My Brother's Best Friends ||...

By AshZahira

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

332 14 16
By AshZahira

Erick's POV
(A/N: ooh!bet you ain't seen this one coming, did ya!?)

    We just got to our terminal and we're now heading onto another plane to be off to another country.

     It's been 4 months since I've seen my family and now we're heading to Mexico. We're doing promo for our new Ep coming out called "Que Quienes Somos," (A/N: it's been out but like.. I'm doing like months ago ish bc it's easier to do that rather than predict the future...) doing some interviews, and playing paintball with some fans.

     I get to my seat and see that the boys and I got split up but not too bad:

    Zab and Chris are still together. Zabdiel is in the aisle seat and Christopher at the window with a seat in between them that someone is going to take. The row in front of them is Richard, Clara, and Ali.

    Richard is sitting in the aisle and then Ali in the middle, with Clara at window. Across from them, on the other side of the aisle, is where Joel, Alex, and I are.

    Joel got window because he is "artsy" and likes looking at the clouds while he falls asleep listening to music. Alex is in the middle already asleep before this plane has even finished boarding and then I'm in the aisle poking Richard across from me through the gaps of the people boarding, occasionally glancing back at Zabdi to give him a "watch this" look as I annoy Richard.

"Erickkkk!" Joel whines out so that I'll look at him, over a sleeping Alex in between us. I look at him harshly, seeing as he disturbed my annoying of Richard, before asking him what he wanted. "When was the last time you talked to Bella?" He asked me while glancing at his phone.

"Two days ago, why?" I answered him confused as to why it mattered to him.

"I tried calling her 4 times before we started boarding but it went straight to voicemail. And she isn't returning my calls or my texts." He sounded concerned.

"Joel, you've gotta chill, my sister's fine, she's probably asleep right now. No que te debería preocupar..." (Not that you should be worrying about it...) I mumbled the last bit hoping he wouldn't hear, and he didn't. Or if he did he ignored it..

"You're probably right. I'm just overthinking everything. She's probably in bed right now, passed out, still hugging that stitch toy she sleeps with or that huge worm pillow-"

"No es un 'worm' es un 'caterpillar' ella te matará si te escucha hablando mal de su almohada." (It's not a "worm" it's a "caterpillar" she would kill you if she heard you talking bad about her pillow.) Joel sits up in his seat to sass Zabdiel but stops mid word as he looks at him.

"Ya Damn straight."

'There's No way,' I think to myself but judging by Joel's reaction it must be true. I turn to face back at Zabdiel, as does Richard after hearing the same voice.

There she is, my sister, sitting in the seat between Chris and Zabdi but staring back at us with a large smile on her face, holding a plush Oscar the grouch in her lap. 'When did she get that?' I thought to myself.

"¿Porque estás aquí?" (Why are you here?)
"Foreal! And How'd you know what plane to take?"

"Uhhh because you guys have the best team in the world?" Ali said from next to Richard.

"Yeah.." IsaRey started off laughing. "Ali and Clara called me up and told me that you guys were always bored recently and thought y'all could use some motivation, and so they booked me this flight! I just didn't think it would be when you guys were flying too. As soon as I got on and started walking towards my seat I saw curly dyed red hair and a giant blonde so I figured it was you guys. I wasn't positive until I found my seat, which just so happens to be in between my favorite 'Dormilón' and my favorite 'Gato'." As she said that, the two guys on each side of her awed and started fighting over who would hug her first.
"Ow! Chicos! Ya, suelten! ¡Los amo pero me están maltratando!" (Boys! Let go! I love you guys but y'all are hurting me!) They let her go and apologized to which she accepted by turning and giving them both a friendly kiss on the cheek.

I watched two of my band mates turn red at her actions and made a mental note to talk to them ALL about this later. I then remembered that mental notes don't work for me so I'd actually have to put this down somewhere and typed it down onto one of my already existing notes in my phone:

Things to talk about with
The guys later..
1) outfit coordination
2) ask how to get girls
3) what colors look best on us all
4) should I cut my hair again
5) what to eat for lunch
6) Isarey

"Good morning passengers, this is your captain speaking, in a few short moments we will be taking off-" I ignored the rest of what was being said, including the flight attendant showing us the emergency procedure.

