You needed to focus on getting Gatsby to trust you so you could capture him.

"So about your business?" You batted your lashes at him and grabbed his hand that had caressed your face. Playing with his fingers. He stared down at your intwined hands.

He looked at you through his eyelashes for a moment before looking back down. A smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "What's a gal like you trying to get mixed up in a business like that?"

"I like a little trouble." You lowered your voice and he leaned in, his attention on every word.

"I can tell but you don't wanna get involved with that honey." He moves his hand away from yours and placed in on your waist running it up and down as he spoke, in a low and raspy voice. "You don't want to get involved with people like that."

"Oh." You looked up at him a pouty expression on your face. "What are these bad people like?"

He wet his lips. "Like me."

"Well." You reach out and grab him by his tie pulling him even closer to you to where his nose was inches away from yours. "I want to get involved with you Mr.Gatsby."

He let out a little growl hearing you call him that. He moved his hand to your chin and titled it up. "Believe me baby, you don't wanna get mixed up with me."

"Oh I think I do."

Jay surprised you as he surged forward and crushed his lips onto yours. His rough lips took yours and he hungrily devoured your lips, after a moment you responded your hands holding onto his neck and moving up to grip his geled hair, tugging it out of place. He moved his body into you and practically picked you up the floor grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist. He pulled away for a moment, to catch his breath before he moved to suck on your neck. In broken breaths you spoke.

"I want to be involved in your business baby. I want to be involved with you." You huffed out.

"Hmm." He hummed against your neck, he moved further downward to leave even more bruises. "I don't know if we have an opening."

"None at all." You cooed as you pulled on his hair, he let out a moan.

"Not a single one." You felt him smirk against your skin. His hand moving behind you to move the zipper from your dress down.

"You can't make an exception." He zipped down your dress and it fell off your shoulders your back bra exposing itself to him. He took you all in with a lustful gaze.

"An exception?" Gatsby asked as he kissed his way from your neck downward and sucked on the spot right on your collarbone.

"For me." You cooed. His eyes looked up at you and your ran your fingers through his hair.

"Well that depends." He pulled himself back up . His tie was crooked and your red lip stick was smeared all across his face. His blue eyes were have lidded, his chest heaving up and down just as yours was.

"On what?" You bit your lip and you felt him pull your dress even lower, the beginnings of your stomach starting to show.

"Are you mine?"

"What?" He moved closer and kissed the spot behind your ear making your whole body tingle.

"Leave your boyfriend baby and be mine. And then you'll never have to worry again." Jay didn't even give you a chance to answer he kissed you again undoing your hair from it's extravagant updo. Your hair fell down around your face in messy waves, he pushed it back. "I like you better with your hair down."

You looked at his ungeled messy hair. "You look nice with your hair down too." He chucked .

"So. I need an answer. Are you gonna be my girl?"

Just as you were you were about to answer you heard someone clear their voice from around the corner. Theseus came from around the corner and leaned against the wall looking at you and Gatsby. Your dress sliding down your body. You made a grab to hoist it back up. "Oh there you are dear. I've been looking everywhere for you." Theseus said through clenched teeth. He took the whole scene in your smeared lipstick and Gatsby's crumpled suit.

"Well hello old sport." Jay spoke up causally like talking to an old friend. Gatsby's voice was collected even though he had just made out with you as he spoke to Theseus, "your boyfriend." He also kept an arm around protectively, there was someone of a crazy gleam in his eyes. "What are you doing over here the party's back there."

Theseus remained a good distance away his stance still leaned against the wall. "That might be so but my girlfriends over here." He gestured towards you and you felt our face heat up. You were embarrassed that Theseus had found you in this state.

"Oh so you're the ex-boyfriend." Gatsby's tone was amused.

"No I'm her boyfriend." Theseus had an angry expression as he pushed himself off the wall and moved to square up to Gatsby.

"Try were old sport. Ms. (Y/l/n) was just about to swear her loyalty to me and dump your ass." He smiled showing off his brilliantly white teeth. "Isn't That right." Jay turned to you and kissed you in a quick yet passionate kiss. He then turned back to Theseus, his arm around you. "So if I were you I'd scam. Didn't anyone ever tell you three's a crowd."

Theseus just laughed and took a step closer to him. "You're right." Theseus pulled back and sucker punched Gatsby, his tall frame falling back. "Three is a crowd Mr.Gatsby." You looked down at Jay who was out cold on the tile before turning back to Theseus.

He winced and shook his hand examining its broken state. He paced back and forth not paying you attention. "Yep, yep it's broken." He cradled his hands and looked down at Gatsby. "Merlin that man has a jaw of steel."

Theseus regained his composure and turned to you. "I see you've been busy." He looked you up and down, your dress still sliding down as you struggled to pull it back up. Your lipstick was smeared and hickeys decorated your soft skin. Your chest heaving up and down and your hair a wild mess. He felt his heart hurt looking at you in this state. He glanced down at Gatsby and noticed your lipstick on him and the bruises you had left of your own. He sighed. Grabbing the handkerchief from Gatsby's pocket he wrapped his hand up in a makeshift bandage.

