Versus (Parts I and II)

By electrawhittaker

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Versus (2018) Rewritten (2022-24) Parts I and II Calista Medley dreamed of being a fighter, but after years o... More

Author's Intro
Planets of the Utopia
Intermission: Part I- Application
Chapter 1- Dead End
Chapter 2- Vision
Chapter 3- Cosmic Opportunity
Chapter 4- Adrenaline Rush
Chapter 5- One Spot
Chapter 7- Second Stage
Chapter 8- Practical Exam
Chapter 9- Loss
Chapter 10- D.C.
Chapter 11- Spectator
Chapter 12- No Pressure
Chapter 13- Fulfilled
Chapter 14- Scandal
Chapter 15- Welcome to Fistborn Academy
Chapter 16- Orientation
Chapter 17- Breakfast
Chapter 18.1- School
Chapter 18.2- School
Chapter 19- The Gamma Guild
Chapter 20- Teamwork 101
Chapter 21- The Favorite-Favorite
Chapter 22- Challenge Accepted
Chapter 23- Pep Talk
Chapter 24- The Kappa Guild
Chapter 25- Favorites
Chapter 26- Neighbors
Chapter 27- Go, Eagles!
Chapter 28- Just a Prank
Chapter 29- Dance-Off
Chapter 30- Lalaasa
Chapter 31- Opinions
Chapter 32- Have This Dance?
Chapter 33- That Girl
Chapter 34- System Overload
Chapter 35- Bark and Hillary

Chapter 6- Hacking the App

38 7 17
By electrawhittaker

Happy Easter! God bless you all <3

Catalina knew she was taking a huge risk. She could get arrested for this. But she didn't see another way. She thought that Calista would be inspired to apply after last week, even more when the extra spot opened up. But she threw all her digits in one basket, relying on this scholarship to a dying school.

"Are you sure this will work, Sati?" Scaaskal asked. All Catalina's friends were there, keeping watch for SECURE. They were in a hacking lab in The Nebula, another space station, which was a bit closer to the prisons.

Catalina had resumed her job yesterday, taking a 'sick week' off, though her boss didn't really care about absences. It was an illegal workplace, after all. Now that Calista knew, she had to be a lot more careful.

"Our AIDA is junk. A baby could hack it," Catalina replied to her friend. She soon accessed her house's security system, finding her sister in her room. She'd consulted their mother for help two days ago, preparing herself for the application.

"That's kinda creepy now that you say it." Carter sat off to the side, wearing an Ilamikoan Mask, given that he was only nine years old. Ilamikoans were the only species with a permanent childlike appearance. "If you make anyone mad at your job, they can just hack into our house."

"It's easy for me because it's our own house and I know its code," Catalina told her brother. "It's not as easy for other people. Besides, I'm smart enough to not make anyone mad."

"Yeah, right. You probably have a secret boyfriend, too." Carter rolled his eyes, bringing out his KidPet to play a game.

"Why did I bring you again?"

"Because I'd tell Mom and Dad everything if you didn't."

"Ugh. Our deal was you stay quiet. That includes when you're here with me. Don't talk." She returned to her hacking. "And put that thing away. SECURE will find it."

"I'm bored."

"Could someone take his Pet away?"

Alina casually grabbed the sphere out of the air and put it in her pocket. "Hey!" Carter punched her arm, immediately regretting it when his small knuckles scraped against her rough, rocky brown skin. Mercurians were usually black or red, but being half-Earthian, Alina had a different skin color.

Carter curiously picked up one of Alina's long black braids. "How does your hair not burn?"

"Carter, stop being rude."

Alina laughed. "It's fine, Cat. My body doesn't get as hot as full Mercurians, so my hair doesn't burn."

"Even then, you are quite hot," Scaaskal's brother, Temmen, said. He wiggled his blue brows flirtatiously. Alina tried to punch him in response.

"Stop being such an idiot, Temmen," said Jaylo. He was half-Martian, so he looked mostly human, except his skin was paler than most and his eyes were black marbles like Scaaskal and Temmen's.

"I'm just saying the truth."

"Guys, you're distracting me," Catalina scolded.

"You're just watching a screen," said Carter, who still played with Alina's tight braids.

"I'm waiting." She perked up when Calista finally started the application. "Start recording... now." A red dot started blinking in the corner.

"Welcome to the New York Women's School of Social Arts application. Please note that this application is for the Spring 2350 semester. The Fall 2349 semester applications have closed."

Pink glowed all around Calista. Text appeared before her eyes, intermittently changing to different Earth languages.

"What language do you prefer? Please note that if you are unfamiliar with any Earthian language, you must submit a language test to qualify. You must be an Earthian citizen and a US citizen to enter the scholarship."

"Earthian American English," Calista's voice rang.

"Do you speak any other Earth language?"

"Just a bit of French."

"Please state your full name and ID code."

"Calista Elise Medley. ID 327CEL2331."

"I thought your sister fluently spoke other languages?" Temmen inquired.

"Alien languages, not Earth languages. She only took, like, two French classes."

"Huh. Which languages does she speak, then?"

"Um... some Martian languages— not yours, though. One Mercurian. And one Hajjian."

Scaaskal nodded. "Impressive."

"When is your birthday?"

"January 19th, 2332."

"What is your marital status?"


Catalina scoffed. Calista was quite the flirt, but she had only been in one relationship, which ended on a sour note after he left her for someone 'better' than a 'cheap Socializer'.

"Single, huh?" Temmen grinned.

"Don't even think about it."

"Why not?"

"Because you're an idiot," said Jaylo, his eyes never leaving his Pet screen.