"Hablamos de este asunto cuando llegamos." (We'll discuss this matter when we get there.) I said to Isabella before facing forward, buckling my seatbelt and drowning out everything but not before I hear her ask Chris,

"¿Pero cual "asunto?" ¿Que hice? I breathed!" (What "matter?" What did I do?) genuine confusion evident in her voice. He just responds with a simple,

"I don't know don't ask me," and shrugs.


Isabella's POV

    The flight was boring, no one was doing anything entertaining! twenty minutes into being in the sky Zabdiel was starting to fall asleep as I was flicking the little rings that hung off the rim of his orange hat he was wearing.

    "¡Isabella," he started whining which I found hilarious and only encouraged me to do it more. "¡Déjame dormir! más bien," (let me sleep! Better yet,) he snatched them small Oscar the Grouch out of my lap and began cuddling with it crushing my happy mood completely.

    "Zabdiel! Give it back!" Now I was the one whining. He was grinning but his eyes remained closed. I just gave up sighing after five minutes of not being able to pry the small plushie out of his large grasp.

    Hearing my sigh he took it as me accepting my defeat and decided it was safe for him to now rest his head on mine, since my shoulder was too low for him to reach, and immediately he fell asleep.

   Christopher on my other side had been knocked out for the past 10 minutes since they'd been extremely busy lately and couldn't get much sleep. I, on the other hand, am wide awake and bored so I carefully, as to not wake Zab or Chris, grabbed Chris' hand off of his lap and held it inbetween both of mine to play with his rings just spinning them around on his fingers. Quickly getting bored of that I carefully slip two rings off of his fingers and then place his arm down, with his rings in the palm of my hand.

   I'm examining the rings and beginning to put them on when I'm startled by a voice from in between the cracks in the seat in front of me.

    "Don't you think those are kinda big?" I quickly snap my head up jumping in surprise to see a blue eye between the seats, Ali.

   "Oh God Ali you scared me!" I respond a bit loud due to the initial shock.

    "Nena..." I hear from above me in a warning tone. Realizing I accidentally woke up Zabdiel by my jumping, I apologize feeling guilty, and he quickly falls back asleep.

    Quietly I answer back to Ali who is giggling at the fact that I was just scolded by the Avatar. "I mean, yeah they're too big but I'm bored and there's nothing else to do on this flight. Do they all typically pass out this quick?" I question.

    "Yeah," she laughs at my confusion. "I'm surprised I'm still awake actually. With how we've all been running around lately from event to event, you'd think anytime we sat down we'd fall asleep."

"I'm still awake tho!" A voice says next to Ali as I see Richard shift his body around in his chair to face me with his legs in the aisle.

"Sadly.." I say quietly but purposefully loud enough for him to hear.

"Now That's just fucked up," Ali and I laugh as he continues. "Ion know why y'all love to attack me."

"Maybe because you act like a big baby when you don't like something..." Ali trails off her sentence.

   "You guys are both mean as hell, damn!" Richard groans flipping his body to face forward again, crossing his arms while Ali and I laugh at his antics.

   Ali and I keep talking for a bit just about tour life and what I should expect until I notice her eyes starting to droop and her words starting to slightly slur, like she's speaking cursive. Not wanting to be the cause of her tiredness once we land, I tell her to rest before we get to Mexico and she gladly abides.

   I take out my phone, plug in my ear buds, and shuffle through my playlist before landing on "Fantasía" by Sebastían Yatra and leaning my head onto Zabdiel's arm since he still had his head rested on top of mine. My eyes slowly begin to drift shut as I let the darkness consume me just letting Sebastían Yatra's voice lull me to sleep.
   "¿Esos son los míos? ¿Ella me quito mis anillos? ¿Pero cuando hizo eso?" (Are those mine? She took my rings? But when did she do that?) I hear a voice calling out.

"¡Olvídate de los anillos, hermano! ¡Tenemos que despertarlos antes de que se despierta Erick!" (Forget the rings, bro! We've gotta wake them up before Erick wakes up!) another voice calls out growing louder.

"Just smack him a couple times he'll wake up and so will she."

"Can't we just shake them?"

"Pero Hermano, I want my rings..." (But bro,)

"Chris! Cmon man!"

"Okay okay, Im sorry! Yo lo hago.. Im the closest." (I'll do it...) was all I heard before I feel someone shifting their body into me and have a slight pressure reaching over my body until I hear a loud smack on skin. Suddenly I'm jolted awake by the jumping of the person above me.