"I was trying to get him to trust me," You responded as you shrugged your dress back up reaching for the zipper.

"By making out with him?" Theseus walked over to help you zip up your dress.

"Thanks. And no I didn't expect him to kiss me. It just sort of happened." You blushed as your gaze refused to meet Theseus.

"Are you made I cheated on our fake relationship." You teased as you tried to comb out your hair.

Theseus bit back a hurtful comment and bent down to search Gatsby. All he had on him was a golden pocket watch, an money clip engraved with JG in fancy lettering with a couple hundreds in it. But he had no wallet. After a couple more moments of searching Theseus pulled out a wand. "Aha. I knew his wand had to be on him somewhere." It was white wood with extravagant designs carved into it. A gold handle at its base that also had his initials carved into it. Theseus pocked it and through the other possessions towards you. "Hold these for me will you darling." You caught the items and blushed at his pet name.

He began to shrug the unconscious Gatsby up and he leaned his weight on him. Theseus struggled to stand up, Gatsby wasn't exactly a small man. "Can I get a little help?" You hurried over and grabbed Jay's other arm bringing it around your shoulder.

You walked together doing your best to keep Gatsby upright and told onlookers that he was passed out drunk to avoid any awkward questions. The party was filing out, it must have been early in the morning no one ever left Gatsby's parties at reasonable hours. Just a couple drunks mingled around and show girls were asleep on furniture, unfamiliar men draped next to them.

As you made your way down the stairs you felt your grip on Gatsby slip and his body tumbled down the stairs, he came to a crash at the bottom, but still he was out cold. Theseus snorted and burst out laughing.

Your hurried down the stairs after Jay. "Oh my god I cannot believe you let him fall down the stairs."

"I- I didn't." Theseus chocked out in between laughs. "At least not on purpose I felt your grip loosen too." Gatsby had landed on his face his rear up in the air, his nose smashed against the tile.

You let out a small laugh, which only spurred on Theseus to laugh even more. "Stop laughing it's not funny you could have hurt him."

"I'm pretty sure he's fine that man has a thick skull." Theseus continued to double over in laughter as you kneeled next to Gatsby, inspecting him for any injuries.

"Stop laughing and come help me stand him up again."

"Alright." You're watched Theseus walk down the steps, the morning light highlighting his cheekbones and making his dark brown hair seem auburn. His freckles stood out, he had taken off his suit jacket and swung it over his shoulder. He caught you staring and gave you a quizzical look. "What?"

You looked away feeling your face heat up. "Nothing." You muttered. Theseus shrugged it off and helped Gatsby back up. You made your way to the door and Theseus "accidentally" rammed Jay's head into the door frame, in which you scolded him and he just fought back a smile.

You were now sitting in Theseus car. After trying to figure out how to shove Gatsby into a car that was built for two. There was little to no backseat so a lot of rearranging was done so all three of you could sit together. Theseus was behind the wheel Gatsby was smooshed between you and him. His hands were tied behind his back with a spell.

"So." Theseus started. You leaned forward to look at him. He sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck. "Look I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to snap like that. It's just I can't stand to see you chasing after someone like Gatsby, you're too good for him. And I know you were just trying to get the mission done and I let my feelings get in the way. I can't stay mad at you I need you in my life so please don't be too mad at me."

You felt guilt seap into your heart. Your intentions weren't so pure with Gatsby. You did find yourself drawn to him despite yourself. "Theseus I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have spoke to you like that you were just looking out for me. You always have and I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life that does that. It's rare to find that." Theseus gave you a sad smile.

And you studied his face and the way it was filled with so much emotion. It made you believe that in his eyes you could do no wrong. You began to put the pieces together. You continued speaking hoping that Theseus would either confirm or deny your theory. "And at times I think you're just too nice that I don't deserve you and at times I wonder if there's more to you than just a good friend." Theseus felt a lump forming in his throat.

"What do you mean?" He spoke in a low voice.

"You and I are always together, you buy me food on Friday nights and let me mess with your hair and when I fall asleep on your lap you don't even move me you just let me rest no matter how tired you are. A friend doesn't do this." You looked at him through your lashes, a red hue dusting your cheeks as you played with the ends of your hair.

This was it the moment he had been hoping for the past decade. You were coming to realize that he had loved you since the beginning. That you were meant to be with him. "And when you do these things at times I wonder if you are in lo-"

Your sentence was cut off as Gatsby came back into consciousness. He opened his eyes they were red rimmed. "I have one hell of a headache." Jay strained his arms only to find them tied behind his back, with half lidded eyes he took in his surroundings. He groaned and slumped against you. "Um babe can you tell me where I am and why I'm tied up."

And in that moment Theseus just about thought he could kill Gatsby.

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