"Shut up."

They waited through the rest of Calista's application: her address, her emergency contacts, her family information. Catalina's eyes glanced continuously at the blinking light, her heart pounding with anxiety.

"Please provide a personal statement on why you deserve the Appleman Scholarship to the New York Women's School of Social Arts."

For a while, Calista was silent. Catalina bit her lip, glancing at the timer. She only had three minutes until her hack would be detected. "Get ready, you guys," she warned her friends. They got into position to clear their digital fingerprints if they needed to flee.

"Ms. Medley, are you still there?"


"Would you like me to repeat the question?"

"No, I'm okay. Um... I want this because... because I want to be a role model. I want to show what I can do. I want to work for something great, something amazing, something my planet and country can remember. That everyone can remember. As a Socializer, I will spread positivity to all parts of the Utopia. I will inspire others to show off their talents and use them for great causes. I know humans are underrated, but I want to be living proof that the stereotypes aren't true. We're more than this. We can do more than just smile and look pretty. We can change... so many lives in such a positive way, and I want to be that person."

Catalina gazed at her sister. She hadn't expected that kind of statement at all. There were some flaws, but with the NYWS's low enrollment, they probably wouldn't care. They needed students now more than ever.

"End statement," Calista said.

"Statement recorded. Your application is complete. Please keep track of your AIDA messages and await the alert for the next stage of the admission process."

The pink faded as the application closed. Catalina let out a steadying breath.

"Thank you, Ms. Medley. Goodbye."

She stopped the recording just 20 seconds before the limit was reached. She then unplugged her hacking chip and left her house's AIDA network. "Now... for the other school." She went to Fistborn's holo-site and opened the application. "Scaaskal, make the edits and polish the recording." She handed him the chip.

"Hacking into your house's AIDA is one thing." He plugged the chip into his own computer and started editing Calista's personal statement. "Fistborn's network? I doubt we will get far."

"We have to try." The screen turned blue. Catalina plugged in another hacking chip, a particularly expensive one that Jaylo had bought off the black market.

"Cat, please... DO NOT glitch this up. That chip is practically my life savings. If it gets fried-"

"I know, I owe you. I'll pay you back monthly."

"No, if it gets fried, I'm dead. It has my name on it."

"Oh, yeah. Jaylo, if this chip is that valuable, then it should work. If not, that means you got ripped off." She opened Fistborn's application. "We've got five minutes to do this. If we go over, that's it. You got it, Scaaskal?"

"Got it." He tossed her the cheaper hacking chip, which held Calista's voice.

"Okay." Catalina took a deep breath and plugged it into Jaylo's chip.

"Welcome to the Fistborn Academy Versus School application. Please note that this application is only available for the Versus School due to the recent expulsion. Other fields of interest are no longer available."

"So who was the guy that got expelled?" Alina asked as Catalina filled out the Versus application.

"Some Dnilian," said Temmen. "They have been trying to spy on other planets' schools so they can cheat and win. Now that he was found out, other planets are doing a search in all the fighting schools."

"I thought Dnilians could only shapeshift for a few seconds?" Carter wondered.

"He used a technology that maintained his form for 24 Earth hours. I suppose he recharged it every night. Since the technology is illegal, it must have bugged and deactivated in front of others."

"That's what he gets," said Jaylo.

"He was the only spy?" Carter seemed incredulous. "He didn't have any friends?"

"Apparently not. They checked everyone else." Alina nudged Carter. "You're pretty... observant for your age."

"He's cranky for his age," said Catalina.

"How long do we have?" Scaaskal asked.

"A few more minutes. We have time. It's working great."

Jaylo smirked. "I only get the best."

After answering the other questions, Catalina reached the personal statement. "Here we go." She activated the chip and Calista's voice played out once again.

"I want this spot because I want to be a role model. I want to show what I can do. I want to work hard for something great, something amazing, something my planet and country can remember. That everyone can remember for centuries. As a Versus fighter, I will spread bravery to all parts of the Utopia. I will inspire others to show off their talents and use them for their planet. I know humans are underrated, but I want to be living proof that the stereotypes aren't true. We're more than this. We can do more than punch and kick. We can change... so much in the competition, and I want to be that person."

"That was the best I could do." Scaaskal winced.

"It's great. Her voice didn't even bug. Good job." Catalina smiled at her best friend and submitted the statement.

"Statement recorded. Your application is complete. Please keep track of your AIDA messages and await the alert for the next stage of the admission process."

She took the chip out of the computer seconds before SECURE detected it. The application closed and she breathed out, leaning back in her seat. Her friends clapped for her.

"I am sweating. AIDA, give me some water." A bottle materialized in her hand and she gulped the ice-cold refreshment down.

"There's one spot. You think she'll get it?" Alina asked.

"She fights very well," said Temmen. "My nuts still hurt."

Catalina spit out her water in laughter. "Yeah, I didn't expect her to kick you there."

"Did Kalley say anything to you?" asked Jaylo.

"No, but he watched the whole fight. I saw him there. He hardly blinked. He even left his drink. I know he must've been impressed."

"I mean, I was, too," said Alina. "A Socializer fighting like that? Not bad at all."

"Can I see it?" asked Carter.

"Yeah." She projected the fight recording on her Pet for him. Carter's brows raised as he watched his sister defend herself. They were all going easy on her, obviously, but it was still impressive.

"There's gonna be a lot of people applying, though," said Scaaskal. "Don't be surprised if she is overlooked."

"It's worth a try," said Catalina. "I know Benson will remember her. He has to."

What do you think Benson will do for Calista? How do you think people will react if she gets in?

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