"¡Hermano! ¿Pero que fue eso? No te hice nada, Brother!" (Bro! What was that? I didn't even do anything to you!) Zabdiel screamed from the right before receiving a lazy smack from me and getting shushed by Clara.

   Chris apologized as Erick's groggy voice was heard by us all.

   "Porque andas gritando, Bro. No podido dormir por case tres días. ¿y ahora quieres despertarme como si tuviéramos tiempo de descansar cuando llegamos?" (Why are you yelling, Bro. I haven't slept in almost three days. And now you wanna wake me up like we've got time to rest when we get there?) groaned Erick causing us all to look at him.

    He's right though. As soon as we land the boys have to go do an interview at some place. I kinda wanna sleep instead of chilling in the sun... maybe I don't have to go with them.

   After about 10 minutes we finally land and start walking through the airport to find the exit.
   We passed some fans on the way but I just walked in between Clara and Ali and was ignored the whole time which I honestly don't mind. It might make it easier for me to get out of the boys dragging me places.

    We make it to the exit and into the van where the team gave me the option of going directly to the hotel instead of immediately with them to their interview. which I gladly accepted! But... apparently that wasn't good enough for the boys, so Erick became annoying and now I'm being forced to go as well...

   I know I said I missed him but... Now I'm not too sure... of course I love the kid but dang! I wanna sleep!

We pull up to a building and after all the boys, the team, and I, introducing ourselves, they tell us that the interview will be conducted outside. I've got some issues with that...

   We're in Mexico. 2 in the afternoon. It's summer time. I'm in sweats, having come directly off a plane. And we're outside...


(Without the tattoos)

    it is absolutely blistering outside and regardless of me not being in the actual interview, I'm still not allowed to go inside of the building because the interview is taking place outside.

   Attempting to get some relief from the intense heat I find a tree with a bit of shade I can sit, and shield myself under. The boys and their team are talking to the interviewers before the interview begins, just setting some rules on what can and can't be asked.

   I pull out my phone seeing as I'm not being asked questions or entertained so I might as well entertain myself, and I start playing Mario Kart. 15 minutes in and I haven't won a single round! I've played 5 games and each one I finish in 2nd or 3rd constantly getting beat out at the last second by someone who saved a shell for me just before I reach the finish line.

   I start a new round and feel something nudge my leg. Figuring it was nothing I just slightly shake my leg hoping to get whatever off. I don't take my eyes off the screen until I feel it again followed by the pulling of my ponytail and a shoe lace. Freaked out, because I think a giant spider is attacking me. I exit the game and look around me startled only to discover that there are three puppies all messing with me.

  'Where did they even come from?' I wonder to myself as one of the dogs jumps onto my lap and pushes me back into the tree only to climb over my face and into my hair with the other puppy. Deciding to make it easier for them to play with, I sit up, I take my hair out of the band, and pull out my hoops before the dogs pull them out, and shake my head around, letting my hair fly freely. The dogs jump around me and knock me back again only this time I'm thrown back into grass rather than being met with rough tree bark.

   The dogs bite and pull at my hair, growling playfully. and me, being so caught up in their cuteness didn't realize I was giggling so loud until two people sat down on the grass right next to me and the puppies started running towards them.
Looking over I see Christopher with two puppies on his body and Richard with one but trying to call over another that was kind of distant and hiding in the tall grass around the building.

I crouch closer attempting to becan over the shy little dog. The rest of the boys come over attempting the same and only one is able to get her out of the grass.

"Mire mire, she likes me!!" Erick is crying out at this point seeing as he got the little puppy in his arms. But he sees the bigger brown puppy in Joel's arms, hands the tiny puppy to Richard, and goes off to fight with Joel about the dog he has.

"Izzy, c'mere," Richard calls me over.

"I'm literally right here what the fu- never mind, just give me the puppy." I make grabby hands for the small dog and after debating for a while he finally hands the tiny little pup over to me.

"Oh my God she's so little,"

"She's a puppy? Of course she's little are you dumb?" I hear from the ground behind me.

I pause my cooing at the puppy in my hands, not turning around, and respond, "say some shit like that to me again Christopher, and I swear to God I'll hit you." Then go right back to speaking in my baby voice but whine as Richard takes the dog out of my grasp.

