Love Thy Enemy// Drarry

By Justeen_96

229K 10.8K 6K

"It's one of the commandments after all Harry, love thy enemy." "I'm pretty sure that's not one of the comman... More

↯PROLOGUE: an end and a beginning↯
↯chapter one: A MISSING PIECE↯
↯chapter two: I'M DONE↯
↯chapter three: LOVE THY ENEMY↯
↯chapter four: SMOKE AND MIRRORS↯
↯chapter five: UNHOLY TRINITY↯
↯chapter six: LEAVE ME ALONE↯
↯chapter seven: POTIONS PARTNERS↯
↯chapter eight: HOPE↯
↯chapter nine: FORBIDDEN↯
↯chapter ten: MORTAL ENEMIES↯
↯chapter eleven: FIREWHISKEY↯
↯chapter twelve: AN EXPERIMENT↯
↯chapter thirteen: HAPPY↯
↯chapter fourteen: IDIOT↯
↯chapter fifteen: A FIRST DATE↯
↯chapter sixteen: UNPREDICTABLE↯
↯chapter seventeen: LETTERS↯
↯chapter eighteen: INVISIBLE↯
↯chapter nineteen: DAY DREAMING↯
↯chapter twenty: CONFESSIONS↯
↯chapter twenty-one: UNDER PRESSURE↯
↯chapter twenty-two: I LOVE YOU↯
↯chapter twenty-three: SCARS↯
↯chapter twenty-four: TAINTED LOVE↯
↯chapter twenty-five: PANSY'S INTERVENTION↯
↯chapter twenty-six: I'M SORRY↯
↯EPILOGUE: happily ever after↯

↯chapter twenty-seven: A SCENE↯

6.6K 360 187
By Justeen_96

〘 chapter xxvii: A SCENE〙

"That's when I said..." Seamus was saying before getting interrupted by the Great Hall doors being blown open dramatically, possibly by a spell. As they opened, everyone turned to look at the figure silhouetted in the morning light.

"Harry Potter!" A voice boomed. Harry would recognize that voice anywhere. Draco stepped into the Great Hall smirking up a storm, pleased that everyone's eyes were on him.

"Harry." Hermione hissed next to Harry. He hadn't realized he had stood up.

"What's happening mate?" Ron said next but Harry wasn't focused on them. He was staring at Draco whose fancy blond hair was blowing back in the breeze, along with his robe. Damn he looked good. Had Harry told any of his friends that they had made up? Harry was pretty sure he didn't. 

"Nothing." Harry said at the same moment that Draco motioned for Harry to meet him by the doors. Harry glanced towards the front where all the teachers sat. Headmistress McGonagall was standing, eyeing the two boys curiously. Hagrid had even stopped eating, fork poised halfway between his plate and his open mouth.

"Harry Potter." Draco said again. Harry looked back to Draco, trying not to smile. "Come here." But he didn't need to say that, Harry was already stepping over the bench, running one hand through his hair nervously.

"Harry." Hermione whispered again but Harry didn't pay attention to her. He simply walked towards Draco who was now standing with his arms crossed, staring pointedly at Harry.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked in a low voice as soon as he was close enough to Draco.

"Didn't you say you wanted to tell everyone about us?" Draco was smiling wickedly.

"R-right here? You want to do this in front of the whole school?" Harry said, voice still quiet, gesturing to the gaping audience in front of them.

"What better way?" Draco said coyly, standing up straighter. Harry shook his head and half stepped away from Draco.

"Blimey you're dramatic." Harry said glancing down at his shoes. Draco grabbed the collar of Harry's robe and pulled him closer. Harry's heart thumped wildly in his chest and he could hear several people shout at them to not fight as well as people shouting out their bets about who would win the fight. McGonagall herself was even threatening them with detention.

"Shut up and kiss me." Draco said, which was something Harry also didn't need to be told to do because he was already leaning in. The moment the two of them kissed, there was a beat of silence that was immediately followed by a long, low wolf whistle. Pansy. That had to be Pansy. Suddenly everyone was shouting, up out of their seats, practically rioting. Harry laughed, pulling back but Draco just leaned in again and kissed his lips lightly and then his cheeks and forehead. 

"Clingy jerk." Harry said, trying to squirm our of Draco's arms.

"You're the one who jumped out of your seat the moment you saw me."

"You spelled the doors and shouted my name. I thought Hogwarts was being attacked again." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh and everyone that attacks Hogwarts is somehow after you?" Draco demanded, running one hand through Harry's hair lightly, his other hand tracing the lightening scar from the root of Harry's hair to his eyebrow. 

"Generally, yes." 

"You're not that important." Draco said with a slight grin, leaning to kiss Harry again but McGonagall interrupted them in a loud voice.

