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By moonlightsblue

67.1K 1.5K 212

Luna Trooker lives in the beautiful city of Los Angeles, working at a local café and is also in the last year... More

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By moonlightsblue

➖➖Wattpad: Update, New chapter on "Hearts Connection." Would you like to read it?
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I had gotten ready the next morning starting up my video. I told them that Devyn would be picking me up and that she's going to buy everything I want as a gift for me graduating. I had wait in front of the apartment building for Devyn, she did eventually come around.

"Hi Dev!" I said to her, she told me to put the camera on the dashboard. I turned the camera on and Devyn saw that.

"Hello Luna's viewers!" She said.

"You guys have probably seen her before, but if you haven't you are crazy. This is Devyn Lundy," I said.

"Shopping spree! Let's hope you don't max out my credit cards!" Devyn said.

"I'll make sure I'm as far from that as possible," I said. I turned my camera off and Devyn played a playlist she had and I sang small parts I knew of some of the songs.

"Colby told me you were good at singing!" Devyn said.

"Well as you can tell he lied," I said jokingly make us both laugh.

"So any idea of what your getting?" Devyn asked.

"No," I said.

"I want to get you at least one electronic," Devyn said.

"What?! No!" I said.

"I am," she said smiling.

When we arrive at the mall I pick up my camera once more.

"Mall time," I said with Devyn in the background of the frame.

"Mall time," she repeats.

We both walked in and Devyn immediately brought me to a clothes store. We were looking around at a few shirts and hoodies. Devyn disappeared to a different aisle and brought back a dress.

"Hell no," I said while recording.

"Hell yes," she said back. "What if you need a dress for something?"

"Where would I go that needs a dress?" I asked.

"Date, fancy event," she said.

"If I get it will you stop asking me to buy dresses?" I asked while zooming into her.

"Yes," She said.

"Fine," I said.

"Yay!" She happily exclaimed. I looked through hoodies, shirts and pants. I ended up getting 2 of each.

"I didn't eat breakfast," I said half laughing.

"Wanna grab some sweets from Cinnabon?" She asked.

"Yes! I haven't ate it I'm like a year!" I said zooming into her with the camera. While we're walking there I record us having our conversation, but at a lower angle.

"Who edits your videos?" Devyn asked.

"I edit my own videos. I used to edit a friend's videos so that's how I learned," I told Devyn.

"Bye, I guess!" I said to the camera when I was in my Apartment. Now I had to put everything up... after that was done I sat on my bed tapping away on my phone. A notification popped up and it was from Colby.

✖︎Colby Brick🧱:
Can I come over and cuddle?
7:42 PM

7:43 PM

I blushed at what he had typed. I mean we have but it's weird to ask? I dunno, I mean nothing in life will make sense to the 100. I sat on my barstool, eating a sandwich I had made. A few minutes go by and there's a knock on the door. I stand up and open it to reveal Colby.

"Hi," I said stepping away from the door.

"Hey," He said walking in, shutting the door behind him.

I walk over to my room and sit on my bed.

"You changed your air mattress out?" He asked sitting on the mattress.

"Yep, no bed frame though," I said smiling.

He pulled me into a hug and pulled the two of us to lie down. He wrapped his arm over my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. I swear before I fell asleep I heard him mumble, "Mine."

I woke up facing Colby. I gently poke Colby's nose and he doesn't react so I continuously poke his nose until he wakes up.

"Good morning," I say to him.

"Morning," he yawns and puts his face into my neck and I blush violently.

"Colbyyyyyy, I wanna get up," I say.

"Too bad," he mumbles into my neck. I sit there for a bit before standing up and he grabs my hand. "Nooooo," he drags out.

"Too bad," I mimicked him. "That's not gonna slide," he said standing up.

I run out and to the other side of the apartment. He catches up to me easily and throws me over his shoulder. He sets me back in my bed and cuddles into me making me blush.

"Ok I'll get up now," he said after 10 minutes and yawning again.

"Finally," I mumble. I get ready in the bathroom and set up to record a QnA on my kitchen island.

"Bye Luna," Colby said.

"Bye Colby," I say before he walks out.

Colby invited me over to his place and I was on the couch, editing on my laptop.

"UGH!" I half yell in frustration, violently shutting my laptop.

Colby jumps a bit at my sudden noise and movement. I toss my laptop where I sat beside Colby and move to the other end.

"What happened to you?" He asked taking his attention off the TV. I don't respond and look off into the apartment, not in the mood. I ball up and lean into the couch arm. Colby comes over to me and places his head on my shoulder. "What happened?"

"The place I edited crashed for the 4th time and nothing was saved!" I yell in frustration.

Colby gets up, he grabs a blanket and covers me with it. He turns on Sponge Bob and walks to the kitchen.

"Why don't I have Reggie edit it for you?" Colby asked. I've met Reggie before and his editing was good. I shrug, not knowing. "I'll text him to see if he'd like to," Colby said whipping his phone out.

A couple hours pass and I have my head resting on Colby's chest, Still watching Sponge Bob with the blanket over mainly me.

"How can you watch this for 2 hours? I love the show but I'd get bored," he said putting his phone down.

"I don't watch TV at my place cause I don't have a TV," I said, I picked my head up and looked at him. He had his arm around the top of my back for a while now.

"Oh yeah," he said. I put my head back down before he says, "Cute."

"What?" I said picking my head up again, wanting to make sure I heard him right. He started to blush and looked away. "Colbyyyyyy," I whined.

He still looks away, unresponsive so I put my head back down, giving up quickly. I go back to watching the squiggly, square sponge on the screen who lives in an unrealistic universe. Colby started to run his hand through my hair while I watched the screen. In a few minutes, a yawn escapes me.

"Tired?" Colby asked with a smile.

"Mhmm," I hummed in response before I turn away from the TV, but still lie on his chest. Soon I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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