I'm too busy whining about the dog being taken from me to notice the body looming behind me. That is, until the hairs on the back of my neck stand due to the hot breath that hits my skin.

"Is that a threat or a promise, mami," is whispered directly into my ear. I gasp spinning around and Grip Christopher's shirt by the collar, pulling him down so we're eye level.

"It's a promise. And I swear to God. you don't want to test me, Veléz." His eyes are wide in shock. I let him go and start walking over to Richard, as his face changes to a smirk.

"Damn! That was kinda hot Isabella," was the first thing said to me when I reach Richard.

I scoff taking the puppy from his arms, "shut up before I have to threaten you too."

"If you're gonna threaten me like that... I don't think I'd mind..." he smirks at me. I roll my eyes, walking away with the puppy. And make my way over to Zabdiel where he's trying to get Joel and Erick to stop fighting over this brown dog.


So like I told y'all the last chapter! On October 22nd 2019 I saw the boys at the Sony Square NYC M&G, the wait was awful, the rain was a bitch, the boys sent out pizza tho! But they also didn't start the m&g until an hour and a half after they said they would soooo... 🥴 I've got a headache now and I have work today so I might as well just kms 😂 but so yeah Richard told my friend that he liked her hair and I'm annoyed Bc she don't even like Richard 😭 he was the last one of them for her to learn the name of! This bitch is an Erick girl 😓 Bc, according to her: "he looks like Zayn Malik"
but anyway the second time we went for pictures none of the boys remembered me which I'm sad about Bc that probably means Zabdiel threw out that yo-yo I gave him 😒 then Christopher and Erick were both like "hello again!" To my friend and then Richard touched her curls and was like "I really love your hair"

This bitch got more interaction than I did and she don't even like them like that 🥴 and Toni- if you're reading this- I hate you bitch (ilyyy) 😭 because you got all them Mf in the palm of your hand and you don't even like them like that meanwhile I gave away my favorite yo-yo that I'm always playing with (you can ask my friends 😂 I've literally always got my yo-yo with me in my backpack) and didn't get paid nearly as much gold as you did 🥺

So lemme put up my friends pictures and then my other two that I took



Looking at this picture my mom was like "¡Aye pobre Zavíer! (Bc she still don't know how to say his name) ¡pareces como que lo vas a secuestrar! ¡mire cómo lo agarraste!" like ma'am! That's the plan si el se deja, We just gotta make room in this house!

Chris is the only Loyal one for smiling while showing his teeth🥰homeboy still laughed at me before 😓 because yo estaba nerviosa pero por lo menos he smiled! Unlike the other four punks 😭

Also I found hella pictures with my yo-yo in it but I still feel like this bitch is in the ->🗑

This is the yo-yo que le di 😭

This last one cracks me up Bc that little girl was not having it!!! And Richard's face is like "oh shit" and zab's face is like "hahaha está llorando!" And Joel lowkey got fear in his eyes 😂

But so yeah, another chapter done,
Lemme know what y'all think, and who you ship Isabella with- if you ship her with anyone, or Who you think is completely just best friend material or whatever:

Christopher? Christobella/Christobelle/Isapher/ an other ship name I can't think of

Joel? Joella/Joabella/Jobella/Jella/Josabella/ Josabelle/ another name

Zabdiel? Zabdiella/Zabdella/Isabdiel/Isadiel/ another name

Richard? Rilla/Rella/Rizzy/Risabella/Richabella/ another name

Yashua? Yashuabella/Yashuabelle,Yashabella/Yashabelle/Isashua/ another name

Vote on this, and the past chapters, share this book with your friends, and comments are always welcome.

Also I'm sorry this was kinda short the next one will be the usual length just been a bit stressed lately and y'know how it isss....

Love y'all
-Ashley 🥰

Uhhh quick update bc like ew I'm awful at posting butttttt I went to NYC the day of build and I finally met my internet friends who live near me but I haven't gotten to meet! I was up close on the couch at watched the boys 😭 also I got M&G for NYC ANDDDD I finally got my first individual picture with one of the boys 😭😭

Thursday February 13, 2020, that was A DAYYY 😭😭

Anywayyyy aight
Love y'all!

-Ashley 🥰

Hope everyone's feeling well- this corona thing actually got me to update (also Jez continuously yelling at me to update 😭) so 🤷🏻‍♀️ not too bad. Stay safe everyone! ❤️🥺

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