"Malfoy, Potter!" The two boys looked towards the front of the Great Hall, their arms still wrapped around one another. The rest of the Hall was deadly quiet. "If you two are done making a scene, please return to your respectful tables if you would."

"Yes Headmistress." Harry called out with a grin before kissing Draco's cheek lightly. 

"Everyone, return your attention to your breakfast." McGonagall instructed but even as Harry and Draco parted from one another, they could feel everyone's attention squarely on them. 

Harry felt incredibly giddy and he was smiling from ear to ear like some sort of fool. When he saw the looks on his friends faces though, that's when he became anxious. Ron's mouth was open so wide, Harry thought his jaw might disconnect and hit the floor. Ginny still had her hand over her mouth in shock and Hermione didn't look like she was breathing. Harry cleared his throat slowly as he sat down, his friends watching him.

"So... How's the eggs this morning?" Harry asked. 

"Fuck the eggs!" Dean exclaimed, nearly knocking his entire plate onto the floor. "What in the bloody hell was that!" 

"Draco's done something." Seamus said. "A love potion. A powerful one. That's the only explanation." 

"He didn't use a damn love potion on me." Harry said with a roll of his eyes. 

"That's exactly what someone who has taken a love potion would say." Seamus said. "We need to get McGonagall to remove Draco's spell." Harry laughed.

"I'm not spelled!" He said with a shake of his head. "I promise. I... I told you guys I was bisexual."

"Yeah! Bisexual!" Ginny exclaimed, finding her voice. "Not that you were shagging your arch-nemesis!" Hermione hushed Ginny who was red in the face with... Embarrassment? Confusion? Harry couldn't tell. 

"We haven't shagged yet." Harry said and as Dean choked on his food, Harry suddenly realized what he said. "I mean! Wait..." Harry said, wracking his brain.

"Yet?" Hermione whispered, looking pale in the face. 

"I'm going to be sick." Ron said, clutching his stomach. Harry has never seen Ron throw up food, he considers it a waste so Harry was very surprised to see that Ron was looking a little green.

"Stop being so dramatic, all of you. Draco is... Fit and I like him and we've technically been dating for about two months."

"Two months?" Dean said, voice hoarse. Harry shrugged. "How did we not notice!"

"We were discreet. I do have an invisibility cloak after all." Ron made a retching noise, though nothing actually came out.

"How do I get the image of Harry and Malfoy kissing out of my head?" Ron demanded.

"How am I suppose to keep living knowing Harry called Draco fit." Ginny said with complete revulsion in her voice. Harry laughed. He knew his friends were just surprised and being slightly over dramatic. This would all pass.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

"God damnit Harry just fucking hold my hand." Draco said, half glaring at him. Harry laughed.

"Sorry! Not used to this whole... Not sneaking around thing." Harry said, easily slipping his hand into Draco's as they continued down the hallway together.

"Well I love it. I love having people stare at me." Harry rolled his eyes. Idiot. He thought to himself. "Don't roll your eyes at me. I'll hex you."

"No you won't." Harry said with a laugh. "You love me too much."

"God is this going to be a regular thing. I think I need to blind myself or become deaf." A voice said behind them. Draco half stiffened.

"Hello Blaise." Draco said lightly as the taller boy came to walk beside them on Harry's right side.

"You couldn't warn me mate? I have to find out in the great hall with everyone else that you're shagging the Chosen one?" Blaise demanded in a tone of voice Harry couldn't decipher.

"Were not shagging." Harry and Draco said at the same time.

"Yet." Draco added as an afterthought.

"Oh fuck was he in the room that night I burst in on you?" Blaise demanded.

"Yes." Harry said. "I had my invisibility cloak on." Blaise scoffed.

"Typical Potter." He grumbled. "Next time you shag one of your enemies, just tell me Draco." Blaise said before disappearing into the crowd.

"That was.... Unexpected." Draco said lightly.

"I've grown on him." Harry said, pretending to be aghast. Draco hit his arm.

"Shut up." Harry laughed.

"So when can I meet your parents."

"Fucking never. I want you all to myself. My father doesn't even know about me." Draco said, shaking his head. "He's still got dreams of little blond kids running around that look like me.

"You don't want kids?" Harry asked. "I've always wanted at least two."

"Oh I want kids. They probably just won't look like me or you for that matter if we adopt."

"There's the surrogate option."

"No, fuck that." Draco said, making a face. 

"What?" Harry asked with a laugh.

"I just don't fancy the idea of my DNA being in someone who I don't care for." Harry started to laugh so hard Draco turned red. "It's not funny Harry! I'm being serious."

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Oh no you won't. We're adopting Harry whether you like it or not." Harry was grinning at him madly. 

"Damn Draco, at least buy me a drink first." Draco glared at him.

"Harry Potter I swear..." Harry leaned in and kissed him.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Shut up." Harry said with a smile. Draco huffed.

"At least you're learning." 

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